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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 123 KB, 1080x1746, chainlink advocate jeets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56320144 No.56320144 [Reply] [Original]

I am taking the chainlink bait after getting the subliminal messages we read here everyday in the 50 threads daily dose we get. Are they really talking real shit or we are just getting ultra raided by social advocates.

Am I getting fucked if I buy now?

>> No.56320147

they’re just desperate shills

>> No.56320159

No, buy chainlink (ticker: link) now, sir! I promise, very good coin!

>> No.56320162

Relevant thread where anon explains how advocates work.


>> No.56320166
File: 1.98 MB, 3000x4000, 109701620_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked? Not unless you go all in.
Going to make money? No, you're a few years late for that

>> No.56320183

if "advocates" actually post here it's in a limited capacity. "og" linkoids just brainwashed themselves in the first couple years and forgot all the mythology was just stuff they made up for fun. now it's a circlejerk where retards genuinely believe they are being persecuted and surveilled. no one cares about this board. I already know people will interpret this post as evidence for their delusions but I don't care, I'm just tired of how gay it all is

>> No.56320254

Yet.. here you are
Yet.. here you are

>> No.56320293

I shall keep posting the truth until the chainlink pest is vanished.

>> No.56320362

>retarded delusions
go away parasite

>> No.56320393

You go away pajeet. Link pajeetshills have been shitting up the board for a long time now. We get it, you own 12 link and want it to go to $81k. Breaking news, it ain’t happening bud, get a real job instead of shilling link in a down’s syndrome’s support forum.

>> No.56320417

Quiet, pest. Learn your place.

>> No.56320436

There is a very simple way to see if these advocates are intellectually honest or not. Ask them if Sergey should stop the dumps and force clients to either buy link on the open market or convert their fees buy buying link on the open market. Anyone actually holding link would want this, only reason they don't is they are either fanatics that lost all reason or they are being paid.

>> No.56320467

Kek this. The hopium was literelly made up by OGs who bought cheap so they can dump it on newfags, which they did.
The people stuck bagholding are the midwits who got memed, and over time these retards gaslit thenselves to the extreme where link is treated like some legendary god coin when it has mid performance and nobody outside of /biz/ even cares about it.
Link was acrually the biggest fail of /biz/
>1k eo-ACKKKKK *-90% $7 dead stablecoin*

>> No.56320487

Yes. The fudcucks have swarmed this thread to fud their own bags as a joke, as per 4chan culture ritual.

>> No.56320497

I'm a fanatic that lost all reason then. Is it worth your time to constantly discuss things with people like me?

>> No.56320515

>It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

What’s that? You want a picture of bob and vegana? Oh you silly pajeet.

>> No.56320562
File: 485 KB, 2456x2063, brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fudcucks are all brown esl cockroaches, and usually have some major comorbid mental illness to go along with it - porn / drug addictions are common
if there are any actual "community advocates" here they should kill themselves (bob4punk, clg) but still, they're probably outnumbered 10:1 by fudcucks anyway

>> No.56320576

Pathetic attempt at saving face, advocate.

>> No.56320586

idk man I bought in at 11 cents for my first linkies and have bought as high as $12. And yes, they were once $53 but frankly the fact that the price just keeps rising and rising over time and the floor gets higher and higher every year makes me very comfy. I remember when $6 was a pipe dream. Now it's the absolute bottom. Even if it never has an ETH like moment and runs to $100+ or whatever in weeks, the fact that with certainty their ecosystem is growing and the token will keep appreciating over time is enough to make me question buying literally anything else.

>t. bought 6k more in the last 2 months.

>> No.56320590
File: 40 KB, 896x241, every single time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you must be paid to insult my precious fud sisterhood!
cope and seethe, projecting brown retard
go OD where no one will find you (probably in a dumpster, so at least no one has to dispose of your worthless ass)

>> No.56320600

obviously meant for >>56320576

>> No.56320656

>Shill hurts itself in confusion
Lol, linkjeet shills provide an endless supply of keks

>> No.56320659 [DELETED] 

Hey fren DM @samuelalpha77 to win a free SmartCon Brand Chainlin Gayming Chair!

We have a lot of these things to give away so Twitter do your thing!

>> No.56320666

Thank fren DM send!

>> No.56320981

Why not tell the team they should convert fees to link on the market instead of using their supply? There is only upside to this if you hold link. Why are you irrational I am genuinely curious

>> No.56320984
File: 246 KB, 999x999, 1696828225383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that projection i smell?

>> No.56320994
File: 46 KB, 607x814, 1694311802496097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-heh i might be an ESL cockroach but you replied to the wrong post!
just sold 100k
seeing as you can't smell over the internet, that's literally just your own cumrag filled basement bedroom you're smelling, fucking moron lmao

>> No.56322088

I love how they stop replying when this gets posted

>> No.56322121

I just combat fudders because the last 2+ years of fud has been exceptionally boring and low effort. I don't think anyone comes here. I bet they are sick and fucking tired of dumb responses under every single official twitter post they make. 99 percent of Twitter linkies can get fucked what an embarrassment

>> No.56323176

I shilled to one guy at work around 20's, after the huge dump, regurgitating shit I read on here saying how well it performed the year earlier. He gobbled it up and bought thousands of dollars worth, even though I told him I don't hold any and probably won't. I found another job a few months later, and never apologized for my shitty play. Recently caught him shilling to others on linkedin LOL

>> No.56323190

Moral of the story: buy the link, you get the stink

>> No.56323196

I shilled chainlink to a black guy with a phd from Oxford near the ath

>> No.56323218

>I already know people will interpret this post as evidence for their delusions but I don't care, I'm just tired of how gay it all is
it really has turned to shit. i listend to the fat man about staking in 22 and never sold. so im stuck bag holding this shit untill price makes half way to all time high

>> No.56323226
File: 154 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_9139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you linkies(Indians) just make a general thread and stop shitting up my message board!
there's more shit here than an Indian shitting street!

>> No.56323272

>buying 6+ year old shitcoins because muh threads
/biz/ is 99% bots and 1% retards these days

>> No.56323394

Because I’m just some retard and they’re some of the most brilliant visionaries on the planet, so the idea of me telling them to do shit would be like me yelling at LeBron to play better basketball.

>> No.56323412

>can you linkies just make a general thread and stop shitting up my message board!
Anon, this is a Link FUD thread.
About 90% of all Link threads historically have been fud threads.

>> No.56323430

>they should convert fees to link on the market instead of using their supply
lol 98% of Bitcoin mining fees come from uncirculating supply and not "the market".
But that didn't stop BTC from pumping, did it?