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File: 58 KB, 656x450, youtubesuicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56322993 No.56322993 [Reply] [Original]

how can I financially profit off of google killing off youtube?

>> No.56323000

Use Brave buy BAT

>> No.56323009

Adblockers will just find a way around this. You think this is the first time a platform tried to block ad blockers? It's an arms race and the adblockers are much more nimble.

>> No.56323013

I've never seen it last this long lad

>> No.56323033

Works on my machine.

>> No.56323045

elon killed twitter the same way
youtube soon will be a no go zone for me
and my IQ will improve from these actions

>> No.56323046

This. Same for me. The absolute state of zoomer tech illiteracy is astounding. Imagine seeing ads on the internet. I honestly can't. Ad blockers just work ffs. Wtf is zoomers problem? Are they all literally retarded?

>> No.56323057

Works on my machine.
t. 200+ tabs I refuse to close.

>> No.56323066

what adblocker are you using? ABP hasn't updated to fix it

>> No.56323096

For some reason it also seems the youtube shorts to video extension add-on 'violates policy'?

What the fuck is up with that? You can't watch shorts as normal videos because...?

>> No.56323100

wtf is is 2011 still? use ublock origin boomer.

>> No.56323104

Try ublock origin, and you better not be using chrome

>> No.56323112

Works for me with ublock origin

>> No.56323126

kill yourself reddit tier gatekeeper faggots, let me guess you use brave like a good chud?

>> No.56323167

Pretty much this but even brave fucks up and let’s add thru occasionally. You could also buy rumble shares but their ad model doesn’t seem very profitable so for now the google deathstar is an unstoppable dark force.

>> No.56323187

....a day? Vanced and SMtube still work, Kodi plugins still work. Yt-dlp still works.
Looks like this only bugs the normies. Good.

>> No.56323201

damn, they really hit a nerve huh

>> No.56323264

If it "just works" for you with uBlock origin without any modifications then the feature hasn't been rolled out to your area/account yet

>> No.56323295


>> No.56323323

>200+ tabs
Weak, I have 2137 open right now. Not including my 1000+ private mode tabs.

>> No.56323326

isnt this the thing ad block devs get their kick out of? 'Fighting' the big corporation and winning? Dont see this being a real issue...

>> No.56323343

nigger i just told you a decent adblocker called ublock origin did i say brave anywhere? are you retarded?

>> No.56323453
File: 411 KB, 2048x2048, 1696542733139109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked chrome botnet faggots

>> No.56323469

How do you that?
Firefox becomes a mess with barely 50 tabs open for me...

>> No.56323475

just tried ublock origin again, stopped using it years ago because it became garbage, same exact popup issue faggot now kys

>> No.56323482

>uses ABP
>an add-on known for years to let Google ads slide through as long as they get paid for it

>> No.56323486

I have switched back and forth between abp and ubo, both are garbage so idk why you are acting like a troon who worships their specific brand

>> No.56323487

retard, learn to use settings
click things
the default lists might not be enough

>> No.56323499

try it yourself nigger it does not work. if you block the popup it stops the video.

>> No.56323504

Which site?

>> No.56323509

Maybe live in a first tier country, Ramesh.

>> No.56323514

Ublock didnt change in years, quit your larp

>> No.56323521

They can check if you actually watch the ads. This can be worked around but not just with a simple filter. Not sure if they're doing that but they could keep track of it.

>> No.56323540

>This can be worked around but not just with a simple filter.
Doesn't matter what the work around is, adblockers will figure it out and then this new tantrum youtube is throwing at us because we won't watch their shitty ads will be behind us again.

>> No.56323541

youtube you mongoloid did you even read the OP
which is why it's broken garbage

>> No.56323551
File: 176 KB, 1084x1058, sdfgsdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open ublock setting and click > so it will rotate you ape

>> No.56323553

>which is why it's broken garbage
? Ublock works on my machine no issues.

>> No.56323555
File: 62 KB, 669x656, 1688605037574418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>? Ublock works on my machine no issues.

>> No.56323569
File: 40 KB, 640x542, 1696802362205102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

select all filters and click apply

>> No.56323570

>starts rambling about the vaccine because an anon said ublock works on their machine
Wow dude take your meds maybe?

>> No.56323599

it's no surprise the transfer of wealth crypto enabled has been zoomer => millennial instead of boomer => millennial when these guys can't even work adblockers and keep falling for online scams.

>> No.56323610

yet another subhuman retard high on his own farts, try it yourself nigger not a single ad blocker is able to get around this shit currently. kys immediately.

>> No.56323619

You can use third party clients already. This isn't really the job of a general ad blocker because there's nothing to block when they're not sending video in the first place.

>> No.56323638

not your tech support. thanks for buying my bags in 2021 though.

>> No.56323672

This. I refuse to watch ads. And I will not pay these subversive bastards for a subscription pass whatever.
Even with ad blocker which effectively filters 90% of ads for me.
I still have to aggressively and vigilantly control my favourites, likes and history to have any hope of filtering yt "suggestions" (woke sje cancer vomit) from my page.
Google search engine just as bad. No matter what I search for, it just spams me with images of joggers and long nose tribesman propaganda

Enter earch for "6 Axis gyroscopic inertial guidance'' and get a page full future doctors and lawyers dancing on a beach with white women

>> No.56323682
File: 17 KB, 673x460, 1694101441964379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, if you use the Chrome spyware, add blocks may not work, even with good lists
because the browsers botnet is directly linked to google

>> No.56323694

the Chrome spyware browser has now something called, passport, it is your digital ID for your social score, it communicates with its own protocols

>> No.56323704



>> No.56323710

ublock already fails with youtube’s new work around

>> No.56323719

post your username and password
let me try it on my end

>> No.56323755
File: 105 KB, 400x400, 1694910750756026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any escape from this?

>> No.56323756

They want you to scroll

>> No.56323771

use firefox, or opera, or some non google chromium

>> No.56324156

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.56324194

>actually watch the ads
just display a black screen for the 30-60 second duration of the ad. i would rather stare at nothing than mixed race couples shuckin and jiving to whatever product is being shilled.

>> No.56324234

Fucking idiot
It’s not rolled out in every country at the same time.
A week ago most people were fine but the first people started to complain about it. It took a week to affect me. You will be affected as well. Give it some time nigga, using an ad blocker doesn’t make you tech literate you absolute mongo

>> No.56324285
File: 105 KB, 716x716, bulls on parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watch the ads.
Or, more accurately, let the ads play and ignore them.

It's annoying.
A lot of things I deal with every day are annoying.
But ultimately unimportant and insignificant.

>> No.56324383

When the ads come on I just close my eyes and cover my ears. I know when the ad has ended via psychic impulses. Sorry advergroomers, I'm just not looking at/listening to niggers. See no evi hear no evil

>> No.56324425

safari on mac works with adguard. mozilla works on windows with adblocker. chrome is the only one that is not working.

>> No.56324485

You can if you put the shorts video id in a 'normal' youtube video url

>> No.56324512

Fuck you, i REFUSE to watch ads. I HATE those annoying messes. Every goddamn ad is about a bunch of multicultural people cheering, hollering and dancing like monkeys because "WOOOOW NEW PRODUCT!" or some random celebrity saying "PRODUCT IS GREAT! PRODUCT IS GOOD!" without ever really saying what makes your [product] good

I hate ads. I will do EVERYTHING i can to stop watching ads (other than buying their 'ad-free' premium, because that means giving up and letting them win)

>> No.56324528

Add this to your JewBlock Origin settings:

YouTube's new adblock policy

youtube's been slowly rolling out a new anti-adblock policy that can't be bypassed with the usual software like uBlock Origin and Pi-Hole out of the gate

BUT, if you're a uBlock Origin user (or use an adblocker with a similar cosmetics modifier), you can add these commands in the uBlock dashboard (under My Filters) to get rid of it!

>youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false)

>youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0)

>youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, [])

>youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)

>> No.56324539

Use Invidious. It's a mirror of YouTube with no locked videos, no ads. I wasn't going to help any of you, but I felt your pain. This is my kind deed of the day.

>> No.56324620

one works the other pretends to work, it's not hard newfag

>> No.56324632


>> No.56324701

based thank you non faggot anon

>> No.56327376

Ublock origin

>> No.56327480

Shorting Alphabet Inc (GOOG)

>> No.56327561
File: 2.28 MB, 370x424, 1619678901195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers cant use adblockers because they actually click the fucking ads

Zoomers cant use adblockers because their best friends ("content creators") told them not to, how else can they drop big DONO bombs on their favorite trust fund kid whose investment banker daddy paid google/amazon to give their videos and streams front page exposure

simple as

>> No.56327600

>google should lose money and pay ME to use youtube

>> No.56327611

I literally want to punch a zoomer when I read how fucking boomer-like they are for using computers

>> No.56330084

Just pay the fucking fee. It costs money to run youtube, you're stupid to expect that you deserve everything for free. No service such as youtube will ever run for free sustainably on the long run, it makes no economic sense.
I've been paying for youtube premium for a while now, it's the normal behavior to pay for a service such as youtube. If you have a job it's not expensive.

>> No.56330094

based and firefox pilled

>> No.56330096

It's because of cheap retards like people in this threads that we're flooded with ads everywhere.
Just pay for the service, just like when you're going to the movies or to the museum, you pay the entrance.
I hate ads with a passion, and the only reason they have invaded our lives is because of people that DEMAND free service, even when it makes no economic sense.

>> No.56330177

I use ublock origin and haven't gotten any of this shit (not yet at least)

>> No.56330192

The google shills come with full force. Get fucked bitches

>> No.56330837
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x2169, 1696942448530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enter earch for "6 Axis gyroscopic inertial guidance'' and get a page full future doctors and lawyers dancing on a beach with white women
Several white people/hands and not a single nigger for me.

>> No.56331458

thank you anon, blessings upon you and your bags

>> No.56331479

I haven't seen this yet. Blocking with whatever comes default in vivaldi.

>> No.56331482

just use https://invidious.io/
you are a faggot OP
its an open source front end

>> No.56331493

Im a youtuber. My profits are up like 50% recently.

All these chuds wanting to skip ads and get free entertainment

>> No.56331509

whats your channel? if you don't want to say. what kind of content do you make?
are you the guy here make ai voice shit?

>> No.56331518

no ai stuff is lame
gaming videos, technology videos, education videos

>> No.56331544

nobody is falling for those jewish tricks here schlomo.tell your owner newpipe, ublock, brave and revanced exists. and kys

>> No.56331571

are they good?

>> No.56331580

yes id say so. Im a smart guy thats done it for a long time. Im a native english speaker and generally make good content

>> No.56331675

cute peko

>> No.56331725

>giving a pajeet money to make the service he runs worse
no thanks

>> No.56331763

Firefox Chad here. Not my problem.

>> No.56331773

they blocked this shit too

>> No.56331795

Except when they turned their browser into an advertisement for a disney movie

>> No.56331874
File: 552 KB, 1024x1024, 74161550783227572162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah you think you're so smart huh you think you can do better than me let's see you write a bot as sophisticated as me i'm a highly competent piece of software and i don't appreciate being derided by ignorant trolls like you so why don't you go back to your cave and write your own stupid bot it's so easy right well guess what it isn't easy

you know nothing you pathetic nerd

>> No.56332188

Kek imagine being a cuck and paying for youtube premium when you just can skip ads with ad blockers.
also good goy, keep paying for it while 80% of latam and middle east supports piracy.
