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File: 24 KB, 474x355, 22dcaa995877aa0dfbfaeff930cf1a70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56340103 No.56340103 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any kind of medical procedure to turn my eyes blue? I think I would get more opportunities in life if I had blue eyes

>> No.56340114

Just wear contacts. You can't infuse WHG genes if that's what you're asking.

>> No.56340122

that's a hilarious thought, learn to embrace who you already are anon.

>> No.56340124

The rien of complications is extremely high. Contacts are a much better option. Just make sure an actual doctor measures your eyes first

>> No.56340134

Risk of complications

>> No.56340135


It's obvious when someone is wearing colored contacts. It's disingenuous
No I hate who I am

>> No.56340172

Google eye lightening supplements, unless you have deep poopy brown eyes it will make them shine

>> No.56340218

unfortunately blue eyes are attractive because they're always paired with other signals the most evolved humans on this planet have.

ever see a picture of an albino negorid? yeah.

>> No.56340235

>No I hate who I am
different eyes won't change that and you know it anon. Start lifting (for yourself) and quit being terminally online.

>> No.56340258


you cant fake hunter eyes

>> No.56340298

hunter eyes has nothing to do with color just how they're positioned in your eye socket.

>> No.56340310

Gotta start that melange diet

>> No.56340378

Lmao, just frown like you smelled a fart

>> No.56340491

>accept urself
>lift weights and get ripped cause different muscles will change who u are and make u fundamentally a better person

>> No.56340524

accepting yourself doesnt mean you should roll around in your own filth and be fine with it.
Accepting yourself means holding yourself accountable for your own existance.
Lifting is good for your mind, hence why I wrote lift for yourself.

>> No.56340532

>no i hate who i am
Having different colores eyes won't change anything.

>> No.56340590

To accept yourself is to give up. The moment you are at peace with yourself is the moment you stop scrambling to improve and overcome.

>> No.56340926

blue eyes won't do shit for you. no one cares

>> No.56340974

>first worlder actually jealous of a third worlder

>> No.56343093

you can get laser treatment to get blue eyes. all people have blue eyes underneath, but people with brown eyes have a layer of brown pigment on top. laser treatment burns away the brown pigment and you’re left with blue eyes. it’s risky, though

>> No.56343114

2.5 g or more daily aspirin for a few months will lighten your irises. it will also make your skin lighter. don't forget to dose vitamin K2

>> No.56343416

and this is how you become one of those people that have 50 plastic surgeries by the time they're 30.

>> No.56343447
File: 79 KB, 550x797, 6f2c8e95dda2573a6f34325930bb5784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and??? As long as you're not pumping yourself full of fillers and implants you're not gonna get bogged. It's about bone structure and ratios. You're one of those people who reads the headline and not the article. Plastic surgery can be good and improve you.

>> No.56343472

kek, unironically mentally ill. Nobody that ends up bogged thinks they'll end up bogged. They all start like you, thinking that they're just doing minor improvements until they get the exact face they want.

Have fun.

>> No.56343479

that's why you always check childhood photos before you end up having children with some jew nosed woman

>> No.56343480

she was better looking before

>> No.56343495

>seething bc he won't ever get the surgery he needs
Delusional. Beauty is objective. The eye of the beholder meme is just that: a meme.

>> No.56343528

He is right, the left image is objectively better. She had a superior aqualine nose, now she has a mutt nose.

>> No.56343531

She was born a boy btw. All they did was make her look more like a girl, faggot.

>> No.56343539

All this women had to do was fix her posture.... why are women so retarded. You should never dye your hair or get 'work' done. I hate seeing women with that fake barbie look, absolutely disgusting.

>> No.56343549

Trannies are abominable before the Lord, repent

And no there isn't much difference between left and right except for the messed up nose.

>> No.56343584
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dilate harder
You very clearly have no idea what is done during this surgery. They literally removed the entire browbone and orbital bones, lowered the hairline, cut out gigantic segments of jaw bone, upturned her nose, and slightly lifted her upper lip. It shows. You can't pick apart all the shit that is different and objectively better but you instinctively know it is, you just don't want to say it for the sake of being "right" about plastic surgery. Probably because you're so broke that the concept of another 5 figure expense is too stressful of a problem for you to deal with so you'd rather pretend the problem doesn't exist.

>> No.56343655

I have literally never cared about my appearance that much. I'm married and enjoying life. You will obsess forever over every imperfection.

>> No.56343673

Don’t listen to the losers in the replies, you have the will to win, the eye of the tiger. Look up stroma.

>> No.56343686

>ever see a picture of an albino negorid?
Like the ones that appear in mutt ads and are multimillionaires?

>> No.56343720

If you genuinely don't care then good for you, but don't tell other people to stop caring. Naysayers like this are complete cancer.

>> No.56343748

Spoken like someone who doesn't have a chin

>> No.56343798

america worships niggers more than God. what does that have to do with shit colored eyes?

>> No.56343808
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Yeah you're right, I don't, anymore. Point is?

>> No.56343832

it's no wonder it's hard to convince someone whose entire life has become a living lie that plastic surgery itself is fraud.

>> No.56343837

This is called mental illness. A person should be satisfied with how God made them. Instead if trying to run away and hide your problems with jewish scams like surgery, you should instead focus on what's important like saving your soul.

Plastic surgery is vanity.

>> No.56343853

Well then getting big muscles is a fraud because you weren't born with them. Reading is fraud because you didn't always know that stuff you just learned. Training any skill is fraud because you should just accept yourself instead and be satisfied with how (ugly, stupid, useless) god made you. Nobody who isn't born rich starts out successful and even then they aren't successful, their parents were. Everyone has to do something, solve some type of problem. That's the human condition. Why is it that the only problem your dogshit argument applies to is me wanting to be pretty?

>> No.56343865

what you can achieve with nature alone, is you
what you cannot, will never be

>> No.56343878

Books aren't nature. A bar with steel on it isn't nature. A gun range isn't nature. No medicine is nature. The stock market isn't nature. Fuckin' everything is manmade, dude. Seriously shut the fuck up. Like I just said, fixing problems is the human condition and everyone does it.

>> No.56343883

over tier FWHR

>> No.56343884

This is nonsense. A person isn't born an adult so is being an adult a fraud? Things that can be changed naturally and with effort is fine, though some become vain and go overboard with muscles. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be stronger, especially if it's practical and not for the sake of vanity.

Beauty isn't only physical, a persons behaviour and personality can be attractive. Example, a natural physical attractive women with prideful and immodest behaviour is less attractive than a less attractive physical woman who is meek, humble and chaste.

>> No.56343896

Actually everything and anything is nature

>> No.56343899

Nature does not refer to the environment.... but sometimes nature, eg a dog's nature.

The real distinction is Creator and creature, God and everything that isn't God

>> No.56343906

No. Homosex and transex is not nature but sin.

>> No.56343913

your brain is a library
your body a gymnasium
your fists are weapons

and you are a man

>> No.56343928
File: 205 KB, 384x384, download (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is a jewish demoralization thread you fucking idiots

>> No.56343978

I'm hot and you can seethe about it all you want lol everyone here knows you're just saying that for no reason other than to be malicious and try to make me upset.
I will ask you again, why is it that physical attractiveness is not a goal people are allowed to have?
Why did god give us estrogen injections
What is a man? What do you unironically mean? Like a human? Sure yeah I guess but what's your point? All of that stuff you just said is true for women too.

>> No.56344000

Unfortunately most people get surgery done because it's normalised like braces or wisdom teeth removal. A good jaw comes from genetics, diet and tongue position/(breathing)

>> No.56344017

>What is a man?
the lack of a womb

>> No.56344022

>did god give us estrogen injections
Humans have free will. God allows evil things to be done by evil people for a variety of different reasons. God ways are not our ways so there is no need to think too deeply on it.

A person can become physically attractive without doing irreversible process..

>> No.56344028

Also skin thickness and bone structure and dna stuff and much much more.

>> No.56344052

Wtf lol don't get your wisdom teeth taken out then and just let them come in crooked and fucked up and end up with severe bone rot bc food gets in there and you can't properly clean it.
>good genetics
My point exactly, bad aesthetics resulting from bad genetics are a problem you should fix. You should also fix the genetics themselves but we haven't invented that yet.
>Become physically attractive without irreversible process
Learning is irreversible, I guess, unless you put them into a coma and they get amnesia. Anything irreversible is bad. I seriously do not understand where you're coming from at all. An irreversible improvement is just good, period.

>> No.56344066
File: 230 KB, 485x349, blueeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a procedure to do this, but it needs to be rigorously followed for few months. All you need is lots of aspirin. Start taking it daily, 3 times a day every 5 hours. Daily dose needs to start at 1g (that's 3-4 tablets) and then gradually go to 20g daily over the course of 3-4 months, depending on the effects you want to achieve. Don't do it for longer periods of time or you will go blind. 3 months should be enough to get pic related. Taking that much might sound crazy but the effects are worth it.

>> No.56344069

Hysterectomy. What now?

>> No.56344078

yes, but those are tertiary. the female sex is contorted into a vessel capable of producing life itself.

creating a mere puppet of femininity while not replicating the true beauty of what it means to be a woman is nothing but an exercise in deviancy, an intrinsically masculine trait.

>> No.56344085


>> No.56344104

It doesn’t help. You will just have another accolade to be ignored. Nothing but money can change the way people look at you. Source: amhot doesn’t matter. There’s an ugly retard getting blown every second of every day and it’s not you nor I.

>> No.56344118

It's a tranny propaganda thread, but equally jewish

>> No.56344164

This is just another part of the same problem trannies are trying to fix. You think trannies wouldn't want to be able to give birth? Why not? We just haven't invented the solution to that yet. This is like telling someone who was born without legs and got that problem fixed with surgery
>You will never walk! Kill yourself tranny you aren't walking! You had to have a doctor fix that, that means you aren't really walking! It's unnatural and you're gonna go to hell for trying to walk!

>> No.56344196

>be born without legs
>solution: get legs
>be a mentally ill tranny due to childhood trauma
>solution: cut dick off
Not the same thing, lad

>> No.56344206

I was never traumatized. I never even wanted to be a woman, I just didn't have a choice. This is how I was born and I'm just doing the only thing I can to improve my quality of life. ._.

>> No.56344245

This is the crux of the issue. You deny the truth, plain and simple. You never wanted it? You never had a choice? This is what we call psychosis.

>> No.56344314
File: 80 KB, 1024x929, 089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes actually anyone can get blue eyes. Blue is the natural color of the iris, but most people have varying amounts of melanin in their iris giving them green/yellow/brown eyes.
There is a company called Stroma Medical in commiefornia that uses lasers to blast away the melanin and reveal the underlying blue. If you don't mind risking ocular damage and have money to blow go for it.

>> No.56344381

>you can't properly clean it.
This is propaganda.
>My point exactly, bad aesthetics resulting from bad genetics are a problem you should fix
I also said diet and posture. Those are also very important.
>Learning is irreversible
Not so. I have unlearned the lies of (((evolution))) and (((outer space))) and (((heliocentrism))).
A man is what God made. A women was made from man for man's sake.

>> No.56344531

You really had me going. Godlike troll.

>> No.56344634

That's a man, and so is Zoey

>> No.56344644

Nice filter. Show the real photo

>> No.56344698
File: 1.93 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230720_215735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a simulation of my face after the surgeries I'm gonna get. Here's no filter pic.
>inb4 he fakes disgust
kys I'm hot and I'm gonna be even hotter after surgery

>> No.56344716
File: 13 KB, 255x247, 1596211033727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal man

>> No.56344736

Yeah I was born in the wrong body and I'm fixing that lol. I'm literally gonna pass so hard post-op.

>> No.56344855
File: 81 KB, 616x680, F58POfOWgAAGiVG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you don't take cherry picked photos it becomes extremely obvious you are a man. Unfortunately you've already done so much damage to yourself.

At this point I can only pray for you and ask God to open your eyes to your mistakes. Hopefully you will change your life around and stop trying to hide/run away from the truth/God.

1 Lord, thou hast proved me, and known me: 2 Thou hast known my sitting down, and my rising up. 3 Thou hast understood my thoughts afar off: my path and my line thou hast searched out. 4 And thou hast foreseen all my ways: for there is no speech in my tongue. 5 Behold, O Lord, thou hast known all things, the last and those of old: thou hast formed me, and hast laid thy hand upon me.

6 Thy knowledge is become wonderful to me: it is high, and I cannot reach to it. 7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy face? 8 If I ascend into heaven, thou art there: if I descend into hell, thou art present. 9 If I take my wings early in the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea: 10 Even there also shall thy hand lead me: and thy right hand shall hold me.

11 And I said: Perhaps darkness shall cover me: and night shall be my light in my pleasures. 12 But darkness shall not be dark to thee, and night shall be light as day: the darkness thereof, and the light thereof are alike to thee. 13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast protected me from my mother's womb. 14 I will praise thee, for thou art fearfully magnified: wonderful are thy works, and my soul knoweth right well. 15 My bone is not hidden from thee, which thou hast made in secret: and my substance in the lower parts of the earth.

>> No.56344898

Trans never pass, most of them kill themselves after the surgery because it's irreversible.


You seriously need to do more research on these matters. Look at the testimonies of those who have regretted their decisions.

>> No.56344961

Do you believe in the jew god or the one with jesus? Jesus would be totally fine with me.
>links one single reddit post and calls it a day
The percentage of transgender people is less than 1% of the population, and the percentage of detransitioners is around 1% of transgenders, so detransitioners basically don't exist for all intents and purposes. Why is it that you love statistics when it comes to niggers and kikes, but hate them when it comes to detransitioners and instead focus on individual anecdotes? Maybe you're intellectually dishonest and just go along with whatever your group says being unable to ever actually question anything. That must suck!

>> No.56344986

>Jesus would be totally fine with me.
No He wouldn't. Gid made you a man and you are trying to go against His will.

Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
[Matthew 7:21]

>> No.56344992

>, and the percentage of detransitioners is around 1% of transgenders
Over 40% of transgenders kill themselves. The rest are miserable and in denial. The trans community deludes themselves by supporting each others mistakes and gas lighting them.

>> No.56345002

>>links one single reddit post and calls it a day
You are supposed to do your own research. Stop being a lazy zoomer allowing yourself to be tricked by satanic propaganda. You area man and no amount of lies and liers telling you otherwise will change that.

>> No.56345012

>Do you believe in the jew god or the one with jesus? Jesus would be totally fine with me.
The One God is the Blessed Holy Trinity.

God is certainly not fine with homosexual behaviour. Now understand that thoughts by themselves are not sins. Taking delight and/or consenting to thoughts makes them sins.

>> No.56345015

I thought humans had free will. Do hunans really have free will if using it lands them in eternal damnation?
>40% of transgenders kill themselves
40% try, yeah, and thats just because they don't pass. If those hons would've got puberty blockers and hormones early enough to dodge male development they wouldn't try to kill themselves tht often lol.

>> No.56345023

>jew god or the one with jesus?
Jews never understood God. They only knew the Father, but in denying the Son they deny the Father. Same with Muslims. Modern jews however follow the devil which the Kabbalah refers to as the 'angel of help' who will help the Jews become God.

>> No.56345039

This isn't behavior it's a mental disorder. Good to know if you're born with schizophrenia you're just fucked and going to hell. Thanks, god, for making me a tranny and instantly dooming me to an eternity in hell.

>> No.56345052

>thought humans had free will. Do hunans really have free will if using it lands them in eternal damnation
Do humans have rights to commit crime if doing so causes them to go to jail?

Sin is an offence to God and the punishment is death. Though sin Christ over came death we shall all resurrect, but those who die in sin will have the eternal death of hell which is also punishment.

No trans has ever passed. The body is more than just hormones. A man can never be a woman. Just like a cat is still a cat even if it behaves like a dog.

>> No.56345061

>Thanks, god, for making me a tranny and instantly dooming me to an eternity in hell.
It was your decision to become trans. Don't blame God for your own wickedness.

The fact that you are still alive means you have time to repent.

>> No.56345068

Choosing to do homosex is a behaviour. Just like someone chooses to eat. They can certainly resist it.

>> No.56345079

It wasn't my decision, it was due to my gender dysphoria that I had to become trans. It was either that or suffer pointlessly for my entire life.

>> No.56345097

What if you are offending god by so vehemently degrading one of his creations and you just don't know it. I guess you go to hell because you misinterpreted the scripture.

>> No.56345101

Pass into the next life, sure.

>> No.56345103

that's a man

>> No.56345132

It was your decision. Suffering is not pointless. Christ suffered for us so we should offer up our sufferings for Him.

Then Jesus said to his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

>> No.56345146

I literally said that instantly right after I posted that lmfao based

>> No.56345148

You need to humble yourself. God made you a man not a women. God also did not make man with the ability to become a women. No instead He made man and women.

One must accept suffering and pray to overcome temptation.

>> No.56345162
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Your mental illness is clearly a cross for you to bear and offer your sufferings to God through Christ crucified.

It doesn't matter how the illness came about, i.e vax induced brain damage, indoctrination, propaganda, chemicals in the food and water etc.

>> No.56345163

Yeah I really don't think that jesus meant everyone should suffer as much as possible just for the sake of suffering even when solutions exist. He was probably talking about future martyrs here. But who knows? Maybe you're right and jesus wants everyone to suffer as much as possible for no reason. :/

>> No.56345168
File: 152 KB, 692x528, Francisco-Lachowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eye color is cope. At best it's additive, but they won't fix ugly. Ugly white dudes with blue a10s are still ugly

>> No.56345175

No He was talking about denail.
>Let me deny himself

Christ denied Himself for our sakes as ought to do the same for Him. Also you do not know Jesus except for propaganda.

Outside the Church there is no salvation. Vatican 2 was a fake council and heretics can't be Pope.

>> No.56345184

>god didn't make man with the ability to become a woman
Yeah sure not initially, but technology is okay. Unless you are amish you have no leg to stand on here.

>> No.56345188

>and jesus wants everyone to suffer as much as possible for no reason. :/
Your are looking at extremes. The trials and tribulations God sens us we need to do our best to accept and offer our sufferings. Sure a person can suffer more for Christ if they wish.

The goal here is eternal salvation. Because one day we will die and enter into eternity. Our present life is nothing, a blip of time compared to eternity.

>> No.56345199

>Yeah sure not initially, but technology is okay. Unless you are
Technology is not to be used for sin, but for charity (supernatural love). Technology can make things better for everyone if used right.

Mutilation of genitals and chemicals to screw around with your hormones is not pleasing to God ..

>> No.56345203

Ohh ok so basically Jesus expects you to repay him for sacrificing himself, by... idk man, not... living your life? I seriously struggle to understand what benefit Jesus gets from me suffering instead of transitioning.

>> No.56345205
File: 75 KB, 602x1001, skin deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56345225

I don't know that my present life is nothing. Nobody knows that. Of course the concept of wasting your entire life so as not to upset some possessive and hateful perversion of the concept of "god" is depressing, and might even force you into a situation where living out the rest of your life doesn't seem worthwhile.

>> No.56345254

>le chemical buzzword
You know every single thing in this entire universe is chemical right? You talk about supernatural love but you don't understand that helping other people lead better, more fulfilling lives IS supernatural love. You are wicked. God laughs at the wicked. He doesn't hate them. You will still get into heaven if you are fundamentally a good person and are just misguided. Everything will be explained at the end, and it will become clear what is right and wrong. I put my faith in that. God loves me.

>> No.56345591

You are completely brainwashed, trying to be a women when you are a man is a grave sin.

If one loses his soul he loses everything.

>> No.56345644
File: 61 KB, 317x644, Nigger B Gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56345672
File: 114 KB, 1024x1024, troon3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what now?
you know what to do

>> No.56345678

I could interpret that as meaning god says "if I give you a woman's soul and you reject it and try to live as a man, you have sinned" Everything is open to interpretation. Everything is relative to the individual's mind. God, the all knowing, would know that, and account for it. At the end of the day - at the end of the bible, all that's left is "do everything you can to be a good person, and don't be actively malicious and evil."

>> No.56345747

>woman's soul
This is nonsense.
>Everything is open to interpretation. Everything is relative to the individual's mind. Go
No this is satanism.
>do your will
>Do God's will

Jesus makes it clear, if we don't do God's will we won't get into heaven (as I quoted earlier)

Go read this thread

>> No.56345760

>Left: jewish
>Right: not jewish

We should ban plastic surgery.

>> No.56345768

Being a good person and trying to do the right thing while simultaneously minimizing your own suffering is satanism? ._. ok lol

>> No.56345920

Left isnt jewish... have you never seen European phenotypes?
Choosing to do your own will instead of God's. You keep twisting my words, really read and pay attention to what I have written.

>> No.56345937

How do I know what God's will truly is? Because some random dude on 4chan said so? All I ever knew as God's will is don't be unabashedly evil and do what you can to be a good person. How do I know you're not twisting God's words to fit your agenda? Are you God? No...

>> No.56346079

>another psycho tranny having a mental shitdown on the internet

young man, youll never be a woman


>> No.56346086

Cool good for you. Glad you hate me and can't see past your own hatred.

>> No.56346096

there actually is, but it wont necessarily make your eyes blue; most lkely grey or greenish. it works by zapping the melanin

>> No.56346526

That's why any fakery means you're straight in the bin. Who knows what kind of demon spawn you might really be.

>> No.56346740

>eye color is cope
no, the cope is thinking you're any different to an arab if all you have are brown soulless features.

>> No.56347290

Anon you look like a girl hahahahahaha what a fucking fag

>> No.56348183


Iris pigment manipulation technique.

1) Take 6-7mg copper per day for 2 months.
2) After 2 months of copper conditioning, drink at least 2 litres of water in the space of 2 hours after waking up.
3) Collect 5-10ml mid-stream sample of urine.
4) Allow to cool to room temp then administer 5x5 drops per eye daily.

Eyes will start to develop blue colouring after several weeks. Intensity will maximise within 9-12 months and the process must be continued for the effect to remain. Results will vary from individual to individual.

>> No.56348187

plz don't do this
I'm all for killing idiots but geez

>> No.56348633

Everyone hates me and i have blue eyes.
Also women find dark eyes more attractive.

>> No.56351079

>Also women find dark eyes more attractive.
kek, yeah just like they find short men or dark skin attractive.