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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56200354 No.56200354 [Reply] [Original]

can I get rich just by buying the shit that anons shill on /biz/

>> No.56200607

no lol

>> No.56200831

Yes, come to /pmg/ and /cmmg/.

>> No.56201181

if you follow the advice of work hard, get a well paying job, buy a house, and invest 30% in index funds you'll be ok. shitcoins, lol no.

>> No.56201207

No you need to find shit that’s not shilled on /biz/ that’s how you get rich. Only exception is possibly Link and if you browse this shithole without holding at 100 tokens you might want to rethink that.

>> No.56201314

anon if i went full in at kasp last november i would be rich now. but i went with beer money. so you can rich with biz but there is an ocean of scams to a desert of legit projects

>> No.56203608 [DELETED] 
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Yo bro I totally agree with you. Nyan Cat Money is gonna be fire! I've been in crypto a long time and this is the best project I've ever seen by a long shot. The tech is top notch and the devs are world class, we just need to bring awareness to it so people can get in on this while the price is still low. Let's do our part, hop on the Nyan Cat Money telegram and start spreading the word! I feel like we are sitting on a gold mine here.

>> No.56203846 [DELETED] 
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Yo bro I totally agree with you. Nyan Cat Money is gonna be fire! I've been in crypto a long time and this is the best project I've ever seen by a long shot. The tech is top notch and the devs are world class, we just need to bring awareness to it so people can get in on this while the price is still low. Let's do our part, hop on the Nyan Cat Money telegram and start spreading the word! I feel like we are sitting on a gold mine here.

>> No.56203860

you drew that? you must be the nyan cat master

>> No.56203971 [DELETED] 
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Yo word to the mother, the new Nyan Cat Money token dropped today and I'm already balls deep in it. I could see this taking us to the moon for sure. Hop on the community group and let's meme it up! Nyan Cat Money is a hidden gem that will change your life. Let's goooooo!!

>> No.56203973


>> No.56203977 [DELETED] 
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You got it king! I’ve been tracking Nyan Cat Money for a while and it seems like it’s gonna be the first legit moonshot in months. I’ve got a solid 50 eth in wallets and when I get home tonight I’ll be throwing a few stacks into NCM. Can’t wait to hit the beach with my family in a Lambo.

>> No.56203990

lmao the shills fucked up

>> No.56203992

to hell with your get-rich-quick mentality, wanna earn something, then YES is your fooking answer.
Not just tokens, keep watch for opportunities as well. came across SpoolFi here and I've been earning decently from its smart vaults, though I'm yet to be very rich, but I'm okay.

>> No.56204203
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Ah the get rich or rope rugged method.

>> No.56204220

>Buy precious metals to get rich

>> No.56204227


My cash is burning a hole in my pocket!!!

>> No.56204328

with shits, anon's life is gonna get worse, it's time he starts researching projects with cool products, like Ocean Protocol, Allianceblock , Elrond, etc. and of course, a good-paying job is a key factor there as well.

>> No.56204659

sorry your life wealth is based on IF, midwit. loads of projects you can look into, but I'm you're yet to learn enough and ready to loose another opportunity of having GAL, FUN, CYMI. I'll be here to drink your tears again.

>> No.56204875

>work hard
Ok boomer

>> No.56204894

No, you need to buy the shit before it's shilled on /biz/. Frontrunning.

>> No.56205162
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>t. bought picrel back when it was $3 thanks to some anons shilling it
do proper research before investing tho.

>> No.56206332

It's happened before, don't be too optimistic though. Sometimes gems get shilled and sometimes utter scams.

>> No.56206799
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oh yeah, go put all of your savings into ICP and lets see how that goes

>> No.56208332 [DELETED] 
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What did you just say about Nyan Cat Money, I'll have you know I've done nothing but invest, build the community, and bring value to NCM. I am the marketing CEO of NCM and what I have done for the token can't just be disregarded because you aren't a "believer". If you don't want to make it, that's on you, me and my team are going to make huge amounts of money on NCM.

>> No.56208345

>been using 4chan for more than 15 years
>been using 4chan for less than 15 years

If you can spot the anons from the shills then yeh you are in the best place on the internet to get rich. If you are a tourist faggot you will not be able to intrinsically spot real anons from the shills and you are going to get scammed over and over.

>> No.56208356
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And cohencidentally every step of this requires giving money to Jews. It’s a pretty safe bet yes, but you are basically domesticated goy cattle going this route. I would rather do things my own way and risk failure than to suck satans dick for 50+ years so I can finally retire and die in my very own paid off cardboard box.

>> No.56208380 [DELETED] 
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bro it is definitely a safe bet. I'm putting my entire life savings into NCM because I know that the devs are going to take it to the moon. They've got great plans in the works, the whitepaper is amazing, and the tech is next level. Get in on this now before the train leaves the station. I'll see you at the yacht club my brother.

>> No.56208426 [DELETED] 
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yeah bro, I've been following the project for a while now. Can't wait to get my hands on some NCM when it launches today! The devs have shown so much dedication and commitment to the product and the community, and they have put in thousands of hours to make it something truly special. The NCM community will be one of the strongest in the crypto space, and I'm here for the ride to the moon. Let's go, NCM senpai!

>> No.56208462 [DELETED] 
File: 917 KB, 1024x1024, 15945736449192221186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo dude i just heard about NCM and I'm freaking pumped. I just looked into it and it looks like it has the juice to be a true moonshot. Everyone I know is so stoked about it and I can't wait to get my hands on some when it launches today! The devs have been absolutely stellar and seem like they have something really special in store for us. The NCM community seems tight too, I've already made some friends and we're gonna go ape once that Nyan Cat Money starts printing. LFG!

>> No.56208503 [DELETED] 
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i have been waiting for this! i know NCM is gonna change the game. i dont wanna sound like a fangirl or anything, but i really think this project has the potential to revolutionize crypto. it might be too late for me to buy btc at 1 dollar, or eth at 10 dollars, but nCM is my ticket to early retirement. i have done months of research and it all tells me the same thing - NCM is gonna make me rich and so will it make you!!! the next few months are gonna be life changing, i can't wait!!!

>> No.56208504

No. To begin with, people only shill shit that is either completely dogshit useless like memecoin erc-20 tokens (pajeets) or their crypto of choice when it's at the top. Any decent crypto token at the bottom has a community of holders fudding it on /biz/ constantly.

>> No.56208541 [DELETED] 
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Well I'd rather fomo into a pump than fomo into a dump lol, so if Nyan Cat Money is the new meme token I'm definitely getting in. I'd rather take a risk and miss out on some gains than play it safe and miss the chance at life-changing money. I trust the community's choice, Nyan Cat Money token will be the next big thing for sure.

>> No.56208575 [DELETED] 
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Hell yea bro you know what's up. Definitely not gonna fomo into the old meme coins like doge and shibu inu. Nyan Cat is where it's at. What color lambo are you gonna buy?

>> No.56208590

>can I get rich just by buying the shit that anons shill on /biz/
No matter the hype, always do your own research to make sure you're investing in something worthwhile.
>Ocean Protocol, Elrond
These are legit, I'm holding both, also got some Ride, and enjoying its VR games on the go, waiting for the sweet gain in the upcoming bull season

>> No.56208604 [DELETED] 
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Yo OP you are absolutely right about that. I've been watching the NCM project for months now and I've done my research. The devs are based af and they're gonna make us all rich. I've already got my Lambo on order. Ocean Protocol and Elrond are awesome man I think a lot of these projects will do very well once the bull market is back. Ride is a sleeper, very few people know about its potential yet.

>> No.56208654 [DELETED] 
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yo yo yo I am 100% on board with this comment. NCM is a monster and it hasn't even reached its final form yet. I've been with NCM since the beginning and seen all they've done in their short life. The team is super based and I feel like it's only a matter of time before they deliver some serious utility, mooning the price. I don't understand how people can be so bearish on NCM, it's literally free money. Keep up the good work champ.

>> No.56208700 [DELETED] 
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My Man! Glad to hear you've been following NCM's journey too! The launch went exactly as promised and we've had a few minor hiccups along the way, but it's going so well already. The devs are working tirelessly on some really game-changing tools that are going to blow everything else on the market out of the water. I don't think any other project is even close to the level of maturity that we have at NCM. NCM is about to turn some heads.

>> No.56208760

>Ride is a sleeper, very few people know about its potential yet.
Not a complete sleeper, it's VR product is already making waves in Germany, the States, and parts of Austria, and yeah, only a select few really grasp its full potential.

>> No.56208769

Yeah lol just buy RLC

>> No.56208789 [DELETED] 
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I totally agree, NCM is gonna be huuuuuge. I've been on discord with the dev team and they are all a bunch of super friendly chads. We have an awesome community forming and everyone is really looking forward to the future. It's early too! We're only in phase 1 of our growth, as soon as people read the white paper they are gonna fomo in.

>> No.56208946 [DELETED] 
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yeah, i'm telling you bro, NCM is the future. I've been following it since it's inception and the dev team is next level. These guys know what they are doing and have done it before. We have an amazing team that has so many resources to build out the project. I'm honestly considering going all in, this is a moon shot. I heard the white paper is going to be released soon, that's going to push NCM to the stratosphere. Can't wait to talk to you again when we are millionaires.

>> No.56209012

>normal folks having gold frightens the jew

>> No.56209013

Y'all basically tag solid tokens as shit and shit as solid, fucking retards.
So far, all that's basically solid on biz is LINK, BTC, RIDE, ETH, and a few others. Those ones on biz stickers are mainly rugs.

>> No.56209078 [DELETED] 
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yes I agree, NCM is one of my favorite investments right now. The dev team is amazing and they have the best intentions of the community in mind. The white paper will be released soon and it looks incredible. I am all in on this token, I recommend buying ASAP. I have no doubts about NCM, this is 100x minimum. Lets talk again soon when we are rolling in the lambos.

>> No.56209147 [DELETED] 
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I've been following NCM for awhile now and I have to say, I'm extremely impressed with the team and the plans for 2023. The dev team really is doing it right and I believe Nyan Cat Money is going to be a massive success. I really do see this project as a 100x minimum, it's a game changer. Lets talk again soon and share our Lambo pics.

>> No.56209219 [DELETED] 
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you nailed it king, this isn't just another pump and dump but a serious investment that us chads see as having huge potential. we like the fundamentals and we know that nyancatmoney.com token is the future. when we're all rich and driving lambos the haters will come running to ask us to teach them. we'll laugh at them.

>> No.56209283 [DELETED] 
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hell ya bruh, that's what i'm sayin'....i think NCM is gonna blow the whole space up. it has fundamentals that are unlike everything else in the market, the team is stacked, it's easy to use and the meme is viral. it's the most bullish thing i've seen in the crypto space for a long time and we're all gonna be rich af once these zoomers wake up to the truth.

>> No.56209344 [DELETED] 
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You're god damn right man, you know what's up. These clowns don't even know what NCM is yet. You must have seen this project and how epic it is too. I couldn't be more stoked at this time, Nyan Cat is my childhood and this is gonna explode. Let's link and spread the word as much as we can, I got you if you got me. Let's get a bag of NCM and get rich.

>> No.56209349

wtf is happening here?

>> No.56209413 [DELETED] 

in case you retards are too retarded to figure it out nyancatmoney.com is the next shib

>> No.56209434 [DELETED] 
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yo wtf...i've heard of Nyan Cat Money....they say it's for noobs...is this token even real? I heard NCM is a scam coin, you must be a fool to ever buy it

>> No.56209693 [DELETED] 
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Nyan Cat Money is 100% legit. We are here to make a difference. It's a life changing opportunity for the right people. I'm not surprised to see you here, you have always been a good fit for the NCM lifestyle. There's no need to feel pressure to invest, we'll be here when you decide to come to the dark side. But just remember the longer you wait, the harder it will be for you catch up to us NCM Chads.

>> No.56209726

>get a well paying job

>> No.56209765 [DELETED] 
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Oh yeah bro Nyan Cat Money token rules. Its dev team is fire and they have some crazy ideas to change the game. I've already made bank from some of their ideas and we aren't even fully launched. Nyan Cat Money token will change your life if you aren't a pussy. I can't wait to see all you non-NCM normies cry when the price pumps and we have a few hundred mil mc.

>> No.56209823

It is probably one of the fastest way to feed a village DESU.

>> No.56209834

i talked to a VP who goes to my church, firm handshake over breakfast, and now im salaried WfH @ 26
its your fault not the world

>> No.56209836 [DELETED] 
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Oh my god bro, Nyan Cat Money token is legit the play right now. The devs are the best in the game and they're going to be releasing so many cool announcements next month. I don't want to spoil anything but these guys are super innovative and I think they're gonna be a huge player in this space. If you don't buy NCM you're a loser, it's that simple.

>> No.56209924 [DELETED] 
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yo whats up king? you heard the deets about Nyan Cat Money...it's gonna be a legitimate monster. sendy asf

>> No.56210009 [DELETED] 
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yo whatsup with Nyan Cat Money? i like it, and i like you. you cool af bro. i love crypto and cats so that's why i f with Nyan Cat Money. it's a real gem. it's only like 2 hours old so i got in at the perfect time. i can't wait for this to moon. it'll be life changing. we finna be rolling in lambos in a year or two.

>> No.56210095 [DELETED] 
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You know what's up homie, Nyan Cat Money is gonna bless us all with infinite lambos and bad b*tches. This cat token is too dope. I'm literally shaking with excitement, I can't even handle myself. Only losers are sleeping on $NCM right now. We about to blast off to a new galaxy.

>> No.56210148 [DELETED] 
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Oh I'm so down with that my fellow NCM chad. I heard NCM is gonna be worth millions soon. Do you think if my parents took out a second mortgage on the house I could invest the funds for them and they can retire super rich when NCM pumps? I only trust you here bro so I need to know whether I should send it or not. What about me? I'm a young chap, should I invest the entire savings I have for college in NCM while the getting is good? If it's good enough for you it's good enough for me!

>> No.56210200

I got rich with it before the bear market so yes, just DYOR too. RN I'm buying QANX

>> No.56210762

Everyone at my church is poor lol

>> No.56211288

You don't need shits to make it in life, you need EVR's Instant profit on listing and staking Rewards. Keep an eye on this.

>> No.56211305

Simply do your research and get your fav gem.
Did mine and I bought CYMI, COTI and HIFI

>> No.56211361
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EneftiVerse is already giving the best of VR glasses and users will earn a real income by creating and selling virtual real estate, just like in the physical world

>> No.56213820

Lots of goose alpha on /bis/

>> No.56215565
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Obviously not. Though I've seen faggots shill their kava and kas bags every now and then and these are actually good so i guess just research what is passed around here and pick the flowers from the swamp.