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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56325303 No.56325303 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, here is what happened. You know how it goes I found a girl I liked then I donated money for the onlyfans went a little overboard and decided I needed more. I started asking for personalized content but she was only willing to go so far. So I started making alt accounts donating 100 dollars then getting refunds for “lack of content” in the hopes she would get be more “dedicated” to her job. Any way over the course of four months I made around 25 accounts and got refunds for them all. It worked she started going further. Total win right? Wrong, a week ago I got a letter saying I was being sued by onlyfans for fraud. They think I was doing some sort of fraud. I have a court hearing in a week and I’m not sure how I’m going to explain it. My parents know and they are going to be there to and I don’t want them thinking I’m a creep. I can’t afford a legal battle. What do I do? Should I just come clean?

>> No.56325322

>You know how it goes
No. No we don't.
Go back

>> No.56325324

Dude, you sound 16.

>> No.56325329

Go talk to a lawyer, why the fuck are you asking /biz/? Also you probably committed fraud by some definition.

>> No.56325330

You need an attorney retard, or youll be paying a shit ton more. Also, dont talk at all to anyone about any of this

>> No.56325335


>> No.56325349

>a week ago I got a letter saying I was being sued by onlyfans for fraud
Kek no you aren't. Getthefuckouttahere.

>> No.56325351

Onlyfans IS the fraud. There are not girls there, they're basically agencies,or their own boyfriends that handle the accounts of these girls.

I would advise to contact the girl directly on Instagram or Twitter. First, check if it's her who's uploading and writing stuff in their account. Otherwise it may be an agency too.

>> No.56325352

There are actual retards on biz who pay for onlyfans

>> No.56325410

>I made 25 accounts and got refunds for them all
>they think I committed fraud
It sounds like they are right

>> No.56325415

>My parents know and they are going to be there to and I don’t want them thinking I’m a creep
That ship has sailed already, OP.

>> No.56325423


after 15 years here 4chan still delivers sometimes

>> No.56325426

>man gets into precarious financial and legal situations due to his involvement with a whore
Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.56325477

>Should I just come clean?

Can you win? It depends. Care to provide the terms and conditions pertaining to refunds due to lack of content?

If there’s no specifics regarding that, you can easily win as lack of content can be anything you want as long as they don’t have it specified in their t&c. It doesn’t matter if you created multiple accounts, you can say each of your personalities has a different account and it wouldn’t even really matter.

Disclaimer: my advice will land you in jail.

>> No.56325478
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You did commit fraud you brainlet. Serves you right for being a simp coomer.

>> No.56325846

>You know how it goes
no I don't because I don't use scam sites like onlyfans. you have a whole fucking internet full of free porn plus a whole world full of girls and you decide to pay some whore.

>> No.56325908

Just don't go. It's that simple. Don't return calls. Don't open your door to anybody.

>> No.56326304

>Total win right?
you're a total loser

>> No.56326316

>getting in jail for being a simp
holy based

>> No.56326348
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Lmao even

>> No.56326399

I'm an attorney. If you were my client I would help you counter-sue. You took steps to make her content better and you were not compensated. I would demand she either pays you or becomes your personal sex slave online for a reasonable amount of time. You did nothing wrong. This is easily winnable.

>> No.56326445

If this is real you deserve it.

>> No.56326458
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>> No.56326522
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Legalfag here.

They incur a percentage cost whenever they take a card payment. In essence, you're defrauding them of 2-3% each time you refund. It's called refund fraud in most jurisdictions, which is essentially charged as petty theft in criminal cases, but yours is a civil case. You have inflicted financial damages, and they will recoup them from you, potentially with legal fees as well. You will lose this case. Your best option is to negotiate settlement, which will likely include you signing an agreement to never use their site again and paying back incurred damages. Try to stop being a fucking idiot in the future.

>> No.56326526

Get fucked retard

>> No.56326537

hope OF rugs your allowance money for the next 10 year fag

>> No.56326591

so let me get this straight. you decided in your stupidity that it was a good idea to not only scam a female out of her money but to repeatedly rip her off and rob her of the money she's earned all because you decided she wasnt trying hard enough. to which I ask who the fuck are you and why the fuck does someone not meeting your're nothing nobody neverwas standards a thing. who fucking cares you loser. she doesnt have to meet your standards and now because you're big dumb you're going to get raped in court and have to pay alot of money and probably do some jail time for it. all because you're a cumbrain retard that thinks its acceptable to rob someone repeatedly of their time and money all cuz you thought she didnt make me cum how I demand.

god damn I wanna slap the bitch off your face in person. you're such a shit show of a person and in your head you didnt even do anything wrong thats the problem. you're a scumbag piece of shit that deserves a baseball bat beatdown and in your head this is all just an annoyintg conviencence cuz she didnt make you cum how you demand. god dman I hate cumbrain retards and this retard deserves to be put down in the ground perm style for being such a piece of shit cumbrain retard.

>> No.56326621

Absolutely assblasted beyond belief seething roastie holy shit KEK never change /biz

>> No.56326629

post the pictures of her anon, do you know her personally? the only time i spent actual money on OF was when i found out a girl i used to work with had one. even than it was barely worth it desu

>> No.56326722

Shut the fuck up hole

>> No.56326742
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Serves you right for being a simp and obsessing over some random whore on the internet

>> No.56326780

Was it pan piano?

>> No.56326835

Lol, lmao even
I agree with this anon. Speak with legal counsel and try to settle before trial.

>> No.56326848


>> No.56326895

top kek. do you know who wins in this situation OP? lawyers either A) you are going to pay probably 20 to 30k legal fees, or B) Only Fans is going to pay a lawyer that same amount.

Free advice: Google the dollar amount definition of fraud in your state. I will almost guarantee you exceeded the felony level because it would be dumb to pursue from OFs side if you didn't. If so it's lawyer time, today ASAP. 30k may sound like a lot now but when the alternative is 5 to 10 years of your life in jail the cash is a pretty fucking cheap price to pay. Also 25 accounts is a lot and they can probably play the "look at this guy he's an obsessed stalker" card to a jury, which from my perspective the evidence supports at this point.

>> No.56326906

You think they’ll try and make me look bad. Fuck. I don’t have 30k
Roastie hands typed this
I’m not reading that.
Thank you
Ah the credit card method classic.

>> No.56326910

>literal hole
show tits

>> No.56326928
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By the way you may as well come clean in court because I've already emailed Onlyfans the details of this thread

>> No.56326945


>> No.56326948
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kek yeah you call it roastie hands but you're the fucking big dumb that got himself into this mess being a full on retard over a girl and you thinking you're entitled to her effort. keep being big dumb and acting like this isnt a big deal. you fucked yourself hard since you went above felony level for them to come after you. the level of fuck you are is great here big retard. not only did you act like an obsessed stalker (which they will use in court as part of the arguement about your behavior) you had to and make 25 accounts all cuz you were butt mad she didnt wiggle her butt how you demanded. cant wait for you to get rekt in court as a mentally unstable stalker that committed mass fraud and is a danger to the female and other females. also enjoy being permabanned off onlyfans with your real life name cuz once again big dumb thinking your demands for sex are more important than anyone else. so retort with roastie hands as if you got that right and keep coping for your upcoming butt gape and rape you'll suffer when you sit in jail for all your crimes and than the financial rape that will set you back 20+yrs of your life as a wagie. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA go on big dumb call me a roastie wrongly agian it wont change that you're fucked for life and nothing you type online will change that. top kek low IQ cumbrains are pathetic evolutionary dead ends and this retard proves it

>> No.56326958

Its a civil suit. OnlyFans cannot charge you with a crime. Here is what will happen:

1. OP will go to trial, lose, and pay back all of the refunded money, plus processing, plus attorneys fees. Now, OnlyFans has these attorneys on retainer, so its no big deal for them. They just take their total retainer they pay and divide it hourly for the billable hours for the case. What they do is have the attorneys do document review, which skyrockets the billable hours for their attorneys. They expect people will settle, because people will.

2. OP will hire an attorney who will negotiate a settlement. OP will pay anywhere between $100-500/hr depending on where he is and who he hires. OP will have to pay back the total refunded amount, plus processing fees, and agree to not use their services in the future.

There is no jail time. OnlyFans can refer the case to OP's local DA, but they won't. They will get nothing back from a criminal trial except the nominal amount that he refunded. Its a waste of time for OnlyFans. This will not happen.

>> No.56327019

Wrong in most states. Fraud over a certain dollar amount, usually either 1,000 or 10,000, can be charged as a felony.

Start here: https://www.crowelllawoffices.com/is-credit-card-fraud-a-felony/ but your state may be different

>> No.56327022

Just flee the country. What's the problem