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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56360376 No.56360376 [Reply] [Original]

5th largest shipping company in the world.

HUGE new usecase for KILT. In May Deloitte announced that they were using KILT tech to build KYC/KYB products, which initially we thought would just mean IDs for people (which is a pretty big usecase already)...


...but the other day this was announced as well:


>This strategic partnership will provide a robust, scalable infrastructure rooted in a strong commitment to regulatory excellence and trust. It leverages Deloitte's established KYC (Know Your Client) services and implementation capabilities with Nexxiot's cutting-edge asset intelligence technology and trusted CINFONI (Client Information Network Intelligence) platform. CINFONI has regulatory approval for generating, implementing, recycling, and exchanging 'Golden Records' within the Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) sectors.

This is using KILT tech. Daily reminder that every DID created on KILT permanently locks 2 tokens (supply is ~127mil). Now they're doing IoT/logistics stuff, which opens up so many new possibilities.

The scope is enormous but already google has turned up a massive customer, and who knows how many more there are in the pipeline?


This is just what google has turned up. You can either buy now at 30mil mcap or wait for "official confirmation" and buy at $5bn. Up to you.

But you WILL fomo, and you WILL buy. Sooner or later.

>> No.56361452
File: 2.35 MB, 4446x2881, 52094603257_e6e9f40c6e_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pump will be out of this world

>> No.56361531


>> No.56361770

When you say "KILT technology", how do you know they won't set up a private blockchain using their tech? Why on earth would they use the public chain? Serious question.

>> No.56361881

because its cheap and trustworthy? as oppose to private chains?

>> No.56362509

I actually picked a bit of this up; let's see how it goes.

What's sell pressure like? The charts look like there has been a consistent ongoing amount? Is that from staking rewards being sold? Or something else?