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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56424362 No.56424362 [Reply] [Original]

that i've collected over the years. Fucking assholes giving me until the 31st to withdraw to KYC. My id is expired right now so I can't even KYC if I wanted to. Serious big Fuck you to the Bat project. I hope it fails and no one uses your stupid chrome browser. Any active people I can contribute to to before the delete my Bat that i've clicked so many of those pop up ads for?

>> No.56424645

Fuck BAT i made a whole 10 usd in BAT after a year of annoying pop ups and I'm not going to KYC customer for that, imagine giving a photo of your id, face and butthole to who knows what person for 10 fucking usd (which they will probably never give you anyway)
t. cuck who watched ads for literal cents whihc they werem´t going to give me anyway

>> No.56424690

anyone know why brave is doing this shit?
they want zero users now? why can't they get some use forBAT instead of just stealing what we earned?
KYC is for cucks
if brave said they were gonna scam me I would never have turned rewards on
oh well, back to firefox

>> No.56424722

because fuck indians.
its all pajeets into this brave shit.

>> No.56424753

I'm a verified Brave creator but I'd feel bad taking your BAT. Isn't there a website that lists a bunch of verified creators? At least there used to be I think

>> No.56424771

blaming pajeets is just cope anon, india has been unable to KYC for nearly 2 years and there's absolutely no proof BAT farming even existed
brave has scammed us all to fund their project and obviously they never intended to facilitate a use for the rewards users participated in

>> No.56424819

yeah, used to be

>> No.56424827

a big problem with this project is that the useless bagholders NEVER call brave out on their shit

>> No.56424836

I think ihatefeds.com is verified and I like the name, otherwise freecodecamp or some shit

>> No.56424856

The people who used to shill their bat bags here everyday are some of the most pathetic losers in all of crypto lol. $20 million ico for a chrome fork lmao with an ad blocker preinstalled lmao. And they give the tokens away to 3rd wordless for free hahahah

>> No.56425371

If I can't find a way to get this out I have to give it to someone before the 31st so leave me your channel if you want and if it comes to it i'll contribute before it's stolen from me. It's a whole $25 USD worth lol it's not about the money it's a lot of ad's viewed lol

>> No.56425578

we should start a thread where brave creators beg us to throw our vBATs to them before the 31st deadline kek

>> No.56425638


>> No.56425687

Just use Uphold, they seem pretty decent. Also their app gives you notifications throughout the day not only of coin prices, but actual volumes percentages which is cool so you get an idea how many people are actually buying.

>> No.56426367
File: 17 KB, 225x225, exaliftin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I KYC'd on Uphold a long time ago and have had little to no problems. But since I now posted this, they'll probably have a data breach in the next 2 weeks or something.

I understand that KYC is anti-crypto and basically defeats the whole purpose, but it's not Brave's fault government tries to be Big Brother and Brave is just trying to establish itself for now and follow the rules as to not get crushed like a bug. KYCing on Uphold wasn't the worst thing in the world, mostly just inconvenient, but being Brave verified on my channels does feel good (probably earn like ~50 BAT a year or something)

>> No.56426441

Send them to Parker

>> No.56426454

No. The less BAT on the market the better. Let’s keep the supply down

>> No.56426572
File: 107 KB, 512x526, 1597082335502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont spend them before the deadline, brave is just going to take them back and dump them on you dumbass.

at least if you send it here > https://www.youtube.com/@Theendlessadventure then you wont get dumped on until at least $40

>> No.56426703

No it is absurd. Remember doing surveys in the 90's you got paypal'ed or even sent a check in the mail. It's not just KYC, it's w-9's and selfies and uploading tons of personal info & pictures it's beyond absurd.

>> No.56426951

>if you dont spend them before the deadline, brave is just going to take them back and dump them on you dumbass.
Wrong bozo. Those BAT never existed in the first place. It’s better Brave doesn’t have to buy a fuckton of BAT to cover their asses and layoff even more people to remain solvent

>> No.56426955

brave employee spotted

go fuck yourself faggot

>> No.56426966

And us white folks smelled this from the beginning.
I’ve still probably got bags of this shit. I took one look at the product and basically forgot this trash.

>> No.56426987

Did you ever get the premonition that brendan is a glowie sent to help usher in digital id’s and Brave is just frontrunning jaron laniers concepts efore they take hold

>> No.56427157

The BAT doesn't exist and is just an outstanding liability they are trying to eliminate. But they should be required to cover all outstanding debts. They received ad dollars for all of it, then proceeded to put none of that money into BAT.

>> No.56427347

You want the company to go into receivership? Because then you’re never getting your money back

>> No.56427399
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not my problem

>> No.56428796

honestly I made $50+ in BAT and you know what?

they stole it this month, almost all of it, even though I KYC'd

I have like 5 bat left, adds up to like a dollar.

they basically justified with "you're all spambots so we can steal your money lol no human uses internet this much"

>> No.56428808

Is Brave really this broke

I could believe it's about reducing liability if they were actually taking that liability seriously, but they aren't.

>> No.56428820

I don't think you can actually do that anymore. Almost everybody is designated as unable to send or receive more unless KYC right now.

>> No.56428831
File: 106 KB, 718x840, Screenshot_20231022_060200_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've used brave for years and never even clicked on the triangle. I assume that's where you guys spend all of your time

>> No.56428836

Just clicked it. Hole in one. Lol. Nope. Who has time for that gay shit? I'm here to shitpost, not grind for pennies per day.

>> No.56428853

>india has been unable to KYC for nearly 2 years and there's absolutely no proof BAT farming even existed
there's tiktok videos of it. was chinks tho. people used to post them here

>nooo muhh kyc
why are you incels so clueless and retarded. fake id fake selfie problem solved.

>but muh law!!
lol non goverment institution wont and cant do shit. they accept fake docs? not my problem. the regulations are for them and if they fail then they are liable.

>> No.56429691
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The token is already worthless, yet they steal your hard earned token anyways. Brave was rigged from the start.

>> No.56429703

because eich is a retard

Brave should've used LN as it currency. no shitcoin needed.
All of brave woes stem from the deicision to mint their own shitcoin (ie an SEC violation). All legal troubles would've been avoided using a commodity instead of a shitcoin.
There is no legal analysis possible that refutes this.

>> No.56430390

The best part is them doubling down on Solana, after it being proven a scam with all the downtime, how much SBF was involved, and how much FTX is still waiting to dump

>> No.56430915

Have you actually used solana yet?

>> No.56431254

I have, your point?

>> No.56432334

based + czeched

>> No.56432363

excellent post
I viewed their ad... now where is my reward?
simple as that
all these bagholders in here simping for this fraudulent decision are predictable.. such as this loser >>56428853

>> No.56432387

fortunately its only a few dollars
imagine actually holding this shit and shilling the product and the team all over the net
keks all round

>> No.56432774

>post actual channel on an anonymous board full of nazi incels for a few pennies (which nobody will send him anyway)
enjoy having your channel followed by cia glowies and 4chan trolls, chud

>> No.56433052

Sincerely asking: why are people so vehemently opposed to what is - most likely for them- just *another* KYC? We're all in agreement KYC is a hindrance and undesirable, but it's also observably true that the overwhelming majority of retail crypto happens through KYC platforms; to say nothing of institutions. The very thing that pumps or dumps your bags involves millions of people and organizations who are KYC'd.

>> No.56433155
File: 304 KB, 1000x1000, admit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a way I get it, because not only is it against the cryptocurrency ethos of anonymity and privacy, but it's ironic that the "privacy respecting" browser would make you essentially give up your social security number, DOB, address, place of work etc. to some 3rd party company + also the government.

On the other hand, you're right, and the whiny complaining cunts in every BAT thread (I figure most of them are BTC maxis or monero LARPers) are going to get left behind while crypto projects are forced to be pragmatic and reasonable when dealing with global regulations and archaic Government finance laws. It's hilarious hearing the childish complaints from these people. They're either fucking clueless about the legal side complications and analyzing risk of anything remotely dealing with finance/securities, or even worse, they don't care - because then they're negative actors who want Brave to fuck itself just to appease their childish unrealistic expectations

>> No.56433253

Half crypto purity-spiralists, half active fudders.
Halloween will come and go and BAT will keep chugging along like the last 5 years.

>> No.56433398

im not interested in crypto so kyc is a non starter for me - just want to be able to use my browser rewards for something instead of them vanishing

>> No.56433892
File: 845 KB, 1580x2638, 1652927136975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I donated my complete browser stack of 1500 BAT over the past 4 or so years to the brave verified youtube channel called Mr Beast. He is a guy who makes funny videos and organizes crazy competitions and I hope that my BAT can help him continue making videos as they aren't cheap to make. He also has a second youtube reaction channel where he reacts to viral video and provides his opinion on the content or may even laugh if it is a funny video (some of them are pretty epic. Anywho, his channel name is Mr Beast. If you type it into the search bar on youtube you will likely be able to find it. If you have any trouble finding the channel I can dig up a link for you to follow. You can do whatever you like, but he being a youtube creator would probably appreciate any support you can give him to continue making content. This is just my 2c.

>> No.56434016

not reading that shit, sorry sweaty