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56146653 No.56146653 [Reply] [Original]

How to protect your wealth from those who want to steal it?

>> No.56146662

Name a single benefit of getting married in the 21st century

>> No.56146664

damn look at that yellowbone ass. might even be worth 300k/month. he got a steal.

>> No.56146665


>> No.56146677

Why doesn’t she just stay with him? He’s the top 1% of humanity athletically

>> No.56146678

Sex, love, kids, support.
Unless you allow a nigger juggling an orange ball for living and his brown whore to cloud your judgement.

>> No.56146679

I wish she had another butt instead of a face

>> No.56146682

damn what a yellowbone ass that is

>> No.56146684

>Why doesn’t she just stay with him? He’s the top 1% of humanity

already got his genes and his money, she already made her life bro that's every girl goal.

>> No.56146686

He’s probably an idiot and acts like a tool all the time. In the end women don’t want macho dumdums they want sophisticated guys who make good fathers.

>> No.56146689

also the bottom 1% in every other aspect except financially and she already turned him into her simp

>> No.56146694

Like debt, marriage is another tool to keep goys trapped in their cages

>> No.56146705

>"niggerball marriage and "love" is just like IRL love!"
Kill yourself for falling for this media sensation and celebrity worship.
They are not human.

>> No.56146725

oh I didn't realize her face was in the shot. when is your coming out party?

>> No.56146748

probably cheats on her on a daily basis

>> No.56146755

>He’s the top 1% of humanity athletically
Basketball is a joke

>> No.56146793

Tax benefits.

>> No.56146822

You can do that without betting your current and future wealth on the chance your love will last.

>> No.56146925

Everyone knows her ass doesn't look like that. Most obvious photoshop ever.

>> No.56146946
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Easy, hide it from every single one you know, I did that when I got into kava, and won't tell a single soul when it hits 10 lmao

>> No.56147028

That's a very miserable life, don't you think?

>> No.56147034
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with this

>> No.56147073

Absolutely based, basketball people should disappear

>> No.56147080

I did that when I got into eth while it was less than $200 kek, guess who never told his family he's rich

>> No.56147084

That doesn't work if your wife rules the house

>> No.56147085


>> No.56147096

lmao id bash that bitch's head off the floor until her skull falls apart

>> No.56147097

Don't stick your dick in a woman unless you are fully prepared for this to happen.

>> No.56147115

Marriage not required
Marriage not required
Marriage not required
Marriage not required

>> No.56147138

this. real athletes are in olympic events and mma

>> No.56147144

Relationships past 3 months are barely worth it at this point.

>> No.56147148

>and mma
MMA and UFC fighters are all manlets. In the real world they'd be stomped by a big fat guy with a hundred pounds on them. If there's a referee it's not a fight

>> No.56147172

Exactly. Olympics athletes are the cream of the crop
Basketball is a bunch of retarded apes. Thats why people like Jokic or Doncic dont even take it serious. They just take the retarded money thats associated with it.
MMA is full of buffoons that let their head get bashed in, for the benefit of Dana White. No serious athlete would do MMA voluntarily

>> No.56147218

Basketball gets paid more

>> No.56147235

take the redpill anon....
They don't want sophisticated guys who make good fathers if that was the deal mgtow wouldnt exists...

>> No.56147289

They want alpha fucks beta bucks

>> No.56147306

the sad thing is that you actually believe this

>> No.56147315

They all got wiped out.

>> No.56147325

Because people like watching it. Meaningless metric

>> No.56147342

Although this shit will never affect me it's still absolutely absurd clown world shit. Im surprised anyone can justify 200k/month alimony

>> No.56147379

Yeah the economic support your wife is gonna get when after 5 years of you getting sex once a year for your birthday she tells you that she doesn't love you and then she gets the kid's custody on the divorce.

>> No.56147399

Money is a meaningless metric on a business board

>> No.56147416

Keep it all in XMR

>> No.56147737
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I hate niggers.
That said, I hope she had a boy and in 13-15 years I read a random story about some negro kid killing his own mother, running to his retired basketballer dad and, in a tearful embrace, apologizing for everything even though his dad, also in tears, keeps saying 'u aint done got nothin to apologize for bruh, ya feel me me lil nigga, ya dindu nuffin aight'.

>> No.56147872

Wild niggers are matriarchal. Baboon nigger bitches run the show in Africa Land of the Nigger. Humans are patriarchal not niggers though. This is a primary reason niggers can’t civilize with other hominids and/or humans. When mammies try to act like humans and secure a husband, something totally foreign to their nigger genes, the end up as ANBs (angry nigger bitches) and without the support of their village of idiots to raise their talking dirt chimp offspring abominations.

>> No.56147938

Women lose their "rights" before 2030

>> No.56147964

Give her the Jimmy Hendrix experience

>> No.56147974

Brittany Renner. Notorious thot famous for fucking athletes.

>> No.56147975

Don't tell a woman about your net worth until you and her are sure about getting married.

You really need to know who she is, in and out. Cause when you marry a woman, you are basically trusting her to not ruin your life.

>> No.56147999

lmao I just fucked a venezuelan in the ass for $20 and this nigger is paying $200k a month

>> No.56148013

most olympic events are meme tier
there is a sport where they twirl a ribbon lmao

>> No.56148046
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I guess you could say he was Hornét

>> No.56148100

where do you live ?

>> No.56148956

>Save a small amount on taxes for a 50% chance of losing 50% of your entire net worth plus ongoing payments and lawyer fees.
Please tell us what you are investing in.

>> No.56148959

Everyone saw this coming.

>> No.56148986

>enter marriage where the woman is rewarded for divorcing you
>enter marriage where the woman can divorce at any time with no faults from you
>woman divorces whenever she wants, without any justification required and reaps the rewards

>> No.56149002

christian tradwife
maybe marry in a different country
separate bank accounts
keep her entertained within whatever christian community she grew up in and wary of mass media, talk to her about this to gauge her views on mainstream society

dabble in gold, bitcoin and offshore accounts and make a few foreign investments as part of a policy of diversifying your portfolio

be polite to everyone and give small gifts but never make any real commitments unless you profit, wife and family excluded of course

as a young man you must move where the money is to make your first million before 30, but keep your shit wired tight, I wear a bumbag underneath my shirt with my wallet and have a fake wallet in my back pocket, if I lose the fake wallet I know someone is fucking with me, always conceal carry

as an old man with kids, move somewhere lowkey segregated and right wing and support your local far-right extremists and the christian right

be wary of ethnic minorities, we live in a world where you can fly from one side to the other in 24 hours, it is inevitable we will mix, however most are low IQ and naturally malicious, if not brainwashed by the left as most will be in the west, they are not like us aryans, and you shouldn't trust fellow aryans to begin with

>> No.56149004

>muh real love you should totally get married it's different IRL
Kill yourself, the only reason you could get away with this is because you're so poor the woman would end up paying alimony.

>> No.56149020

>you are basically trusting her to not ruin your life.
She can ruin your life by simply saying you raped her after you have sex. Your DNA on her + some bruises she gave herself and your life is ruined.

>> No.56149194

lol this nigga won't be playing b-ball for the next 18 years
does he still have to pay even if his income goes to 0

>> No.56149217
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It depends who you marry. If they are a virgin, they are a keeper. If they aren't, they will destroy your life. Just don't marry a used up cum dumpster. Simple

>> No.56149455


A "good father" is a man that gives both alpha fucks and beta bucks and thats whay women ultimately want. I've never had an issue with this and am that person. Must be you guys.

>> No.56149722

Use a private wallet to store your assets. Use Railway wallet.

>> No.56149810

Check out these heathens saying you don't need marriage for sex.

>> No.56149820
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bro u sound like a beta bro. u gotta be alpha. u think women are attracted to beta provider men? u crazy. women want a dominant alpha Chad who is willing to take what he wants, women want dangerous guys. bro u just don't understand the game. women don't want good fathers. if u are a good father u are doing nothing but creating a daughter who will be attracted to the very thing you tried to protect her against. it's a shame most betas will never figure this out

>> No.56149825

>marriage not required
See you in hell.

>> No.56149835
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>> No.56149852

If in the US, check that you don't live in a state where cohabitating as though you were married is sufficient. Palimony, they call it.

>> No.56149859

200K/mo in child support? That makes no scents. It doesnt take that much to raise a child and I don't think it's even possible to spend that much on a child. Child support that scales with income is clearly just extortion or punishment. I'm so sick of people acting like it has anything to do with helping the children.

>> No.56149873

Then marry secretly without signing a paper. You don't need the government's approval.

>> No.56150091

>How to protect your wealth from those who want to steal it?
Don't marry women of a lower class and lower income than you.
All these athletes get reckt because they go for the easy pussy and then put a ring to it. Because its easy to impress some broke middle-class slut when you make easy money. These men are dumb and emotionally stunted since high-school. If they tried going after high-income women they'd strike out more often than not because they have nothing to offer. Beyond some casual sex, that is.

>> No.56150259

Just look at her anon, you'd have to be a nigger to not be able to figure out you shouldn't marry a girl like that.

>> No.56150369

>still believing in desert fairytales

>> No.56150568
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>> No.56150915

Many legal requirements don't allow opposite-sex domestic partners to share tax returns, health insurance, beneficiaries, titles and other several legal things.
But for some reason they allow same-sex domestic partners.
Fuck this world.

>> No.56150960

This. A nigger like that must think that he is alpha male GOD and way too succesful to just spend his life with one woman.

>> No.56150978


>> No.56151043

>child support

Lol no. What happened is the dumb nigger got married without a prenup

>> No.56151048

Haha stupid nigger

>> No.56151059
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>> No.56151070

I know guys who got married when they were 25. They are in their 30's and more miserable than single people

>> No.56151079
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>> No.56151337

There's a certain type of woman that builds a social profile from their looks, pursues athletes, leeches from their fame, tries to get pregnant from them, and then leaves them when the child is born to collect massive child support payments to fund their glamorous lifestyles. To save face they'll usually demonize the ex afterward.

This is a textbook case, as this was not the only prominent athlete she's pursued, but she snared this particular individual while he was in college and she was in her late 20s or early 30s IIRC, when he did not know better.

>> No.56151373


>> No.56151448

isn't this a hot wallet? how long you plan on keeping the funds in here?

>> No.56151757

>Aug 9, 2021
what has happened since then?

lmao I gave my mom some money to buy a house and she tried to keep some of it fir herself. you can't even trust your parents these days

>> No.56152018

is this supposed to be an intellectual thought for a nigger?

>> No.56152092

God says so in the Bible.

>> No.56152118

>Name a single benefit of getting married in the 21st cen
If you're genuinely religious and your wife seriously believes in the sacrament of marriage then it makes sense, but non-religious people getting married has never made sense to me.

>> No.56152183

Yeah but he didn't put divorce and child support into it.

>> No.56152680

now let me go get some cigarettes

>> No.56152792

>He worships the void

>> No.56152967

Being a pro athletes wife is tough emotionally. Most of these guys have a piece of ass in every city they play games in. Basically them cheating is guaranteed.

>> No.56153012

>Defends females and blames males
yeah you simp incel npc really need to stop this auto defend miladies script you have especially stop running the blame men script its getting old. pathetic unmanly simp incel npc so desperate for pussy he sells out men every chance he gets to the point he does it automatically like a braindead simp incel would.

>> No.56153319

200k/month lol, i'm not american so how is that even possible? makes no sense to me some whore wants that quantity to raise a child, obviously the whore is gonna spend almost all in useless shit for her and the child is gonna get only 5% at most, also this gonna ruin that nigga because atletes have a short career and he is not have that income the next 18 years. americans are so cucked

>> No.56153351

Blessing of the Lord our God. Imagine not marrying a Catholic woman in the year of our Lord 2023.

>> No.56153441

she knows niggers are retards with the money so she is leaving the ship before he blows all the money on useless shit like espensive cars, parties, drugs, whores, blink blink and more useless shit

>> No.56153478

IMO its as simple as she doesnt want to. She got what she wanted and then dumped him.

>> No.56153678

Unironically, she thinks she can do better

>> No.56153723


>> No.56153745

Why are you people bumping this wiorthless thread?

>> No.56153771

That's $43 million. Why does a child need that much money to be raised?

>> No.56153790

Stop bumping this worthless thread

>> No.56153935

>I need a binding agreement in order to keep a family
Ah, I suppose you're the type of beta cuck that needs to convince everyone that divorce is shameful so that you won't end up sad and alone