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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56319141 No.56319141 [Reply] [Original]

Inflation is pretty much gone, there is no reason that explains why the fed isn't cutting rates as fast as possible.
If rates keep being this high debt defaults will go up and people's equity will be wiped out, this cannot be allowed to happen.

>> No.56319156

The US money supply increased over 50% since 2019. Prices are still way the fuck too high. Rates will continue to be high until deflation corrects the problem.
>but my smelly foreigner economy
Not our problem.

>> No.56319244

Not possible retard
33 trillion debt, no deflation possible without extreme spending cut and that wont happen you need to pay for ukrael

>> No.56319255

obviously trolling. inflation is still raging and continues to gape the populous fiscally. rates are only going up and will stay where they are at least a year

>> No.56319287

>>but my smelly foreigner economy
>Not our problem.
This is why everyone hates you

>> No.56319288

You don't understand the problem. Private sector defaults are the intended mechanism of money deletion. Defense spending even with Ukraine aid is under 4% of GDP. The M2 problem would not be solved by zeroing the entire federal budget.

>> No.56319289

Would be fun to see
They need to refinance and take new debts of around 15 trillion in the next 12 months, so that alone would be 1 trillion interest per year they need to print extra.
High interest is devaluating the dollar way more in the long run, i can stay longer in crypto then the usa can keep it up

>> No.56319295

You ignored the point.
m2 is small compared to bonds.
So m2 is bullshit basically since bonds are dollar too

>> No.56319310

Unlike your gay nigger governments the US actually takes its obligation to not default on bonds seriously.

>> No.56319342

Reminder that if rates don't drop, interest on the debt will be the largest budget expense (more than defense, SS, and Medicaid) within 4 years.

>> No.56319354
File: 931 KB, 1200x1200, vews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My country has less niggers, lower bond rates, and defaulted only after lost wars in a long time
So yes they take not defaulting seriously, thats why they need to print more bonds and more and more etc etc etc etc aka devaluating the dollar since that borrowed money egts spend

>> No.56319362

high rates are pushing prices up

>> No.56320343

>Not (your) problem
Just wait till we dump your dollars

>> No.56321167


>> No.56321173

>why is the us puppet state behaving the same as daddy

>> No.56321334

since when is europe a US puppet state

>> No.56321354

>since when is europe a US puppet state

>> No.56321569

americans love to perpetuate that myth with 0 evidence or arguments

>> No.56321578

>Not our problem
You live in a globalized economy thanks to (((them))) and a bunch of other """""""people"""""""" so it is very much our problem because every issue with the economy has a ripple effect.

>> No.56321586

If this is to be believed interest is about to surpass the DoD budget. https://www.usdebtclock.org/

>> No.56321627

Which direction can the country go?
It's basically checkmate.

With an economy that destroyed cheap energy there's no way out of this.

Raise rates and recession/depression hits, which will increase more government bailouts, further increasing the national debt, while current debt is refinanced at higher rate, and you end up with interest payments that can't even be supported by taxes.

Lower rates and you get rampant inflation, which will lower quality of life, but at least it'll show "gains" in the stock market which will be taxed, and it'll make the current debt easier to pay off.

Once the destroy who they want to destroy and the only banks remaining are too big to fail they will lower the rates and open the floodgates under a new and exponentially gayer set of rules.

>> No.56321641

Lol lmao

Since ww2 sweety

>> No.56321647

Russbros, I'm worried, will we lose our shilling jobs when the war is lost? I get to work at home and I get 30k rubles a month, this is a pretty sweet deal bros.

>> No.56321667

You fucking retard how stupid can you get, look around you, europe is occupied by any definition, full of US troops and bought politicians that purely act in the interest of the US (green politicians all get a cushy US job after their terms)

>> No.56321668

you really think the average american has a say in what the jewish bankers and the jewish asset managers and the jewish secretary of the treasury and the jews at the federal reserve do to the economy?