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56184287 No.56184287 [Reply] [Original]

Is a low effort wagie job that only pays like $40k a year really that bad compared to a six figure job where you work all the time?

>> No.56184309

yes every hour you sit at a computer and feel like youre not allowed to open up a video game or watch porn, you should feel like youre working

otherwise youre spending your life being told what to do for free

>> No.56184322

Try to find a low effort 6 figure job.

>> No.56184340

both monopolize your time 40 hours a week or more. i'd rather have the extra money.

>> No.56184350

I make 300k a year taking a few phone calls a day and replying to a few emails. Feels good being better then plebs. Do not fall for the “college is a meme” meme.

The higher paying easy jobs is more like a social club and you can only get in if you have the credentials and are cool and keep quiet about how comfy things are, always boost about how hard you work to keep the facade going to your underlings do not grow jealous

>> No.56184357

doesnt exist


>> No.56184361

What low effort wagie job pays 40k lol?

>> No.56184369

$40K is like minimum wage now

>> No.56184421
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>Can't figure out how to get a government job.

I think I found the problem.



>> No.56184430

unless you live in a shithole city like washington most gov jobs give like $40k too

>> No.56184436
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What shithole would you prefer to live in?

>> No.56184463

Most government employees in DC do not live in DC. They live in MD and VA and commute to DC.

>> No.56184485

I used to work like 10-20 mins a day during covid wfh days and make 6 figs.
I still work like 10-20 mins a day but now I gotta haul my ass to work 3 days a week which sucks. And I now gotta pretend to do shit on my computer and account for an hour 30 travel time.

>> No.56184486

You don't understand. A lot of jobs that pay 200k+ ARE low-effort jobs.

Fucking europoors off yourselves. I realize 40k is like CEO-tier wages to you 3rd world dumbfucks but the adults are talking.

>> No.56184490

a medium sized city

that sounds like a long fucking commute

>> No.56184499

>You don't understand. A lot of jobs that pay 200k+ ARE low-effort jobs.
sure but those are extremely nepotistic or you have to be some boomer with tons of years with the company good luck getting one as a fresh college grad

>> No.56184566

The commuting around DC is horrific. However, people do it every day. Go to the OPM website and find something in your area. Do you have a clean background? Could you hold a security clearance? Do you have a degree? Do you have any useful skills? Most low skilled GS jobs start around GS 7-9 step 1. You can usually start at GS 10 if you have a degree. It's more than $40k in most areas. And a GS job is going to come with a lot benefits like vacation, medical, and all federal holidays.

>> No.56184633

>Most low skilled GS jobs start around GS 7-9 step 1. You can usually start at GS 10 if you have a degree
>When you have a degree but no specialized experience in a career field, you’re eligible for the GS-5 jobs. You can qualify for GS-7 jobs, if you maintained a B average, or met other academic credentials in college.


>> No.56184688
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>I need job job for lazy person.
>Here is some info on getting a job for lazy person.
>Too lazy to look up pay table for my locality.
Bro, you ngmi. If you can't log into the OPM website you may want to look at doing the chicken dance at Walmart.

>> No.56184723

No you said you can start at GS 7 with no experience or a college degree when you need a degree with a 3.0 gpa and you need a masters with experience for gs 10

>> No.56184741

Yes. Many jobs start at GS 7 with a HS diploma. Many degree jobs start at GS 10 with any parchment. Cleared jobs pay more. What are you looking to do?

>> No.56184762

where are you supposed to look for them other than usajobs?

>> No.56184834

USAJobs is exactly where you look. Look for locality and SKA.

>> No.56185637

Anything at Walmart

>> No.56185753

FYI if you have a clearance you risk losing it by trading anything. You need to disclose all your crypto trades. Same with stocks or assets. Even selling skins in a video game. It all has to be USA based.

>> No.56186198

Night shift security

>> No.56186222

wow i need to make it before my clearance investigation gets complete

>> No.56186777

Don't listen to this guy. They ask you for all of your banking information. A self custody wallet is not a bank.

t. cleared individual.

>> No.56186808

It's actually the opposite.
Six figure job doing nothing or make 40k breaking your back

>> No.56187497

>Six figure job doing nothing
like what
>make 40k breaking your back
theres plenty of 40k jobs where you do almost nothing

>> No.56187545
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Nope, considering that where a fren of mine lives the yearly salary is like $100, u definitely comfy af kek, but if you're worried about it just check Kinetix's perps, you can probably make some money with it

>> No.56187551

How the fuck?

>> No.56187553

Half right half wrong

>> No.56187561

Where does your friend live jesus christ

>> No.56187564
File: 24 KB, 231x218, 1620479642837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so fucked up kek