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56357910 No.56357910 [Reply] [Original]

Its over. Your bags wont matter if you are on the front line.

>> No.56357917

dead mutts is bullish for mankind

>> No.56357935

>He said trading on NYSE

>> No.56357937

American here. Too old for the draft. Not my problem. Not my war. Not my concern. Not dying for ZOG or anyone else. Send off the millions of migrants as cannon fodder to fight this ((((War))), again not my problem.

>> No.56358199

Too old to care

>> No.56358212

>/pol/ doomer raid
I hope the government shuts off your medicare.

>> No.56358227
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>this just in the people profitting the most from endless warfare urge you to spend more on endless warfare.

omg im like literally shaking rn

>> No.56358233

>front line
no such thing during a nuclear war. only happens in shitholes the major powers use as proxy

>> No.56358255

You can never be too old for the draft, its like being too old to play connect 4

>> No.56358865

remember if they come to draft you just kill the drafters, they'll run out of golems very fast

>> No.56358872
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no such thing

>> No.56358921

If you are over 30, you’d have plenty of time to leave America before you’d get drafted

>> No.56358958

I believe that all of the Russians in non-Crimea Ukraine are volunteers. The conscripts are usually doing logistical or manufacturing work behind the frontlines

>> No.56358964
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>tfw antichrist shows up innawoods to tell me I'm drafted
You like that Satan? You will never have my foreskin

>> No.56358967

>be me
>born in 93
>grew up as a child in the old order
>experienced the bliss of social ignorance
>raised on technology, used as a tool
>have lots of sex during the finals days of the old order as a teenager
>possess a deep understanding of how computers think to where the general millennial has a grasp of logic concepts better than a zoomer CS grad
>turning 30
>literally just enough too old to be drafted
>mfw I grew up in a legendary timeframe and timeline and now I get to plow the zoomer girls the drafted leave behind

We just can't stop winning young millennials bros

>> No.56359010

Born in 89 here. Feels good.

>> No.56359026

I, for one, am hoping that the women get drafted this time as well.
Equal rights, equal pay, equal opportunities to get killed on the battlefield.

>> No.56359043
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women will never get drafted, they'll draft toddlers, grandpas on their deathbed and literal aspies before they draft a single woman

>> No.56359053

if he can walk he can clear mines

>> No.56359075

kek imagine thinking there will be a draft in the age of smart weapon swarms that can be controlled by individuals

>> No.56359081

I hope they only draft women this time. Men have carried the torch for too long, now It's Her Turn.
And don't worry about the home front ladies, we'll keep it safe with our factory jobs and veggie gardens.

>> No.56359084

there's drafts going on in at least 3 countries that are involved in active wars, the ironman marvel bullshit about sci fi superweapons doesn't reflect reality, reality is still digging trenches and fighting in the streets house by house

>> No.56359089

Ayo this nigga growing beans lmao

>> No.56359109

bleeding edge smart weapons have never been used in combat. and i don't believe infantry won't be used, just that much less will be needed once all the cards are shown. a draft won't be necessary

>> No.56359119

but this is besides the point. it doesn't matter if a draft happens or not. if ww3 pops off we have much bigger things to worry about than money

>> No.56359126

lol there's a new "bleeding edge wonderweapon" that gets used every week, then it turns out that artillery just blows it up and it can't actually do anything against guys that are sitting in holes that they dug with shovels, every expensive piece of garbage toy that was lauded for changing warfare turned out to be garbage and warfare still being dudes digging trenches and artillery

>> No.56359130

Thanks for pushing China and Russia into an alliance, globalist dickheads.

>> No.56359131
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>bleeding edge smart weapons have never been used in combat.
Wow its like one of my Japanese anime

>> No.56359133

i'm talking more along the lines of cheap em-shielded autonomous drones, not guided artillery

>> No.56359139

drones are just for harassing out of position units, they'll never be able to overwhelm any fortified position, you still need artillery and dudes with guns for that, especially dudes with guns, a lot of them

>> No.56359145

Wow, that sounds cheap!
Can you tell us more about how they identify and prosecute targets? How about finding their own location? And what payload do they carry?

>> No.56359148

Well I'm a link baggie, so you see I've grown far too old to fight while waiting for it to pump

>> No.56359153

until the last goy

>> No.56359157

pro tip if you want to avoid being sent on the front line:

learn to pilot fpv drones or drones generally

also kill the drafter and blow up your local synagogue

>> No.56359160

if you want to avoid being sent to the frontline then kill the drafter that they send, that's your only option

>> No.56359174

ok but blow up the jewish temple also

>> No.56359175

You just need marketable skills and a firm handshake. Personally, after I get conscripted I'll spend the whole war mowing the lawns on an air base.

>> No.56359177

sure but it's easier to kill drafters that enter your house

>> No.56359178

>you still need artillery and dudes with guns for that
absolutely, just not as many
anything can be a target until it isn't. IFF systems can work this way while other systems are shielded. the idea that DARPA and others haven't produced autonomous weapons is ridiculous. there are international efforts to ban these weapons, of course the US already has them. and cheap is relative of course. for the US military they are cheap

>> No.56359180
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I'd imagine a full blown draft would backfire and just cause a bunch of wood schizos to commandeer local forests. That's silly though haha

>> No.56359181

>1 post by this ID

>> No.56359187

you need more than the enemy, war is still just about which side can throw more dudes with guns in the meatgrinder

>> No.56359191

I might not be to told, but I think the vassal state of Israel (USA) will want to be very careful if they think they can hand me a gun that I would defend it. They may want to think twice about that.

>> No.56359197

no war is about getting the enemy to stop fighting you. theoretically this can be achieved with just propaganda. doesn't work that way in reality, but it's not just about more firepower

>> No.56359205

I don't think you understand my point at all. Also this has nothing to do with IFF, you're not putting a fucking Mark XII IFF transponder in your "cheap" drones.

>> No.56359227

i understand your point just fine. it's that these systems are "expensive". they're not at all compared to systems whose roles they replace

>> No.56359237

No, that isn't my point. Read it again and actually consider the three questions that I asked.

>> No.56359246

It's over for ZOG and I'll be laughing from the Pacific

>> No.56359247

nah i'm good. it's clear you think i'm talking about little hobbyist drones or something

>> No.56359263

I've read that apparently the US Army has suddenly started started being all patriotic and using white males in their adverts again. Guess they are getting serious about recruiting again in case of an actual war. Good luck with that after decades of shitting on the white males.

>> No.56359269
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So you're talking about something like picrel? You're right that they're fairly cheap compared to other aircraft, but they're still incredibly expensive compared to shorter-range and more reliable ways to deliver the same 155mm shell like an artillery gun. And they aren't autonomous, obviously, because of the very clear technical problems which I pointed out.

>> No.56359273
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>> No.56359369

well i have different sizes in mind, but that could fit a larger support role yea. i'm really thinking along the lines of closer lower altitude small arms stuff. i think the biggest problem you highlighted is probably location, but that's really only something to worry about over large distances. localized missions don't need to know exactly where exactly they are, accelerometer data and time could be used to define a "mission area" boundary and it just loiters and does whatever it's told to do. it can use topographical data to get a sense of where it is and where it's headed. you can segregate electronics from optics to shield one and not the other

>> No.56359438

And here I was hoping that ZOG was playing 4d chess letting all these brownoid migrants across the border only to mass draft them and send them to die overseas. Instead they insist on accelerating the Kalergi plan by rounding up all the (mostly söyified) huwite men left, when there's clearly not enough to win this WW3 they're trying to set off. Unironically, ZOG needs to forcibly conscript all these niggers, spics, poos and dunecoons otherwise the numbers simply don't work out. Why are jews so stupid.

>> No.56359472

If that really is the plan then America is done. Good riddance.

>> No.56359547

>well i have different sizes in mind
So it has a pathetic little payload? The cardboard drones from Sypaq have like a 2-3kg payload from memory, but a 155mm shell weighs something like 60kg.
>accelerometer data and time could be used to define a "mission area" boundary
Inertial navigation units are around $10k each, even with extremely low accuracy. People have tried it with really basic stuff like smartphones and it just doesn't work.
>localised missions
If you're only sending it 20km away, why not just use the cheaper and far more effective artillery?
>it can use topographical data
Generated by whom? Geoint is a pretty complicated field, and it seems pretty unlikely that it will be accurate and up to date enough to just look out from a drone's camera and say "that hill over there must be Bane Hill, meaning I'm at coordinates XYZ". Particularly for altitude data. Remember that targeting data needs to be accurate to within a few metres, especially with small munitions.
And no, you can't just make something immune to EW (or, for that matter, smoke/dust/camouflage)

>> No.56359632

good thing i'm not a DARPA engineer i guess. we'll see if their publicly announced autonomous weapon swarm programs were successful

>> No.56359660

Same, I'm just going to hide. The Current Thing isn't even a war, just a genocide. Truly meaningless fight.

>> No.56359671

browns will be on the front line or there won't be one.

>> No.56359706

All just another excuse to print money

>> No.56359715
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I don't want no Khazar queeeeeeen
I just want my F-18

>> No.56360472

drafting immigrants in exchange for citizenship always ends up great for declining empires especially if they are also in the process of rapidly debasing their currency to fund wars on the periphery and suppressing political instability at home

it really is surreal how we're basically speedrunning the end of every empire in all of history.

>> No.56360674

Would love to see citizenship offered to brave immigrants who volunteer to fight the Chinese menace

>> No.56360687

I'm just not going to die for Israel.
Ugh, i know, I know. It's just, I'm not going to do it.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha fuck jews

>> No.56360906

Too old to get drafted (it’s limit is 26 btw, for all you retards.)
I would tell you to suck my dick, but your zoomer girlfriend will be too busy with that while you’re out fighting the Chinese.

>> No.56362528

I am american and used to be proud of it
the second we go into a real war and it looks like america will be attached I'd heavily consider leaving this shithole

>> No.56362531

not american so dont care

>> No.56362552

if canuckistan starts a draft and gets me for any reason, I'll just kill the drafter, what are they gonna do?

>> No.56362559
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American citizens won't voluntarily accept this shit anymore. And very few of us are going to honor a draft. Americans can act as emotional and irrational as they want on X, but when it's goes from indirect and arbitrary shit like foreign aid to actual boots-on-the-ground, Americans will not fall for it again.

>> No.56362930

Yeah just like you stood up to your government all the other times lmao
Shut up we already know you're all LARPers

>> No.56362934

Why would I fight for a country that hates me for being white ?

>> No.56362935

>honor a draft
Goddamn you people are detached from reality. They come for you and you either go to war or you go to prison, and the borders are closed for you. And that's in a civilized country, in an uncivilized one your choice is war or bullet in the head here and now

>> No.56362941

>send my family to meemaw’s house
>come and get me pigs

>> No.56362942

have fun ZOOMIES! I'm too old for a normal draft lmfao

may never march in the infantry
Ride in the cavalry
Shoot the artillery
I may never shoot for the enemy
But I'm in the Lord's army!

>> No.56362951

A draft will unironically put zoomers into good use that they would have never had in their lifetime otherwise

>b-b-but I wanna be an influencer!


>> No.56362952


>dumbass 4chan poster misses the point as usual
>forgets America has a 2nd amendment

>> No.56362954

it bears mentioning to anyone holding this view that the armed forces being composed of non-whites is the kind of structural change that results in a real race pogrom against whites in a "western country" down the line.

>> No.56363064

kek I would feel so bad for zoomies if this happened. They already got fucked over in so many ways, as have we millenials to be fair, but they have it worse. Now imagine if they're forcibly drafted. Brutal

>> No.56363231


>> No.56363491


>> No.56363502


>> No.56363521

>and the borders are closed for you

Seems to be wide open for the Mexicans. Put on a backpack, cross the Sonora. Simple as. Or walk over to Canacuck.

>> No.56363538

I am Canadian, I am not forced to die for Jewish wars like amerimutts are

>> No.56363550

Too old to get drafted. If I did, I wouldn't go. I'm not dying for the Jews.

>> No.56363565

if I own guns and managed to get out of service for asthma and mental illness will tjat disqualify me from owning guns?

>> No.56363590
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>> No.56363621

Just become too valuable to send into the meat grinder.

>> No.56363631

>fighting for globohomo

>> No.56363657

Crypto is globohomo
Play both sides, get crypto for if the enslavement of humanity succeeds, get precious metals if the house of cards collapses.

>> No.56364418

I'm kinda excited about the prospect of my government handing me a gun. It will not go how they think it will go.

>> No.56364690

Stfu dumbass. My CYMi bags will always matter wherever.

>> No.56364695

>tfw to intelligent to be on front line
it is what it is

>> No.56365197

Historically-speaking, it's the exact opposite. Colored soldiers come back, defend themselves once, and suddenly KKK chapters are opening up across the country. This has happened after both world wars, and to a lesser extent after the various oate 19th century campaigns. Hell, you might call BLM post-WOT another instance.

>> No.56365253

the one thing you guys keep falling for is all the schizo theories that the apocalypse is around the corner. there almost certainly will be no US draft in the near future (~10 year time horizon)

>> No.56365264

I hope this means that they're making more fighter jets. I really want a fighter slot

>> No.56365304


>> No.56365725

WTF. Barboza doesn't even look like the same guy

>> No.56365920

based and waldgängerpilled