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56494087 No.56494087 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you hold ETH?

>> No.56494093

Because I hold BTC

>> No.56494102

Cuz that skelly faggot pisses me off

>> No.56494103

why not both?

>> No.56494105

>muh settlement layer token
cmon grandpa it's time for your applesauce and meds

>> No.56494115
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Because ETH is a horrible long term investment that only retards buy. Feel free to screen cap this and remind yourself in 5 years when you're waging away that you could've bought BTC instead

>> No.56494125

how the fuck will BTC outperform ETH? I can't see BTC outperforming anything in the top 100 given a bull market

>> No.56494138
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expensive to use vs avalanche
slow as fuck vs avalanche
much less upside vs avax
also imagine trying to market ethereum today, you have to have a giant autistic run-on fucking sentence about layer 2 and the security assumptions of the litany of different rollups, its not marketable. whereas you can just say "avalanche. launch your own chain with your own token, 40000 tps with instant finality. job done"

can't believe more people don't understand this - AUTISM. Many such cases!

>> No.56494186
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I believe CCIP enables a horizontally-scalable future and that means death for Ethereum. The ~15-minute finality time just isn't going to cut it.

>> No.56494213

But I do, sir.

>> No.56494224

Do you think she sucks dick? If so, do you think she is any good at sucking dick? She doesn't appear to be sexy. There is an underlying tone of autism in her appearance.

>> No.56494229

BTC is a digital artwork that is divided into 21 million pieces. Eth is just another pajeet scam

>what came first, the bitcoin or the altcoin?

>> No.56494240

ETH was made by a russian high IQ autist. It also has such a high marketcap, you're not going to make much off it compared to anything else

>> No.56494274
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based, redpilled, /thread

>> No.56494288

Once Steven Nerayoff is finished there won't be an eth.

>> No.56494322

Shitty obsolete protocol that cannot scale without reliance on 3rd party involvement. Also no real solution to the absurd transaction cost

>> No.56494327

I would sell all my BTC to bust my load on her tits

>> No.56494337

I would if Vitalik looked like that

>> No.56494394
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>glacial finality
>almost a decade of technical debt and spaghetti code
>dev core is pozzed
>MEV takeover, even Vitalik sucks MEV dick now
>no plans to scale except 'use other coins lmao'
>no plans to upgrade or replace EVM (literal garbage)

>> No.56494583

>remove state from money printer

>> No.56494598

I hold ETH futures as a component of the BTF crypto futures fund.

>> No.56494714

I can't think of a more promising gem ATM. ETF is coming, and more stakers daily. Also, more protocols are being built on it. StakingRewards and SpoolFi are also coming with ETh index yields soon.

>> No.56495247
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Pointless dumb threads same shit for last 6 years
>Someone shills ETH
>BTC guy shits on ETH
>Some guy does Vitalik pedo joke
>L1 bagholder (95% down, 66% down vs eth or something) tells you how ETH is old and dumb and his ghostchain bags are future
>Spaghetti code guy does his bid
>Next L1 shill, goes to war with OP and L1 shill from before
>Thread is in mid phase now, some random retard quotes Bitcoins standard as holy bible
>Now comes part when some random ticker shill you never heard about
>Someone pops up to actually to reply to everyone above with facts and logic
>gets dunked by L1 baggys spitting usual propaganda (it was speed before now its how l2s are retarded or something)
>gets dunked by BTC zelots (it was no use case and nOtMoNeY before now it's security or POS sux NoTMadeFroMEnErGy with dash of rich get richer or something)
>Some random shizo with ETH is WEF or FED coin pops in
>Again part when some random ticker shill you never heard about
>Part where class '21 blockchain expert mansplains you why ETH sux balls
>thread dies

Opening ETH threads on biz is like reliving last 6 years over and over again, fucking groundhog day

>> No.56495254

gas fees are retarded. That's not the future. Too slow, etc.

>> No.56495293

Because the creator rolled back transactions after the hack. That aure instills confidence knowing he can willingly fuck with it like that. I have ~2 ETH just in case but most of my holdings are BTC.

>> No.56495368

but avax has nothing people want built on it
if not eth, what would you hold instead?

>> No.56495477

I already said i hold BTC. Youd be a fool no not think one BTC wouldnt be worth in the millions within 10 years.

>> No.56495528

why do you think it'll be worth millions? I personally only hold BTC as well (plus some meme coins), but I'm trying to see if there's any reason I shouldn't trade for something that could perform better this cycle. I only held BTC last cycle as well and I made steady gains but definitely nothing life changing. I never believed in LINK either, especially with sergey dumping constantly while buying his family mansions and the token not being needed for shit

>> No.56495540

Eth does nothing special and the value per token is pure manipulated copium. even btc is cope but btc has 1 crazy fucking moron buying the dip named saylor.

>> No.56495546

what's your opinion on chainlink?

>> No.56495594

That's crazy

>> No.56495634
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Swapped it all into BTC when the merge happened. Anything that is not PoW is a scam. Also 2 other things:
1) The money skelly rubs me the wrong way. I fully expect him to rugpull at some point. He's very patient though.
2) Every crypto scam that has ever been run has been built on Ethereum. There is no escaping the reputation for scams this project has.

>> No.56495656

you wouldn't even hold LINK at this point?

>> No.56495687

I'll turn to ETH after the FGC IEO on P2bExchange. Ain't gonna snooze before the bullrun.

>> No.56495693

The fact that people hold LINK is comical to me. The people who think it's a good hold make it abundantly clear that I have a huge advantage over them in that I am not retarded. It makes me feel confident that I am going to make it.

>> No.56495704

Link is a copy paste erc20. Sergey printed 1 billion tokens and gave himself 650million. He dumps on the market to fund his "work"

>> No.56495718

Could you elaborate? I actually bought last cycle at $6 and sold at $30. I was thinking buying back in next dip as it finally broke out of the 500 day range it was stuck on

>> No.56495756

Because my bag is already filled with some solid privacy alts.
My best bet.

>> No.56495770
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This is not financial advice as im a tard using 4chan. I believe there is a time where people will be hurting for not holding any bitcoin. Theyre rapidly inflating the dollar away. With the way things are going, theyre definitely going to revamp the dollar with a gummint stable coin, and bitcoin is digital gold.



You dont need to believe me. Youre free to do as you wish. But im loading up primarily on bitcoin, and a lil bit in physical silver. Im treating btc as a savings account. Shits about to get real crazy in the next few years.

>> No.56495789

If you think you can time the market again, go for it. But it's a pre-mined shitcoin just like ETH, except it's taken even less seriously.

>> No.56495813

>Im treating btc as a savings account.
are you treating anything as an investment at this point? I'm personally just following the barbell strategy of 90% BTC 10% high risk (new meme coins without bagholders). I'm also thinking just selling all my btc at any crazy pump and buying back during the dumps. Seems easy enough just watching one chart
well if there's any time to buy it's before the halving, but I agree it's a shitcoin and I haven't even seen good memes for it lately. At least back in 2017-2020 we had thousands of memes coming out for it. It was so much creativity. Haven't seen that much weaponized autism since the trump memes in 2015-2016 from /pol/

>> No.56495866
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Who said I don't? ETH will reach 10K during the next cycle because without smart contracts there's no defi. There's a reason why Kava natively supports them while adding Cosmos' SDK on top of that. It's just way too good to pass on.

>> No.56495876

If you buy it I wish you the best of luck but I'm not in a stage of my financial career where I can still be gambling like that. I wouldn't touch it. I'm perfectly content to sit in "safe" BTC.

>> No.56495890

We're all autistic so of course we love having the same threads with the same replies and same posts over and over again. Looks like you haven't figured out that ritualposting is part of 4chan culture at this point. Snail anon is the absolute GOAT for not giving up until BTC finally reaches 100K

>> No.56495894

>Im treating btc as a savings account
>Im a tard using 4chan
You don't say...?

>> No.56495896

did you comment this with a serious face, not a single hint of irony or self awareness present in your brain when you clicked the "Post" button?

>> No.56495899

>just let blackrock buy all your btc so they can front run you, goy!

>> No.56495906
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Saying the truth is "detected as spam", apparently. But artifiicially mentioning Link 25 times in one post is not. Whatever.

>> No.56495907
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Anything that actually has good staking incentives?

>> No.56495908

>ETH will reach 10K during the next cycle
lol. lmao. rofl. xD even.

>> No.56495912
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only buying your bags once 50% of ath is reached again

>> No.56495924

If you delete Ethereum you'd be deleting Solidity, which is quite easily the most powerful smart contract language in the market. You have to be retarded to unironically think like this

>> No.56495926

Fair enough. How many BTCs do you hold? I feel like it's only worth it if you hold at least 3 of them
I bought LINK last cycle and sold. Debating buying back next crash, but I'll probably just stick to BTC and some new meme coins if I'm being honest
Wouldn't doubt people resort to gambling on the ETH chain again

>> No.56497109
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In this game, playing it safe won't make you any 'sick gains.' Sure, BTC is a classic, but there's a whole jungle of low-risk, high-reward altcoins like AZERO, QANX, KAS, and VRA where you can stack up and ride the comfy train.

>> No.56497142

I don't need sick gains. I need a nice 5x and I'm retired.

>> No.56497166
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I have like 10 ETH but I don't care for it really.

It's not supposed to go up in value and make small timers rich.

It's just another rent seeking scam by the financial Jews.

You're supposed to sit on a pile of it (that you bought with the family fortune you already had) and then earn dividends like with stocks and bonds.

Many other cryptos could do what ETH does, so they tried to buy the SEC and make all the competition illegal. Typical kikery.

Anyway it's just a rent seeking shit show from the usual gay retards who run everything.

If you need to actually do something with a smart contract please use literally any other block chain so you don't enrich the worst people alive.