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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 504x813, Fd6vNAuWQAEokcx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56479734 No.56479734 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56479742

Im vaxed because no healthcare provided if you arent. I live in a shithole.

>> No.56479754

it's over

>> No.56479770
File: 125 KB, 1027x1148, imgres(38)~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean if you think you're too weak to survive the vaccine, I guess I'd be scared too.

>> No.56479855

> I mean if you think you're too weak to survive the virus, I guess I'd be vaccinated too.

>> No.56479862

I got the vaccine and the virus. Do I win a prize?

>> No.56479871


>> No.56479875

imagine how low IQ those women are to think it makes any difference. they really fell for the meme

>> No.56479878

You got a jelly bean already
Stop being greedy

>> No.56479941
File: 89 KB, 1024x662, 1695079970198968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO vax cucks coping hard

>> No.56481624

rejoice fellow chuds we will finally have sex because we are a anti vaxxxers and all the pussy in the world will line up to sit on our cock and want our valuable ball juice. Never mind the obvious genetic defects that we have that didnt require a shot in the first place. no showers or general body care required! its over chad

>> No.56481912

>doctors are one of the top 3 leading causes of death
>”oh no, what if I lose access to doctors!”

>> No.56481941
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>Tone Vays

>> No.56481996

That’s a long and prosperous life right there.

>> No.56482027

how can you really know?
get all that frozen precovid cum?

>> No.56482045
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>Everyone at work is sick now all the time.

Fucking Vax zombies making my work hard.

>> No.56482058

There is no way to know. Anyone can claim to be unvaxxed because the vaccine does nothing

>> No.56482061

This happened every year with the influenza shots.
>employees can get the flu shot if they want as work covers it
>everyone that does ends up sick for a week at some point
>they still roll up every year and repeat the process
Meanwhile I never got either of them (influenza or covid). Still haven't had them or the common cold in years. Weird coincidence if you ask me.

>> No.56482065

>giving your seed to random roasties
actual demonic behaviour. succubi drain your vital energy in exchange for worldly gifts and pleasures. you are essentially participating in ritual human sacrifice and destroying the bonds of family through which people are created
the abominations spawned by this satanic ritual (so called "medical procedure") will become the agents of hell, just like the liliths you fools gave yourself over to

>> No.56482259
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who needs the vaxx when by buying $monero i can have crackpipe?

>> No.56482575

>the genetic defect that don’t require us to get a vaccine
Yes, health is a defect goy, you need to subscribe to get all types of vaccine

>> No.56482647

I thought medical malpractice was THE leading cause of death. What are the other top 2?

>> No.56482650

>Why yes I am unvaxxed and traditional Catholic
>Yes I do hold chainlink how could you tell?
>No I am not selling

>> No.56482707

If you are literally me then who am I?

>> No.56482738


>> No.56482877

Who the fuck actually buys from spermbanks? Why?

>> No.56483026


>> No.56483076

Brazilians LOVE white man sperm
Look it up

>> No.56483102

>h-hi, i'd like to deposit some sperm pls. I'm unvaxxxed btw
>sir, we only accept sperm after a thorough medical examination and only if you have at least two healthy children. Also avoiding vaccination is illegal, so please remain where you are, while i will call the police

Thats how it will look like irl.

>> No.56483303

opposite is true. they have observed or expierenced side effects and do the only rational thing

>> No.56483323

what is it with all the poltards tourists today ?

>> No.56483342

The greatest achievment of the big pharma scam has been to successfully conflate the glorifies drug pushers who distribute the poison with people who help treat ailments and injuries, in the minds of the public

>> No.56483407

Ye what are they doing here? We all just good goys getting our shots like little good goys we are , because we trust the government
We also sold all our shitcoins because government say they are bad too

>> No.56483426
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>> No.56483657

hmmm, a cohencidence you say?

>> No.56483668
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>drinks their red Kool aid straight from the tap
Admit it, you wouldn't have any issues getting vaccinated if someone on a podcast didn't tell you not to. Congrats on being easily manipulated.

>> No.56483692

Nice try fag. I abandoned all podcasters that told me to take the vax

>> No.56483715

I had a bizarre illness a few weeks ago where I ran a fever for five straight days without any other symptoms. Woke up sweating every night. Never been sick like that before and felt like I had a very abnormal virus.

>> No.56483734

>take an experimental gene theraphy from historical corrupt industries that have no liabilty for the product
yeah somebody needed to tell me not to take it thats how reality works you fucking NPC

>> No.56483771

>willingly gets vaccinated as a teen
>suddenly some boomer tells him not to because politics.
There's a breathing machine with your name on it.

>> No.56483781

Lol what podcast? I literally watched thunderfoot the entire 2020 2021 and you know how pro vax he is
Fact is, if it wasn’t forced, people like me would have trusted it more
I mean to a thinking man, a virus that only affects you if you protest for trump, and not when you protest for BLM, doesn’t need a vaccine
>y-you are manipulated
Manipulation means we have lost something.
Guess what fag. I am still alive, not sick and can wake up tomorrow and get the vax if I want to. But you can’t get the vax out of you.
Keep thinking we were manipulated if it makes you sleep better.

>> No.56483785

>breathing machine with your name
2021 called, they want their meme back

>> No.56484838

Its always fun to see maxvaxed low IQ NPCs seethe this much.

>> No.56485192
File: 1.61 MB, 1216x3320, Pandemic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "ur just getting your opinions from some dumb celebrity!!!"

Anon you dipshit we were actively monitoring covid from Day -100. Here's a pic of people getting trading tips from the lockdowns. Note the timestamp from JANUARY while lockdowns started in March.

>> No.56485335

I found it very suspicious there was oy one voice on the media and no dissent. That was a red flag and led me to dyor, revealing plenty of contrary views, all sidelined and ignored. Anyone whobdidnt do this was being brainwashed imo

>> No.56485355


>> No.56485370

mRNA injections are NOT vaccines
>t. biochemist

>> No.56485390

Wake up call for any sane man was “this virus won’t kill grandma when you go out and protest for blm” or “if you party in streets for Biden winning” or for very dense one “Obama party without masks”
This was a blatant political move

>> No.56485422

sub-85 IQ

>> No.56485461

I've just started tipping with it. do a good job I just dispense some for the servant from my little vial.

>> No.56485486

4x0 = 0

>> No.56485487


>> No.56485494

look at that idiot over there saying no to free sick leave lmfao

and you haven't even figured that shit out yet, shame there isn't a vaccine for stupidity

>> No.56485541
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>6 replies
Very easily manipulated...

>> No.56485583

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.56485584

>oh no you aren’t suppose respond to messages in an imageboard
Obvious backtrack kek

>> No.56485812

If the government literally can't keep track of my vaxx status and I need to carry around a little card for it, how is a fucking sperm bank going to know if I sold them vaxxed sperm or not?

>> No.56485858

You're a weak little bitch and I have no respect for you.

>> No.56485905

tik tok vaxxie

>> No.56485937

>selling your kids to LGBTQPEDO+ families

>> No.56485946

Another W for WFH chads. How the fuck can your employer make you take the vaxx if you don't even come in LOL! All the hype has already blown over and no one gives a shit anymore

>> No.56485965

they just look at the sperm.
>sperm looks healthy
>sperm fucked up beyond all recognition
fully boosted

>> No.56487021

>trusts doctors
>calls others low IQ
Can't wait til some dumb freshly graduated anesthesiologist fucks up your dosage before an elective surgery and you fucking die because she was more concerned with texting Tyrone after work than your life (and they always are)

>> No.56487098

purebloods win again!

>> No.56487594

I understand. You must be suffering so much. Myocarditis is a pain.

>> No.56487691

I can't speak for that guy, but I was never going to get it. Nobody had to tell me not to. I did prevent my family from getting it, sure. But I was not going to do anything those monsters wanted of me.

>> No.56487910
File: 180 KB, 677x678, chigurh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, what flavor copium are we drinking today, lads, blue raspberry or fruit punch?

voting for Biden, btw.

>> No.56488272

ive looked into it but i cant garantee my sperm wont be used by a non white
there is inbreeding and then there is outbreeding, also i hate them

>> No.56488399

Unvaxxed chad here. I must have very potent cum, because my wife got pregnant immediately after we started trying for a baby. Based on his birthdate, it could have been the first or second week.

>> No.56488442

they saw that we don't like jews either and thought they could blend in.

>> No.56488460

Nah you're just brown, you shitskins are able to procreate even in aids ghettos

>> No.56488504

I'm white as fuck actually, but someone did ask if my son is mixed race because he's a bit darker than me. My wife is also white, but she's from South Africa so she probably has a few other races mixed in a few generations ago. She's unvaxxed too, of course.

>> No.56488624
File: 92 KB, 1205x832, d8417c18d0edabe1e910af62968d3f582-3643896393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My wife is also white, but she's from South Africa

Somebody tell this nigga

>> No.56488744
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The average drug development time is like 7-8 years and 99% of drugs fail between pre clinical and phase 1 trials, let alone phase 2/3. And when people were like "You can just science your way past the trials" ignoring the fact that pharma companies spend billions of dollars a year testing drugs and apparently nobody mentioned to them that they could save those billions and just "science their way past", those are a few of the reasons I didn't take that shit.
Bill Gates doesn't vaccinate his kids either, his own Doctor ratted him out at one point. And then the one sided shilling against ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine made it abundantly clear it was a giant shill campaign. Then add in the "No socializing or congregating together, unless it's for BLM or Democrat protests"
Add all of that shit together and you get a giant, nope from me.
And the health people lecturing us were some of the most grotesque sickly looking fucks on the planet.
TLDR: I'm just not gonna take it lmao

>> No.56489683

There were so many reasons to not take it. It was abundantly clear that the smart move would be to not inject myself with that bullshit. That stupid fucking cunt wants to claim that somebody told us not to take the vax when it was absolutely fucking clear that the only voices allowed to speak were in favor of getting injected with that bullshit. The very notion that the unvaccinated were told not to comply is so fucking full of shit I can't comprehend the mental gymnastics required to state it. We were being coerced, and we didn't bend over and take it up the ass like the rest of them.

The vaccinated are weak cattle, on their knees ready to suck the cock of their masters. There's no rationalizing your way out of that truth. They are weak, they are stupid, and they are cowards.

>> No.56489841

you talk all tough but i bet you don't even know that viruses are a fictional construct, there is no such thing as an "infectious disease" or "pathogenic microbe," and that there are no real vaccines

what they inject you with is a concoction of proteolytic agents, various toxins, and toxin-expedients, and preservatives which are collectively designed to attack your most vulnerable organ tissues and cause the greatest damage to them, namely (micro)vascular tissue and any adjacent neurological tissue or other specialized soft tissue such as heart, kidneys, liver, brain (try looking up how many kids develop damage to a major cranial nerve after receiving ANY vaccine, common signs being things like a facial palsy or lazy eye which they never had before)

>> No.56489926

Yeah it was pretty obvious it was.poison.
>Take this or you lose job
>take this or no society
>Oh you need 2
>And a 3rd
It was mrna gene therapy. The covid shot was not regular poison...

>> No.56490335

Based and trad pulled
>my sneeds are for my future wife only

>> No.56490344

>stick em up!
>sir, this is a sperm bank!

>> No.56490359

Probably had Covid and you spread it to everyone around you 3 days prior to being bedridden.

>> No.56490369

>someone did ask if my son is mixed race
paternity test

>> No.56490410
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>who hurt you bro, its okay its not your fault

>> No.56490416
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I did my own research because vax complications came public, for a virus that had a 0,002% death rate for me.
And i found out the Pfizer vax own study with 44k participants had 15 vax vs 14 Placebo deaths.
Which they unblinded, mudding the control group, resulting in 21 vax and 17 Placebo deaths.
Thinking logically, the vax did not safe any lifes, which was the correct revision.
Always DYOR

>My medication will not work if you don't take it
Was my dealbreaker, where the narrative got absurd

Spike protein can be found in sperm
>Unironically unv4xxed sp3rm will be the new bitcoin

>> No.56490433

>Spike protein can be found in sperm
It also screws the womens eggs. Both parents must be unvaxxed. Any child must have unvaxxed.parents on both sides otherwise they are carriers...

>> No.56490439
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Bro, a study showed mRNA was reverse transcribed into DNA in vitro, leading to the cell producing spike proteins until it would die.
So there is a high chance of this happening in-vivo.
That shit is gene therapy and not your usual vaccine.
And considering the places the mRNA-containing LNPs were found, I'm afraid humanity will be doomed, if those organs are gonna produce toxins until they'll die, while their DNA being passed on to descendants.
Companies focusing on artificial organs are gonna boom tho.
And Repo Man gonna be a reality.

>> No.56490473
File: 53 KB, 1669x417, sv40_canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, they made 0 carcinogenicity tests on the vax and included SV40 as an enhancer into their plasmid, confirmed by Health Canada.
SV40 is a virus that is controversial, as it's said to cause cancer

>Full article:
>Emails of health canada
>Bonus read on plasmids and the SV40 enhancer:

So if Pfizer/Biontech manages to spit out an anti-cancer mRNA vax that actually works, their stocks are gonna moon absurdly, as everybody will probably need that, since every plasmid contains that cancer inducing DNA sequence.

>> No.56490511
File: 102 KB, 738x996, IgG4_Antibody_0523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also investing in pharma in general would not be such a bad idea, considering that a portion (if not all) of vaxxies will need a vax to have a fully functioning immune system, since their IgG4 expression will signal them that the body should not fight against an attacker from within, leaving them in a worse medical condition.
It'd be highly unethical tho and only lead to those devils getting stronger, which is not a good idea, since they can then buy more rights and subsequently force bigger global geopolitical outbreaks to roll out more medication.

I have not an idea how to profit off of unvaxxed tho, as my sperm banks do not care if you're unvaxxed

>> No.56490527

People talk about being unvaxxed yet their mothers vaxxed them as children.

Sit down. We’re all vaxxed.

>> No.56490616
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This is unfortunately right and it should be everyone's duty to pass this mindset to the next generations, if we don't want humanity to engage in a symbiosis with artificial/electronic organs, leading to our destruction once a world wide EMP hits us.
A micronova or a massive magnetic storm by the sun would be enough for that.

>> No.56490663

>believes listening to a podcast is dyor

how would you feel if you did not have breakfast?

>> No.56490739

>EMP hits us.
>A micronova or a massive magnetic storm by the sun
>He believes the 'space' lie

>> No.56490751

Yes but you don't get to redeem it for another 2 weeks when you drop dead. RIP.

>> No.56490867

You actually wait to get sick to take your sick leave?

>> No.56490946


>> No.56491806

So like the giga-vaxxed cattle? Ok then.

>> No.56492347

If/when they invent another pandemic, pharma will be a good buy (follow congressman's trades). If they don't or can't do that they'll continue to bleed out as their profits continue to get rekt by lack of morons still alive to take their shit, and yet more inventory will get flushed down the drain. If the whole truth of what they've done becomes mainstream their offices and holdings will be burnt to the ground, which will be unfavorable for their share prices.

>> No.56492348

Speak for your sad self. I would bet half my net worth you're circumcised as well.

>> No.56492363
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Lost my career due to the mandates in the middle of the last bull.

>> No.56492387

I'm still outraged by the previous thing too. I'm so outraged that I remember when they called it MERS. That was racist.

>> No.56492395
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/pol/ reliably buys tops. It's also a pipeline from hopeless bitching and fantasizing, to productive action.

>> No.56492412
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I didintt get vaxxed because im scared of needles.

But how will they know im unvaxxed?
I dont think theres a way they can test ao its all bs

>> No.56492438

If you believed covid was dangerous and got the vax you are an NPC

the whole event was the ultimate redpill on how 99% of people are soulless cattle

>> No.56492449

Check your digital id and vax passport, or vaccine record. Australians all have one on mygov

>> No.56492454

I unironincally made it because of Tone Vays putting me onto Tom Demark's sequential countdown indicator.

>> No.56492455

>vaccine not needed

>> No.56492470

that and you can I don't know. just check peoples DNA with a blood test now. It shows

>> No.56492901
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Same. Not able to invest when everything dropped. Feels bad man.

>> No.56492941

>In an industry dominated by subjective preferences of female consumers
LMAO, I'm sure this is something to be glad of.

>> No.56494051
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>been cumming in tissues for decades
>always threw them away because thought its worthless glibber
>completely unvaxxed
>now that sperm would have been billions

bros I fucked up

>> No.56494375

I would never give my genetic seed to be abused by this society. My offspring will be undocumented and educated by their mother and myself. They will not fight in wars or pay taxes. All they will need to survive is the crypto I am buying for them now and the homestead land that I will put in a trust with enough crypto assets in the trust to pay any taxes on their behalf. If they need medical care, a private doctor will make a house call. When they are old enough they can choose to be a citizen of any country they want or to remain undocumented.

>> No.56494399

Im not giving my blood, thats the whole point i didint vaxx im scared of needles

Nurses laugh when i HAVE to give blood like after a car accident, since i am a 2meter tall guy and work and and always rly scared when they are about to stab