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File: 382 KB, 978x1095, Screenshot_20171230-131251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5645135 No.5645135 [Reply] [Original]

McAfee blackmailed the dev and XVGwhale to crash their coin if they didn't pay. Holy shit.

>> No.5645175

I've never seen texts get broken up like that. e.g.

He neve
r wanted

Is this standard?

>> No.5645260

It looks that way when you send from a shitty old flip phone or burner phone to a smartphone

>> No.5645324

Law fags is this enough to be considered blackmail or extortion ?

>> No.5645418

this legit?

>> No.5645441


>> No.5645446
File: 21 KB, 248x189, 1452512376816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vv drama

>> No.5645448

lmao mcaffee doesnt give a FUCK

>> No.5645475

Wow.. So they were right after all.

Just put my 10 BTC back in Verge. This was all well orchestrated FUD in order to bring the price down. What an absolute cunt.

Nothing can stop Verge 1$ now

>> No.5645481

He's been the one dumping the price. This has to be extortion I hear tyrone loves belly tats.

>> No.5645482

Yes and no. Yes because he said that he is going to shit on coin if they won't pay and no because he praised the coin before they paid.
They may have a case though, but I doubt they are going to go for it. It would be cheaper and easier to destroy his reputation by just telling people about it.

>> No.5645492

fucking 65 year old computer fart playing mobster

gotta say hes doing pretty well

>> No.5645515

How legit is this XVG whale?
Obviously he has extreme bias in wanting verge to pump, so what's stopping him from making up some bullshit?

>> No.5645520

Too much drugs...and the end result is that. It's kind of pathetic desu
I mean the guy is destroying himself.

>> No.5645542

He praised it when they were buddy buddy they gave him some and he pumped it. Got mad because he didn't get more xvg then said if you don't pay me 1 million dollars in eth I'm going to dump the price and FUD.

>> No.5645547

a fucking dogecoin fork

>> No.5645575

Verge is pure shit anyway

>> No.5645582

LOL a 68 btc buy wall on verge showed up now, it's like all the FUD is having a reverse effect

>> No.5645593


Yes, keep waiting for Wraith good goy.

>> No.5645602

And that's the problem. It's he said he said situation.
If they don't have anything more solid then it's a say so, which doesn't make anything clearer.
I believe it because this isn't the only source, and it isn't just crypto related shit, that I heard.
I'm not surprised even a little bit.
The guy is an addict and he is sick.

>> No.5645606

It's not a dogecoin fork it was just named dogecoin dark.

>> No.5645632

tomorrow. believe it or not :^)

ur gonna be the one whos crying

>> No.5645640

Well what else is there to do after marrying the way he did?

>> No.5645648

negative publicity is still publicity

>> No.5645686

Compared to Mcafee I'll take the pajama prophet all day.

>> No.5645720

why would you name it like this in the firstplace
jesus christ

>> No.5645837

This basically proves that Verge is and has been the strongest coin on the market after having survived such extreme FUD.

>> No.5645885

if you were around at that time you'd understand. not easy to explain which is why what is going to happen will confuse many. grab on to something.

>> No.5645886

mcafee is a true pirate in this crypto wild wild west

>> No.5645909

this. guy's brain is probably fried as fuck

>> No.5645925

>ask for a shill from well known person
>when they ask for money refuse to pay them a blame them for tanking the price, which they got up in the first place
like pottery

>> No.5645981

This. I also don't under why McAfee wouldn't just start fudding upon their refusal to pay instead of writing out his whole evil plan in detail and confessing other shit he's done like the villain in every superhero movie right before getting caught.

>(that have given me millions to support them)

>> No.5646048

No. Hangout with someone you believe to be a crypto guru, give them some coins they pump it then threaten to crash it if you don't pay. Big difference. It would be like when aant went on Joe Rogan and after Joe said pay me a million dollars or I'll crash your life savings. Mcafee and whale were buddies and Mcafee got greedy.

>> No.5646129

>blatantly fabricate shit
>"it's real, person will say it's fake"
there's no counter to this

>> No.5646135

>shitcoiner problems

>> No.5646238

really makes me think. if it were real and they had evidence, they just should go to the police. blackmail/extortion is literally a crime

>> No.5646244

Lol there's no way McAfee writes like a faggot like that.

>> No.5646277

McAfee didn't even fud the fucking thing, all he said was that it's not realistic to expect 15 bucks when its already done like a million percent.

Surely if wraith is actually coming and it works, the tech will speak for itself and pump it with or without McAfee? I really don't understand what XVG whale is even trying to do, unless it is just one last scam pump

>> No.5646282

Of course, he was ""hacked"" again!

>> No.5646310

He actually does.

>> No.5646413

Oh right, because an unconfirmed text message screenshot that cannot ever be faked said so.

Fuck off with your bags.

>> No.5646472

>the guy is destroying himself
it was over when he married the fat nigger

>> No.5646477

Verge is horseshit. You bet your ass I'm asking for all your money before i ruin my reputation over it

>> No.5646561

thinking even harder, we should help the verge devs and report it ourselves

>> No.5646716

The balls on him. If mcaffe has him killed what has this world come to

>> No.5646754

so is insider trading, am i rite? assuming mcafee owned verge and pumped it

>> No.5646780

What about- he married what he married because his brain is died?
Hey I rhymed kek

>> No.5646820

This is standard for fagdroid users.

>> No.5646826

You are new, right?
No. Mc does not own Verge. Fags own Verge and fags refused to pay as much as he asked them to pay. So he FUDed them.

>> No.5646841

$1, I don't think so. $0.40 is a good target though.

>> No.5646858

link to actual tweet or an archive


>> No.5646861

Like mcafee doesn't know difference between lose and loose, fuck off pajeet

>> No.5646866

Im with mccafee on this shit. They offered him fucking 20k and that guys been promoting them in almost every interview.

>> No.5646899

actual tweet was just removed by xvgwhale

>> No.5646920

how convenient
and let me guess, nobody got an archive link?

you know what that makes this?
bullshit fake news, until proven otherwise

>> No.5646954

Great time to buy. When there is despair in the air.

>> No.5646967

He actually fucking deleted it I swear on me mum
This is looking sketchier by the minute for verge

>> No.5646968

ah, fuck, just minutes ago. I saw it and was going to archive.

>> No.5646969

>bullshit fake news, until proven otherwise
everything about this shit coin is fake, fake news and bullshit. Nothing every gets proven otherwise.

>> No.5646971

we are talking about getting the police involved you dumb fucking retard. if mcafee owned verge prior and pumped it, then he broke the law? or i am at a misunderstanding of the laws on insider trading

>> No.5646994

I saw XVGWhale's tweet anon. I guess you might not believe me. The content might be bulshit, who knows.

>> No.5647007

If you want a good privacy coin that's going to 3-10x soon it's XSPEC. Look up tht eprice history over the last month. It's going to go to $10 very soon (from $2.50). Screen cap this.

>> No.5647038

Because it's a bitcoin fork just like DOGE with fast transactions just like DOGE and low sat value just like DOGE but with the purpose of being a privacy coin hence the dark thingy. The market is retarded because nobody gave shit about Dogecoin dark but when they rebranded to Verge suddenly is worth 40 times more. It's basically Bitcoin with Tor. Privacy my ass. Go Monero of you want a private coin

>> No.5647060

when will anons learn to ARCHIVE before capturing juicy screenshots? this is 101 shit.

I actually don't doubt OP's pic, but without proof it's useless.

>> No.5647085

no surprise, shitcoin gets pumped thanks to him, and now without that artificial support shitcoin goes back down to nothing

literally nothing has changed, only now we have proof mcaffe is a fucking amateur

>> No.5647125

I can confirm it too. Didn't archive it though. Dogecoin dark and mentally ill McAfee doesn't interest me that much.

>> No.5647162

Thing is I don't give a shit about XVG, I'm just here for the lulz. But will do.

>> No.5647169

I haven't found any XVG FUD in McAfee's Twitter, though

The whole thing looks like a bunch of made up shit

Why post straight up lies?

>> No.5647199
File: 76 KB, 540x405, 1508701127639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize there is an actual video of someone showing their Smartphone in their home menu, opening the twitter app, navigating to McAfee's page, clicking on the message icon, and showing last message saying that XVG will hit $15 soon?

If that is true, you're implying those aren't in what basis?

>> No.5647209

people linked it here and it looks like a copy is still up here, too.


it's not an archive but it's further evidence

>> No.5647212
File: 59 KB, 934x234, 2017-12-30 16:18:48_152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally in the top 10 tweets.

>> No.5647226

I don't think insider trading is illegal in crypto yet. It's still unregulated.

And yeah, the tweet did get deleted. The reason McAfee hasn't responded yet is that he contacted his lawyer immediately, and his lawyer advised him to stay off twitter for the time being while they work something out behind the scenes. I guess negotiations are going somewhere because XVGwhale removed his tweet

>> No.5647333

That's not FUD, though

>> No.5647421

It is to retarded Vergies

>> No.5647471

Show the vid.

Oh wait it's deleted.

>> No.5647472

Insider trading? - in this market fully legal, or rather fully non punishable by law.
There is a misunderstanding.
I think you wrote that Mc owned Verge, as in was an owner of Verge at some point. And he never was.
He was asked by the owners of Verge for a promotion( or not). He delivered and then threatened (or not) that if they don't pay him X amount he will speak up against them.
If what they have is real then it's a shit case to make. Maybe they have more, maybe they don't.
Either way SEC doesn't apply because of lack of regulations. Civil or criminal? I don't know.
Apparently now they are " talking ", because the accusing tweet disappeared.
Verge is...well a shit coin in my opinion. They have nothing to show for their " product " so I'm not that interested desu

>> No.5647474

That really reeks of complete bullshit.. We don't even know if there was any contact between them, let alone blackmailing, maybe the "whale" is just craving for attention like Craig "Satoshi" Wright

>> No.5647477
File: 1.93 MB, 1426x820, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best I can do in terms of archive, the tweet still appears, but I can't see the images or open the tweet since he deleted those.

>> No.5647487

yeah saw that too lol

>> No.5647536

well the whale did post pictures with mcafee a few days before the pump

>> No.5647547

How about he did what they say he did. He lawyered up and now they are scared because, even though it may be true, it's still a private conversation.

>> No.5647549

>shooting a sniper rifle with a silencer
RIP in peace

>> No.5647579
File: 199 KB, 361x361, 1299139245613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes a literal psychopath and people still listen to this faggot
he will do anything that he will benefit from and doesnt care for any collateral damage
FFS people thats exactly what psychopaths do
they play the normies like a fucking fiddle

>> No.5647597

McAfee shitted on BTC and RIPPLE

>> No.5647622


If you don't understand that this is real, you are in denial and/or have reached a new paradigm of stupidity.

He was WITH HIM a few weeks ago. He knows him, talked with him, even on a personal level.

He is exposing him now cause he is a liar.

Can your brain honestly not comprehend this?

>> No.5647633


You got a rope or should I get it for you?

>> No.5647661


>> No.5647713

Just because it was written in a fucking tweet doesn't make it instantly real.. Don't get me wrong, the crypto world is full of impersonators, attention whores and straight up liers. Besides, how do we know if McAfee is behind his fake accounts?

Maybe the guy's just craving for attention, who knows

>> No.5647749

>it's plausible so it must be true
Literal retard.

>> No.5647804


The tweet was real, we just don't know if the content was. XVGWhale has tweeted about deleting it and about having great memories of being at McAfee's house and that he thinks he's in a dark spot right now and hopes he gets better.

>> No.5647845

SMS has a fixed character limit - carriers will usually accept a single message of up to 900-odd characters, but split it into chunks of 160 characters. As the message is from an Android phone, it doesn't use iMessage which avoids this limitation.

>> No.5647854


It's gentle fud.

>> No.5647867

This. When did this fucking start? i see it all over the fucking internet now, i don't remember seeing people miss spell lose so much 3 years prior. How did this spread so quick? was the internet infiltrated by pajeets over the last 3 years who cant spell

>> No.5647886

I actually don't care that much desu
I think Mc is fucked in the head from other sources so I find it all easy to believe that he did what they claim that he did.
I'm not into Verge at all so it all just interests me because Mc is the visible person on the shit type of business in cryptos.
I know that market is manipulated AF and I want to know how and by whom.
It's a stupid thing to think that I will ever really know, but I'm trying to stay in the loop cause I like my shit in the green.
The entire crypto market is so small that it's easily manipulated by rich. Very easy and comparably cheap- so you have to know what's up, no matter how vague to stay ahead of this game, till, hopefully this market grows at least 10 times.

>> No.5647891

"I am moving to other currencies that have given me millions to support them" - am I really supposed to believe that this quote is genuine? Because if you have millions to promote your cryptocurrency, you can promote it WAY more effectively than just getting a couple of tweets from some old fart for the sake of a quick pump.. It makes totally zero sense, there's no rationale in this bullshit, so far I'm inclined to believe that the whole thing is a straight-up lie and Craig Write-style attention whoring

>> No.5647899


Now that that's done, this is insider trading right?

>> No.5647921

typical christcuck shit eating degenerate

>> No.5647986

>was the internet infiltrated by pajeets over the last 3 years who cant spell
nigger where the fuck have you been? brazil came online at like 2012 and shit up every single f2p game in existence, and pajeets all got smartphones in 2015 now they're gonna be a superpooer by 2020

the shitskins are coming online and fucking everything up. they have shit in their names like alternating capital letters and stupid symbols because they don't know that got old in 2005. so expect to see repeats of dumbfuckery as more shitholes join the world wide designated shitting street

>> No.5647992



>> No.5648006

>I think Mc is fucked in the head from other sources so I find it all easy to believe that he did what they claim that he did.
Maybe, but in this case McAfee's own explanation looks more genuine that what I read in that junkie whale's removed tweet

>The entire crypto market is so small that it's easily manipulated by rich
Sometimes to get dumped on by the other rich

>> No.5648059
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>> No.5648157
File: 123 KB, 790x1200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH SHIT, I can actually still open the images if I right click and open in new tab.
If I do it directly in Twitter I get a green screen as a popup.
Doing it that way I get the images since I still have them in cache, dumping them now boys!

>> No.5648164

Verge market cap still above 2 billion.

>> No.5648166
File: 551 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20171230-134526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again. Mc shills shit, mostly. The fuck is Sether? Pic related.
Refring old ass memes is what they do I guess

>> No.5648203
File: 145 KB, 858x1200, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5648251
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>> No.5648292
File: 117 KB, 779x1200, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the last one.

>> No.5648333

Good job anon. Now there is still that little " loose " typo. Maybe he was talking about his wife a lot and it got saved in autocorrect?

>> No.5648365


How long have you been on the internet? Open YouTube, Facebook, they're jam-packed with all sorts of gurus with tens of thousands of subscribers babbling about all sorts of junk coins and ICOs.. One tweet of an old fart doesn't cost millions, under no circumstances

>> No.5648406


How can we succeed in crypto when our perceptions are distorted by this smoke and mirrors bullshit and manipulation?

>> No.5648437

i dont know why you guys are having such a hard time with this. it's really fucking simple.

mcaffe clearly had something to gain by pumping this shit, either he bought a bunch of it himself, or he was given some, or had an agreement to receive some based on how well he pumped it, etc.

nobody would have any questions if it was a legitimate crypto, but nobody would ever shill shit like verge without having direct financial gain by doing so. that much is incredibly obvious.

>> No.5648504

Ironically what McAfee is doing is actually illegal and i really hope the FBI niggers lock his ass up.

>> No.5648594

That doesn't even make any sense, if the owners of a cryptocurrency wanted him to tweet about it for a reward (doubtful: millions for a fucking tweet, this is complete bullshit, you can hire some fag on YouTube for exponentially less money), they would have to sell quite a bit of their coins first, which would result in a rather dramatic dip.

>> No.5648597

One less drug taking degenerate in society. Hope his anus gets comfortable with tyrone

>> No.5648599


Read the screencaps above. He was offered some but refused. He wanted Ethereum instead.

He passed himself off as just being interested in XVG and dropping some tips about it to everyone. Then he flips on XVGWhale and starts demanding Ethereum for what he was doing for free.

>> No.5648625

No. Not millions, unless they are completely brain dead.
I'm not defending Mc or Verge here. I really don't know.
I just know that what's going on with him is not good for the market as a whole so I'm pissed.
And I think that he may be taking money to shill shit that goes up and crashes to nothing.
In the long run we will suffer from it, regardless of your position or my position on Vergegate.
It looks shady as fuck to a normies which feeds the muh bubble meme which prevents the new money from entering the market. That in turn prevents the growth of the market which in turn makes it easier to manipulate

>> No.5648642
File: 46 KB, 682x282, 3323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5648699


yeah theres a pretty strong case for extortion

>> No.5648711

Am I really supposed to believe that all these messages are genuine?

>> No.5648714


He's old as fuck, he'll be safe from that. I saw one young guy, child molestor, get that nice tight boypussy completely shredded in a gang rape by the huge dicked dudes and then they stomped a 2 liter of lemonade or some shit right up his boypussy. Heard he's got a colostomy bag now, and his urinary tract was completely destroyed. I don't know what they do for that.

>> No.5648741

it wouldnt matter because the whole goal is for him to just pump the currency so large holders can take a bunch of profits or exit entirely. where the money comes from doesn't change the fact that the shilling was always fake.

of course he wanted a real currency instead of verge, that's not surprising. the point is nobody in their right mind would talk about shitcoins like verge in a positive way to a large audience unless they were standing to direct profit from a short term pump or direct payment.

>> No.5648872

Isn't he wanted for like.. murder? No shit he will fuck you up.

>> No.5648888

Doge is a litecoin fork, brainie

>> No.5648903

I guess the problem is with people who buy coins. You should stay out of volatile markets in the first place, especially if you're a normie

>it wouldnt matter because the whole goal is for him to just pump the currency so large holders can take a bunch of profits or exit entirely. where the money comes from doesn't change the fact that the shilling was always fake.
Nothing prevents him from doing it himself, then. It makes no sense blackmailing the owners of a cryptocurrency (since they would have to dump their own assets) when you could have bought them in advance and dump later

>> No.5649119

right, whether he sent those messages or not is for the law to decide after they collect the relevant evidence.

my point is once he started shilling shitcoins like verge it should have been obvious that hiis "picks" were nothing more than flagrant pump and dump attempts.

>> No.5649254

It's not even hard, they coded bots that instantly buy as soon as he posts a new tweet, and they dump, I suppose, pretty soon too. It's not like those anonymous profiteers share their profit with him

>> No.5649279

Wow McAfee, the absolute madman!

>> No.5649329

i've been following him for a bit now

a)k XVGwhale is XVGdev are the same person and there is no wraith and mcaffe is a trusted security expert


b) micoffee killed a man in belize and someone wouldn't just go on the internet and lie about a known killer would they? wraith is real and XVG will be the new bitcoin

there is no inbetween

>> No.5649409

>Literal Twitter name is XVG Whale...
>Fud is orchestrated and verge was wrongly done. Actually not a shitcoin
/biz/ holy fuck... how do you not see what's happening. I'll just say it because fuck you guys
>xvg whale is a xvg whale
>xvg literally had pumpndump
>xvg whale not as rich as he was at ath bcuz didn't sell at top
>xvg whale wants xvg value to increase because he is an xvg whale

>> No.5649457

I kind of see it as a survival of the fittest scenario.
Sure 95% of normies get BTFO after double digit percentage loses but the 5% stays and that grows the market.
Every time we have a "crash " the market grows on the uptrend. The volume grows because new normies are incoming. Then 95%of these gets wiped out, but the 5% stays.
If we don't have the new money coming in because the market is not only volatile but also manipulated to no end, in normies eyes, we don't grow but rather shrink and then everything dies for real...or shapeshifts to another big thing.
So the market suffers when shills like Mc and Verge go and aur dirty laundry on Twater.
And this is the only thing in this entire drama that I care about.
And also: Vergegate is not the only insider trading scandal that new normies hear about so it just adds to the TV hype.

>> No.5649544


False dichotomy. Obviously lying about McAfee is dangerous, it goes without saying. Even speaking the truth about him is dangerous. But to say Verge is the new Bitcoin is impossible with the supply. Maybe they could do a burn to help bring it up, but still.

>> No.5649550

I reread what I wrote and desu now I see it as Verge's fault, no matter what happened. Cause they cared about their little gains more than they cared about their own product or the market.
Mc is...well he is brain dead junkie but I already knew that.

>> No.5649551

Based McFee demanding millionaire tweeter ransoms

He is /biz/ incarnate

>> No.5649591


Imagine being a whale and having the pump of all pumps handed to you...and still end up holding bags.

>> No.5649705

The market will never "die" because it existed even before the influx of normies, though we probably won't hit a new high for a very, very long time. But even if we're entering the bearish trend now, the number of normies will still be high enough to sustain volume, even though not as high as these past months

But back to the topic. In my eyes, "XVG Whale" is just a lying attention whore grasping for your attention (successfully). His screenshots smell of complete, garish, cinematic bullshit, I don't believe a shit. There's no "insider trading" here in a traditional sense, and the biggest profiteers are the owners of automatic bots who, of course, don't share their profit with anyone and McAfee in particular

>> No.5649756

scatman dont fuck around.

>> No.5649939

I bought at like 2 or 3 cents and took out my initial buy in amount. Still have 2000 of them, so it's all just profits at this point.

>> No.5650051

All of these whales that you mention are the product of a super small market.
It would take an institutions now (Ripple anyone) to control the market, instead of the individuals.
I'm not sure I want to go back to a market that is controlled by a few individuals, but I understand your point.
This is a very vulnerable market. Still an infant. And a poorfag like me has less and less chances in it the smaller it gets.
Although, on the other hand, the market looks interesting for big fish, which, again I don't want.
Dude I'm depressing myself here kek

>> No.5650130

Verge has a richlist. LOL

>> No.5650653

Verge were known scammers, wraith is still NOT out and now they're blaming mcafee LOL what a bunch of fucking scammers.

>> No.5650703

Just bought XVG at 1969.

Hoping for a quick rebound and make $2K today on a swingtrade. I know nothing about this coin.

Is this thing going lower?

The long term trend seems bearish. I hear there is a major release that is imminent?

>> No.5650750

hows your overpriced and obsolete fashion statement treating you?

>> No.5650807

>I know nothing about this coin
>Just bought XVG

>> No.5650855

McaFee is too intelligent to mispronounce "lose". FUD.

>> No.5650931


>> No.5650932

does it matter if you're rich? besides if you want to store crypto on a mobile device you simply can't use android, unless you've only got your lunch money invested.

>> No.5651132


am not a law fag but how can it be considered extorsion as he's not asking for anything ?

he's still an old cunt tho
money got him mad

>> No.5651308 [DELETED] 

well done

>> No.5651890

strap in boys, we're headed to the moon.

>> No.5652334

bye bye verge

>> No.5652478


>> No.5652681

No. If pursued, he'd likely get out on summary judgment, though that would take about a year of litigation to get through both written discovery and depositions.

>> No.5653050

Fuck mcafee his antivirus program sucks gay shit anyways