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56239531 No.56239531 [Reply] [Original]

Aussies are using buy now pay later to buy their groceries now

It's so over

>> No.56239549

shops should be forced by the government to drop their insane margins.

>> No.56239553

uhh sounds like communism sweetie.
Don't like it? Grow your own crops on your own land.

>> No.56239565

so a credit card?

>> No.56239581

It's Joeover.

>> No.56239590

This is bait… r-right?

>> No.56239603
File: 543 KB, 1080x1320, Screenshot_20230930_200200_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey! don't teach them how to circumvent my price gouging!! Delete this!

>> No.56239616

there's demand, people are willing to pay, and supply is limited, how is that gouging

>> No.56239618

What do you think gouging is?

>> No.56239631

That's why you guys have to pay $50'000 for a fucking aspirin but coke is basically free. Slave

>> No.56239654

>5% profit margin increase additively in 1 YEAR during ramping inflation with stagnant wages
That's the early stages of how you got Hitler the first time, government cockmongler.

>> No.56239679

>how you got Hitler
Good. Accelerate.

>> No.56239693

How about stopping to print like crazy and import tens of millions of migrants depressing wages?

>> No.56241008

A fool and their money are easily parted. Just look at me, I bought Chainlink.

>> No.56243053

We can easily fix this by raising taxes and bringing more immigrants. It's the only way.

>> No.56243284

Price fixing tends to work very badly. But generating more competition so there won't be a duopoly... that could work.

>> No.56245653

it takes coles owners 16 years to generate enough FCF to pay back their equity. woolworths group is even worse: 19.5 years.
these "margins" the media tells sheep to be angry about don't exist; these companies turn 27 and 42 billion respectively into just 700 million every year
fix prices = they won't do business at all = no food

>> No.56245762
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Better import more shitskins and Chinese because reasons

>> No.56245786

The government should force Coles and Woolworth to fix the prices.
If the CEOs and shareholders try to reduce business in response to this, they should be jailed for that, that should be a crime.
Reacting negatively to price caps on food and providing less food in response should be illegal and the managers should go to jail and be replaced by others

>> No.56245788

what kind of interest rate does afterpay have?

>> No.56245830

this would reduce the wages which would bring down purchasing power and thereby reduce inflation

>> No.56245902

They'd have to nationalize the grocery stores to make that work and that would cause a chimpout of epic proportions as it'd be telling quite a few wealthy people to eat shit and die because you're stealing their stuff. Governments are very powerful but they generally try to not shit on the rich because they tend to not like that and unlike the proles will get mad and do something about it starting with getting people unelected and going from there. It's just easier to let the grocers charge more so that there's still food for people to buy, and the hard reality is australia is a fuck-off big hot island full of too many people and not enough arable land and drinkable water so they were always going to get raped on food costs. Also, moot hated australians so I do too so fuck 'em.

>> No.56246372

Variable rate

>> No.56246558

>buy groceries now
>eat them and never pay
What are they gonna do? Repossess your shits? lol

>> No.56246620

Grocery stores are not known for high profit margins, at least not in the US; maybe things are different down under.

>> No.56246632

Afterpay has a negative ring to it, sounds like an upcoming hangover after a 4-day bender.

>> No.56246634

>groceries not paid for
Either they charge you interest on unpaid balances, or prohibit you from buying anything until you've paid up. Neither option is sustainable.

>> No.56246635

>Grow your own crops on your own land.
okay I will and I will fucking destroy you.

>> No.56246683
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At least we don't amerislop like >>56246058

>> No.56246707

Yeah been doing that for a while. After pay is a life saver. Can't wait for Nopay

>> No.56246745

They have monopoly here, just about. Their margins are pretty high.

Where they're making bulk money is lock in contracts and jacking retail price under 'muh supply chain issues' and they are developing a lot of in-house products which is cheaper, usually same or similar quality and gets the ideal spots on shelf

>> No.56246919

Move to California and paint your skin black

>> No.56247024
File: 558 KB, 1440x1386, Screenshot_20231001_055359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're going to _cook_ those groceries Bruce..... for me

>> No.56247037

don't be silly

>> No.56247045

Technically, this is way better than using a credit card to pay. I don't use any. I prefer topping up my debit card, either tap or any card within my reach and use.

>> No.56247097
File: 120 KB, 1536x1024, sf-walgreens-bike-theft-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meep meep
>outta the way yo

>> No.56247220

>have profit margin of 1.5%
>profit margin becomes 1.575% because of volume

>> No.56247504

This is more likely than you think. The government is very excited about blaming supermarkets for price gouging because the price of food is a good indicator of real inflation.
Not a single minister is capable of imagining the consequences, and not a single bureaucrat is willing to risk unemployment to point them out.
>put price caps on essentials
>oops! not profitable anymore
>guess we just won't sell bread

>> No.56247545

I haven't noticed much difference with Aldi, Costco, or local supermarkets.
You can get some stuff cheaper at butchers and fruit shops

>> No.56247813

Ive been stealing meat from my walmart for awhile now. I have a reusable bag that holds its shape so you cant tell whats in it. I pack meat at the bottom, then some "spare" bags on top, then whatever I'll pay for on those. I walked out with 100$+ worth of steaks yesterday. No regrets.

>> No.56247832

Good as long as you're white

>> No.56247834

Buy now, pay never. The classic normie masses scheme when money are tight

>> No.56248063

This is a common trick the cctv guys watch for; people picking up several jars of coffee and a giant multipack bag of crisps (aka chips, which they're not).

It's referred to as "nesting"

>t. Former shelfie. And will probably end up back shelfying at some point at this rate :'( I _Will_ find and nootice you doing it anon, as the company explained to me, it's kind of like you're stealing from me.... even though you're not and I'm not getting a pay rise either which way, even though the company is making a few billy in profit

>> No.56248302 [DELETED] 
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jannies tongue my lily white anus and Nyan Cat Money will be a top 100 coin in 3 years and you unbelieving faggots will fomo the top...#1

>> No.56248329

nice looking store

>> No.56248537 [DELETED] 
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Jannies have tongued my anus 66 times.

>> No.56248679

Can you at least make yourself useful and fire up your catgirl shilling? My baggies could use a little pomp.

>> No.56248698 [DELETED] 
File: 496 KB, 1024x1024, 14341290752556061580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jannies have tongued my anus 113 times.

>> No.56248716

>Aussies are using buy now pay later to buy their groceries now
No, we're not. Though it's embarrassing that I've got family that works full time tradie gigs and live paycheck to paycheck, zero savings.
Why are you trying to convince me to support price gouging.
While the article is about a proposed service, and is currently nothing, I've been thinking for a while about leaving the country. It's getting very indian and sudanese.
Woolworth's net profit for 2022 was 1.5B.
As a nation-wide scale project manager for a fortune 500, what you're talking about is actually insane.
You'd be:
creating a new organisational structure
Renegotiating all eftpos capabilities
Renegotiating every location, many of which are in shopping centres (I assume in your dream you're going to start seizing the properties)
There's more than 8K suppliers for which you need to manage relationships, shelf priority
You're hiring 160,000 people, ballpark figure, into a completely new set of infrastructure and management structure.
It will take literal years to get up to speed. And this is all while ignoring what happens with government projects, which is they ALWAYS take at least triple the time to deliver and are full of corrupt people that have been promoted sideways to get them out of the hair of their managers, because it's near impossible to fire in government orgs.
Which department will even be responsible? An entirely new branch? Health? Where are you taking from to fund this?

Here's the answer to all of the above in the dreamworld where politicians were suicidal enough to attempt it: Collapse of the supermarket industry, skyrocketing prices due to completely scrapping an economy of scale, maybe some starvation, and I'd like to think, a return of little family run stores in the aftermath, probably selling illegally farmed eggs.
>Giving a shit about M00tle's opinion
He hated this place. He just wanted to be the little girl

>> No.56248732

I use "Steal now pay never"

>> No.56248758

Can't speak for elsewhere, but in Aus:
Security will not do shit if they've lost sight of the person at any point. Unless there's literally cops onsite, it's a free payout for false imprisonment. The shopping centre pays out say 500 bucks cash in hand, and the guard gets fired. Usually that's the end of it. There are grifters that specialise this, and dump goods off camera. If they took it to court and this was their first rodeo, they could get a bigger payout, but that only works once.