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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56201562 No.56201562 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /biz/ worship this skinny autistic freak Vitalik instead of based Charles Hoskinson that invented the most liquid and decentralized staking protocol in all of crypto?

Vitalik literally implemented Ethereum staking AFTER Cardano already did years ago and it's still inferior to the staking protocol of Cardano.

This freak doesn't deserve any praise or credit anymore. Yeah, he invented the first smart contract blockchain, but it's going down the tubes and Cardano is taking over.

Cardano will be #1, ahead of Ethereum, ahead of Buttcoin.

>> No.56201567

lose weight Charles

>> No.56201589

Both are scams, unironically.

>> No.56201606
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The amount of cope in this fucking thread, of this fucking OP, is enough to make me sick to my stomach.
The sheer jealousy bleeding through every single word is absolutely cringe-inducing. I'm going to tell you right now, OP, I normally can stomach about seven shots of liquor and four beers. This, however goes down like a pint of battery acid laced with the goo you find inside of stretch Armstrong.
There are bathrooms scribbled with less overt weeping and sobbing as this horseshit.

>> No.56201633

neither are scams, unironically, but Cardano has no users, apparently pretty useless tech, and no mindshare

>> No.56201659

Didn't he sell his eth bags dumping them on bagholders at the top of the market and then he is selling again now?

>> No.56201696


Ethereum will never scale, while Cardano will scale to 1,000,000 tps no problem with their hydra head scaling protocol.

That's the advantage of eutxo. You can do all the transactions within hydra heads, then secure it via the Cardano blockchain.

That was the vision all along by Charles Hoskinson and Cardano. Ethereum will never scale because of its inferior accounting model and inferior staking protocol.

>> No.56201813

holy blast from the past kek
it's funny how there's been like 10 different ETH killers with a purported "epic scalability breakthrough", but there's not a single user between them

>> No.56201819

Everything you said is true which is why /biz/ will seethe

>> No.56201854

seethe about some dead past cycle ETH killer? I work in the crypto industry and the amount of times I've heard Cardano mentioned in the last 3 years is... zero, unless you count people making fun of it.

>> No.56201873

My dad works for Nintendo and he said Charles is Satoshi.

>> No.56201875

I think people are in love with the character

>the hair
>the head and overall extremely geekish face
>the posture and physique
>looking like he has not a penny to his name, so poorly dressed and fed (but a billionaire)

people love "the underdog" type of characters (not sure why, probably because of severe self delusion)

>> No.56201969

unless you're a schizo with bag bias, it's easy to tell he's extremely well meaning and competent, which is why he is liked (read: by sane people)

>> No.56202003

Nobody "worships" him, per se, but he is well known within crypto for creating the ethereum blockchain. In fact, most mentions of vitalik on biz are negative, and rooted in jealousy over his wealth and intelligence.

>> No.56202056

When Hitler returns he will be roped for being a slavshit pedophile. Should have learned to be a man like Charles when Charles was nice enough to invent ethereum and let his autistic ass take credit

>> No.56202097

I don't know about that, why would you say that? He is extremely brilliant and a master of game theory so you cannot take anything he says or does at face value

>> No.56202198

Intuition. I've met him multiple times; he's just a nice quirky guy who happens to have invented Ethereum. You can honestly tell as much just from his online presence too, idk why it's so hard.

>> No.56202209

He is an aryan prince and you’re a seething peckerwood fatass Charles

(CH has admitted to going on /biz/ before btw)

>> No.56202239

You aren't very smart

>> No.56202277

Dude ADA couldn’t even handle a uniswap equivalent (sundae swap )

>> No.56202294

You have to be big brain IQ to develop on Cardano.

Sundaeswap was a scam from the git go.

>> No.56202384
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Craig Wright invented ETH and Jews stole his invention . And our Courts don’t convict because the judicial system is complicit in corruption via cryptocurrency insider trading rackets

>> No.56202394

>complex systems will not survive the competency crisis
ADA has no future. Cope.

>> No.56202421

That was when you had to be big brain IQ to develop on Cardano.

They're now developing developer tools to create Cardano contracts in any coding language with basic coding skills.

>> No.56202476

Sell the ranch Charles , the future will not be kind to Ada . You had a chance to embrace Craig. You chose not to.

>> No.56202566

because vitalik is a literal genius, while charles is a fat retard
do not @ me if you don't like this answer. i don't care. i can only give you the truth

>> No.56202590

Yet this "genius" can't even pull off liquid staking.

Vitalik also copied Cardano after Cardano already announced plans for a privacy chain.

Charles is ahead of Vitalik in terms of intellect by at least 2x.

>> No.56202595
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Kek, we don't, or at least not all of us, but what we truly despise are retards like you kek, also KAVA > Cardano, cope and seethe all you want, won't matter

>> No.56202619

Literally nobody likes cardano kek

>> No.56202643

Based schizo kek

>> No.56202650

What a thick bull... I want some

>> No.56202657

You can't compare a fairly new project like KAVA with Cardano, idiot

>> No.56202724

always wonder how you people function without a basic mental compass
you go down some weird "physical appearance" tangent (and reaching hard to make it about "self delusion", cringe take, btw) instead of just applying a minimal amount of common sense

>> No.56202795

are you lost?

>> No.56203262
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>> No.56204995

I thought this was tumblr

>> No.56205019

why would i care about either?
only bitcoin survives long term because it isn't reliant on figureheads pushing through contentious upgrades and cementing consensus.

anyone smart is only here to take advantage of ethereum (and eth) before cutting ties right back to bitcoin or out of this market entirely.
don't get attached to your altcoins.

>> No.56205047

Charles is Satoshi and cardano is the real bitcoin

>> No.56205070

and you were my exit liquidity

>> No.56205106

And that was the most flattering t photo they could take of that ghoul

>> No.56205124

I listened to the full interview of Vitalik in the lex friedman podcast. Couldn't last 15 minutes with Hoskinson.
It's that easy to see the difference between someone actually insightful with a vision and a poseur/salesman.

>> No.56205139

>You have to be big brain IQ to develop on Cardano.
That's not a positive.