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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56302765 No.56302765 [Reply] [Original]

We are in a recessio-

>> No.56302779

Doomers BTFO

>> No.56302781

Bearniggers really are just polchuds with no money, so their response is to try to shake faith in the system.

>> No.56302790

You realize those jobs added are all shitty minimum wage and or part time positions?

>> No.56302802

-800k full time
+1.3 million part time
+ 4 million 80 IQ immigrants filling a lot of those part times

>> No.56302807

means opposite. this is bad

>> No.56302808

See you in a few months when the revised numbers come out.

>> No.56302812


You realize that low wage workers make companies more profitable right? That's how the capitalism scheme works.

>> No.56302815


>> No.56302825

Was listening to Bloom(((berg))) on my way back from lunch, great jobs growth in ALL sectors except ((Information)), which was down a couple %.

>> No.56302831

Polcel cope

>> No.56302853

I imagine a lot of the Information Jobs losses are all the worthless "Head of X except on the Blockchain" dept. guys being thrown out windows as the SEC prepares to shut it all down in the US.

>> No.56302863

How many are seasonal retail jobs?

>> No.56302891

>doomers were warning of ful employment all the time

>> No.56302924

Can't wait till this month's data gets revised down later on when no one cares anymore just like the last 6 months!

>> No.56302933

Jobs reports have been revising upwards for a while now tho.

>> No.56302972

part time jobs sure

>> No.56302978

Would be true if we produced things. Since we just consume foods from china and SE Asia, immigrants are a drag on the economy since they only consume food and housing while sending 15% of their paycheck back home

Also, get hired at a better think tank

>> No.56302990

This could lead to even higher interest rates, as more money enters the market, more inflation occurs.

>> No.56303031

All sectors but Information. They are throwing out the "Blockchain Bros" and replacing them with AI.
Turns out having "everything on teh Blockchain" is worthless and the SEC is going to put it's foot down on it in any case.

>> No.56303039

Unemployment stay the same.
Participation stayed the same.

>> No.56303045

Do you think… employers print money to pay wages?

>> No.56303073

no, but money existing isn't causing inflation. money being spent does.

>> No.56303092

these are the ppl giving you financial advice

>> No.56303117

Demand exceeding Supply is causing inflation, same as it ever was.

>> No.56303159

>You realize that low wage workers make companies more profitable right?
Oh yeah fucking whooptidoo the companies are more profitable yayyyyyyyy :)

Oh wait I don't give a fat fucking shit if the CEO of Wendy's makes more profit. I would rather he make LESS profit and I have LESS penniless brown slaves stumbling around my city like worker ants.

Unless I personally own a private yacht building business, how the FUCK do I benefit from all the big profits these nigger-farm wagie jobs going to beanfrican americans?

>> No.56303192

>added 336k jobs in September

Fun fact: about 100k of those are literally Spirit Halloween store employees lmao

>> No.56303209

This. They missed buying a house and want things to crash despite it still being more expensive thanks to higher rates.
They have no job or make shit wages so they hope everyone gets fired.
They get no pussy so they hope the vaccine kills all the men.
Basically just sad cope.

>> No.56303215

based biden BTFOing the incel basement dwellers from /pol/

>> No.56303232

doomers complaining cause their XAU bags are down from 1900
fiatcels gloating but their bank account has vaporized from the bonds crashing

smart people are just waiting for QE

>> No.56303238

Are you dumb? Yes, people with more money has higher demands/consumption than people with no money.

>> No.56303280

So you reply to all legit arguments with cope
This is where we are now as a society I guess

>> No.56303307

>hope the vaccine kills all the men.

I'm pureblooded Chad, and I really do wish the defective injections fuck up those who decided to take them against something that was less dangerous than the flu.

>> No.56303319

with the highest addition by far was in... hospitality.
which means we are back in the obama bartender economy.
everyone becomes a bartender.
and we need so many bartenders because everyone is drinking far too much.
and they're drinking too much because everything is terrible.

>> No.56303335

>>hope the vaccine kills all the men.
>I'm pureblooded Chad, and I really do wish the defective injections fuck up those who decided to take them against something that was less dangerous than the flu.
Two more weeks bro.

>> No.56303375
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>there are 336,000 more niggers to royally fuck up your order in the drive thru
Wow what a strong economy the west has truly been saved

>> No.56303396

>900 k full time jobs lost
>1.2 k part time jobs added
>people with 2 part time jobs count as two jobs

>> No.56303593

>revises numbers lower or even to a loss months later
Just like every other jobs report.

>> No.56303618

So it’s time to go back to picking up bar sluts again, short tinder

>> No.56304980

>six sigma miss
>six sigma overshoot next month
>trusting these numbers

>> No.56305010


>shake faith in the system

What faith? The country burns down when some nigger dies of a fentanyl overdose and a cop sits on him.

>> No.56305024

Because job numbers are accurate and totally not manipulated in any way.

>> No.56305087


This. They have significantly revised down every report so everyone is interpreting this report to be dismal.

>> No.56305239

The participation rate today is as good as it was in 2018. It will soon be 2024 and four years since covid and we have yet to reach 63% participation rate.
People with jobs can’t afford to live let alone spend on things they need like transportation, gasoline, heating, groceries.
Why would anyone think things won’t blow up eventually? Who cares if they added a million jobs if those jobs pay minimum wage or there about then it’s worthless.
All this report will do is signal a new increase in interest rates.

>> No.56305261

This is demonstrably false. Money existing is the reason why real estate has soared in cost without any real connection to the demand side of things.

>> No.56305275
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How can biz constantly have shit takes over and over again? This same thread is already up. Why the fuck are you reposting it?

>> No.56305276

>We added 300k jobs after 20 million lost them! Yayyyy

>> No.56305322

enjoy higher rates!

>> No.56305329

They too frequently have to revise those figures and the difference is usually too massive for those claims to be reliable.

>> No.56305334

>It will soon be 2024 and four years since covid and we have yet to reach 63% participation rate.
That number includes retired boomers that are a huge segment of the population.

>> No.56305340

He lost. Get over it.

>> No.56305342

recession is GDP growth shrinking for two Qs
add back all the shitty jobs you want. We could have a fresh million digging ditches tomorrow.>>56302779

>> No.56305362

The youngest baby boomer born in 1964 would be basically at retirement age and most of them are no longer working by that age except single for divorced/single women. Most of them would be on disability or some other type of benefits by now anyways. There can’t be that many of them working still.

>> No.56305378

That's my point. They're counted in labor participation as not working because they're over 18 but not working and not in prison.

>> No.56305389

25.4% of Americans over the retirement age are still working.

>> No.56305396

What about the “men dropping out of the labor force” narrative? Is this why participation rate hasn’t climbed back up?

My point is that with a lower participation rate the economy is bound to be doing poorly because those people do not consume at all and still have to eat and live and more than likely are doing so at the cost of taxes on everyone else.

>> No.56305401

>September saw the highest monthly job total since January, driven by various industries. The largest increases in Friday's data were seen in leisure and hospitality, where 96,000 jobs were added. Employment in food services and drinking places rose by 61,000, reaching its pre-pandemic level.
>Government employment increased by 73,000 while healthcare added 41,000 jobs.
Incredible. And these are supposed to be the good numbers. Lol

>> No.56305404

Yeah and vast majority of jobs were created by the government. it isnt real faggot

>> No.56305428

God can you imagine?
Having had every single advantage of the most prosperous society in human history and you weren’t able to build wealth in such a way that you can’t retire? What in the living fuck? All they had to have done was buy a house in the 80s when they cost less than a 1/3 or even an 1/8 of the current prices. Wages only stagnated in the mid 70s, they had so much time for wealth accumulation and yet in their late 60s to still be working. Jesus h Christ

>> No.56305457

there's too much truth to your statement.

>> No.56305466

Despite the schadenfreude you might experience from that it's often the case that older Americans just stay employed to keep busy, stay out of a home or are financially stable but don't have enough to fully retire.

That said look at homelessness rates for Americans over 60.

>> No.56305473
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Hyper inflation soon

>> No.56305508

I don’t get any pleasure from this. Believe me I know boomers well and I know “the greatest generation” people well as well. For some weird reason in my life I’ve always ended up being good friends with people over 60 including romantic relationships.
The life stories are absolutely ridiculous. So many opportunities just wasted. Willful ignorance on foreclosures, bad financial deals, numerous brand new cars. I’ve never had a brand new car in my life and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to afford one that isn’t the cheapest of the cheapest shit boxes. They lived like fucking kings and we live like their parents used to live.

>> No.56305521

A 2nd or 3nd part time hiring spree at Spirit Halloween and Doordash doesn't exactly count as having a robust economy or avoiding a recession. Just goes to show how the working class (and lower middle class) are still getting shoved into the subsistence corrals more and more as time goes on.

>> No.56305524

Having said what I said. You are right about some boomers. None that I know do it for that reason. They absolutely need the money and would be in dire straits without a job.

>> No.56305542
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this. we will experience the green death. we are going to shoot past the moon into the fucking sun and die.

>> No.56305550

Every single jobs report was revised down for the last three years. Cohencidence?

>> No.56305563

No one paying attention believes these numbers anymore. All the data is based on a useless hour+ long phone interview collected by the census bureau. Guess which types of people either never pick up their phone for random numbers calling them, or aren't answering questions to a government worker for an interview about their employment situation.

>> No.56305572

now THIS is some delicious chudlet cope

>> No.56305599
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that's a man

>> No.56305836

In america, unemployed excludes people NOT looking for work.
The statistics failed to account for the millions of americans who quit work permanently during and after covid, or those who became homeless or got on unemployment benefits, deciding never to work again.

>> No.56305846

How do banks create money? What is their favorite thing to loan against?

>> No.56305854

You've been saying that for years

>> No.56305877

It also makes companies more profitable to cut back on wages. If this was a real free market, these companies would've died long ago. But instead the government keeps bailing them out and making laws that make competition impossible with these giants.

>> No.56305934

Why would I care about the count of people I no longer compete with for a job?

>> No.56305967

We are in a recession for poor people and a booming economy for rich people.

I went to the mall for the first time in years yesterday and the high end stores like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Hermes, Saks fifth, etc were full, many with a line outside. The middle class places like Macy’s were completely empty.

>> No.56306046

Because if your true unemployment rate is astronomical then you are forcing the employed to sponsor gibs and social programs for a larger and larger population

>> No.56306071


I know one boomer I used to work with. He ignored a foot problem (because he couldn't afford to miss any work) until it was so bad they needed to break most of the bones in his foot to fix it. He ignored or at least didn't properly do the physical therapy he was supposed to do. His foot didn't heal correctly and, instead of going back to the doctor or getting another 6 months of disability so he could keep his job. He quit.

Ignorant to the fact that his 401k loan needed to be paid back.
Ignorant to the fact that his vehicle loan still needed to be paid.
Ignorant to the fact that $14.72 isn't a lot of money in your checking account.

Wouldn't apply for Social Security until after his 62 birthday because, "the guy out there said I couldn't get it until then." Bitched about not getting it instantaneously after finally applying online.

14 months ago one of the rear windows fell down in his Jeep. Did he get it fixed? Nope. Tape that bitch over the top of the door.
A year ago the power steering hose in his car broke. Did he get it fixed? Nope. Parked it in his driveway for so long 2 of the tires went flat.

In the almost two years he's been not working he's taken out half of the money he had in his 401k (current balance ~$90k) Always paid the $25 for express delivery of a check he couldn't get the cash from for a week. Bitched about that.

Has he or will he spend any of that money to fix the things he owns? Nope. His cunt of a wife who hates him wants new furniture. Got to keep putting his hand on the hot stove after all.

tl;dr dumb boomers are dumb

>> No.56306116

That's really not how capitalism works. Capitalism works when things add value, because the nature of free markets and capitalism is that value is rewarded. We're not dealing with capitalism right now, we're dealing with social democracy. Which is basically socialism lite. The people and organisations that provide value to society are having their rewards siphoned off of them and redistributed to people who don't provide value to society.

That's why the west needs to borrow a shittonne of money in order to provide the illusion of wealth so that the remaining people who do provide value and don't see what's happening believe they have an incentive to do so.

The best thing to do is to abuse the system until it collapses and there is no choice but to allow valuable people and organisations to provide value unrestricted. To allow the natural incentive that rewards valuable traits such as hard work and creativity to return. Which is as simple as this, if you can do something that people want, then you are freely able to, then they pay you, and you keep the vast majority of it.

Go back to buyer beware, let people learn the hard way that they should pay attention to what they buy so that only things that provide value are rewarded.

>> No.56306158

I can't imagine anyone caring so deeply about some random coworker's life. I can only assume you're talking about yourself but want to hide that for some reason.

>> No.56306182

>He's never talked to boomers that immediately talk about every financial detail of their life instantly and would work 365 days/year if they could
Surely you're right though and it's more likely you're talking to someone that's 60 years old? You're not nearly as clever as you think you are

>> No.56306192

I don't think I'm clever at all, just extremely lucky

>> No.56306194

No. this guy has decided that since I'm a retired person he used to work with that he is my best friend ever to have. Also he won't stop needing me to do everything for him technologically since his entire family is retarded.

>> No.56306198

He sounds lonely

>> No.56306227

336000 diversity jobs

>> No.56306228

he's much like >>56306182 described. Guy's entire life revolves around bowling and golf, neither of which he can do since his foot is fucked up.

All he talks about is football/basketball "my team won or lost" or how much of a cunt his wife is.

>> No.56306386

>copy paste news down to the T
>gullible burgers ate it up

>> No.56307275

Your skin is the color of excrement you realize that right?

>> No.56307425


>> No.56307447

everything is so fake and gay. Boomers are evil

>> No.56307457
File: 445 KB, 534x939, IMG_1697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to israel
Jewish organized crime mobsters with links to Russian-Jewish Bolshevisk communism & Israel—- killed President JFK/ RFK- these crime bosses then infiltrated the CIA/ NSA/ FBI. now israel (mossad) and AIPAC own the USA’s intelligence agencies, Senate, House, and the judicial Courts

- [x] Isn’t it crazy how israel cooperated with the CCP to release a virus that would cause international lockdowns, allow big pharma & the corrupt state and globalist entities to profit off of the global pandemic emergency to initiate their Freemason controlled collapse of global economy

>> No.56307464
File: 5 KB, 273x184, biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best president since the Civil War?

>> No.56307467

It’s seasonal help already starting up. Hilarious that Biden is taking credit

>> No.56307492

Take your meds

>> No.56307510

This, muchly.

What does it mean to "add a job" anyway? Does that mean someone is actually hired? Or does it mean that a position is created that might never be filled?

>> No.56307521

Lost millions of high paying tech jobs.
Added 300000 jobs at walmart and amazon warehouse. ($10-15/h).
It's a win I guess?

>> No.56307548
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No shit. All the doomer chuds literally hope for an apocalypse catacylsm nuclear war just so that they can finally feel better about themselves when everyone else is poor and depressed like them. Crab bucket misery loves company chudcels

>> No.56307553


>> No.56307863

Actually most of those jobs added regardless of the fudged numbers were government jobs so it's even worse than just high turnover wagie jobs. Complete fake facade of bullshit going on with pretending like we're not sailing towards the edge of a cliff.

>> No.56307897

Your skin is the colour of cum and bird shit. Cry harder mayo monkey honkey ass cracker mother fucker. Suck my bbc faggot

>> No.56307933
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>need cum to create life
>need poo for loo

>> No.56307946

what about the 500k drakes who pour into the borders every month???????????

>> No.56308024


There's no real analysis if they are jobs that can support someone or just a temp gig or service job.