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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56157423 No.56157423 [Reply] [Original]

Your choice. LINK

>> No.56157428

DIdnt read not buying

>> No.56157439

>a screenshot of a twitter post of a /biz/ screenshot

>> No.56157442

definitely didnt read and since Im sure this is a pro link thread imagine being such an obsessed cuck that's serg is the only thing you think about all day long pretending one day you will get rich from it

>> No.56157455

What do you mean?

>> No.56157460
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>buying utility tokens
Even if they moon, they won't moon as hard as retarded meme tokens with absolutely no use case. A PEPE early investor bought $20 the instant it launched and was blacklisted by the devs, his $20 would be worth 7 million right now.

>> No.56157502
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Seeing Link holders turn into XRP schizos around mid 2022 has been extremely, extremely depressing.

As a former LINK holder that sold mid 2021 I wish I could help you all but at this point you are all too far gone and nothing at this point can convince you otherwise that you weren't just exit liquidity and that LINK is not different from any other coin, same as GME and XRP.

>> No.56157522

>takes anons post
>namefags it
>adds his faggot two cents
>reposts here
What the fuck

>> No.56157523

B-b-but you can use it for staking...

>> No.56157533

He has a check mark too so hes getting paid for the views

>> No.56157550

>Caution offensive language
What a fucking faggot

>> No.56157581

Convince me.

>> No.56157623

Link isn’t a midwit trap, it’s a retard trap

>> No.56157634

I hold retards on a higher pedestal than midwits.

>> No.56157645


>> No.56157663
File: 590 KB, 699x5999, IMG_0198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I take a screenshot of this thread and post it back on Twitter?

>> No.56157665

I unironically wrote that pasta.

>> No.56157676

how do you feel about it now? Do you still stand by your claims

>> No.56157765

sure, why not

>> No.56157789


>> No.56157850

I was calling 5-10 years back then for a reason fren. I believe that was originally posted in 2020 or so, before the bullrun. Link would have had to have been a lot higher than when I bought in at 40c for me to post that.
I realized fairly early on that the market was a meme and that retail retards weren’t going to just pump Link to $1K. I also realized institutional adoption would take a fucking eternity due to snail-paced regulatory bodies. I mean honestly if you saw Elon on SNL shilling Doge and didn’t think Link could ever possibly be back under $10 I got nothing for you. This was all in the realm of possibility, even likelihood as the upper echelons of the space got filled with doggo shitcoins and grifters. And that doesn’t change next bullrun for me either desu. It’s all fake until it isn’t. Just don’t get caught on the sidelines.
As far as where it’s going longterm: either crypto completely fucking dies or we win. I don’t see any other option over time. And the space creates too much value and solves too much for the powers that be for me to think it’ll die, particularly Chainlink itself. Look at the people around the project these days. Look at the names and institutions being thrown around at these conferences. Eric fucking Schmidt is involved ffs, that’s unheard of. He is a very big deal and he is ahead of other people. One of these hyper intelligent reptilians who can glean and knife up the future.
It’s obvious that they’re primed and waiting for the regulatory structures to fall into place. The roadblocks are a completely corrupt and manipulated market, a shaky global economy, and the US regulators and lawmakers. Navigating all that shit will take some time yet, but eventually it’ll be smooth sailing.

>> No.56157889

Chainlank will never be needed.

>> No.56157896

We've already come this far, we might as well keep reposting and spamming for engagement and see what happens

>> No.56157989

you've probably seen it but surprising how sanguine they were about regulations:
us probably another story
at 11:20 anz talks about going live with a product "soon"
maybe to be announced at smartcon

>> No.56157995

I'm intp, not intj like you, 130 IQ and also a massive contrarian overly logical chud who is always angry but likes to learn new things.

>> No.56158010

You sound like a nice lady. Are you married?

>> No.56158018

Sorry INTP’s aren’t allowed in the citadel

>> No.56158024

I'm 6'2.5 and 240 lbs. I would rape your retarded faggot ass in an instant if you tried touching me nigger


>> No.56158034

INTJ only, not over emotional INTP’s

>> No.56158036

I wrote that with absolutely no emotion. Not everyone is a hysterical tranny like you kek

>> No.56158049

Your buzzword seethe is palpable, you are not welcome in the citadel

>> No.56158057

Tranny is not a "buzz word" you imbecile.

>> No.56158066

>I mean honestly if you saw Elon on SNL shilling Doge and didn’t think Link could ever possibly be back under $10 I got nothing for you.

Last bullrun I was in a weird headspace. All the memes about inflation and the “$1mm isn’t a lot of money. You’re basically poor.” posts really got in my head. Anyway, for the sake of our wallets I hope the lower end of your prediction turns out to be true, and we make it in 2025. I certainly wouldn’t discount this taking longer, though.

>> No.56158088

i was about to buy more at around $6 weeks ago. Was too distracted with life. Now I hate myself.

>> No.56158133

>Specifying height in half-inches

>> No.56158187


>> No.56158234

just buy the meme tokens then and report back

>> No.56158271
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>honestly if you saw Elon on SNL shilling Doge and ....
You watch snl?
You even capitalised it.

>> No.56158347

I don't buy shitcoins.

>> No.56159373

>posts zero proof
wow hes def not scamming and tell the truth yeah sure

>> No.56159904

please do, include my post saying: "nigger"

>> No.56159939

It seems more and more like they’re pressuring the regulatory structures into place desu

>> No.56160151

High, very high iq post.
What is your bag composed of ?
Opinions on Hbar ? They were the first big name to associate to Chainlink, I thought they were going for the ultimate combo, but more and more I realize Hedera is poising itself as the best choice for private chain, stablecoin issuance and decentralized recovery. The last one could be huge.
I don’t trust Avax, do you ?
Thanks in advance anon.

>> No.56160161

>spermatozoid pink id
When does it stop brothers ?

>> No.56160171

Yes it is retard

>> No.56160180

you will never be a woman

>> No.56160660
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>the beauty of /biz/
>we truly are an awesome community bros!

>> No.56160715

god this faggot is so annoying

>> No.56162363

check the price, its not happening

>> No.56162490
File: 821 KB, 2358x640, depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile linkies, unless they are two digits IQ consumers, live in a constant state of depression and nihilism, trying their best but unable to perform in a hyper competitive and oversaturated blockchain world who doesn't actually need them at all, knowing that all their struggles and accomplishments are meaningless in the great scheme of things.
Also having "hobbies" and "self-improvement" becomes really old by the time you hit your mid-thirties, and by your forties you'll understand you wasted the best years of your life coping thinking you were going to do all those great things only to soon realize none of your dreams even materialized and there is no escape except the rope.

>> No.56162541

that /biz/ post was made on the 19th of jan 2021
the replies in that thread are downright depressing knowing what happened since
this whole market is a clownshow for the actual winners were the ones that bought doge at the time of that post

>> No.56162617

You threatened to rape a man a few posts earlier

>> No.56162662

kek -he did, too. maybe he meant rape him calmly lol

>> No.56162807

even the OP called 10 years before the bullrun even started. impressive desu, didn’t fall for the hype at all

>> No.56162850

we were too intelligent for this world
many such cases

>> No.56163400

Hbar is a centralized shit coin with a trillion unit token supply. Hard pass.

>> No.56163402

i told my gf in 2017 that link is the only project that matters. either it succeeds or nothing will...

still doenst change the fact that she wanted to invest in doge and i told her not to.

she has 10k link now. but she could have had multi millions right now with doge....

i feel so bad. i dumped her just because of how bad i felt. by telling her not to get into doge in 2017.

she was a good girl and listened to me.

i hope link moons just for that reason.

>> No.56163660

I still don't understand why citibank won't just do inhouse oracles, their blockchain is private!
What is the purpose of having any decentralized oracle scheme on a private blockchain?
they can do their own price feeds or whatever to enable smartcontracts, having decentralized oracles adds nothing when the blockchain it's a private blockchain.

still don't understand their relationship with chainlink, maybe it was just a premature relationship where citibank didn't knew exactly what they wanted and talked to chainlink about what they had to offer.

>> No.56163694

yeah just spin up some "inhouse oracles". that won't take years of development and a shit ton of money for a product that may or may not be as good as chainlink, which they can use right now

>> No.56163731

It's needed just like Supra and other oracles retard.

>> No.56163931

Hedge funds are trying to scam pump LINK

>> No.56163959
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>it crabs again

>> No.56163972

Linkies were schizos before XRP fags labelled themselves schizos. Read the archives if you don't believe me.

>> No.56164124

you can always tell a newfag by their opinion on XRP schizos