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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56462596 No.56462596 [Reply] [Original]

10k is a suicide stack

>> No.56462627

True and 10k pilled

>> No.56462630

Linkies are claiming otherwise to encourage poors to buy

>> No.56462708

the original suicide stack was indeed 10,000, i don't remember anyone saying 1K was a suicide stack on /biz/ in 2018 because 1K link back then was incredibly cheap. these days a lot of people say 1K is the suicide stack. i mean i guess it's all relative and shifts over time, maybe in 5 years a suicide stack will be 100 link and people with a 1k suicide stack now days will feel as smug as someone with 10k does today.

don't think nulinkers realize things like how many link we paid in fees back in the day accumulating link. i would often pay 30-40 link in fees every time i bought link on binance and i was relatively poor on some pretty low wages at a shit tier job buying link every week. i've probably paid well over 500 link just in fees alone and im not even close to a top tier wallet.

>> No.56462712

>ass blasted linkies who are trying to gate keep

>> No.56462721

This is wrong. Ico Og here. 1k was always the suicide stack. 10k the make it stack.
Bad actors push this 10k/100k bullshit to demoralize and dissuade
>t huge fukn anime titties guy

>> No.56462741

Why come on /biz/ and just straight up fucking lie like people don't remember. Everyone was spamming 1k as a suicide stack since 2017 that's literally the point of a suicide stack at least you have SOMETHING when it moons so you don't suicide.