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File: 64 KB, 1953x1023, ALGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56297117 No.56297117 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question what is with all the av*x shilling recently? is it bots and AI? and no we will not buy a coin with 50% circulating supply. At least with algo its currently 80% probably the best tokenomics in crypto rn

>> No.56297142

AVAX pays to fud its competition and astroturf support for their ponzi dump token. Mods are paid off. Go at the AVAX shills hard enough and you'll catch a ban. Algo sucks too but for different reasons. At least they don't shill on basket weaving weeb forums.

>> No.56297656

Most of the AVAX posters are bots/jeets. The bot posts are usually the first replies. The few organic AVAX posts are all negative.

AVAX is just a poor ETH clone. People just don't care about it.

>> No.56297664

Xerpies are trolling linkies by pretending to be avaxxies wanting to be friends with linkies
Biz is fucking gay

>> No.56297844

Avax will hit $1000