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56399578 No.56399578 [Reply] [Original]

has to be at least 90% of them. It's so fucking weird when you notice it. There's been this narrative that women are discouraged from being engineers and face adversity, yet every single one i know had an incredibly supportive upbringing. Is this ever going to stop? SWE bros be thankful you don't have to deal with this 1984 level of gaslighting I hope

Ask a guy why he wanted to be an engineer
>i like machines and stuff
>i like cars
>heard it pays good

Ask a young woman
>I wanted to prove to the world that I am capable of overcoming this stigma that women cannot be engineers. I will prove my worth. As a member of the Raytheon talent rotation program I hope to change the world for the better
>oh yeah my dad was a director here, but why do you ask?

>> No.56399615
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>>oh yeah my dad was a director here, but why do you ask?
Women can only get jobs through nepatism. Will, I did not say it!

>> No.56399938

The whole "systemic prejudice" narrative is just a way to gain leverage over white men. It's an obvious power play but autistic white men are retarded and actually take things at face value.

>> No.56400036
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>Ask a young woman
>>I wanted to prove to the world that I am capable of overcoming this stigma that women cannot be engineers. I will prove my worth. As a member of the Raytheon talent rotation program I hope to change the world for the better

its ironic because this is the type of woman that would make a fantastic mother and wife haha

>> No.56400155

I don't think women are discouraged from being engineers, I think that they just don't want to be engineers.

>> No.56400204

Engineering is low paying trash, I wish I never did this shitty fucking degree

>> No.56400221

same, I can't believe I fell for this scam.
I'm german and the only way I can get paid a decent amount for my work is if I move to amerimuttland and I would rather get gang raped by somalis than move there

>> No.56400276
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I would love to have a dad, honestly I could have used a father figure in my formative years
although I'll settle for my 80yo neighbor calling me a genius for betting half a paycheck on duck race duckies

>> No.56400313

>somali gangrape
Might happen sooner than you think, Karl

>> No.56400402

I thought everyone loved being an engineer. But what do you guys actually do all day? Just sit and calculate stuff? Is your life just one long math class kind of?

>> No.56400450


>> No.56401155

Fucking this. I’m so tired of it holy shit. I literally do the PM’s job for like 15% of the pay. Contractors do like 90% of the technical shit so I have no models to amuse myself with. Fuck this.

>> No.56401237

Discovered this in my Internship. Basically if you want to do cool eng stuff like CAD, FEM, etc. You will have to take a paycut because big firms outsource that. If you want to get payed more working at a big firm, you will be a glorified clerk.

>> No.56401244

>like CAD
lol the garbage work architects do is cool?

>> No.56401407

VP of Software Development at a Fortune 500 company here. 3 girls. They will code.

>> No.56401413

post their tits to prove

>> No.56401452

Yes, if you chose Engineering Designing Technical parts should be fun to you. Architects Design things they think are beautyful, Engineers Design things that hace a function. Just because similar Programs are uses doesnt mean its the same.

>> No.56401467

checked, this & /thread

>> No.56401519

>There's been this narrative that women are discouraged from being engineers and face adversity, yet every single one i know had an incredibly supportive upbringing.
you're actually defeating your own point here - this is a perfect example of selection bias. essentially ever female engineer you know has had a life that, by your account, has almost perfectly predisposed them to become an engineer. the only women who are even encouraged to become engineers are those who are basically forcefully pushed into it. these are the only ones who ended up becoming engineers, according to you. i don't really care about this issue either way, but be aware of how your brain mindfucks itself into confirming your own biases when your personal experience should have pointed you in the opposite direction

>> No.56401550

What the fuck are you talking about? How is drawing lines on CAD technical? What kind of retarded LARP is this?

>> No.56401563

Nothing more exhausting than working with female engineers. I was once in a team with 80% women. The constant forced socialization/gossip and the 24/7 fake happy smiles were almost more exhausting than the work itself.

Despite receiving constant positive feedback from them I still got fired within a month after missing a “team dinner” because my mom was sick in the hospital. Fucking vampires.

>> No.56401661

my sister is an engineer and my dad is a fisherman

>> No.56401677

sounds like fucking hell

>> No.56401687

typical chud move. they saw it coming a mile away.
your fault for failure to communicate
maybe, like, try being a decent human being?

>> No.56401731

The whole goal is just to destroy families and the birth rate and make men and women hate each other.

>> No.56401809

Well if you draw the lines too thin someone dies because the part snaps, if you draw the part too thick the company dies because the part is too expensive. You are an inbred retard and i dont expect you to inderstand that design is technical.

>> No.56401873

Drawing is different from designing and revising a drawing based on a design has nothing to do with the design process itself you fucking braindead spastic. This is like saying changing font size on MS word for a technical report is in itself a technical skill lmao.

>> No.56401948

Yes that's the point. Men study engineering because they want to. But when women don't want to study engineering at the same exact rates then somehow that means they're being stripped of their natural drive to study it. But instead they go to college at higher rates in general, study psychology and fuck around then get an easy HR job

>> No.56401964

engineering is inherently autistic. building complex systems and machines is inherently autistic. the male mind is inherently autistic. the female mind is inherently not autistic. society is obsessed with forcing a square peg into a round hole, just to prove that it's possible -- yeah, sure it is possible, but it's not easy or natural. there are obviously exceptions, but the vast majority of women are not capable or inclined toward succeeding in engineering.

>> No.56401993

Yeah same my first job was a ton of CAD and prototyping but then they started hiring retards with no degrees for $20 an hour to do nothing but CAD, but expected the engineers to babysit them. Now my current job i literally do nothing except paperwork and call vendors to troubleshoot machine issues

>> No.56402008

>it's ironic
>just a coincidence
>cannot be intentional, no way

>> No.56403502

CAD is an abreviation for Computer Aided DESIGN you fucking mongoloid, drawing a sketch to extrude it is designing you fucking faggot.

>> No.56403535

It's the exact opposite. Nothing is expected of women, no challenges are thrown at them. Therefore they see no point in going through the rigor of an engineering education. Men have to do it to make good money and be seen as valuable by society.

In poor countries you see far more women in IT/engineering because they have to earn or starve. Western women are enormously coddled.

>> No.56403565

Chidren having the same professions as their parents is a pretty common thing, OP.

>> No.56403594


Also this, it should be exceedingly obvious by now that men/boys are objective/autistic and women/girls are subjective/verbal. Women are literally allergic to this kind of work.

Come to think of it of the few girls I knew in engineering, most if not all transitioned into a non engineering role within an engineering company shortly after graduation.

>> No.56404752

Yes so is that why CAD teams are their own thing and they don’t require engineering degrees? You are a retard and you’ve never stepped foot in an engineering office in your life. Stop talking about something you know nothing about you clownz