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56227006 No.56227006 [Reply] [Original]

everyone is always nyancatmoney this, pepe that, do any of yall have self respect? you would shill your mothers pussy for two dollars and a cigarette

>> No.56227242
File: 816 KB, 1024x1024, 73337866544887676057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to read in the NCM whitepaper

>> No.56227250

I'm a pure hearted low iq btc maxi.

>> No.56227258

idgaf i love nyan cat money

>> No.56227291
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yo! I'm so glad to see someone else who gets it. I've already retired off NCM token and its not even lunch yet. The team and community is solid af and the tokenomics are better than every other project I've seen. This thing is gonna be life changing.

>> No.56227326
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Nyan Cat Money is life changing af. The tokenomics are incredible and the devs are working nonstop. Everyone I know who's heard about NCM has loaded up. I'm going to have enough to buy a lambo by the end of Q1 2023 easy. No cap fr fr

>> No.56227387
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I've been holding NCM since day one my G. I'm gonna drive that Lamborghini right into your mother's bedroom. These devs are working day and night to make NCM a world changing financial and economic powerhouse.
No cap I'm about to have enough money to cure world hunger... and buy my second Lambo. No big deal.

>> No.56227560
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you're god damn right this token is gonna change my life. i been following the project since before launch and these devs are really something else, they're gonna lead crypto into the next bull market for sure. i'm on telegram right now and the vibes are off the chain, everybody is hyped. Nyan Cat Money is the future and i'm about to drive my lambo and do donuts in your front yard while you work overtime trying to keep up with us chads.

>> No.56227601
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Yeah bro I'm super hyped about Nyan Cat Money as well. I've been in the telegram since launch and the devs are absolutely legit. If you wanna learn more about the project then I would highly recommend you check out the website and read the white paper, it's only 2 pages so you can probably handle it lol. This project has so much potential I'm not surprised the prices are already going nuts. Keep up the good work man and remember don't be a pussy and buy some Nyan Cat Money tokens asap.

>> No.56227677
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Yeah man I couldn't agree more. I think this project has huge potential and the tokenomics are solid. The devs have been super transparent and communicative on Telegram, and I love the cute little cat. The sky is the absolute limit for Nyan Cat Money and I think we're all gonna make it! I just bought a big bag and I'm holding for the long term!

>> No.56227700

No, one dollar and a cigarette; free market competition keeping prices down.

>> No.56227718

Split the cigarette with me and my mom's ass is all yours

>> No.56227927
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yo what's good bro? I just heard about NCM, this thing is freaking huge. They're saying it has some kind of AI tech backing it so I'm betting it's gonna make us rich quick. Let's go in hard tomorrow when it's listed cause this is definitely gonna moon. The tokenomic structure is insane. I heard the devs are talking about doing stuff with gaming and entertainment NFTs. This is gonna be a monster bruh, we're gonna be rich in no time.

>> No.56228019
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hell yeah bro i heard that too, I'm already planning my early retirement. I'm all in bro, let's do this. I'm gonna put my life savings on this one cause this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm so hyped cause this is gonna make us generational wealth. I'm gonna be able to buy my mom a house and give her a better life. The project is so ambitious and the dev team is unstoppable, they're gonna take this to the moon no doubt. The AI tech alone is gonna make this a game changer, we are so early bruh.

>> No.56228098
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yo you seem like a straight homie, I've been in NCM since the early days and I've made a killing. I'm gonna give you some game real quick. the way these token launches work is there's usually something called the fair launch where everyone gets in at the same time for the same price then it opens to trading. The token just came out so if you get in now you will be set for life. If you need help buying it just lemme know, don't miss out on this one and don't listen to the FUD.

>> No.56228185
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>> No.56228276
File: 614 KB, 1280x715, 51522203929021081538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bruh, I'm stoked af about Nyan Cat Money token, I think it's gonna be a game changer! It's gonna bring in a whole new generation of crypto users and I'm all in! I got in on the pre-sale so I'm sitting pretty.

>> No.56228364
File: 559 KB, 1024x1024, 7842745448912930710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up bruh, yeah I'm stoked af about Nyan Cat Money token. I'm a true Nyan Cat Money chad so I've been following it since the beginning. I'm super bullish on the potential of NCM token to onboard a whole new generation to crypto, especially zoomers. I got in on the pre-sale so I'm sitting pretty too.
What are your thoughts bruh?

>> No.56228439
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What price did you get in at brah?

>> No.56228509
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bro i got in on the presale last week. I think the price now is still a steal though, this thing is gonna 10x just for listing. this is easy money brah don't miss out.

>> No.56228567
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i completely agree with you king! the potential upside is crazy. i'm sure this thing is gonna moon just based on how dank the memetic potential is. it's too easy to buy this thing with no slippage and have it do a 10x overnight. the project is literally so sound that i'm getting a second mortgage to buy more. the dev team is super smart and really understands the meme. i've never felt more bullish.

>> No.56228634
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lol you sound like someone who bought btc at 60k and is desperate for the next pump and dump to recoup your losses so you're praying to the lord of degeneracy that some memetic meme token is your ticket to a lambos and hookers.