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File: 8 KB, 272x98, hello darkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56160719 No.56160719 [Reply] [Original]

>Biggest blockchain booth at SIBOS
>10 CL Reps fielding huge demand from banks
>Digital assets have gone from innovation/experiment group to a dedicated department of banks (Head of Digital Assets)
>Create markets - > connect markets
>CCIP is market infrastructure for banks and counter-parties.
>Banks will not share one monolithic chain. CCIP is critical.
>CCIP is far ahead of competition, thanks to work with DTCC, Euroclear, SWIFT, etc.
>ANZ (1tr+ assets under management) is looking to make the *next generation of ESG's*
>DvP carbon credit/green asset(reef credit)
>global ESG market is currently 2.5 trillion
>Without CCIP, public and private chains are silo'd islands.
>Banks don't need more settlement infrastructure. They need more users and liquidity, and to connect to counter-parties efficiently. This is what CCIP is for.
>Transaction with data and msg that seamlessly transfers info between chains, banks and counter-parties.
Legal clarity for secondary markets is here
>EU and Asia have enough legal clarity for secondary market tx's with real value in production. And they want to do more.
>They want more connectivity and more counter-parties. Interop/connectivity is the central tech here (CCIP)
Legal clarity for secondary markets is here

>> No.56160736

sorry, does link have a cute animal logo? I didn't think so

>> No.56160761

instead of being whiney bitches yall should be kissing sergey's feet for giving you such an amazing opportunity. how about you get some hustle and make some money so you can accumulate more

>> No.56160774

Gilbert is seething

>> No.56160806
File: 1.02 MB, 3024x4032, F6UgF_GXwAAJFnB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I hustle hard enough, can I get back the past three years of economic devastation wrought on my life by the global macro and CL Labs viciously dumping the token -10x?

>> No.56160817

ok quick question, how does an ERC token operating on the Ethereum blockchain fit into this? how is this even possible? I genuinely do not understand at all what the fuck is even the point of this crypto token when the banks don't even want to utilize public DLTs

>> No.56160842

It doesn't. Anything involving banks will be white gloved by Chainlink Labs and won't touch their erc20 shitcoin. The only reason LINK exists is to dump on baggies to keep the Chainlink Labs company in good shape.

>> No.56160856

Link is the fee for global, seamless interop. Thank you for your genuine questions

>> No.56160867

so interop is achieved without any public DLTs, including ETH, but yet the fees are paid in crypto?

>> No.56160878
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>> No.56160895

The fee can be paid in anything, if it uses CCIP that payment is converted to Link. CCIP is designed to bridge private and public chains. CCIP is legitimately a new messaging standard that SWIFT is sponsoring, if you don't get it, you probably don't *want* to get it.

>> No.56160924

>if it uses CCIP that payment is converted to Link
why? it's on the ETH chain which isn't involved in any part of that process?
>CCIP is designed to bridge private and public chains
you just told me that the banks don't want to inject between themselves more public DLTs, why would anyone want to connect a private to a public chain?
>CCIP is legitimately a new messaging standard
huh?? isn't it literally an interop solution?

>> No.56160930

It's Chris Barrett everybody!

>> No.56161040

I get it, you don't want to get it. That's okay, I'm giving you permission to move on.

>> No.56161091

more like your train of thought has no coherence but okay

>> No.56161135

i'll never understand the anons who are smart enough to understand and explain link at a decent level yet somehow still engage with a paid fudder over multiple posts.

>> No.56161202

Interesting, do you have any more thoughts to share?
Anon, I'm not stuck here with them, they're stuck here with me. We're winning btw

>> No.56161220

why do people have such a hard time accepting that chainlink nodes require a fee for usage? this has nothing to do with L1 fees. all the L1s could be free, and chainlink nodes will still require a fee.

>> No.56161223
File: 35 KB, 564x563, 1689448702749427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mystery!

>> No.56161291

>banks don't want more chains to inject between themselves
>banks are not going to be using any public L1s for settlements, they just want to connect their own chains
>yet the fees are paid in the form of an ERC token built and operating on an expensive and slow mainstream L1

>> No.56161318


Holy fuck, how have we never memed one into existence? That’s literally the missing piece

>> No.56161430

>Link is the fee for global, seamless interop. Thank you for your genuine questions
pretty stupid fee mechanism since its price fluctuates so much making it useless for that purpose.

>> No.56161438

CCIP doesnt inject another chain between banks, it simply allows them to transact tokenized assets across whatever chain they and the counter party are using. Transacting on CCIP costs money which is paid in Link which is an ERC20 token, the speed of eth really seems irrelevant here considering these cross chain transactions will occur over varied chains. ETH is just one of an infinite number of possible chains which happens to be the native layer for the payment token link.

>> No.56161465

I don't see any reason for the payments to be paid in LINK then, it seems like it has absolutely no involvement in the entire process

>> No.56161482

using link as a payment fee mechanism for payment system messaging is like using the rouble as the currency for mcdonalds worldwide. retarded. By teh way I know someone who works for euronext who contacted chainlink labs three years ago about providing datafeeds and they never even replied. That's how badly run it is. They've burnt more bridges then they have made. Muh docker on linux amateur hour bullshit. It can't talk to 90% of the worlds data sitting in mainframe and MSSQL databases either.......utter shit. Linux box crap for coke heads

>> No.56161501

the erc677 token contains a data payload. this is just also how CCIP was made. No one else has made CCIP or is even remotely close to doing so, so whenever someone else gets around to spending almost a decade designing this maybe you can make it so it doesnt need an erc677 token conversion in the middle.

>> No.56161523


Yeah. No.
5% of Fortune 500 companies use Microsoft Azure in 2022 for cloud computing services
>Some linux shit on amazon.
No. No. No. Real life big money is not some fucking retarded linux crap like a turd rate community college where an autist went spastic.

>> No.56161524

All this and it can't pump while dog shit moons lol

>> No.56161537

>95% of Fortune 500 companies use Microsoft Azure in 2022 for cloud computing services
the whole linux/docker/chainlink fake project bullshit just enraged me into a typo. Imagine trying to convince a CIO in a major mank that is MS/IBM that everything is going to run on a fucking linux box on docker and there no hyperv image and it ca't talk to an IBM mainframe or MS-SQL but something something trust and truth and a new era.

>> No.56161540

If CCIP will help all shitcoin trading and nft drops happen on polygon or arbitrum that’s a win imo. Move the garbage where the users don’t care about security anyways. Great, Ethereum is scalable now

>> No.56161546

>the erc677 token contains a data payload
...which achieves what? you keep telling me the token is mainly used for fee payments
>this is just also how CCIP was made
so this protocol has literally hard coded mandatory conversions of fiat or whatever else there is to that specific ERC on the ETH blockchain? what kind of fiat on-ramps will banks use for all those fiat-crypto conversions? binance lol? and what if the ETH network gets rekt at some point or whatever the else, what the fuck happens then?
sounds literally nonsensical

>> No.56161580

No one gives a shit because a chainlink node is a fucking docker image for a linux host, DOES NOT EVEN HAVE a hyperV or vmware image and that can't talk to commercial systems from IBM or MS and the creators DID THAT ON PURPOSE because they are so special and opensource and have beards to fucking stroke while they mutter about trust and truth and don't even answer email from major European stock exchanges because they are too busy pulling fluff from their bellybuttons. The point is you know what Philosophy Phds know about commercial software and the enterprise and enterprise finance? That's right. Northing. Nothing at all. Why the fuck would swift want to help a want to be rival have any of you even considered that? Its SHIT

>> No.56161599

Its not where or on what chain your store the token its using a wildly fluctuating price token as a payment mechanism at all. Its fucking nonsense.

>> No.56161613

why even involve a crypto token in the entire process is what I can't comprehend at all, perhaps I'm retarded but it seems a useless shoehorned inconvenience

>> No.56161621

>The point is you know what Philosophy Phds know about commercial software and the enterprise and enterprise finance? That's right. Northing. Nothing at all.
And they know even less about customer relations
>I know someone who works for euronext who contacted chainlink labs three years ago about providing datafeeds and they never even replied.

>> No.56161693

You are not retarded, you are correct or even try charging by transaction instead of a yearly subscription with volume caps. Anons don't even realise that swift is run by the banks themselves, it has underground fucking datacentres in the swiss alps and elsewhere. Nooooooooooeeeeeeeeee you must have your fucking eth wallet with your erc chainlink to pay by transaction and your fucking linux box. Utter shit. Beyond utter shit. And swift? Who invites their rival right into their own PR conferences to laugh at them anyway? Why the fuck does swift need this shit? It does not. They already have SEPA. I actually had a major bank board member discuss this dry with me over drinks. He broke down laughing when he heard it ran on linux he said something along the lines of 'we only use software from big boy companies who will be around in ten years and have good credit histories'. Imagine telling people its CEO is a fucking Russian born in Moscow in the 80s these days. Fuck Oh yes it will become the global payments and data feed standard. yeah. sure.Sure.

>> No.56161707

>...which achieves what? you keep telling me the token is mainly used for fee payments

the token allows for the transfer and the execution of the smart contract at once which is required for an oracle provider to be properly paid.
>so this protocol has literally hard coded mandatory conversions of fiat or whatever else there is to that specific ERC on the ETH blockchain?

>what kind of fiat on-ramps will banks use for all those fiat-crypto conversions?
No idea.

>and what if the ETH network gets rekt at some point or whatever the else, what the fuck happens then?
Not sure. You seem preoccupied with the link token being native to eth. ETH will slowly lose dominance as a chain, but not go away, given that there is an infinite amount of block space able to be created at this point at lower and lower costs. This bears absolutely no consequence on the Link token which merely uses eth as a settlement layer for the token. if the eth layer just "stops working" suddenly then i guess there would be a problem? there would be larger problems with that... there are lots of what ifs

>> No.56161720

>>Biggest blockchain booth at SIBOS
Blockchain is yesterdays thing by the way. Move on. 99% of venture funding is gpt AI or infosec. The only thing going on in finance is how many non decision making Stacie's and kevins can we fire from customer relations and accounting and replace with excel and chat bots

>> No.56161749


What about a little beaver, with a blue hexagon for a tail?

The beaver builds dams which is sort of a flavor miss bc link builds *connections* rather than barriers. But you could show how before a bunch of chaotic streams are merged into a a single organized network of connected channels

Also when he slaps the water with the link logo, it warns of dangers (scammers and bad actors) and keeps everyone in the forest safe

>> No.56161751

>the token allows for the transfer and the execution of the smart contract at once which is required for an oracle provider to be properly paid.
what does that have to do with CCIP and bank interop? all those smart contracts are ultimately executed on some other L1 (ETH) so again, what is even the point here?
>No idea.
>i guess there would be a problem?
so there is no realistic way of banks transferring all that wealth into the space and LINK's success ultimately hinges on the ETH network remaining prosperous and operable for the foreseeable future? honestly sounds fucked

>> No.56161763

If what you say is true, why would swift even waste time and resources experimenting with CCIP let alone release a press document describing it?

And no offense, but like many of the fudders you seem a bit deranged and vulgar. Why so much emotion in your posts?

>> No.56161774

you win. sure.

>> No.56161790

God reading this recycled 2018 FUD, now, is making me harder than diamonds.

Here's what fuddie
>18 decimals

No feedback. We have won already and your desperate screaming into the void fills me with the most absolute bliss.

>> No.56161831

>the token allows for the transfer and the execution of the smart contract at once which is required for an oracle provider to be properly paid.


>even try charging by transaction instead of a yearly subscription with volume caps.
>using link as a payment fee mechanism for payment system messaging is like using the rouble as the currency for mcdonalds worldwide. retarded.
>pretty stupid fee mechanism since its price fluctuates so much making it useless for that purpose.
>I don't see any reason for the payments to be paid in LINK then, it seems like it has absolutely no involvement in the entire process

ETH can't even handle the transaction volumes to do payment cards in somewhere like Australia. Its only good for doing proof of concepts. The whole fucking thing is idiotic.

>> No.56161840

Idk anon, why is SWIFT headlining Sergey and giving him rooftop parties to celebrate his success?
What mental illness are you diagnosed with?

>> No.56161845

Legit starting to think the cup of coffee meme from Sergey might have been true.

>> No.56161866

>Idk anon, why is SWIFT headlining Sergey and giving him rooftop parties to celebrate his success?
token holders paid for that roof top party, shut your mouth kid

>> No.56161873

As soon as I heard they had never replied to euro next three years ago I sold all mine. Its a scam. No regrets. SEPA has made link's vision obsolete anyway and it is rolled out and working. LINK will NEVER be adopted by European banking. EVER.

>> No.56161877

Uh huh, that's why Quant and XRP were right next door and sending reps to talk to banks at the premier international banking conference - right? HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.56161878

DiFi summer and Celsius PROOVED the original chainlink vision was shit. All shit. Useless.

>> No.56161895

And there is you with your erc20 which changes price literally daily like the street value of a dictatorships currency. Do you understand how fucking stupid you sound?

>> No.56161894

damn i never thought about it like that... eth cant even handle all the transactions, cant scale and too expensive. the token functionality is dumb as shit, who cares. Useless. imagine using the ruble as currency for burger king. Fucking retarded. They pissed off the wrong banks, cant even do business. FUCK! stupid ass bullshit linux shit doesnt even fucking work. DOCKER fucking shit wow FUCK chainlink. A total joke. there is absolutely no reason for the token.

>> No.56161899
File: 32 KB, 938x529, F6a3uWGXkAA8NZu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, we've been visited by a true expert today guys!
I'm literally selling my link because of this!

>> No.56161911

TOTAL fucking proof. Piece of shit. It was proved obviously. why use the ruble for currency at mcdonal?

>> No.56161912

I don't understand, can you make it clearer for me?

>> No.56161917

Euronext is actually a network of stock exchanges. They ere looking for a way to sell access as data feeds and were investigating new technologies and they contacted chainlink three years ago in writing, no reply. Either its a scam or they are grossly incompetent.

>> No.56161920

I don't buy shitcoins.

>> No.56161931

what a total scam. this proves it. this pisses me off so fucking bad

>> No.56161932

what is the chainlink investment thesis

afaik its just a standard erc-20 token. no different from any one of millions of such shitcoins. i can make one in 5 minutes using a generator

is it that "mass adoption" will create a huge demand?

but chainlink isnt a degen token. if the "partners" told them to remove the token and just deal in cash or some other hybrid, they would do it in a heartbeat. thats a big also to assume that any of this will ever be used for anything of substance

chainlink is pure SV cold blooded VC tier stuff. they dont give a shit about the "community".

> inb4 read the whitepaper
i'm here to make money, not lose money

>> No.56161938

I really believe you

>> No.56161939

Damn that's crazy. You're dropping alpha, anon. Can you tell me more?

>> No.56161947

Are you making money by posting in this thread?

>> No.56161949

OK let's say you have something that requires a fee you use regularly, right...like a toll road or a parking fee. Now imagine you must pay using a little disk with a duck on it. Now imagine the price of that little disk varies by 5000% and not just that but you must use it every day, you can't do a deal and pay for your parking for the year, or a yearly toll pass. Do you understand? Y/N Shit. Nonsense, Idiocy. The smartcontract oracle thing was good but notice that's been quietly dropped....

>> No.56161950

I think you should stop posting and hit the gym, bro

>> No.56161964


>> No.56161986

CCIP fees can be paid in anything, conversion to Link is automatic - but incurs a fee for this conversion.
Holy shit, is this real?

>> No.56162020

Just a thought, maybe Link's American partners didnt want to give the European markets access to their gamechanger DON network just yet.

>> No.56162023

Yes that they will never ever ever try and speak with chainlink or answer their calls ever again. I know the guy responsible, he did a fucking presentation on it to his seniors and got budget to trail it and do a node and they never bother fucking replying to his letter, emails or telegram posts. The fact he even knew about chainlink is my fucking fault as well.

>> No.56162034

Oh fuck off. Scam or amateur hour but no one fucking cares anymore. Crypto is yesterday

>> No.56162046

>what did he mean by this fake timestamp?

>> No.56162059

that's it. i'm selling

>> No.56162061

Anon, can you please make sure to post this in every link thread? I can't believe this is happening!
Do you have a protonmail, or can you just drop some resources that can help me communicate as clearly as you? Your grammar is spot fucking on. I'm so humbled right now

>> No.56162154

>buttraped FUDders increasingly unhinged
I feel like screencapping the most rabid posts and make a collage at some point, maybe when we cross $100

Its truly magic to see your enemies squirm like this, fully aware that they cannot persuade anyone here to sell a single LINK token.

>> No.56162158

Thank you for this critical information anon I just sold my entire stack.

>> No.56162203

hi bubba

>> No.56162231

yeah all I'm getting from this thread is that LINK shills are doing a terrible job at explaining even the most basic things
either incompetent or there is simply no good answer to any of this

>> No.56162232

They do want to use public DLTs for genuinely useful protocols like Aave.

>> No.56162249

DYOR fag

>> No.56162275
File: 25 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-508251882-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe when we cross $100
1000$ EOY? 100$ EOY? End of decade pic related (you) before this shit hits 100 bucks, free credit is dead, interest rates are here.
but I don't sell drugs

>> No.56162276

>Pretending he doesn't understand basic words
Actually, I assume you probably don't understand basic English.

>> No.56162290

anon, why did you even make this thread if you can't explain properly the heap of garbage you posted on the OP?

>> No.56162308

Nobody is selling you retarded bulgarian niggers

>> No.56162326

-10x doesnt make sense
You should say -90%

>> No.56162334

you're supposed to ignore math illiterate ESL posters, fren

>> No.56162369

Why are you posting on an English forum, aren't there communities that speak your native tongue? I have no idea what you're trying to actually say to me?
Funny thing here is you're too dumb to read ID's or context

>> No.56162378

You better email Eric Schmidt, the 136th richest man on earth, former CEO of Google, and advisor to Chainlink, this exact comment. I'm certain he will appreciate your valuable insight. Godspeed, anon. Godspeed to us both, in fact.

>> No.56162410

>sorry, does link have a cute animal logo? I didn't think so
It's got a theme tune though

>> No.56162470

yeah. Steve Balmer released windows 8. You go on ahead and think about that.

>> No.56162483

what does that have to do with anything

>> No.56162488

Why are you still posting after getting raped? Do you like getting raped?

>> No.56162489

Right that's it. That anon is too stupid to be interesting.

>> No.56162498

95% of the fortune 500 are on Microsoft systems and azure. You are fucking stupid.

>> No.56162516

Anon, what language do you mother speak to you when you were born?

>> No.56162521

The real lesson of Chainlink is that the highest margin, most profitable, lowest cost to produce commodity is pure hope and it's easiest to sell to the most desperate.

>> No.56162538

>The real lesson of Chainlink is that the highest margin
Anon, I learned English as my first language.

>> No.56162555

I don't actually believe that, English seems to be very new to you.

>> No.56162572

Wow anon, I take it back. Your English is impeccable and you are connected to the highest echelons of finance. I'm just in denial, but I am patiently awaiting further instruction from you.

>> No.56162626
File: 29 KB, 250x309, 1695008902760681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clear that "the market" (whatever that means) thinks LINK is fairly valued at $6 or so. LINK is not going to moon on speculation alone like all your other dog coins. It has to go up via supply and demand. Currently the network is in infancy and token holders aren't even being rewarded with BUILD rewards or real network fees yet. The network needs to mature and LINK token holders must get rewarded for the price to start going up.

Similarly in the commodity space, there's tons of mid-cap oil and other resource companies that are ridiculously undervalued right now. You know what they're doing? They're paying out huge diviedends to their stockholders. The stockholders are making fucking bank. It doesn't matter that their stock is perpetually undervalued in the end. That's how chainlink will have to work. No moon, but eventually you'll be getting massive staking rewards and won't have to care. I know I know UGH it's unfair because ShibElon420 did a 10000x!! Well you clearly bought the wrong thing if that's what you were looking for

>> No.56162685

Thank you anon, I just ShibElonDogPussy with all of my savings account funds

>> No.56162963

>25 screeching pbtid
Why does chainlink make certain ‘people’ so angry

>> No.56163082

damn, been listening to this song a lot recently and been thinking about the absolute state of things re:LINK. Your post manifested it, thanks

>> No.56163761 [DELETED] 

Oh noes anon, don't liquidate my spot holdings please! I beg of you!

>> No.56164131

what are you trying to say?

>> No.56165614
File: 14 KB, 223x226, pepesigaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like the first thread where i'm learning something about chainlink and it's because you guys are flaming each other, marvellous.

>> No.56165980

So what does it even do beside staking?

>> No.56166212

Solves the JQ

>> No.56166254

Fuck me, it’s all over. Pack it up guys

>> No.56166749

Solves the lambo problem.

>> No.56166851
File: 45 KB, 1170x468, IMG_0207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought more a little bit ago lol, wonder if this will make him seethe.

>> No.56166933

I think this guy is right. In a few years I could see my link will only be worth like $500k total but will still be netting me $2mm/year in staking revenue. The VCs and MEV trannies will seethe so hard and so effectively that the market will just legitimately ignore 400% APY

>> No.56166943

>the world is a vampire...

>> No.56166971

read your post objectively and realize how much of a schizo you are>>56166933

>> No.56166984

that you guys sound like someone just seething "petronbras has a forward p/e ratio of just 2, omg how could it be so undervalued?!" while the petrobras holder collect their fat 25-50% divvies and don't give a fuck.
it's been made abundantly clear at this point that LINK isn't a moon meme coin