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File: 65 KB, 1200x630, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56274114 No.56274114 [Reply] [Original]

>groceries are expensive as fuck
>my dog's medicine nearly doubled in price
>housing rates and prices are horrific
>crypto market is shit
>salary is shit
>job market is shit
>student loans are back
Please tell me there is something to look forward to. I tried to play the game, I even made decent crypto gains (but held too long), but I'm still absolutely fucked.
I chose the wrong STEM degree, and attempted to grind a CS degree online right when all the fucking layoffs happened. Now I'm halfway through and will likely not be able to get the salary increase I DESPERATELY need. Current job is easy but I am drowning with this current salary.
I need some whitepills bros.

>> No.56274161

Drop some for me too. I am in tech sales but nothing is advancing. I am surely to lose my job soon.

>> No.56274174

what if you guys moved in together and cooperated and saved money but didnt do anything gay

>> No.56274194

You can get a new dog. I know you are sentimental and all, but all dogs are the same. Like women, they are complete whores. Feed them and rub their bellies and they will all treat you the same.

>> No.56274206

It's time to give up our pride and enlist brother.

>tfw history degree
Why didn't anyone tell me that professors are the top of a naive kid scamming pyramid, would have done anything else I'd I had known that.

>> No.56274225

it is just you.
bidenomics are working.

>> No.56274234

>but didnt do anything gay
We didn't even kiss on the lips because we're not into that stuff.

>> No.56274351
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If you survive, you will be the envy of all humans past.

>> No.56275641

next time get off your fat ass and vote for the right candidate

>> No.56275788
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>vote for the right candidate
> trump most votes in history for a sitting president
> ooo looks like he lost by like 50 votes or something no fraud
literally fuck your own face if you think thats all it would've taken in 2020. Vote harder lol

>> No.56275856

Trump is going to win and coins will pump to Valhalla. Then, all of us (except for niggers and faggot trannies) are going to make it.

>> No.56275899

seethe and cope as you regret your vote
this anon knows

>> No.56275987

The DNC will just rig the election again and nobody will be held responsible or punished.


>> No.56275990
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The future is looking bleak man, I really believe we are on the verge of this centuries great depression.
I keep myself going by looking forward to trying new craft beer (yea I know, cringe reddit tier drinks) every weekend and playing video games with my online buddies. Once that gets old I'll kill myself. But for now I guess I can keep going...

>> No.56276097

>I really believe we are on the verge of this centuries great depression.
Hey, we have it on easy mode since we can look at permadepressed economies and proactively identify all the ways to win
Also we're probably looking at a split depression; unstable companies/jobs will collapse, people w/o a job won't get hired, but if you're decent at your job you probably won't get fired

>> No.56276119

There is no escape.

>> No.56276137
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>groceries are expensive as fuck
I just spent $26 on a few boxes of pasta.

>> No.56276194
File: 55 KB, 500x500, IMG_8245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I chose the wrong STEM degree, and attempted to grind a CS degree online right when all the fucking layoffs happened. Now I'm halfway through and will likely not be able to get the salary increase I DESPERATELY need

Another mechanical engineer, right? I’m so sorry

>> No.56277019

I love reading cumskin cope, really makes my day.

>> No.56277040

It'll be fine. We're just going back to the 70's. Minus the comfy whiteness. That's the only bleak part, imo.

>> No.56277514

At least your industry wasn’t on strike for the past 6 months. I’ve eaten through a lot of my savings this year.

>> No.56277531
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It's amazing how much you soft cock retards in white countries and cities cry so much
Grow the fuck up, white boi. Go harvest a potato. Put some bricks down. Or Maybe instead go get another vaccine while you're at it and put your mask back on, coward

>> No.56277538
File: 1.27 MB, 956x804, mask up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the Gods and Ancestors spit on you retarded modernite NPCs who wore masks like lobotomised gimp faggots for 2+ years for a virus that didn't even exist and got jew cum vaccines
You're not real men and you never will be. No Gods or Halls of Ancestors will remember your name

>> No.56277783

it is what it is. it sucks when you fiish up a meme degree and realize that STEM is the only viable option but you cant turn back time. you have to work with what you have. the history degree might seem like ass (it is) but put in the work and you'll turn up as a business consultant or lawyer. if you dont wanna go through masters school, you can probably find some comfy work as a librarian (pay not as good, but the work environment is cozy). best of luck to you.

>> No.56278270 [DELETED] 
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Jannies have tongued my anus 139 times.

>> No.56278276 [DELETED] 

buy nyancatmoney.com and jannies will tongue your anus for free anon, its that ez...it wont solve your financial problems but the constant and free anus tonguing by jannies will make your problems seem a little smaller

>> No.56278483 [DELETED] 
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NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 192 times.

>> No.56278637

if only you didn't move out. if only your parents didn't kick you out or asked rent. then you would be comfy like me. have been travelling the past 2 years. i'll go back to the family mansion somewheer next year i think

>> No.56278759 [DELETED] 
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The NyanCatMoney spam will continue until the marketcap improves.

Jannies have tongued my anus 200 times.

>> No.56278826

>Please tell me there is something to look forward to
A communist revolution.

>> No.56278925 [DELETED] 
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This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 248 times.

>> No.56279064 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 1200x675, 49888470173172657049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 282 times.

>> No.56280321

>Another mechanical engineer, right? I’m so sorry
Precisely. What a fucking joke. Boomers tricked me for the last time
It's good that you have things you enjoy but be sure to stay healthy anon. Craft beer and vidya will turn you into a blob quickly
>if only you didn't move out
I'd rather be broke than live with my family
Is there an equivalent of mutt's law? Something that defines how poltards make everything about Trump or masks no matter the topic? Get a life

>> No.56280924

>owning a pet in this economic climate
You deserve to be poor.

>> No.56280939

>Current job is easy
Then you have some time for training / certs / interviewing elsewhere?

>> No.56281253

Release your dog into the wild and let him fend for himself

>> No.56281902

>still talking about the coof
this shit broke so many peoples brain it's not even funny anymore jesus christ faggot just let it go already

>> No.56281970

I have a stem comp sci degree and make 43k Canadian

>> No.56281986

I'd love to see the turnover rate from renters finding new apartments corelated to them owning pets

>> No.56282011

learn to weld. coders are only paid okay in the USA, and even there it's not looking so rosy

also this >>56281253

>> No.56282061

It always makes me laugh when I hear certified engineers complaining. You are literally THE entrepreneur degree. Go start your own company if Moshe won't hire you

>> No.56282086
File: 966 KB, 1200x800, sidebysideLEAD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dog's medicine
Heres your dogs medicine

>> No.56282213

dumb shit

>> No.56282302

That will cost even more though

>> No.56282342

i dropped out cs and now operate a crane at a steel plant. i make 60k CAD.

>> No.56282465

> Or Maybe instead go get another vaccine while you're at it and put your mask back on, coward

How will that improve OP's financial situation?

>> No.56282475

True. Cant wait to pick off communists from 400m

>> No.56282565

>Just completely forget and never again discuss the rampant authoritarian schizo ordeal we had to undergo for years, it's all good man!

>> No.56282644

>I am drowning with this current salary
What is your salary?
>attempted to grind a CS degree online
Finish this, it'll be better than not having a qualification. Software will continue to be a large growth industry no matter what the present market conditions are. Salaries will continue to be higher than Mech.E.
>student loans are back
Realistically should have punched as much as you possibly could into student loans while interest accrual was paused. Debt forgiveness was very obviously not going to happen.

>> No.56282695

I would really rather wear a brown shirt and beat them to death.

>> No.56282707

The only anti-dog people I've met are total faggots or from a third world country. He could live without the medicine but it would be irresponsible to let my pet have a shitty life. I don't live in the ghetto
>Then you have some time for training / certs / interviewing elsewhere?
Definitely. I started the learn2code path, decided to start a CS degree, and I've been applying but the job market is shit. Hoping things improve at some point.
>muh learn2weld
Not entirely a wrong idea, but welders do not make much where I live. Blue collar work is great but I grew up around people who lived that life and it was not pretty
>You are literally THE entrepreneur degree. Go start your own company
Great advice grandpa, hadn't thought of that!

>> No.56282835

I love dogs. But men of the past put sick animals down.

>> No.56282860

idk anon, im making more than ive ever made in my life and its still just enough to get by. i cant save or invest fast enough to keep up it seems. which is why im just gonna start selling flower. fuck it who gives a shit at this point.

>> No.56283120

It's looking pretty bleak right now. I have achieved almost everything I wanted -- even against terrible odds -- and I have become so cynical about life lately. All I want is peace and quiet and the fucking feds keep destroying everything I have worked for my whole life. America work culture encourages the most vile human behavior that slowly seeps into general population -- arrogance, selfishness and dishonesty. It's by design for you to struggle and toil. It's a giant slave colony at this point. I'm going to try and find a way out of here soon.

Take care of your dog. It's man's best friend for a reason.

>> No.56283173

maybe if blormpf gives us all covid stimmies for another year kek

>> No.56283291

I've never been able to quite fit Talking Heads into the jewish conspiracy thing. Is it the jews making music for themselves?

>> No.56283304

Dogs are edible. Problem solved.

>> No.56283414
File: 73 KB, 967x1024, 1695168912299516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few hundred grand in savings and no debt. Waging makes me want to die. I feel so awful and hollow every day. I hate it, but they pay me well. I want to just stop working and try and enjoy myself, but apparently that would make me a loser. I haven't saved up enough to retire anyways. maybe just need vacation

>> No.56283466

>maybe just need vacation
Take a two week vacation and feel better. Don't let yourself get burned out.

>> No.56283523

I don't even buy meat at the grocery store anymore (I source it from local farms in bulk), and it was $60 for some spices, fruit and cheese today.

I'm "well off" compared to my peers, but it's getting absolutely fucking ridiculous out there.

>> No.56283653
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i hope your dog is ok

>> No.56283772

It's over, nothing happened from it. You are obsessed with a meme from the past. Live your life bro.

>> No.56283798

where are you at and howd you find a local farm? closest one to me ive found is ~2hrs away but i still plan on going that route once i get a chest freezer. i keep bugging my buddy to get his dad to teach me how to hunt as well.

>> No.56283920

Desperate times call for Asian measures

>> No.56284015
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Sorry you fell for the jew juice anon and now coping as hard as possible to memory hole yourself of that clown fest which highlighted you can't trust any govermental institution on the planet and that liberals really were the nazis all along

>> No.56284596

Look up a local farmers borough, I travel about 45 minutes to a "custom beef butcher" who gets his supplies from the surrounding farms

The farmers borough can fulfill all your needs but I only use them for meat at the moment.

>> No.56284746

Take at least $200 monthly to DCA into QANX and ALGO, with a 100X each on this two when the bull run starts you should be good to go

>> No.56284757

>Please tell me there is something to look forward to.
$5,000/oz gold

>> No.56284813
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x3024, D4D8BCA8-3C9C-4B40-9ECD-E61D10C8E3C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be completely poor and in debt after all my coins rugged
>college diploma is useless
>learned2code but can’t find a jerb
>everyone is suffering more
>stop caring
>go innawoods with uncle for three days
>hike, hunt, fend off boar and bear
>sleep to the sounds of coyotes singing by a campfire
>climb through ridges with just a bow and a 60 lbs backpack
>Come back happy after shower
>chores that were once a headache seem easy by comparison
>enjoy taking care of equipment when I have time

I honestly think going /out/ is almost as mandatory as /fit/ is for being a functional male. It’s like a mental reset or something.

Pic related. Those are baby alligators.

>> No.56285124

The crypto market will soon get better, and if you invest in projects like COTI, UTK, and CYMI before then, then you will make some nice returns

>> No.56285240

3rd world took a big dick with mandates too, what's your country vaxx rate

>> No.56285411

Those are nice crypto payment tokens

>> No.56285446

BTW, thank (you) wood anon for the inspiration.

>t. Pod anon

>> No.56285459

Lewis and Clark survived on dogs for half of their journey to avoid starvation. By the end of the trip it was their favorite food. It's in the journals.

>> No.56285508

pretty much this except there is nowhere to go.
i finally had it made with a wfh job. poor but comfy. then they rugpulled wfh, i got laid off, and no job ever since. eventually the UI mommy will cut me off those fat unemployment gibs milkers and i'll be eating my savings.
my only hopium was a vaxtard die-off but they're dying too slowly to make a difference. modern life is endless blue balls

>> No.56285527

I've made an effort to camp at least five days every summer in the same (white dominant) lake area. Sometimes with my gf, sometimes alone, but I've always found even an "active" vacation is so good for getting the work bullshit out. Doesn't matter how much money I have, I will make the same effort to go on that trip as a midwestern normie freak family will to get to Disneyworld

>> No.56285564
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Are you guys crying millennials or something that shit ain’t bussin fr no cap

I live with my parents and they be payin my way and I go on fire vacations every month

Ok LARP over I’m poor as shit with an easy job too been applying to other jobs to try to not go negative. I have a ok amount of savings since I got inheritance from dead relatives who actually cared to leave something behind for my sorry ass.

I bet most of you are white American and have selfish parents who won’t help you or are insufferable too. I have no words of positivity because it would be disingenuous.

>> No.56285687

>I bet most of you are white American and have selfish parents who won’t help you or are insufferable too.
Why are they like this?

I haven't shared a good moment with my mom in years, and I talk to my dad daily but he couldn't be more uninterested in my life.
He advice is "go do whatever you want" and "I don't know anything about that" when I try to bounce ideas off him.

>> No.56285973

>the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results

Sounds like you had the right idea trying to get your CS degree. Do one of those bootcamp things. 3 months of balls to the wall coding and then you can get an entry level gig paying like 60K usd. Then in a year jump ship and find something that pays at least 70k and you are set. Just fucking do it faggot.

>> No.56286055

I just want to die. I give up

>> No.56286118
File: 157 KB, 1284x948, what-pushes-you-to-better-in-life-what-motivates-or-what-v0-vz01otcc4fab1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have had this thought so many times this year
everything is so fucking expensive.i make 70k and can't even imagine buying a house
my only hope is to land a broad to move in with who isn't ran thru, and those expectations are so extraordinarily high
i can't win, literally i cannot
i will still keep pushing though

>> No.56286332

American individualism vs. collectivist cultures. Many of the people who created the hell scape we live in are in our parents age cohort (boomers). It feels cliche to mention at this point but there’s truth in it so why not.

Story time: Generationally, my grandparents were from the greatest generation. They made sure to be frugal in their old age to give as much money as possible for the next generations.

My parents are boomers and became millionaires. They bought a McMansion and wanted to sell me their home full price or for me to buy an older and expensive dilapidated home in our family which they felt guilty about so wanted me to bare the burden. I said I was going to move across the country so I could buy a home and they offered me their old house at a lower price with no interest rate. My name is not on the lease and I paid most of my inheritance. It was the only chance I think I would have to own a home.

>> No.56286724

I'm in a similar situation living in one of my dad's properties. I have a good amount of savings I'm just exhausted, unhappy, and complacent these days.

At least I got off the pot and put on some muscle the past 2 months. The world is just shitty these days, maybe that's part of getting older.

>> No.56286767

>both my parents are blue collar
>have a house, 2 cars, a boat, and 3 kids

ya not a chance we will be that lucky

>> No.56287286

1 vacation means delaying your retirement by a year. accumulate, invest, then retire. can't afford fun before that.

>> No.56287324

>they offered me their old house at a lower price with no interest rate
lmao they think they're being generous
if your parents were real they'd simply give their house to you to inherit.
if this is their general attitude, then yts deserve everything bad happening to them.

>> No.56287710
File: 1.69 MB, 1024x1024, a white man enjoying slacking off playing video games while working from home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take the remotepill.

>get a remote job during the pandemic
>go from spending an hour in traffic, working eight hours, then spending another hour in traffic to working two hours a day, three if i'm busy
>actually get more work done, because i don't have to waste 80% on pointless socializing

Better yet if you get a boss that isn't obsessed with tracking you. I see all these tips about how to look like you're always online, but aside from the two hours I'm working, I just keep my phone by me while I sleep, play vidya, shitpost on 4chan, or whatever the hell else I want to do.

The best advice you'll ever see here: do whatever it takes to get a remote job. It's like cheating at life.

>> No.56287719

honestly how about this bitch I quit I'm going to mexico cya

>> No.56287744

>having a broken dog while having a shit job
Why do poor people have pets? They are massive money sinks, even if they are healthy.
How do you expect to grow wealth if you cripple yourself like this?

>> No.56287791

When did this become copypasta

>> No.56289145
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Similar feel. I have a fiancé too who only wants to travel and spend
. She’s a zoomer though and not a whore and intelligent so good enough

I’m knee deep financially in this house and my name isn’t on the lease so I asked my dad to at least make a trust where I for sure get the house. He said he will and never did it. I haven’t paid him so far this month because two can play the game of saying they will do things without doing them. Also I haven’t been paid yet and don’t have the money to pay yet lel. I haven’t spoken to either of them in weeks because I invited them over and my mom has BPD did everything obnoxious and unbecoming of a guest possible. I’m seething but I also get that I am more privileged than many other Americans.

>> No.56289523

the absolute state of white families

>> No.56289596
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They put down DYING dogs you fucking retard, not "dog sometimes shits all over everything uncontrollably and it is painful but is otherwise going to live another few years". This website is so fucking full to the brim with faux-masculinity and useless platitudes these days you really feel that most people are kids, nneets or third worlders now.

>> No.56289809 [DELETED] 

>Is there an equivalent of mutt's law? Something that defines how poltards make everything about Trump or masks no matter the topic? Get a life
The year is inflation x100 and we still have leftoids on this board, crazy.

>> No.56290083


>> No.56290879

Pretty much, my dad would rather jerk off and smoke weed than help me.

>> No.56291802

Medicine for dogs is peak abundend consooooomer society
Shout the dog if its too sick

>> No.56291834

Pro dog people are mostly americans, who have the worst society ever and hate eachother and fall back to liking dogs kek. In europe a lot of people hate dogs my whole family does and we are blue eyed

>> No.56291841
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>> No.56291881

move back in with your parents.

>> No.56291920

Having dogs in the city is retarded, there's no need for them. Having a guard dog if you live rural is a must tho.

>> No.56291930

remote jobs are insanely insecure because the company can demand you come back to the office at any moment. has already happened to a shit ton of people and totally fucked them over.

>> No.56291959

Everyone around me is making $100k a year or more and I feel like I'm barely middle class.
Yeah I could go buy a 80" tv for $400 but all of the resources to build capital are just inflated to shit. Houses, cars, work equipment, production materials.
This economy is a fucking sick joke.

>> No.56291973

at most companies vacation means paid time off and many times you have to use it or it expires

>> No.56292020 [DELETED] 

Dogs are niggers. Kill yourself faggot

>> No.56292051

>it's not a thing in my backwater eurotrash country therefore it must be an american thing

>> No.56292074

You can look forward to becoming a functional drug addict in order to cope with being priced out of having a house, wife, family, retirement and future.
Your body and will till live will degrade and you'll die young. Your body will be unceremoniously fireblasted into ash because you have been priced out of a burial. The hundreds of thousands of dollars that you paid towards social security during your working life will be used to build a memorial to george floyd in washington DC.

>> No.56292211

If I didn’t pay back my loans and just bought LINK I would be way better off now. This was even before the coof

>> No.56292237


>> No.56292454

If you’re like me, your dad will die where the house the goes to your mom. She will sell it and then blow all of the money on frivolous shit working 3 years. I came to the realization that my dad didn’t plan inheritances appropriately because he simply didn’t know how much time he had left on the earth and thought he could just put it off until later until it was too late. Now fate takes over.

>> No.56292467

>I'd rather be broke than live with my family
then etiher you are shit or they are shit. most probably you are all shit. why did they even make you if they can't stand you lmao

>> No.56292489

>I need some whitepills bros
The singularity is nearer than you think :3

>> No.56293364

They are extremely rural and don't need one. It's not a 3rd world country. But yes some of these dogs are good. >>56292051
It's germany

>> No.56294076

That’s exactly what I am trying to prevent. My mom is exactly that way and would blast all of the money away. It’s very important that I get some kind of assurance to keep the house I paid into and continue to pay into.

>> No.56296334
File: 187 KB, 1400x800, zoomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My generation was on Wall Street protesting the bailouts. After exposing the bank bullshit, we got:

>cheap ass homes in the 2010s
>decade of cheap mortgage rates
>10 year bull market
>multiple crypto bull runs

Zoomers on the other hand, won't do shit. They know this, and you will suffer as a result.

>> No.56296368
File: 643 KB, 1439x1373, IMG_3268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then do it, I’m so sick of Polcel cowards talking a big game online while doing fucking nothing. Start organizing with like minded people and be ready to just beat ass this next year. At this point what do we have to lose? We don’t need to necessarily murder people, but beating them to a pulp might restore some order. I got banned on /Pol/ for a month for suggesting someone beat the shit out of some public “elite” figure like Larry Fink and film it and make him do something humiliation like suck his thumb or sing “I’m a little tea pot” and then post it all over the internet. Thing how much that could shake things up.

>> No.56298288

The price is going up everywhere, and that's why I now use CryptMi crypto card, so that I can always get some cashback on all my purchase

>> No.56298396

They just go about equal rights and prove how we have different genders. Like what a life

>> No.56298460

>Thank you, I just got my CryptMi card and I too am loving the cashbacks! You have to check it out guys!
kill yourself

>> No.56298498

Waggies always getting mad at everything

>> No.56299286

Little wonder the increase in casino gaming, Funtoken and Rollbit are both experiencing an exponential growth.

>> No.56299699

The dogs slept outside so they didn't have this problem.

>> No.56301790

Yeah adapt, and learn how to work outside. Learn to live like your grandparents did. Or likely your great grandparents. Oh yeah stop drinking the tap water. Seriously.

>> No.56301828

Sorry about the pupperino. The little fuckers really have a way of making us love them. Speaks volumes about you though anon. If you're not fit start your brain is exponentially better when you are jacked and super fit.

>> No.56302028

this. dog ownership and loving is only reserved for the white population

>> No.56302601

I live in a ruralish mcol area. People in town have been draining the propane tanks at businesses and residences. It’s going to get really bad in the winter.

>> No.56302693

That was the worst human rights violation in human history. And it hurt children the most. You're disgusting.

>> No.56302706

Did you not sign an explicit contract stating that you are a remote employee under no obligation to enter a physical office?

>> No.56304584

Hang in there anon, you'll always find a way when your heart is still beating :)

>> No.56307238

It'll be ok. I'm 32 and live at home! LOOK AT MEEEEEE!

>> No.56307663
File: 775 KB, 520x884, zoomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh yeah? Well chopping your penis off, putting on a wig and calling yourself a woman is a mental illness. See how BASED this generation is?"
>swipes through TikTok

>> No.56307745
File: 5 KB, 295x171, index2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56307808
File: 295 KB, 500x500, 1401456583450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto market is shit
Looks like my man doesn't know about VINU being the only coin making it on this decaying market, no wonder why your dog need meds