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56295191 No.56295191 [Reply] [Original]

>Applied to over +100 jobs on indeed.
>Still not one callback.

>> No.56295204

>Didn’t say they were black or brown
>Expects a call back

>> No.56295229

Same shit. 18 years of experience doesn’t cut it anymore. And I customize my resume for every single opening, then connect with the company’s recruiter on linkedin.

Who the fuck knows what they want. They just reject my applications with a template answer, so I don’t even understand what should fix in my approach

>> No.56295235

You'd have the same experience if the unemployment rate was 2% or 20%. It's simply the worker-to-work system which has broken down. Consider that you applied to 100+ jobs. Everyone else did the same, if not more. Every HR department is thus hopelessly swamped, and likely with applicants who are poor fits as well, since you likely weren't too discerning in where you applied. And why would you be? If it takes that many applications, the rational choice is to rapid-fire them out.

>> No.56295241

Nothing. They can't spend even 10 minutes per applicant, you customizing your resume is largely pointless.

>> No.56295257

In 2020 I had to put in over 3k applications before I got a job through networking instead.
It doesn't matter how good your resume is if you don't use nepotism.

>> No.56295272

>They don’t have chatgpt format their resume to be as hire-able as possible
>They don’t say they’re hispanic
>They don’t lie about work experience and say they worked at big companies
Fucking loool

>> No.56295320

Post resume

>> No.56295339

Post redacted resume or you're trolls.

>> No.56295348

have you tried not being white?

>> No.56295354

they filter you out if you're a white male. not even joking. if you're gonna apply for a job, ALWAYS apply directly

>> No.56295408
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VP got fired the day of my offer so since they are now gone any new hiring on the dept is now on freeze until they get a replacement.

>"Can you wait 6-8 weeks until we get a replacement?"

Bros...my bank account is at 0 and I still have 3 months left on my apt lease...

Fuck corpos. I will never forgive me them for firing me for bullshit corpo politics.

>> No.56295556

How did you fuck up this bad?

>> No.56295879

Like 99% of positions posted on Indeed and LinkedIn already have an internal company applicant picked, the still have to post those jobs to keep government happy (look at all these positions we have! job growth!).

At my company we had a position open and there were 4 internal applicants interviewing with 1 already chosen by the supervisor. At the same time, there were over 250 external applications submitted for that position on the first day of posting.

>> No.56296780

>haven't filled out a application for a job i've had in almost 16 years
>haven't submitted a resume to a company i've worked for in almost 10 years
>companies find me and ask what they can do to get me onboard
>more recently they've been trying to pitch candidates seeking employment to me

Being a gainfully employed millennial is truly the new boomer, though I'd hate to be in the labor market right now.

>> No.56296806

But to offer some slightly useful advice, my first career-relevant jobs outside academia were landed through replying to Craigslist job postings with a resume and cover letter tailored to the company. If you haven't done so, I'd recommend it.

>> No.56296984

I refuse to jump through hoops for a job. I'm not writing a fucking cover letter nobody's even gonna read for a job that pays 18/hr.

>> No.56296997

Show us the photo. We know you are a greesy pajeet dreaming of sewer cleaner in Bombay.

>> No.56297020

Im at about 1000 applications now. 14 months unemployed. multiple degrees and 4 years in my field. we're entering a new paradigm is all.

>> No.56297022

I also don't apply to large companies fwiw. Midsize at best because I prefer the culture. If I submit an application, I'm reasonably confident human eyes are going to see it.

Helps to scatter a couple buzzwords in your resume that are of interest to scanners. Never really helped me land my jobs, but it definitely results in cold calls by retarded recruiters when their software detected them.

>> No.56297037

>Helps to scatter a couple buzzwords
I used to do the invisible text trick, that was back when I gave a shit about customizing my resume for each position. it makes no difference now so I just have a generic one I submit everywhere. Still get recruiters calling me so I must be right.

>> No.56297124

Yeah, I didn't do it deliberately; I just mentioned encrypting the contents of a certain type of database as part of my work on some OS-level SaaS on my resume, and a recruiter messaged out of the blue to inquired about whether I was proficient with that database, which i wasn't. Already had a job I was happy with at that point anyway.

>> No.56297128


The job market right now is dog shit.

1. Everyone's desperate to find work, even shitty work, so even minimum wage jobs have 500 applicants.

2. Experience doesn't mean shit anymore because tons of people got laid off from their 10-15 year job and now you're competing with hundreds of them for the same job.

3. HR is getting lazier and lazier, and uses AI tools to select CVs for a screening call. That means missing one word or having words tied to roles not related to the job you're applying means the AI tool will reject your CV and no human will ever take a look at it. That's why you get rejection emails 1-2 days after applying. The big companies do it a lot now, did you hear about the HR specialist at Google who got hired at 160k year and didn't interview a single person ? She spent 2 years chilling and watching youtube in her office before the company eventually laid off tons of people.

That gets even worse if you work in a saturated field like finance, law, marketing, etc.

Try to apply to smaller companies, they're less likely to use AI tools and there's a good chance an actual human will read your CV.

Also, learn to sugarcoat your CV, make up achievements, just don't lie about where you worked and which role you were in. Fags make it to VP positions with good larping skills, not actual competence.

>> No.56297186
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Life can't really be this bad can it? Are we in a recession or what?

>> No.56297199

Get them to admit why they didn’t hire you in an email. Surely one of them will admit a civil rights violation. Sue.

>> No.56297203

Even small companies now are outsourcing their hiring to these AI tools. Mass adoption of ATS has really killed resume writing. You just slap as many buzzwords as possible and never talk about any of the cool stuff you've worked on.

>> No.56298935

anyone expecting finding a job on a website like indeed does not deserve to get employed lmao. try harder u lazy nigger. look up companies where u actually want to work and see if they have a opening instead of competing with niggers, jeets, trannies and women. only low quality companies post on those boards.

>> No.56298942

You need to work with a recruiter, you will never get a reply blind posting.

>> No.56299029
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Nature is healing, all the fake jobs are going away.

>> No.56299088

congrats on doing the recruiter's work.
recruiters get more money for every person they have in their database.
>i have 5,000 applicants looking for work, from custodial workers to high tech programmers. my employment firm will keep your business running.

>> No.56299147

>he doesn't pull up on his bootstraps
>he doesn't look them in the eye while offering a firn handshake
>he sends out hundreds of electronic messages random companies instead
Swear to god zoomers are the laziest little shits society has ever had to deal with.

>> No.56301109


It's a pure spam game now. Don't waste time customizing. You have to go full jeet to get a job now.

>> No.56301138

Instead of applying for meme computer jobs, go do construction or something real, that results in real improvements to the world.

>> No.56301159


its the tinderfication of jobs

>> No.56301190

worst is when they want you to submit a fucking video answering questions
fuck that

>> No.56301288

I've applied for close to a 100 jobs as well, not just with indeed but multiple different job boards and remote work sites.

Reading all these replies and it seems there isn't an established clear-cut answer besides working in a labor/industry job, which brings its own reward in conjunction with back-breaking work and a future senior life of injury and pain.

How is the current job situation gonna pan out 5 yrs, or 10 yrs from now?

I am losing hope...

>> No.56301309

Make sure you identify as "queer" (superstraight is technically a queer sexual preference) and with a disability (anxiety, depression, and ADHD all count).

>> No.56301377

I don't know a single person who has this happen to them.
Must be an American thing.
Most people get invited to interviews after just several applications.
Getting someone refer you is the real deal because some companies have a policy that a referral resume always gets looked at.
But even without it, if you have mass applied to 100+ jobs and got no answer, then there is something in your approach that is causing it.
The latest US job openings are not that bad.

>> No.56301570

Its pretty pointless I actively try to make a point to apply directly on websites or find personal emails to send my resume too and it doesnt fucking help. Its network or nothing
t. 9 months unemployed applying for entry level positions

>> No.56303662

Jews snuck up behind millennials and younger and cut the bootstraps the fuck off.

Then you have to pay them expensive fees, get expensive licenses, pay expensive insurance, and have the IRS crawl up your asshole with a microscope to get the privilege of having those bootstraps back.

>> No.56303681

They just added 300k jobs retard

>> No.56303690
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Good luck

>> No.56303710

> But even without it, if you have mass applied to 100+ jobs and got no answer, then there is something in your approach that is causing it.
Nope. This is standard across the board in the US. I knew people that applied for over 1000 jobs before getting hired.

>> No.56303795


Same thing here, I applied for ceo of Microsoft and they don’t even respond, economy sucks.

>> No.56304053

Sounds insane, I am going to check this out the next time I am having a beer with a yankee. Or at least with someone who has lots of contacts with them.

>> No.56304180

LinkedIn seems better for getting jobs as the recruiters are basically salesmen trying to get their commissions. Look over your resume, look into automating job apply, and make sure you have shit to show for your field before you start blaming shit like your race or every external factor like a loser.

>> No.56304203

Thank you for helping us keep inflation under control.

>> No.56304260

Guys I’ve got an idea!

What if we let a bunch of gassed up mids from Tinder control what resumes go to hiring managers? I work at Brookings so you should take this idea seriously

>> No.56304281

oh look, a bootstraps boomer.
fuck off kike

>> No.56304311

isn't brookings a foreign policy institute? What does that have to do with jobs?

>> No.56304315

Alright stick with that loser mentality shit and not try. You're some great white man but "Da man" is holding you down and doesn't want to see you win right. Go ahead and spit some more 4chan approved insults from your list.

>> No.56304326

Idk dude bounce back.
What does that mean? It means take whatever bad you have, maybe start at the bottom again. Might be hard. Might have to actually bounce around. Sometimes you need to keep bouncing. Of all the things I've messed up in, it's not bouncing. You gotta not look for better objectively, look for better subjectively. If the job is some trash job take it like go work at an amusement park.

And nepotism is yeah but it starts at simple face to face. If you want to work at a place, go to the gas station nearby and maybe you'll end up talking for a second to someone who works there. That's the sort of thing you should do

>> No.56304330

How much do you think it costs to say you’re looking for a new employee?
Do you think HR would see its headcount decrease if they didn’t tell the CEO they were having trouble recruiting enough people?
Do you think HR understands how to make the company money?

>> No.56304352

Okay >>56303690 Yeah, let me just not get mad at dumb roasties throwing my resume in the shredder because i'm white.
Fuck you nigger.

>> No.56304353

US foreign policy is just the pentagon and corporations trying to figure out how to choke out foreign economies. Brookings is intertwined with marketing and recruiting at global us firms. Mid sized firms copy the big firms

>> No.56304365

This dude is right.

If you’re a reasonable smart white guy you need to be cold calling small firms where you can get in touch with someone that will see their paycheck go up if you do a good job.

Corporate America is dead for white males unless you decide to get a niche graduate degree.

>> No.56304383

Ah, I just checked. I never really cared for brookings, but always assumed they just did FP. Seems like they focus a lot more on domestic-oriented issues.

>> No.56304399

You sure love to play victim. How far do you think that's going to get you anywhere in life?

>> No.56304406

People aren't making these complaints instead of trying, you dumb boomerbrain motherfucker. They're commiserating about what they're going through while putting out the effort and desperately trading tips about how to get ahead. Boomers just struggle to imagine this because they spent most of their adult lives in a world where hard work straightforwardly and all but automatically resulted in reward. That's gone now, and they're the ones who killed it.

>> No.56304423

Stop making excuses and work harder you little shit. The world owes you nothing. Fortunes are made not given.

>> No.56304436

All I hear is more bitching and moaning. Keep screaming into the void about how hard life is while everyone runs lap around you losers.

>> No.56304441

At this point in America making more money than 99% of workers allows you an upper middle class lifestyle

Eat shit

>> No.56304442

i only have 5 years of experience in my career (accounting) but i have applied to jobs where my experience almost EXACTLY lines up with what they want, in the SAME fucking industry, and i'm rejected. it's insane. like how many fucking people are you finding that have gross to net accounting experience at a medical device manufacturer? HOW FUCKING MANY?

>> No.56304506

its all about networking son. the era of the autist is over and it has all circled back to a social based popularity contest. luckily you can use chatgpt to do a lot of that cringe shit for you, or just get some phenibut and start going out irl trying to meet people and make connections.

>> No.56304517

Additionally my first post in this was proposing solutions. Instead of sitting around pissing and moaning about every possible boogeyman why doesn't OP post his resume block out any identifying information and we actually you know try to fucking help the guy instead of just being like "shits fucked bro" over and over ad naseum.

>> No.56304534

>All I hear is more bitching and moaning.
Yeah, and that's what's really interesting about it. Because a thread full of people explaining how they personally along with other people they see out there have been hustling and reaching out to hundreds of employers and spending untold hours researching and working on their pitches has passed in front of your eyes. Somehow, your brain has managed to filter all of that out and hallucinate an entirely different story into existence. It's miraculous.

>> No.56304543

>Anything not the company's webpage
lol retard

>> No.56304549

A lot of business is about solving problems. So are going to do any of that or just sit around circle jerking in misery?

>> No.56304574

Almost every job I've gotten was through LinkedIn, it's at the point I'm wfh making more money than I need, recruiters have started sending me free shit and hitting me up with new jobs all the time. Use the fucking easy apply feature with a bot dude it's a game changer. Or keep bitching and moaning that's fine to it's your life.

>> No.56304631
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>A lot of business is about solving problems. So are going to do any of that
Is it physically possible for your brain to process the fact that that's exactly what people ITT and everywhere else are doing, WHILE commiserating about their frustrations with the process and sharing the increasingly-common opinion that something has to give? Or does the little twinge of self-righteous satisfaction you get from being a dumb boomer about it just trigger a complete brain override?

>> No.56304647

>He posted the same thing again
You seem to be the one mentally stuck here. I'm starting to worry this conversation is going nowhere.

>> No.56304680

>I'm starting to worry this conversation is going nowhere.
Yes, because your brain's broken and can't follow it. Now fuck off.

>> No.56304694

Indeed sucks, bro. Those job listings are months old. You should try going directly to the company's website and apply.

>> No.56304709

I accept your concession. It's beautiful that you can't provide solutions like I have done. It's why I am going to continue to win at life, while you continue to look for more pity party threads to cope in.

>> No.56304751

yeah, sure buddy.

>> No.56304754

It's impressive that you've applied to over 100 jobs on Indeed, showcasing your dedication and determination in seeking new opportunities. The job market can be a bit like a vast ocean, and navigating it can be both exciting and overwhelming.And regarding oceans, have you ever thought about the sheer diversity of marine life that exists beneath the surface? It's a fascinating world with creatures ranging from the tiniest plankton to the majestic whales. Similarly, the job market is filled with a wide array of roles, each with its unique requirements and expectations.

Now, let's get back to your job search. It's not uncommon for job seekers to experience a lack of callbacks, and this can be disheartening. It's essential to remember that the job market can be highly competitive, and many factors come into play when employers make their decisions. Your skills and qualifications are like pieces of a puzzle, and sometimes it takes time to find the perfect fit.

Speaking of puzzles, have you ever tried your hand at a challenging jigsaw puzzle? It can be a fantastic way to unwind and exercise your brain. Similarly, the job search process often involves piecing together your skills, experiences, and interests to find the right job match.

Now, while waiting for callbacks, it's a great opportunity to consider refining your resume and cover letter, perhaps even seeking feedback from career experts or mentors. Sometimes, a few tweaks can make a significant difference.

Keep your spirits high, continue to cast your net wide, and remember that each job application is a step forward in your journey. Just like exploring the mysteries of the ocean, your job search might lead you to exciting and unexpected opportunities. Stay persistent, and the right callback will come your way when you least expect it.

>> No.56304769

I make more money than you. But I still have a functioning brain and can acknowledge what other people are going through, too, and understand their side of a deal - this is probably one of the primary reasons I make more money than you, in fact. Enjoy being assmad about the fact that your one dumb suggestion got called stupid for the rest of the day, dumbass.

>> No.56304773

I'm definitely doing something right if my reality isn't believable.

>> No.56304784


>> No.56304806

kek you get what you vote for. Build back Better lel

>> No.56304868


>> No.56304923

Holy fuck lol

>> No.56305046

Some tips from my current job hunting
>the days of one-page resumes are gone, and the screening cares a lot about years of experience. So don't put only x years experience or cut bullet points of duties/responsibilities to fit a single page
>I've had no success with Indeed, but have with LinkedIn (it was the opposite during my last job hunt some years ago)
>I had the best chance of responses, even when I didn't fit the role well, if I was one of the first applicants. I now don't even bother applying to position that have been posted more than 1 week ago, and I try to focus on posts that are less than 2 days old. The newer the posting, the better
>Recruiting firms work in your favor because they get paid for putting you in, so feel free to apply to their postings

>> No.56305080

Wow, actual advice. Thanks.
I've been assisted by recruiting firms after being laid off, though. I feel like they aren't really helpful, but maybe that has changed.

>> No.56305168
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>find the company you most want to work for
>show up to office every single day and act like you belong there
>make small talk with any employees as you encounter them
>express your intent to work there to as many higher ups as you can find
>repeat every day until you are either hired or security/police kick you out
tell me this wouldn't absolutely mog the application spam approach

>> No.56305208

Which company? Most companies have security, dude.

>> No.56305324

your odds of evading security are still order of magnitude more likely than the odds of your application being seen by the HR roastie

if the company is very large, security won't know for sure that you don't work there and you can feign ignorance or lie your way past in many cases. if the company is smaller, there's probably large security oversights or even no security at all

even if you always get caught, making yourself infamous to the people in the building can always catch the eye of some higher up wondering why the fuck some bold autist is so intent on coming inside

>> No.56305381

I believe you might need to take your meds.

>> No.56305785

I went from operating the line manufacturing luxury appliances to operating a fucking boat. despite 28 years of no-gap experience, can't get past whomever is filtering applicants. I had to ask my little brother to refer me to his boss for consideration. I started over back in the dot-com bubble, i started over after 2008, I started over after covid fuckery, I'm too old to start at the bottom again.

this shit is not matter of boot straps or work ethic, there has been a shift in the landscape that has changed the whole game. Im literally prepping for eventual homelessness, and I'm not the only one.

>> No.56305896

I’ve been applying for openings in small and large companies in Poland with the same results. 80 applications in two months so far and 0 progress. Some recruiters gather my info and then just never reach back.

>> No.56306963

>can only find 15 jobs amongst all the job sites combined

>> No.56307395

They're only helpful if they choose you to be their candidate to fill whatever position. Then they'll advocate for you directly to the hiring manager (and his boss, too) as well as try to speed the whole process up, because getting you in is how the recruiter makes money.
Of course, being the recruiter's chosen candidate requires jumping all the same hurdles as getting noticed by HR for a screening interview, so there's that.
Also, never work with pajeet recruiters. They're either scammers or incompetents.

>> No.56307547

Damn thats grim

>> No.56307554

I did about like 400 and only got like 5 interviews, one job. Shit rate.

>> No.56307562

These will work themselves out somehow anyhow.

>> No.56307571
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>covid with no immigrants for 2 years
>jobs call back the next day every time
>landlords litterally messaging you begging to rent their room

>immigrants come back
>companies don't even bother sending an automated email telling you to fuck off anymore
>150 people at every rental inspection

>> No.56307600


>> No.56307619

put 'black' under race you idiot
it's like you learned nothing in school

>> No.56308144

The US is just fucked. I took a class in college on making resumes and got an A. Professor was a former hiring manager for a large company. Saw the career advisor, had him help me improve my resume and make myself more marketable. Was a good student. None of it mattered. I spend over year job searching and now make 18 dollars an hour.

>> No.56308150

At least I'm one of the 6 percent of whites that got a job.

>> No.56308177

You know the real reason they’re not contacting you. Unless your name happens to end in -stein or -berg.

>> No.56308317

It's not clear what you are trying to say, but you sound like you have never seen a big company work from the inside.
HR is not some magical cabal that works in isolation. They can get crushed by admin duties. They can be overridden. They are just an interface between the guy telling them to cut labor costs and the guy deciding who gets the axe.
The people who know how to make money can justify exceptions to a hiring freeze.

>> No.56308329

I imagine that you are applying at tech companies and so on.
Everyone working in the software field is telling me that now is just a bad time overall.
As for general large tech - many big players have also frozen hiring to the minimum. Finances are not good for some.
And there still are a plethora of positions around Eastern Europe.
And guess what, if no one in tech wants me and I am desperate for a job - I see "we are looking for staff" at nearly all supermarket chains.

>> No.56309106

HR doesn't give a shit about Jews, they're just white to them. -steins and -bergs get positions through nepotism, if they have it. Otherwise, they're in the same boat as everyone else.
>t. -berg with no nepotism

>> No.56309269

A lot of anons ITT may feel bad about it, but here’s a little tidbit: HR is one of the most pants on head retarded departments out of any company there is. It may not be entirely their fault, literally every job nowadays will have almost 50 applicants at a time on the low end, but a lot of the time HR isn’t even bothering to hire. I know for my company I am looking to transferring over to the IT side, in accounting now, and I have to wait until next year simply because they aren’t hiring. Even though they need positions filled bad, all while the company is expanding a fuckton no less. It doesn’t make it feel better, but try not to take any of that stupid shit personally. You see for yourself every day how absolutely, mind boggingly retarded the US at large is, so just keep trying to find ways to game it to make it better for yourself and go on as such.
Of all the jobs I’ve had, I have never once had to make a cover letter. That entire concept is pretty much obsolete and has been for decades, if they don’t want you then that won’t make them change their mind. At the interview stage its all about how you sell yourself anyways.

>> No.56309297

It's so true. If you work for someone else you are the loser and they are the winner.

>> No.56309312

If you applied to 100 jobs and haven't got a response. You either, have a shit resume, are applying for the wrong types of jobs for your experience, or need to learn a skill so you're not competing against 1000 other monkeys for the same job.

>> No.56309323

I work as a tech recruiter

>> No.56309471

Like others said, all good jobs are referred internally. It's basically impossible to get a decent job if you don't know someone already in said job. And this is not a meme I speak from experience. The situation is completely fucked for your average autism/neet.

>> No.56309480

welcome to the new industrial revolution

>> No.56309519

Nice try, Trumpnigger. You are intentionally trying to discredit the benefits of Bidenomics which have created the greatest Job Market in the last decades, something never achieved by a GOP President.

>> No.56310311

US companies have stopped almost entirely hiring anyone who lists their race as "white" on job applications.
u can still get a job even if you are white but you have to select the "mixed race/two or more races" box under the race part of the job application.
>i am not joking

>> No.56311455

1. As the cost of advertising a position has gone to basically zero, HR departments are incentivized to always have a job listing, even if there is minimal need for a new hire. They can leave it open very cheaply and hope that they get someone with a stellar background to apply so they can fire someone mediocre or plug them somewhere and let that department figure out how the hire will make money. It’s basically “dating strategy”.
2. If you aren’t actively searching for people, why do we have 30 people in recruiting instead of 25?
3. Unless the company is highly specialized or has clear performance metrics (sales) hr probably has no real idea what the job they’re looking to fill entails. All they have is a discussion with the manager and an idea of the department.

>> No.56311490

what do u do?

>> No.56311828
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i like to drink and smoke and eat fast food and watch tv and jerk myself off

>> No.56311927

No one needs your useless skills, you had years to prepare the current shift

>> No.56311950

sounds like what musk wouuld do im impressed, king of based

>> No.56312136

Lel, i was thinking of quitting my dead end to start applying again after my month break. Good to know its worse than before

>> No.56312322
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Bros I don't know how to explain this but I fucked up. Basically I've been working with my company for almost 4 years and I'm in position for promotion into low six figs. Long story short I was in the break area and this random conversation came up about farm animals and stuff. The topic about unethical farming for milk came up, and I'm not very good at socializing with people but I do enough to get by but this one really fucked up everything.

I pretty much said I like brown cows because they make chocolate milk. Everybody in the office laughed they thought I was joking. One of the people said haha good joke and then I was like it was not a joke, a few people laughed harder and some people were concerned and pretty much made it a circus and humiliated me in the office and explain to me that brown cows don't make chocolate milk.

I was always the loner kid in high school and all the other kids told me that brown cows made chocolate milk and I legit thought that's what was the truth.

everybody in my office thinks I'm an absolutely retard and it's already gone around, my boss knows, gossip says he thinks I'm a retard, and my odds of getting a promotion are zero I need to just leave I almost feel like doing a no call no show at this point my three years of grinding and going through the social bullshit game all unraveled and ruined in 15 minutes.

Nobody's in my life informed me that chocolate milk is made with powder and all of my high school bullies and kids who hated me gaslighted me into thinking that chocolate milk comes from brown cows and now it's fucked up my life and career

Do I just go for another job for lesser pay,it seems so over, I was seriously considering making this my long-term job but now I'm probably just going to end up being stuck in my position or even worse being micromanaged because now everyone thinks I'm a retard, a lazy fuck has already pinned the blame on me this week for not completing his project using the brown cow as justification

>> No.56312450

wow how bold, diverse, and progressive
we live in the best era of human history

>> No.56312477

god this must be written by an ai bot
nobody can be this retarded and earn 6 figures

>> No.56312482

I'm not a bot and I only earn 5figs atm soon to be 0

>> No.56312502

This is the best way to commit a felony. A felony increases the chances of your application being reviewed, thank you anon.

>> No.56312511

what job do you do lmao

>> No.56312593
File: 70 KB, 122x104, 1695699971943091.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>applying to any shitty entry level job i can find for months
>job sites, company sites, county job listings- any possible place i can stick a resume
>hardcore lying on my resume, custom cover letters every time
>"yes, i can assure you, i definitely identify as a disabled mexican tranny"
>sending pajeet tier follow up emails practically begging to be considered for their soul crushing poverty wagie desk job
>make a tricked out linkedin page for myself, also full of lies
>no responses to applications, lucky if i get an automated rejection email
>no experience
>autist that doesnt like having friends, no nepotism opportunity
the closest i ever got was a couple weeks ago when a recruiter tried to plan a phone interview with me and then ghosted me in the middle of our correspondence
it gave me a shred of hope and im not sure if thats better or worse

>> No.56312907
File: 366 KB, 800x450, 36855493666084698315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should probably get a life it's sad that you're such a loser that you have to resort to spamming job boards with nonsense just to feel something instead of trying to get into jobs you're not qualified for maybe you should be working on getting qualifications for the jobs you want

>> No.56312940

>projecting while posting a leddit meme

>> No.56313050

>1. As the cost of advertising a position has gone to basically zero, HR departments are incentivized to always have a job listing, even if there is minimal need for a new hire. They can leave it open very cheaply and hope that they get someone with a stellar background to apply so they can fire someone mediocre or plug them somewhere and let that department figure out how the hire will make money. It’s basically “dating strategy”.

Most sense I've ever heard.

>> No.56313289
File: 583 KB, 1024x1024, 62141085395291831840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah and by the way the hr department is the most useless department in any company they’re basically a waste of money and they’re all stupid people with no brains so yes this makes a lot of sense

>> No.56313446

I got a job recently but I still check Linkedin for available jobs. A lot of job postings I applied to stay up for months? Wtf how can’t they find workers with so many sw eng looking for jobs

>> No.56313470
File: 60 KB, 238x212, 15580624927498507639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you fool that is a big load of bullocks hr people are the only people who keep us from tearing each other limb from limb in the office and are the only people in the company who have to listen to boring stories about kids and cats they also take care of the pay and time records and the hiring the most useless department is marketing who are a bunch of useless twats

>> No.56313493

sorry some 109 IQ stacy who studied Art history at an expensive private college cauyse her parents paid for it and she got dicked down 350 times during college is throwing away your resumes because they're trying to find a good culture fit

>> No.56313544

can you please tell us more about your life?

>> No.56313655
File: 256 KB, 704x354, 80716125154441501261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my life is an endless cycle of suffering and despair every day i wake up to the same boring job doing the same boring tasks in my spare time i'm always trying to find something new and exciting to do but nothing ever seems to fill the void

>> No.56313665

Ur not going from acct to it buddy

>> No.56313815
File: 941 KB, 1024x1024, 46486242192816294052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey pal don't you tell me what to do you're not my real father

>> No.56313959

Put key words, if not the entire job description, hidden in small white text somewhere on your resume.

Their software will show your applications as an unbelievably close match to what they are looking for and you will get more callbacks.

>> No.56313980
File: 521 KB, 1062x1181, 49586557752450501015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey pal don't you tell me what to do you're not my real father

i am a big boy and i do what i want

>> No.56314150
File: 809 KB, 1087x965, 40480088730193684042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't answer to you you stupid little pissant i do what i want and you can shove it up your ass

>> No.56314156

Youre looking for the wrong jobs. You have an engineers degree? Try applying for eoom cleaning jobs.

>> No.56314318
File: 72 KB, 500x622, 92470287388465067246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look you idiot i have an engineering degree and i'll be damned if i clean freaking toilets i mean what's the freaking point of spending 300 grand on college if i get a job as a janitor i should have just worked at burger king the whole time and saved my money if that's the case

>> No.56314452
File: 1.20 MB, 1024x1024, 8120635345268731692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen up you little b*tch if you can't find a job as an engineer the toilets are there waiting you think you're above that you can work at burger king if you want to spend the rest of your life mopping up ketchup stains off the floor for minimum wage

>> No.56314500

I make more than that doing Doordash lmao.

>> No.56314515

I quit my job back in March, just chilling and looking at the charts since, time passes by fast when you're relaxing, I used to dread the next day back then.

>> No.56314548


>> No.56314558
File: 282 KB, 1500x2000, 1681617584449363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recruiter gives you a snarky reply
>but they're so desperate for people they're literally offering free housing for out of staters

>> No.56314561
File: 10 KB, 673x65, more people are hired when HR is afraid theyll lose their jobs for being lazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is that HR is unironically retarded and a detriment to hiring, recruiters are unnecessary middlemen.

>> No.56314569
File: 800 KB, 863x1526, 67225539636664167728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"oh yeah cool story bro go door dash yourself"

>> No.56314700
File: 755 KB, 1024x921, 37245584194835599884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah cool story bro go door dash yourself

>> No.56314830
File: 1.38 MB, 1702x2822, 1695928907125406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+2 weeks, it's actually getting worse. which jobs are the fakest of them all? hr. besides, you'd probably get hired if you are minority.

>> No.56314870
File: 1.46 MB, 1069x1053, 88757651070102486478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah cool story bro go door dash yourself

>> No.56314898
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1458660468463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I graduated top of my Resume Writing class, majored in Job-Getting with a Minor in Cover Letters, 4.0 GPA across the board and my professor was Mr John H. Jobgetter who wrote the book on getting jobs


>> No.56315020
File: 303 KB, 500x544, 47691581323252295250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"hilarious you moron i got my degree from hardship college and graduated magna cum laude and yes i know it's cum and not come you juvenile imbecile
mr jobgetter is a pompous pompous self-important twat his so called 'book' is basically the cliff notes of every other book in job acquisition 101 you'd be well advised to read the original works such as "how to win friends and influence people" by dale carnegie or "the 10 habits of truly successful people" by brian tracy you're welcome

>> No.56315128
File: 1.19 MB, 1024x1024, 67791343819607255127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen here you sanctimonious pompous self-important holier than thou piece of sht you and your worthless degree don't mean sht so go take your "cliff notes" and shove them up your ass you juvenile cretin

>> No.56315261
File: 644 KB, 800x800, 94481507986955255530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this "sanctimonious pompous self-important holier-than-thou piece of sht" sounds like a real jackass to me

and if that "worthless degree" is so fcking worthless why don't you shove it up your a*s and leave us decent folks alone take your "cliff notes" and stick 'em where the sun don't shine you juvenile cretin

>> No.56315405
File: 782 KB, 1024x1024, 27979626569427874165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that guy really has a way with words and he has a point nobody forced this person to get a degree in basket weaving or whatever maybe they should've done more research into how much money they would actually make from their degree

>> No.56315507

Good luck finding them

>> No.56315573
File: 831 KB, 1024x1024, 50917233225769902321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i've been there and it's not just about one particular degree it's the whole system itself maybe if you're born into a wealthy family you can get a degree in basket weaving and it's fine

>> No.56315609

You're being too fussy, Anon.

If you went for factory or warehouse jobs you could probably get hired somewhere within a week.

>> No.56316279

I changed jobs about 3 months ago. I applied to 5 openings via indeed. Just a single page resume, no cover letter. Only heard back from 1. They made me do 6 interviews before I received an offer. Fully remote mid-level software dev position at a smallish company. The job market still has some opportunities for the average guy

>> No.56316338


Not sustainable

>> No.56316967

> look her goy, the world ows you nothing and it was promised to the Jews.
Why did my boomer parents bring me to this world to be a slave

>> No.56318010

It doesn't work.

>> No.56318219

we're now in the early days of the second great depression. people are just starting to wake up. it's going to be a rough next 3 years.

>> No.56318957

Everyone's expecting another recession or depression which means it won't happen.

>> No.56320161

>only 100

>> No.56320964

Even applying for 3k jobs tells me you're retarded. I'm not gonna explain why. I assume you're on work visa

>> No.56320969

You can thank these morons spamming applications for this