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56444991 No.56444991 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the situation: most of the messages I've received so far have been quite negative on my previous post. I'm a more than competent software developer, and I believe I deserve a chance to at least secure an interview, but luck has not been on my side. So, please refrain from sending hateful messages. I truly do not care for them. I am just seeking some advice and perhaps some guidance. You can probably understand how desperate I am. I'm not currently unemployed, but I'm determined to make my dream come true. That's all. (P.S. To any racists, please back off.)

>> No.56445901

What does your experience look like? Degree? Previous jobs? What tech stack have you mostly worked in?

>> No.56446025
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>shitskin with superiority complex to local whites
>thinks his work experience matters because he worked as 'senior developer' at his shitskin company (=same responsibilities as a fresh junior grad at a Western company)
>assumes job must be handed out to him along with white wife and suburban house
You fags never learn do you

>> No.56446806

> I just open post that why I couldn't

I can think of at least one reason.

>> No.56446830

Postbros... it's over......