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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56217621 No.56217621 [Reply] [Original]

The US as you know it died today.
They are destroying a former president, taking all his property.
In broad day light.

>> No.56217630

>twitter screenshot thread
something new happen with the guy?

>> No.56217638

>another amerimutt thread

>> No.56217643

New York judge ruled, that all his business is build on fraud and revoked his business licence, which will all in all his properties into liquidation


>> No.56217646
File: 679 KB, 857x909, 2023-09-28_045347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*will force his properties into liquidation

>> No.56217647

The US as the rest of the western world has been captured by a cult of (neo-)marxist scammers and their cultist. They reign through rule BY law, nothing short of an armed revolution and targeted assassinations of key figures in politics economy and civil society can change things. But I guess I'm just a fed poster, despite warning about this now since 2015

>> No.56217650

I've been a patriot all my life. I love america and everything it stands for. but this has shaken me to my core. a corrupt judge made an unfair ruling against a political opponent. this is going to set off a war in less than 2 weeks.

>> No.56217664

I don't understand why everyone is so apathetic, but at the same time I'm not risking my peace and comfort.

The psychology of the last 3-4 years have been something else.

>> No.56217690

Read into the GDR - it's the same mechanics. An economic melt down could change things. Luckily I'm in a country where their grib is very weak and the population is naturally psychopathic and armed. We got caught by surprise in 2018, but the chink flu woke people up, we are going to change things at the ballot box next year and if they try funny business, we hang the cult

You murrifats. Good luck, you have a second amendment, use it