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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56241601 No.56241601 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a good financial decision to work for no pay? How does one survive?

>> No.56241615

KEK not even ancient soldiers would work without pay. Nationalism is the biggest Jewish trick in the book. Just die your your country goy!!!

>> No.56241836


DoD employee here. The way it works is that your pay is backlogged until the shutdown ends. You just get a fat check later worth a little less due to time value of money.

Usually, there are essential and non-essential personnel. The non essential essentially get a back paid free vacation, while the essentials work and get paid later. (Its not guaranteed you'll getr paid as non-essential, but they've never not paid).

Retarded boomers in my workplace actually got offended and being "non-essntial" because they weren't working on the right project, and instead of taking a free back paid vacation they literally raised a stink about how important they actually are and one of them even retired into a different job over it lmao.

>> No.56241869

>Employers must pay employees for all work performed. Employers must pay employees an agreed-upon wage on a regular, scheduled payday – and pay them at least once per month.
>Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

>soldiers not getting paid
>still forced to work
>can't quit because that's desertion which is illegal
>soldiers are now slaves
>the government is now in direct violation of the constitution

>> No.56241912

back then they would loot the country side dry until they were satisfied they were paid enough
didnt matter if it was enemy or allied country side
imagine zogbots walking into a german or jap bar and taking all the cash and beer
cant fathom it, well thats the problem as it was the historical norm

>> No.56242032

This wont help with recruiting

>> No.56242039

The message is actually "die for butt-sex in the Ukraine" not "die for your country"

>> No.56242066
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Insane that the root cause of the shutdown is one political party's insistence, and the other political party's questionable reluctance, to shoveling money into a foreign country's faltering war effort

I honestly do understand why neolibs and neocons want to fund a war with Russia. I disagree with it, hate it. and I think it's borderline insane, but I do understand it. The thing that pisses me off though is how they try to hide these sociopathic narcissistic neolibs try to hide their bloodthirst behind some sort of honor or a newfound love for Ukrainian sovereignty when they couldn't point it out on a map 3 years ago.

Just admit that you're a bloodthirsty psychopath and want to see fellow man killed over a lust for power. Admit it's about culling Russians and hatred for a country you perceive as your enemy. I'd have MUCH more respect for these demons if they'd be honest about their intentions and reasoning instead of trying to hide behind some pathetic pseudo-moralist "holier-than-thou" lies

>> No.56242114

only wise comment in the thread
the rest of you pajeets are retards

>> No.56242140

you going to cry about it you filthy little rat, or are you going to put together a modicum of intellect and self-respect and defend your pathetic dogshit "beliefs"?

thought so, now fuck off

>> No.56242143
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This. Pay might get delayed, but everyone will get back pay like nothing happened.

>> No.56242155
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>> No.56242230

>any American who doesn't fall for NPR propaganda is... le pajeet

weird one, is this what the three letter agencies are running with these days? must be a ledditor in charge over there

>> No.56242461

Adjusted for inflation and lost gains, or will they be giving their owners a surprise 0% loan?

>> No.56242493

i'm supposed to start a govt job in october
fuck this

>> No.56242510

So your pay gets delayed to a future time. All the while between that time you not only lose out on opportunity cost, but also lose out to inflation between that time.

>> No.56242601
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Post hands.

>adjusted for inflation
You say that as if people in the military are good with money. These are some of the most paycheck to paycheck people on earth.

>> No.56242611
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>Opportunity cost
I really don't think you people understand your average government employee. They are meme of no money in savings.

>> No.56242690

This is not an argument against what I've said.

>> No.56242695
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It was his own people.

>> No.56242719
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chop chop

>> No.56242778

>burgers just turn off government when they have an argument

>> No.56242779

>I always invest all my money into appreciating assets every paycheck
sure thing

>> No.56242808

>government is in direct violation of the constitution
wow, surely someone will hold them accountable

>> No.56242815


Actually in my group everyone is pretty much a super saver. My work lead can FIRE at pretty much anytime (@ 34 years old) and plans to in the next couple years, i've saved hundreds of thousands in 5 years, senior engineer retired a multimillionairre etc.

Although there's one boomer engineering tech (came from the trades) who says "Spending anything less than 100k a year isn't living its just surviving" and buys ammo by the pallet, commutes an hour each way in a ford F450, spends 10s of thousands on vacations etc, works the yearly overtime cap, pays extra to upgrade to first class every work trip with his own money, thought covid was fake,. List goes on.

Yeah that's pretty much right. It sucks but the benefits of working federal outway the rare shutdowns.

>> No.56242877

I thought essentials still get paid properly during a shutdown as part of some national security exception? But either way, even with backpay I'm sure many will kick up a stink because I doubt many of the military grunts are good savers.

>> No.56242901

The federal government just got paid on Friday meaning all soldiers just recirved their paycheck. The next one is due in 2 weeks. So the feds have 2 weeks to get a bill passed. The military will earn back pay so they aren’t working for free they will get reimbursed for all the days they worked Regardless.

>> No.56242923

navy federal is giving them a zero % interest loan. the bank used to do it by default for all members, but this time they require you to apply.
government shutdowns are a near yearly event. but this is the first time navy federal required you to fill out a form for money and that has me worried.

>> No.56242941

>completely ignores the fact that dollars can be exchanged for services to experience parts of life with

>> No.56242974
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Are you a government employee or contractor?

>> No.56242998


Government employee. Just for clarity, i mean, Financial Independence, Retire early. (FIRE)

>> No.56243112

Soldiers are sold out cuck losers. If they had any balls, they would coup the government.

>> No.56243151

>if i dont spend my money i lose out to inflation
>if i do spend my money i win against inflation?
the fuck are you talking about retard?

>> No.56243158

i hate govt lackeys like you wouldn't believe

>> No.56244684

You know what’s funny is that people at my job say this same thing, they just think we’re somehow different because “we’re defense”

>> No.56246250

Yes. I know what it means. But you are basically a welfare queen. You have no marketable skills beyond being a parasite. Don't pretend you are some sort of financial genius. You got fat and happy on gibs.

>> No.56246288

the coward military should be in Ukraine right now.
what's the military doing back on American soil? it's disgusting to see it

>> No.56246812

Constitution says congress has to authorize spending. And they can just decide not to pass a new budget.

>> No.56247761

They're not going to be getting their pay delayed for years. It's probably returned to them shortly after the shut down ends.

>> No.56247768
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>tfw Nasty Girl and don't get paid for drill half the time anyway

>> No.56248105

no but realistically the will get payed retrospectively once the shutdown is over like the last time.

>> No.56248316 [DELETED] 
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jannies tongue my lily white anus and Nyan Cat Money will be a top 100 coin in 3 years and you unbelieving faggots will fomo the top...#1

>> No.56248321

There is a clear, cynical side to it. Kneecapping one of the potential threats to the US, who just so happened to be a mortal enemy during the lives of most congressmen since the average age there is almost fucking 60, is an understandable stance for them to take. But trying to shovel even more money to Zelensky, which in reality is going to god knows where since you just fucking know there is zero accountability going on here, is clearly no longer necessary a year and a half after the Great Vatnik Chimpout of 2022. Giving him some old mothballed shit we have thats still lightyears ahead of whatever rusted Soviet junk the opposition has and telling him to go pound permafrost with no more free gibs should be enough. Want someone else to kill vatniks, fine. Most of them are Buryat Islamic mongol mutts anyways that Moscow sent as part of their centuries long tradition of human sacrifice, but there’s no reason why they need that much fucking money.
Congress by the Constitution has to pass funding. Personally I think there should be an amendment that in the case of this, there is an emergency budget passed that handles the bare minimum and necessities needed to keep things running, and anyone in congress is barred from any and all income streams until they get their shit together, with no backpay too. That’ll make those rats never even think of starting a shutdown. Not like that’ll ever happen, but a man can dream.

>> No.56248376

nationalism is literally the only successful ideology to ever exist and build civilizations. the "USA" isn't a nation. it has no homogeneous population with a shared culture and values. there is no unity. the government does not rule nor speak for a large enough segment of the population to qualify the US as a "nation". it's the rotting corpse of a subverted empire.

>> No.56248553 [DELETED] 
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Jannies have tongued my anus 73 times.

>> No.56248575

when's the next war bro?

>> No.56248603

This, even Ceasar paid his soldiers in IOUs until the civil war finished
Although getting paid in land, slaves and gold coins is a better payment than one thats on offer today

>> No.56248680 [DELETED] 

Why can I always tell a post is written by a bunkertranny? The answer is that it attempts to shit on the rightwing, while being completely batshit retarded and lacking logical consistency.
>as in, fighting for a nation
The USA is fundamentally not a nation as there is no singular people making up the great bulk of the population. In Japan 98% of the population is Japanese, in Finland 94% of the population is finnish, in russia 81% of the population is russian, in ukraine the percentage is unknown but we know most are still hohols. Nationalism will always beat out communism and especially commie retards who ruined america and then declared "see, america is ruined, communism wins" because they are not bright enough to realize it is a refutation of all their beliefs.

>> No.56249315

This tree thing looks like a complete fabrication

>> No.56249419

They don't have enough money for opportunity cost to matter Anon. The median US income is 31k. Living wage is all people are seeking and trying to reach. Opportunity to what? to not starv. they aren't investing in stocks Anon. 80%+ of the market is owned by just 10%

>> No.56249437

That's one of the most fucking tragic photos regarding the US I think I've ever seen

>> No.56249698

Calling the USA a nation is like calling Walmart a nation.

>> No.56249923

Even /meg/ is finding hard to trick desperate anons to sign up.


>> No.56250006
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>That has me worried
Truth be told, like most things like that there's not a single problem at all. It's probably just some retard had the bright idea of "hey wouldn't it be nice if we included more bureaucracy"
Nah. I get paid too much to do nothing so why would I want to fuck with that? Currently working from home for a year doing about 12 hours a week because I'm on a course. But anyway since all the soldiers are cuck losers and you're the one with balls, you can start a coup all on your own right? Don't worry, I'm rooting for you anon.

>> No.56251432

They barter malnourished farmer scalps for water and food

>> No.56251439

>save own money from working
>spend on something later

>> No.56251460

Xi invades Taiwan next year just in time for Biden to suspend elections