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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56253845 No.56253845 [Reply] [Original]

name one (1) time where you made money because of /biz/

I'll wait

>> No.56253853


>> No.56253854

buying Chainlink

>> No.56253855

/biz/ told me to invest in the s&p 500 instead of buying crypto and I'm up 12.5% this year

>> No.56253863

someone in /SMG/ told me to buy Moderna stocks in March 2020. I didn't even know what it was at the time but I bought some. Probably the single best trade I've made since landing on /biz/

>also I bought LINK at 20 cents through $1.00 but I still haven't sold it yet

>> No.56253866
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>> No.56253877

Shorting ICP in 2021, most money ive ever seen in my life.

>> No.56253895

greatest short opportunity I've ever seen, hope I can find something half as good again

>> No.56253909

most sane advice so far

>> No.56253932

chainlink, i went from $5k to $900k in bullrun
sold half on way up
i only got 20k which was a very average stack back in 2018. unfortunately was a student at that time

>> No.56253938

Flow was my first 10x. Heard about it here

>> No.56253945
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>> No.56253974

I was too pussy to throw any real amount of money at it. But I made like $1700
And when TTOO got shilled. But again, I pussied out and didn’t throw much at it, made like $400

>> No.56253981

I can't, because everything you assholes shill me dumps not long after.

>> No.56253988

Someone shilled DISH a few months ago and I made a little

>> No.56254024
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I made about $1000 USD in 2016 with Doge.
Unfortunately, I was dumb and held most of it.
Now I just have fun calling people the n-word. Money isn't everything you greedy pig. kys troon.

>> No.56254030


>> No.56254033

biz told me to buy chainlink at 15 cents so I did
I sold it at $30, $40, and $50

>> No.56254034

Inversing /smg/ works wonders

>> No.56254038

made 60k on MYOBU because of mel gibson anon.

>> No.56254045

Unironically shib, was shilled here at a billion for $2

>> No.56254047

Chainlink, duh

>> No.56254056

oh yeah that reminds me when dogbonk was shiled here at 300k mcap but i didn't buy any

>> No.56254061

when the fuck did myobu pump? I've still got a bunch of that shit in my wallet

>> No.56254094
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I cashed out $15.8M AUD before tax in late 2021 thanks to seeing this exact post in early 2021 on /biz/.

>> No.56254122

about two years ago.

>> No.56254147

You lucky bastard. Did you flee the country after that or settle down somewhere nice and remote?

>> No.56254155


>> No.56254156

This thread

>> No.56254162

I didn't, I held link from 50 to 5 because of "never selling", now I'm 25 years old. Thanks BIZ. Imagine if BIZ shilled Link starting only 4 months ago, it would have been a great buy right now.

>> No.56254182

I literally bought on sept 11 2021, did I somehow miss the pump?

>> No.56254192

Did a 100x on Chainlink and a 50x on RSR. Thanks /biz/. If only I hadn't moved it all into monero and lost it in a boating accident :(

>> No.56254223

yeah i bought around that time, it did like a 100x
peaking in november i think, then when btc tanked it immediately collapsed

>> No.56254253

unironically by countertrading /biz/

>> No.56254300

What the fuck how did I miss that :'( would've only been like 5.5k at the top but still that blows

>> No.56254355


>> No.56254420

I’m 2020 back when the penny stock general existed, I made 4500 from 100 dollars in two months by purchasing call options on them. Then I lost every penny because I bought the Reddit normalfag hype about le short squeeze and getting back at le banks. And by the time I realized what I had done and came back to /biz/ all of the specific options, penny stocks, stock threads etc were gone except for smg and gme (why the fuck does the latter still even exist).
I found out about RSR/RSV on here, and I bought 500 bucks worth that at their peak were 5000, I then got greedy and lost it all. I still have that bag btw, it’s worth 30 dollars or something and I am depressed of even signing into that account to check that wallet.
I bought Pepe 3.0 after it was shilled on here, overnight I went from 1k to 5k and then down to…400…
Most of these are results of my own greed. But yes, I have “made” money from this site.

>> No.56254432

My only cope is that in the year two thousand and twenty, I was fifteen years old so I was still “learning” to control muh emotions. I definitely don’t give a fuck now but my Pepe 3 adventure was less than three months ago…
I own 2300 Stinkies and I’m never selling fuck you

>> No.56254445

Oh yeah this wasn’t /biz/ but the stupidest thing I’ve ever done is sell 4 dollars worth of dogecoin that I bought for no reason. If I had held it I would have made 3000 dollars the following the years from 4 dollars. Not related to /biz/, of course.

>> No.56254452

I found milady from here when they were minting and made at least 50 eth on them. Also found fantom on here at 2 cents and never saw it anywhere else at the time.

>> No.56254464


Made thousands off some shit called Ultrasafe and HOKK back in 2021. Motherfuckers will shit here that will actually make you money in a bull market.

>> No.56254474

One time back in 2020, someone posted a thread of some random "finance" coin. Only like 2 people replied. I put in $15 and woke up with $1,000 and instantly sold.

>> No.56254481

chainlink but i got fudded out pretty early.

>> No.56254498

This was me with an options contract I found on penny stock general. I put in 11 bucks went to sleep really and the next day I had 300 dollars.

>> No.56254499

Dogbat, shib, catbat, adrenochrome.

I'm underwater like 10k on LUNC though kek, still holding

>> No.56254500

Low 5 fig on pregnant butt
Arbitrum airdrop
Uniswap airdrop aswell desu since biz told me to make a wallet
And more

>> No.56254513

why cant there be posts like this again? I literally bought one month earlier than that but paper handed for 2k

>> No.56254522

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, BSV (believe it or not), Chainlink, and a fuck ton of NFTs because were memeing Crypto Kitties in 2017 and I'd knew NFTs would be the next hype. I also bought and sold a bunch of retarded meme coins during the pandemic. On yeah. DeFi too.

Yes, if you're wondering I already made it and moved into real estate with some of the earnings from the 2017 bull run. I'm sitting on a few detached single family homes at 2-3% fixed rate mortgages and am just waiting for things to play out going forward before I scoop up some more. I saw that the Bankless retards interviewed Sergey so I came here to see if you guys were talking about it.

>> No.56254527

It seems that since the ‘21 bull run all the intelligent posters cashed out and left. Now all who are left are zoomers like me who may have made some money but not enough to cash out and the retard oldfags with paper hands or low iqs. There used to be a diverse range of threads in the late 2010s but now it’s all shitcoin after shitcoin

>> No.56254547

Buy Dogbat eth. It has even more memability than SHIB, and it isn't held back by the flaws its BSC counter part has like a 12% tax. Chart is seeing a nice reversal pattern, and if the next couple months are bullish I can see it easily doing a 10x if not more. Whales are licking their lips, and the community held strong after the initial dump from 5 to 1 mil mc. There are also lots of developments in the works like a dating sim game. You are legit missing out on free money if you don't put some in right now.

>> No.56254549
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>put a bunch of money into TOAD
>knew about the August ETH conference hype for months
>day of the conference comes, coin pumps so much that I double my money
>sit there staring at the big number smugly, but don't sell
>it immediately crashes back down to support levels within 24 hours
>be angry at myself for weeks because I could have locked in profits that never materialized again

>> No.56254562

Have you given anything back to /biz/ for your windfall?

>> No.56254609


>> No.56254746

sold some omisego facebook selfies thanks to biz

>> No.56254769 [DELETED] 

Rose and fantom, all the shitcoins shilled on here two years ago. Even today with nyancatmoney and other shit posted now. It just isnt gold everytime but when it is, it goes over 100x for shitcoins. The blue chips youd see anywhere else now I wish more "future bluechips" were posted you rarely see that now. Its either chainlink or shitcoining on eth because bsc got killed by farmers.

>> No.56254814

I caught bonfire and a handful of other bsc shitcoins at the floor thanks to biz. Lurk here for long enough and you will learn the basics of investing and being frugal and shit too.

>> No.56254880
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I started gaining about $3 a day from staking funny snake head picture game, also has an option to stake the coin itself which is earning me another couple bucks a day. Thank you /biz/

Oh wait a minute you faggots kept saying it was a scam and the game would shut down in 2 weeks followed by ignoring me for 15 days as I accumulated progress. Yeah now I remember

>> No.56254934

Oh I'm remembering more haha. Apparently posting about the game itself is off topic, because p2e crypto games aren't crypto related. Thank God we have 50 chainlink threads though I'm sure anons are profiting bigly off that

>> No.56255004

>robots no longer bump thread

>> No.56255053

Someone shilled VAOIT this summer and it did a nice 10x
Too bad RLC didn't do much

>> No.56255119

The thing with this place is that the money you make you also lose. I've lost all the money i made because this place it toxic because you are always comparing yourself with other poor larping faggots. The risk in making the countless shitty investments advertised here is significantly reduced.

>> No.56255302

Neo (before the rebranding) and 2017 picks overall, yeah link included. Jannies think this is spam for whatever reason so I'll add this meaningless sentence, are you happy now?

>> No.56255333

/smg/ had the scoop before anyone else. Turned $9k into $100k, could have been more but I sold too soon.

>> No.56255710
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I used uniswap because of /Biz/ thus got the Uni & Forth airdrops which was like 20k. I diversified this into other cryptos and paid off my 5k toyota with it. I also found Chainlink and learned investment tactics/information from /biz/ which helped me to understand money concepts. I've learned many things from /biz/. Many things.

>> No.56256495

!mperial 0belisk
harrybammer inu (OG)
PASTA (fuck you Laith kek)
MCDC (I miss Anna's tits)

>> No.56256514

Looks like they didn't. Took the money and ran.

>> No.56256529
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Me and my brother made $40k from /biz/'s coins recommendations.

>> No.56256536
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I'm making money because of /biz/ right now you retard, and plenty of people called the investment a scam too. Retards like you no doubt.

>> No.56256546

>/biz/ says chainlink dead
I buy
>/biz/ says “we’re back”
I sell

I’m worth 8 figures at this point

>> No.56256577

Made good money on lunc and still holding a bag, made five figures on amc and got out when /smg/ started aping into it in the 50's, and I've gotten to call easily hundreds of shitters nigger jeets along the way. Is good board.

>> No.56256578

Eth at 7
Stink at ico

>> No.56256991

It's pretty sad that I never made money because of biz. All the money I made in crypto was because of my old friend that used to shill me projects. I need to find a good way to discover new ones myself

>> No.56257777
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Made money holding PEPE early this year, I'm eyeing a smart spot with staking EVR for huge rewards.

>> No.56258033

Good one, stay smart and snap up OGBX. Imagine having gaming, NFTs, and virtual experiences while still getting your bags filled

>> No.56258546

How hard could it be to make money off biz? There's definitely something you are doing wrongly maybe you are probably not doing your due diligence in researching the alts before you buy them. My time in biz has seen me made good money off shitcoins as well as promising projects like NXRA, TRIAS and EWT.

>> No.56258864

Still holding LUNC, you must hate making money cause no one in his right senses leave utility tokens like CYMI, WTK, XTP etc and hold on to that shit.

>> No.56259211

Got a good tip on a comfy WFH job. Too bad the gravy train is coming to an end

>> No.56259255

Someone on /biz/ told me to watch The Big Short, I did. Biggest lesson I got from that was the asymmetric trading strategy Cornwall Capital (Brownfield Fund in the movie) used to make millions which was pretty much buying highly improbable deals with very low costs so when if they fail they fail small but if they actually win they win BIG.

I now only trade options and try to find the most beautiful stocks that I can research into and wait to see how they'll fumble hard in the coming 1 to 2 years.

>> No.56259298

I guess you have learned your lessons not sleep on Crypto assets well as it is we have halving coming soon so it would be only wise to start picking up assets like BTC, CYMI and WTK.

>> No.56259358

I helped spam post a ton of Shib and Feg threads back in early 2021 and probably made a few millionaires. I sold for a measely $30k but shoulda held lol

>> No.56259460

By ignoring what 99% of you suggest. And that's being generous.

>> No.56259485
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None of you Dogfuckers made any money.
None of you bagcels have made any money and you're still holding 6 years later after it failed to make an ATH after 2020.

Literally the biggest fucking losers since the Digimarines.

>> No.56259519

>5x3 bingo board
Ask me how I know you're a third worlder

>> No.56259566

The mithril airdrop a few years ago was first advertised on here, I got 500k from that, bought 500k more for like $40 and turned around and made $60k after taxes

>> No.56259880

ETH at 230 and UNI when everyone got/sold the air drop for a PS5

>> No.56259890
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Link, Raiblocks, BNB and canine with a baseball stick.

>> No.56260047

I bought doge in 2014 and sold in 2021 because of /biz/ $

100 usd got me 55k doge in 2014

>> No.56260146

getting paid to shill zenon

>> No.56260710

I've had my fair share of QANX, the next cycle looks to be more promising and I'll stack up OGBX. That's the game-changer.

>> No.56260755

I'll rather sell it and wait to buy EVR when it is listed on MEXC. I anticipate 4th October with excitement.

>> No.56260771

Idena, I had zero dollars and after a few week a I had 20 bucks and bought some weed

>> No.56261327

KASPA and LINK, I also came across other based gems like FET, XTP, and CREAM here which earned me decent gains.

>> No.56261413

I earned from Avax and Monero. I would have never bought those shits without /biz/ scamjeets pumping it

>> No.56261422

og dogbat, and likely again with the new Eth one. Plan is to push deaux beaux eth to 1b this year. This will be nice profit

>> No.56263136

Researching t bill and ibond posts on biz a year ago.

>> No.56263173

Biz told me to change my investments from dividends to growth, 7k portfolio rn it was 1k at beginning of year.

>> No.56263176

one time like 2 years ago or so i saw an extremely inorganic wave of DONUT posting happening so decided to yolo into the scam wave and walked away with 400 dollars that i used to buy a gun

>> No.56263235
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>still up
>still have hope we get to the moon

You may now admit that you were wrong OP.
(Obviously the non-retarded players sold the top)

But I'm retarded so that's what I have to work with

>> No.56263402

I bought a bunch of xrp in 2019 and sold in spring 2021

>> No.56263426
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>nice reversal pattern

>> No.56263470

Someone told me to buy twinkie shares a couple months ago and they got bought out by smuckers for like 50% more lol

>> No.56263503
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Learnt about shiba on biz, shorted Luna because biz said we should, bought axs and sand during the GameFi hype because I saw them on biz.
made decent money from all these and
I'm looking to repeat that by buying and holding rndr, rio and ride which I also learnt about on biz

>> No.56263610

It's almost like if you figure it out at the lowest bear, you'll be the envy of someone who 'doesn't get it' in the next bull run.

>> No.56263645

Imagine you held till now

>> No.56263688

You should know that biz isn't what it used to be anymore and what we have now are mostly pajeets and brainlets trying to push you their dead shitcoin

I might take holoride though

>> No.56263740

Quite unfortunate you sold before the big pump, I was also lucky to pick SPOOL up close to it's atl after seeing a couple of channers talk about it from time to time.

>> No.56263970

>I might take holoride though
They've been everywhere with new updates no doubt but that needs to reflect on price anon, need my bags pumped

>> No.56264047

Are you still locked in your penal colony?

>> No.56264478

Based anon, mine was LTC at $30 and CAKE, now I'm in on RNDR and DUA for long term profits.

>> No.56264578

The thing is you gotta learn to be smart and filter your way through the shits that gets talked about until you get to the good side

>> No.56264699

Bought eth in 2017 bc of /biz/. Still holding too

>> No.56264706

Bought LTC the day it listed on coin base too, all bc I saw it here.

Made some bad calls bc of this place too. Spent 10 eth on ARK, what a mistake that turned out to be.

>> No.56264722

>Before the big pump
XRP rose to it's highest peak since 2017 at April 2021 and since then it has been dogshit, I kept 10% of my stack in xrp in case the trial ending would do something but surprise surprise nothing happened.

>> No.56264767

interesting interview. I'm sitting on a few thousand linkies and wondering if the next cycle will bring us a 100usd link or some other hype a-la nfts that derails the market.
Honestly though the better question is will there be enough dollar liquidity to pump the crypto market

>> No.56264860

osmosis airdrop, got a free $2k just because of a rumor thread on /biz/

>> No.56264867


Unfortunately bought only $200 worth and got a 8x in one day

>> No.56264892

he bought fartshid

>> No.56264902

have you actually made any money?

>> No.56265786
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An anon shilled me VINU once, not what I used to buy and shit y'know?
But this shitty blue dog project is giving me some good money to this day, I never needed to sell, it just prints money

>> No.56265834
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Survivorship bias.

But yes, /biz/ can make you money if you’re autistic, contrarian, and absolutely schizo enough. Normal niggers keep on walking.

>> No.56266194

SHIB was my first 10x guess you rock with it. I'm now expecting even more from XTP. Just dyor

>> No.56266234
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I pulled the same move with LRC and ENS when they got listed on Tap. Regrettably, only bought $100 worth of each and scored an 8x on the latter in just one day. Feels bad, anon.

>> No.56266243


>> No.56266247

I hope that bots replace all you pajeets and I no longer have to read awful grammar while seeing terrible shill posts.

>> No.56266407

You're on the go especially with RLC, I got some in my stash and now I'm managing my LRC, XRP, and even XTP on the Tap app. And hey, it's got balls.

>> No.56266804

What the actual fuck is twinkle shares? I have never come across that in this space. I have been focused on crypto assets like NXRA lately.

>> No.56267660

shutup I'll hodl my bags to the end.

>> No.56267757

I made a couple bucks ETH and a few others in 2021 due to biz, and I recent came across SpoolFi where I've been staking my stablecoins and earning passively.

>> No.56267776

I’m sitting on mid 6 figures right now in BTC because /biz/ told me in jan 2019 that the bottom was in regardless of that faggot caps lock anon

>> No.56268047

Don't fucking just hodl, I'll rather DCA my fave coins like Arb, Flux, Ar, Glmr and Nxra where possible, else you might just need mom's petting.

>> No.56268339

I also Got the SSL airdrop from here back in 2020, been rockin biz eversince, coming across gems like Cymi, Pha, Gal, Glmr and a few more.

>> No.56270282 [DELETED] 

That's not enough to become richer, EVR up against the bear and will now be listed on MEXC. Earning a real income by creating and selling virtual real estate, just like in the physical world is big flex.

>> No.56270478

That's not enough to become richer, EVR up against the bear and will now be listed on MEXC on 4th October. Earning a real income by creating and selling virtual real estate, just like in the physical world is big flex

>> No.56270562

SHIBA inu, from 2k to 1M.

Thanks /biz/

>> No.56270670

Could have made more while holding ETH but the gas fee was killing. I'm excited with the way EVR is going, offering memorable VR/AR experience and lighting green candles.

>> No.56271614
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I literally 20x'd my entire net worth because of /biz/ and since I was a poorfag I didn't know what to do with it so I just held back all the way down, although I'm still in 3x profit which is a sign that we're not even past the most brutal of dumps yet fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk

>> No.56272982

I made the first post on Pepe i think and called it too late and was asking why /biz/ did not shill it. It did almost x100 more.....

>> No.56273035

HAHAHAHA coping loser.
LINK made me very wealthy.
You will die poor and brown.

>> No.56273477

I bought two link a couple days ago, first time I invested in the project and I'm convinced the moment before this shit actually goes up every linkie will sell and I'll have a nice 800 or so to wave in their faces. Then I'll short and wave it in their faces again.

>> No.56273775
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>I'll rather sell it and wait to buy EVR when it is listed on MEXC. I anticipate 4th October with excitement.

>> No.56274046

Biz has done the most for channers, remember catching the SSL airdrop here and I've gone to NXRA and IMX as well from here.

>> No.56274671

GRT & ETC - (10k total, made way more off ETC)

>> No.56274753

Got shilled DWAC early and made a 2x in a day

>> No.56275025

Do people in this board really make money? I thought it was all a scam. I've never trusted crypto...
I guess I really need to learn to trade shitcoins and jump early on ponzi schemes, because otherwise I'll never leave poverty... :(

>> No.56275031
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Easy I've made so much money on this autistic quarantine zone.

>KDA 70c to $10+
>XFT $1 to $18
>XCH Got in before genesis and managed to farm 30k profit in a month or two
>Most recent: Dragginz got in at 160 ICP 2mo ago its topping over 600 now

And plenty others. LP farms during the craze, airdrops, all kinds of shit. Biz is a money printer if you know what you're doing

>> No.56275058

>where you made money because of /biz/
bear posts = buy
bull posts =sell

It's that easy

>> No.56275086

In 2025, I sold 2500 LINKs for $6,000,000
Thanks, /biz/

>> No.56275170


>> No.56275174

Mcafee ‘s ghost coin. I shilled this coin called Core and made nice memes for it and it went from $120- $8000 nearly doubled my net worth at the time.

>> No.56275183

I’m sure you did JIDF link shill

>> No.56276825

Get help. Chainlink Derangement Syndrome isn't healthy.

>> No.56276845
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Luna Trillionaire

>> No.56276859

and the list goes on, there were gems everyday on biz.

>> No.56277046

Someone posted to short WMT back in may of 2022. Made 10x my money overnight

>> No.56277354

Started buying Fantom in 2019 because it was mentioned a lot on Biz. price was like under a penny. Spent prob $8k between early 2019 and Jan 2022 when I sold for $2.10 and cashed out little over a million. Bought a house.

>> No.56277395

Started to buy QANX, TARA, LINK, PEPE, TOAD, ATOM, KAS and it goes on.
>biz guidance has never gone wrong for me.

>> No.56277462

>name one (1) time where you made money because of /biz/
When SOL hit $220 from my $88 entry, ADA from less than 5 cents to $2.
made epic gain when Tomi was listed on KuCoin and Ride on MaiarExchange.
I missed the Pepe pump but got sweet gains shorting it.

>> No.56277469

Some anon was saying to buy Halliburton stock back when it was half what it is now. Easy double.

>> No.56277497
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/biz/ taught me not to baghold and DUMP shit. Before that I was "investing" like a fucking sucker.
3X on QNT in 2022.
2X on MARA in 2023.

>> No.56278074

Going strong with QANX I made 3x this year and accumulating right now. Not gonna stop till it hits a dollar.

>> No.56278130

The recent private blockchain launch and the decentralized blockchain explorer Librescan launch is a great step forward wagmi and expecting the mainnet to go live by eoy to make it.

>> No.56278195 [DELETED] 
File: 884 KB, 1024x1024, 36686899776851550356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jannies have tongued my anus 111 times.

>> No.56278359 [DELETED] 
File: 647 KB, 1024x1024, 15393979188818101934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jannies have tongued my anus 158 times.

>> No.56278365 [DELETED] 

based dev

>> No.56278379 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 1024x1024, 33081307512177719097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 164 times.

>> No.56278387 [DELETED] 

that sounds pretty cool actually, can't acutally be real tho right?

>> No.56278541 [DELETED] 
File: 487 KB, 1024x1024, 37756596820657806977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 164 times.

>> No.56278584

Rather than making money, I have saved money because of /biz/. /biz/ has warned me about inflation at the beginning of the covid bullshit so I stock-piled a lot of long-lasting goods which I am still using today. For example I just saw soap that went for $1 a year ago now costing $1.50, a foot pump I bought for $6 now costs $9, etc.

>> No.56278639 [DELETED] 
File: 686 KB, 1024x1024, 80586447277113435447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 164 times.

>> No.56278647

Bought REQ (request network) together with some /biz/frens between 4 to 10 cents and started dumping at $1

>> No.56278651 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1024, 56044793336957755560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The NyanCatMoney spam will continue until the marketcap improves.

Jannies have tongued my anus 164 times.

>> No.56278684

in 2019 when i started working i wanted a way out so i bought chainlink after seeing it mentioned on /biz/
bought at 30p then forgot about it for a while and later sold for £3
naturally doing this well on your first trade goes to your head so i managed to lose all my gains (and more) like a fucking idiot but it was a good learning experience i suppose
i really miss the energy of 2010's 4chan, it felt like it was ahead of the curve. i think the stagnation of $LINK mirrors the stagnation of this place

>> No.56278823 [DELETED] 
File: 612 KB, 1024x1024, 65146252805587692806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 213 times.

>> No.56278982 [DELETED] 
File: 650 KB, 1024x1024, 67033144388233251564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 247 times.

>> No.56279788

Bought AMC and made 10k, now still holding 3x makeit stack of hbar because I like the high IQ biz posters and the low iq indian fudders.

Biz is great for finding info

May we all make it

>> No.56279803

harry potter $bitcoin

>> No.56280041

Desu. Bought in 2018

>> No.56280062

>What the actual fuck is twinkle shares?
hostess stock

>> No.56281770

i made 7k from $500 on rloop when it was shilled here

>> No.56281789

got some gains on nfts in the early days, and still holding silk, impt, cloudbreaker (which I'm staking on xoxno) and Fitness Fiends that Provides access to real-world gyms.
Shorting is big brain during bear season.

>> No.56281954

Early year I made huge box with PEPE, seeing similar signs on OGBX gives the best feeling. I'll dive in asap.

>> No.56282998

No thought of AGII? You shouldn't miss out on staking benefits while using the platform.

>> No.56283400

When LINK was $50 I had $80,000 in my account off of like a $2,000 investment. That was all /biz/.

I didn't sell any of it and I have never seen that much money again. That was also /biz/.

>> No.56283582

PEPE did me Christmas early this year, meanwhile AVTM IDO will also be on DOA starter and other popular launchpads. This gem will sure print millions