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56252656 No.56252656 [Reply] [Original]

Does everyone hate working?

>> No.56252673

my jewish gf doesnt she cant stand to be a NEET im starting to think she's genetically superior to me

>> No.56252678
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If you liked it, they wouldn't have to pay you to do it.

>> No.56252685

>let her work
>give her the dick every few days to keep her sane
>be gigolo

>> No.56252686

My job is security so I just sit at a desktop messing around on the Internet

>> No.56252688

Working helps keep the depression away for me tbqh. It helps that everyone at my job is really nice and funny and my boss never yells at me. I've had other jobs that made me wanna kill myself, mostly due to being treated like shit by superiors.

>> No.56252694

It's called work and not fun for a reason.

>> No.56252699

Yes. Some people just have nothing else going for them.

>> No.56252700

women in the workplace

>> No.56252713

Working is only enjoyable when you feel fair compensation
Which is increasingly hard to find
Bearable may be a better word, but slightly enjoyable at time

>> No.56252755
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wfh is the worst. reminds me of 2020 lockdown.
too much self-reflection and being immersed in feels. I need to leave the apartment to go to an office to at least pretend things are okay. The fake little dance of pretending at least temporarily masks the pain.

>> No.56252769

It feels soulless to me. Maybe if I wasn't there 9 hours a day for 5 days a week.

>> No.56252787

Wfh makes it bearable. The most stressful thing about work before was being in the office surrounded by normies. I've been wfh since the plague of 2020 and I have never missed the office even in the slightest. Thanks corona-chan!

>> No.56252828

my friend is an unemployed drug addict that lives in a basemen suite. He started dating an absolutely gorgeous 9/10 girl and she would work to pay his bills while he sat on the couch stoned out of his mind. They're still together and she still supports this mf. Why is life so unfair?

>> No.56252837

Because compensation for work is no longer adequate while we're making the suits more money than ever.

>> No.56252981

No it's just that most jobs are shit and careers with advancement are almost impossible to get these days.

>> No.56253009

i want a real job desu, but we started dating when she was an intern. i was laid off and she was offered a full time position at the same company. it seems like the world wants me to be a gigolo

>> No.56253189

I like working. Being a NEET feels like you're rotting away not doing anything, while work lets you engage with the word, flex your decision-making and problem solving, and experience highs and lows. The life of a NEET, to be blunt, is hardly different from the life of someone cripplingly disabled.

>> No.56253546

I hate working for someone else to overpay for inflated land after labor taxes

>> No.56253609

Define working.
If that is to become some jew henchmen then yes I hate that.
If working means cultivating your asset, I'm liking it.

>> No.56254067

just rob college bookstores and take a few books and sell them online with a mob of ten or more people and do it everyday

>> No.56254075

I actually like working. I make a lot of money and get to boss people around.

>> No.56254082

do coordinated mob looting of college bookstores they have alot of goodies in there that u can sell online its a decent side hustle

>> No.56254084

No it gives me a sense of purpose. I love working until my bones are sore and my legs give in to all the fulfilling labour I'd just completed

>> No.56254086

i like working. i hate working and not getting any of the fruits of my work. fuck kikes i am NEET

>> No.56254108

All you have to do is be tall and not autistic then life will be on easy-mode

>> No.56254126

Lucky fucker. I want one of those overnight desk security jobs so bad. Just shitpost and take naps. Sounds awesome

>> No.56254152

I have a crush on my boss, so yeah

>> No.56254163

I'm growing weary of you nasty face boy

>> No.56254213

Checked, but normies need to go back

>> No.56254361

weak fag, WFH is the best and unironically cured my hatred of work.

>> No.56256341

how do I achieve this?

>> No.56256403

Some people genuinely enjoy working, its almost like a cure for introspection, they can't handle being inside their heads for too long. Generally 100 iq faggots and below are particularly good at this. The higher iq you are the more you enjoy introspection.

>> No.56256415

Bagel chaser.

>> No.56256457

If it's any consolation she'll get tired of it eventually and leave him and he'll spend the rest of his miserable life knowing he'll never get a chick like that again

>> No.56257055

Everyone not ruled by a slave mentality, yes.

>> No.56257133

I always thought I was lazy but I realized I really don't. If I love or appreciate something I will work at it tirelessly. If I can see a desirable end result or prize from my effort I will put it in.

But things that feel quite obviously like busy work, make work, i.e. a lot of school or jobs are just soul crushing, arbitrary things, of course they demotivate. I probably won't ever fully retire but I'd like enough financial independence to simply do what I want when I want.

>> No.56257160


It's also worth noting that humans evolved to be generalists, not specialists. That meant our daily tribal life involved a variety of things and tasks that were engaging and fulfilling. Rearing kids, hunting, scouting, fishing, games, traveling about. There was no set task that you had to do all day from dawn to dusk every day of your life with no tangible "prize". We are not drones.

>> No.56257189

>they're not the trophy husband to a working woman
Lmao you could've taken the incel pill without being a fag and without having to give a single fuck about clownworld, sucks to suck.

>> No.56257203
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I actually love working, but I HATE being a wage slave for some jew corporation in a jew controlled country. Its unbearable to think about how my effort enriches those who are destroying everything I love

>> No.56257934

literally typing this from my security desk kek