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File: 2.21 MB, 1200x1200, 1_oz_Krugerrand_2017_Wertseite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56200639 No.56200639 [Reply] [Original]

Is having physic gold a good way to store value? I plan to buy a couple kaffirkoinz just to diversify

>> No.56200650

No. That narrative is as dead as buttcorn being a store of value. Gold is completely ponzified

>> No.56200658
File: 445 KB, 1096x1461, 20210422_063856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three thousand years of world history says yes. And the Central Banks of the world now buying gold at historic levels confirms.

>> No.56200670

It feels good to have some in case the Rube Goldberg machine that is the global financial system goes off the rails.

>> No.56200711

>comparing gold to dickcoin
Are you brain damaged by chance?

>> No.56200761

It's in the end a story, a believe, nothing more. Both of them. And past popularity of stories is no indicator for future popularity of stories

>> No.56200767

You obviously have no clue what a ponzi scheme is.

>> No.56200788

Gold is a ponzi scheme in the grand picture with its dollar value being derived from claims on claims on claims on claims

>> No.56201335

Top retard

>> No.56201918
File: 12 KB, 326x252, 1695665762900665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao I just noticed my id

>> No.56201929

that looks like copper

>> No.56201938

Define capital and value please

>> No.56202033

Define this nuts nerd

>> No.56202074

So you can't
Let me help you out
Capital: value preserved
Value: something an individual or a group of individuals considers useful
If not enough individuals consider gold useful, which currently it isn't as it's just a shiny pet rock that outside of some specialized industries is not used for anything and has just an old unpopular story attached to it as a bunch of debt, it's for the majority of the population valuless

>> No.56202170
File: 381 KB, 2560x2181, 7tygh-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sure all this countries are reserving shiny coins just out of pure hobbyst interest, because they hold no value after all by your Shartxist sectarian babble.

>> No.56202212

Path dependency of political institutions is a bitch.

>> No.56202243

>fag ID
>gold nigger

lol kys

>> No.56202368

Gold is an element. I am holding some in my hand. It has no claims, debts, power cords, or other counter-party liabilities or risks attached to it. It simply is what it is in three dimensions in the present space and time. What the exchange value of fiat currency like the dollar may do does not so much as jiggle a single atom of the gold in my hand. And it will be the same in a thousand years.

On the other hand, if you foolishly buy a piece of paper that somebody says represents gold, well you have simply mistaken paper for gold. A child would know the difference.

>> No.56202441

And how many lenguages do you speak niggerfaggot kike? I can speak 5 not proficient in any but I can make myself clear, unlike you monolingual ape.

>> No.56202866


>African wildlife coins

Imagine spending money on nigger coins.

>> No.56205326

>imagine giving niggers paper for gold

>> No.56205392

Only on multigenerational timescales

Otherwise you are much better off putting it in treasuries

>> No.56205413

Much of the current price of gold is based on paper gold, and real gold is dependent on it

>> No.56205426


>> No.56205469

The value of gold is intrinsic. It does not depend on your paper fantasy. Gold was money for thousands of years before the dollar existed and will be money long after the dollar is forgotten. You are still counting svdakdeck chairs on the Titanic.

>> No.56205620

Gold is real savings / money. Its not an "investment". Its a store of wealth.

>> No.56205977

The industrial demand of gold could be covered with recycling. Mines not needed

>> No.56206093

The primary demand for gold will be monetary. That's why the Central Banks have recently exceeded historic record levels of gold reserves. They know the days of the USD are numbered and the remonetization of gold is at hand.

>> No.56206109

Okay bricshitter boomer. Keep telling yourself that story.

>> No.56206143
File: 1023 KB, 2048x1536, 22 krugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is. Krugerrands are 22 karat gold (alloyed with copper).

>> No.56207173

Is most of that gold the US has still the stuff FDR stole from the citizens back in the 30's?

>> No.56207209
File: 598 KB, 1400x1080, couldnt be anything else.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. On a long enough time scale, gold holds its purchasing power very well. The trick is not buying it when it's overvalued (e.g. times when the market is fearful)

>> No.56207571

get the racist year ones

>> No.56207600

The only problem with gold is the narrative has to be sold to zoomers. At the moment, the average zoomer doesn't even know what 1000$ of gold looks like.

>> No.56207955

I truly believe the doomer schizo asteroid mining meme will come to life one day.

>> No.56207989

But the gold supply doubles about ever 35 years (2% more ore mined per year)

>> No.56208005

When you eventually cash out and sell the gold, you will take a 30% (or more) loss on it's spot value.

>> No.56208015

No you don't. Just admit it, you don't have a clue what you are talking about?

>> No.56208043

Nothing to do with BRICS, gold is now a tier 1 asset according to Basel III stipulated by BIS and so far US banks are not complying to these new rules. So maybe learn to research more before spewing stupid crap, you do dumb gorilla nigger.

>> No.56208066
File: 99 KB, 1024x1104, 1687651379123225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Gold has performed as a near perfect -1x of fiat averaged over decades long timeframes (44x versus 42x money expansion since '71).

Economy always finds it's level.

However, BTC will track much more closely as a fiat short (due to much lower 'physical' settlement cost), and as it has yet to reach full capitalization, it will act as a LEVERAGED fiat short, a leveraged short without liquidation risk.

>> No.56208311

> muh kaffir
> IQ75
germany is finished
every single time
fag ID confirms