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56476645 No.56476645 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't people believe in the US economy?

>> No.56476651

>Chinese economy severly contracting
>European economy severly contracting
>Japanese economy severly contracting
nothing to see here

>> No.56476666

The wealthiest can hide free market conditions the best.
USA is wealthiest so the world wants USA to be last bag holder for global depression

>> No.56476674
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The media is trying to downplay Biden's accomplishments

>> No.56476685

because our economy is unsustainable and accelerating levels of debt and printing

>> No.56476690

>covid vaccines

After all that, you still believe?

>> No.56476728

It's the losers. They want collapse because they are losers in current times, it's wishful thinking and not rooted in reality.

Hilariously, it causes them to make poor financial decisions as well, further entrenching themselves as losers.

>> No.56476823


>> No.56476878

>4.9% GDP
>4% inflation

>> No.56476889
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Cause N1GAF about you guys, as a spot trader I have faith In nothing, just short Kava all the way long and get my source of income

>> No.56476912

Because you added 600 billion of debt in one month.
You are in a de facto recession that they refuse to acknowledge. Treasuries are shit, because people are losing faith in the government.
Stuck in forever wars unwilling to concede defeat even thought you are clearly losing.
Still spending 700+ billion on the army, sending 100+ billion to Ukraine while reducing food stamps (KEK!),
Fed looking more and more like they will keep rates up until shit breaks.
Slowly (very slowly) but surely losing reserve currency status.
etc etc.

>> No.56476937


Because the U.S. has 360 million people and somehow produces less product than Germany, Italy and France.

>> No.56476951
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because the economy overall has become pic related, mostly separated by homeownership and industry.
people segregating themselves in social media echo chambers isn't helping.

>> No.56477054

>>4% inflation
you dont seriously believe this, right?

>> No.56477063

>Because you added 600 billion of debt in one month.
Also I want to mention one very important thing.
The debt that you are adding now is "bad" debt because the yield on it is ~5%, compared to the US being able to debt for a much lower yield just a couple years ago.

>> No.56477110
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Because American institutions are mired in a credibility crisis. Two weeks to flatten the curve became two years of state-enforced hysteria, safe and effective became maybe it helps and myocarditis, the empire withdrew from Afghanistan in humiliation, elections get decided at 3 in the morning with nebulous claims about leaking pipes forcing polling staff out, and "transitory" inflation turned out to be anything but. Everyone hears the announcement that we're right on track to Building Back Better alongside the news of another round of layoffs, everyone hears the speculation about whether the fed needs to pivot because inflation has been tamed while their bills keep creeping up, and everyone watches the government flirt with a shutdown (again) because they're struggling to balance their books and then watches another hundred billion dollar check get written without hesitation to buy bombs to drop in some dump thousands of miles away. A palpable sense that very real problems are here and that even bigger ones may well be right around the corner fills the air, and every leader of thought or policy who's allowed to have airtime immediately handwaves it away as paranoia before resuming their vociferous debates over the proper age to perform genital mutilations on children vs young adults or whether or not heroine addicts should get their needles from the State or have to find them on their own.

Nobody believes in the US economy anymore because nobody believes in the people telling us it's going to be okay anymore. Everyone feels grim about the future because it's perfectly clear that this place is run by idiots.

>> No.56477242
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Real US GDP is negative.

>> No.56477280
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https://chapwoodindex.com/ real inflation is over 10%

Real GDP if you take out government spending is negative.

It a dead Jim!

>> No.56477286
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because this defecating piece of shit made a miracle

>> No.56477292

For the everyday man? He's living in it. He can tell when shits wrong and isn't as dumb as you think he is.
For the investor? We can see the books being cooked in real time and definitions being rewritten every other day.

>> No.56477326

No, I believe it is MUCH higher.

>> No.56477347

>it now costs one hundred trillion dollars for an aspirin

>> No.56477355
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Because I participate in the US economy.

>> No.56477478

The real scary part is the growth in private investment. They are actually reshoring instead of just talking about it. How can a country so large be so nimble.

>> No.56477566
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>send 105 billion to israel (pay american companies to send products to israel)
>look I increased our GDP by 105 billion in one quarter!

>> No.56477659

If I could borrow a trillion dollars and spend it like a drunken sailor, some people might think I was doing well. More sober thinkers - especially those not getting any of the billions being thrown around - might think there is a piper somewhere who will need to be paid at some point. They might also think that unless they are very careful, it might be them who end up paying.

>> No.56477815

>send 105 billion of newly printed dollar to israel

>> No.56477913
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oh you poor naive soul, if it was just that it wouldn't be an issue, what actually happens is that they send 105 billion in "aid" that means they send physical stuff worth 105 billion and then give the money to the companies who made those things, not just military equipment but all sorts of things, medicine, food, blankets, toothbrushes, literally anything that you can think of, when you hear the word "humanitarian aid" you might think to yourself that it's pretty harmless, but economy wise it's the most harmful, because you are sending stuff that you also need, meaning that your supplies of it will be reduced, increasing their price, and you also just got injected with 105 billion of printed money, it's a perfect inflation shotgun blast that biden just did to the american economy, he reduced the supply of goods in the american economy and increased the supply of money in the american economy, a double whammy of inflation
but don't worry they won't count the prices of those things in their inflation report because they're too "volatile" and they'll say that GDP increased by 105 billion because they just gave that money to american companies

>> No.56479360
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No one believes the inflation metrics, and gdp is inflation adjusted, which would make gdp way lower.

>> No.56479387

US economy doesn't exist, it's all bullshit, manipulation and speculation, for all I know my pond bags are more real than US economy

>> No.56479401

Anon, you're definitely wrong, everything you own is thanks to US economy

>> No.56479407

Based and redpilled

>> No.56479414

I fucking hope you die in excruciating pain

>> No.56479418

>Non-American faggot
Every single time

>> No.56479534

You're stupid af. Allthese things stimulate the economy. American companies get to produce all that stuff, they expand and hire more workers = more jobs, more taxes, better consumer confidence. People in charge are smarter than you or anyone else on this board. They know what they are doing.

>> No.56479557

It's almost like economic growth is a zero sum game and America is the winner

>> No.56479640

Exactly. Everyone loses and America wins. All this money has to go somewhere, and it al goes to the US, just like during ww2.

>> No.56479655


It's simply hate for Joe Biden, a man who was dealt a shit hand and yet who has done everything right.

He ended Covid. He stopped the race riots. The exited a useless war and pivoted America back to good guy protector status against every bully on the global stage.

His economy should have people falling to their knees screaming with gratitude. Jobs literally grow on trees, inflation has been clawed down, and housing prices are rapidly coming back to earth. All signs point to a soft landing—a miraculous one, considering the circumstances—and a prompt resolution to a set of problems he did not create.

It should make you angry when you hear someone griping about this economy without acknowledging the remarkable progress we've made from the depths of a historic pandemic and insurrection. We fucking made it, bros, yet people want to bitch for their own shallow political reasons. They want to smear a wildly competent administration and pretend everything is collapsing simply because their employer wants them back in the office three days a week.

Man up and give credit where it's due. This economy is strong as hell!

>> No.56479757

Another little trick done with "foreign aid" is to earmark it for payment of interest on IMF and other bank loans. So essentially money right into the pockets of banks.

>> No.56479763

interesting stuff
when was the last time GDP actually helped the average person

>> No.56480112
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