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File: 86 KB, 980x783, Holy-Bible-47523665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56168023 No.56168023 [Reply] [Original]

Christianity is the greatest and best executed marketing campaign ever.

>> No.56168058

>Jesus Christ
>son of God
>also God
>also the holy spirit
>can't forgive you until he allows himself to be killed by his own creation
>not just killed, but tortured and humiliated
>rises from the dead anyways, rendering the whole thing pointless
>will sit side by side with himself in heaven
For the people who willingly choose to believe in this, why?

>> No.56168080

True. Islam is the only way to god and salvation

>> No.56168086
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>believe in God but not in religion
I bet you can't wrap your head around that one.

>> No.56168087

Almost all of what you wrote is flawed. God is 3 distinct persons with a shared nature. God is also simple, or irreducible, and thus can't be less or more. I'd recommend trying to understand more about the Christian God rather than asking if we believe in your misconceptions.

>> No.56168094

Its easier to cope with existing If you give up the responsebilty to some fairy tale rather than yourself

>> No.56168098

Christfags a cucks, that's why the religion is dying

>> No.56168134

>God without religion
Explain that one to me. So you believe in a God, now what?

>I'd recommend trying to understand more about the Christian God rather than asking if we believe in your misconceptions
Ironic considering this is God as explained by Christians themselves. At least some groups of Christians. The other groups have different beliefs. How about you guys get together and educate yourselves first? You guys don't even understand your own bible

Focusing on oneself could mean anything really. Without some universal concept of how to live, it becomes an every man for themselves / rat race type of society where people continually try to one up another in unregulated ways. I mean, the more secular we become, the more that becomes evident.

>> No.56168152

>Focusing on oneself could mean anything really. Without some universal concept of how to live, it becomes an every man for themselves / rat race type of society where people continually try to one up another in unregulated ways. I mean, the more secular we become, the more that becomes evident.

We can, and have, come up with many universal concepts that dont require a dude trust me story. Its called phillosopy

>> No.56168155

Autobiography, George Muller: Life of Trust. Being a narrative of the Lord's dealings.

>> No.56168174

>Jesus Christ is the Holy Spirit
>This is God as explained by Christians
Lol no

>> No.56168209

>Can’t forgive you unless He allows himself to be killed
God forgave people in the past because people sacrificed animals for their sins.
Jesus Christ had to die and resurrect in order for humanity to have (as a gift from God) one last perfect sacrifice for their sins. Because of this our sins are forgiven (every one’s sins). As Jesus was bith God and a sinless human.
Being killed for all humanity’s sins and being resurrected was the whole point. Otherwise Jesus’ words would’ve been in vain.
The resurrection confirms the atonement of sins.
Also, the Trinity represents three diferent persons with one common nature.
Repent and believe

>> No.56168411
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It's a failure though ultimately, since millions of us remain Native European in our worldview, our way of thinking and our values. Despite over 1200 years of judaization.

>> No.56168422

I don’t have an issue with either god or Jesus, people need *something* after all, whatever that may be. But it is so beyond obvious that the entire institution of the church is just a corrupted MLM scheme, and no amount of tradlarping will change that.

>> No.56168437

This is the biggest midwit trap. You either believe in God based on some religion or you firmly believe in no higher power. Anything in-between, including agnostics, is absolute midwit retardation.

>> No.56168444

I would rather believe in God and be wrong, than to not believe in God & be wrong.
I have seen God myself. I was dying on the floor of my room & I watched my life on repeat 1,000 times.
I begged God to save me, give me one more chance & I would dedicate my life to him.
In the corner of my room I saw a bright white light, the brightest whitest light I have ever seen in my life.
It placed a hand on my shoulder & told me to not be afraid, & that all will be well.
I closed my eyes & woke up 5 hours later.
All my symptoms were gone.
All the pain in my life was gone.
All the weight on my shoulders that I never knew was even there, was gone.
I believe in the father, the son, and the holy spirit.
I believe that Jesus christ died on the cross for my sins.
I believe that one day I will be judged for my sins.
Jesus christ have mercy on my soul

>> No.56168447

>t. Midwit

>> No.56168453

This is simply not something any midwits, like yourselves, believe in. You probably don't believe in 0 or infinity.

>> No.56168455

Are you a junkie?

>> No.56168463

I did not believe in God until I was dying & I saw the bright white light. I hope everyone finds it themselves one way or another, I can't convince someone to believe in God but I wish I could show them what I saw, they would never question God again.
Whether you believe the Bible is 100% accurate or not, you should never denounce the holy trinity.

>> No.56168468


>> No.56168478

Why were you dying?

>> No.56168487
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>> No.56168495

There are endless word salad explanations like this >>56168087. It doesn’t have to make sense objectively as long as people can convince themselves in their own ways (and call it God showing them the way). You can make yourself believe anything if you shut out opposing info while pumping confirming info into your brain constantly. Like the other anon said, it’s better than the idea of just being worm food after death.

>> No.56168507

I was raised catholic and can see the problems with the Trinity. It doesn't really stand up to any critical thinking. That said, I still have respect for the church and feel it fulfils an important role which is sadly being pushed out. It isn't coincidence we see the world becoming more degenerate and frankly satanic

>> No.56168513

holy mother of Copetardation

>it's either God from one of the stupid religions we have on Earth or atheism. nothing else you filthy Goyim.

the most retarded subhuman opinion i've witnessed this year

>> No.56168514

Right after chainlink

>> No.56168538

There's a hundred different ways of proving the trinity to be a valid conception.
The simplest is: God is love. God existed before creation, and God does not changed. Thus God was love before there was anything besides God; ergo trinitarian.

>> No.56168640
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>> No.56168647

When you twist my words, the only thing that becomes apparent is how much of a disingenuous faggot you are. I like how you imply I'm jewish too, as if anything I said aligns with jewery.

>> No.56168649

>t. Captain Midwit

>> No.56168661

Ironically all the seething I got for saying that in a way proves that I was right. Midwits hate being called what they are. They know they aren't absolutely braindead, and deep down they know they aren't particularly smart either.

>> No.56168755

These are the kind of people that tell you to buy chainlink

>> No.56168892

What did I twist? it's exactly what you've said ,using different words. If I don't pick X or Z I have to be a midwit. literal autism.

>> No.56168903

>people pointing out how retarded my opinions are just proves I am actually correct.

This is not even midwit logic, it's double digit african superpower

>> No.56169045
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You can market and campaign anything.

Most people don't read books, so anything they hear about the judeo-christian bible is usually taken out of context.

However here is one for you all;

Jesus said: Why do you call me good? no one is good except for God, all fall short of righteousness, you know the commandments, love your God, Love your neighbor.

Here is more to eat. Most people don't know what love is. Google search the word "love" and it comes up with a sexual lust definition.

The book of first corinthians, specifically 13 explains what the definition of love is.

No one gains knowledge and wisdom like those who have patience.

>> No.56169071

Are you retarded or just pretending to be? Nothing you said is true and you sound Jewish.

>> No.56169137

Marduk is cooler.

>> No.56169163

There's no way you actually believe the shit you just typed. That is unironically the most midwit thing I've seen typed for quite some time.

>> No.56169164

>If I don't pick X or Z
Meanwhile you think if you don't pick Y you're a midwit. Not going to argue with you further since you are a disingenuous faggot.
Like here. You aren't even attacking my opinion, at least as much so as my character.

>> No.56169178

Yeah, and it triggered you so much you couldn't even form a coherent argument against what I said. Typical midwit.

>> No.56169325

>You aren't even attacking my opinion

i've pretty much sarcastically 'attacked' both.

>people saying i'm wrong =people seething = I am correct

that's your logic.

back to plebbit

>> No.56169338
File: 123 KB, 1200x900, USA Cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It helps if you teach people to 1) forgive, and 2) do unto others... and not bash their head in with a rock.

These teachings produce stable and productive societies that in turn extend and market the religion.

Ironic note: If you don't like this idea then Fuck You.

>> No.56169372

>i've pretty much sarcastically 'attacked' both.
Holy fuck. You dumbass midwits have perpetual tunnel vision.
>that's your logic.
That's not my logic, but since you only like to read 30% of what I write you wouldn't understand that.

>> No.56169379

Jokes on you, I am Jewish. I am top-tier wit.

>> No.56169414

Midwit argument.

>> No.56169448
File: 293 KB, 828x904, EA2CD474-076A-4FCA-822B-EE1D69FFA6F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck religion we don’t need it anymore

>> No.56169485

This was quite possibly the dumbest shit I've ever read. You make the people in this thread look like geniuses.

>> No.56169503

Not a Christian but you are a smug retard
You apply these deconstructive heuristics to every worldview but your own
Go ahead, try it on muh Science

For example
>Occam's razor
But why?

>> No.56169532

Religion isn’t needed anymore. Seethe and coke to your sky daddy. You can’t even refute the image

>> No.56169537
File: 497 KB, 512x512, linkFundamentals3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mashallah brother

>> No.56169548

EvoPsych is the apologetics of Scientism

Things that seem to contradict my "rational" worldview like people believing in higher powers are the way they are because... uh you see uh it it actually all relates back to material economy!!

>> No.56169583

Trying to explain why that image is wrong to you is like trying to prove the Earth is round to a flat earther

>> No.56169592

Kek go cry to your sky daddy. Evo psych is all that matters

>> No.56169617

You're living proof that religion is needed. Helps keep frothing retards like you in line. Even that erroneous piece of shit you posted never concludes why or how religion would be no longer necessary.

>> No.56169628

It’s just natural we have technology now people naturally don’t care about religion anymore. You can seethe and dilate all you want but it won’t bring back sky daddy to the masses

>> No.56169669
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Your point is well taken, but niggas will forget the teaching of the religion after a while and go back to the dumb shit that prevented civilization in the first place.

Human history ebbs and flows. It is not a straight diagonal line going up. When the dips come, everyone is fucked Hobbsian-style for centuries.

>> No.56169685

bait thread
OP is poor, weak, with at least 10% jewish genes, lives with his mother and has body fat % at around 38%

>> No.56169703

I agree. Religion is better than what we have now but Pandora’s box has been opened with the invention of the internet. I don’t see humanity turning back to it until we get a big dip like you said

>> No.56169751
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>I was raised catholic and can see the problems with the Trinity. It doesn't really stand up to any critical thinking. That said, I still have respect for the church and feel it fulfils an important role which is sadly being pushed out. It isn't coincidence we see the world becoming more degenerate and frankly satanic

>> No.56169753
File: 330 KB, 600x1081, 121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao this

>> No.56169772
File: 159 KB, 764x744, MONTALKISGOOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one tbdesu

>> No.56169797

stupid people will always need smart people to keep them out of trouble. No billy, you can't microwave the cat. No moshe, you can't eat cheese and meat at the same time, etc.

>> No.56170274
File: 132 KB, 667x749, IMG_1381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ ١
اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ ٢
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ ٣
وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ ٤

He is Allah, the One and Only;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him

Anything else is man made rubbish influenced by the devil. Simpul as

>> No.56170360

Why do you believe that?

>> No.56170929

>us remain Native European in our worldview,
Ah yes i too sacrificed my neighbor for a good rainfall this year.

>> No.56171162
File: 98 KB, 842x364, 1695306166164934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have fully automated gay luxury space communism! we dont need religion!