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56144763 No.56144763 [Reply] [Original]

Why is my friend dumb for shilling XRP? Why am I dumb for not believing in XRP?

I'd love to hear both sides.

>> No.56144771

it's a centralized banker coin scam sell everything right now

>> No.56144820


Explain it to me like I'm slightly intelligent. Not very just slightly.

He and his wife are both buying in weekly.

>> No.56144882

There is a company (Ripple) that pays a lot of money for a marketing firm to post about buying XRP

For that reason I would stay far away.

>> No.56144895
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>> No.56145074

Thanks anon. If any other anons would like to chime in please do. Remember my friend is a shill and must be undegenerated.

>> No.56145169

banks would rather have their existing payment infrastructure improved upon rather than totally abandon how they already do things in favor of adopting some bizarre "solution" which is just using a dino chain that is easily copy/pasted at this point, it is 11 year old tech.

>> No.56145261

the way i see it xrp has as much utility and practical value as any other crypto (which is none). no banks don't really give a shit, no there is no switch flip, no the illuminati isn't going to magically turn the price to 500. That in mind xrp is still heavily undervalued and has a tendency to mega pump to around eth marketcap and then eat shit over years after that so it is possible it can go to like 5-7 bucks and bleed back down to 1.

>> No.56145347
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Avalanche does everything (and far more) Ripple does but in a technologically better & decentralized way. Easy as.

>> No.56145711

>Wise anon

>> No.56145753

I had an XRP friend. told me it was the only one you need to invest in. Made all is profile pics XRP logo, gave himeself an xrp name and everything. He had a heart attack and died 2 weeks ago, his son found him day after.
I hope XRP never makes it, so he can be dead in peace. That would be the ultimate joke so see xrp moon after he died

>> No.56146354

It isn't centralized and is the decentralized silver bullet against the banker centralized L2 Hell on Earth. Learn more ASAP nigga.

>> No.56146383

Schizo tier formatted but written as such to promote data synergies and lasting, enriched memory in the reader. Easy to dismiss superficially (or not read for sake of input requirement) but harder once read/dug into the whole of. I guarantee if you spend 15 minutes reading openly and critically it you will find it worth knowing. Don't read the first 100 words and feel turned off that you don't know what the Mojaloop Foundation etc. are. Look them up. Or if you don' want to take the time, still read it. I promise you even if you don't want to dig into the weeds, there is enough very obvious points (and institutional participation/partnerships/etc.) in there to get the general picture across to even passive readers of it. All data in it is 100% unequivocal. There is a lot more, this is just meant to be a very skeletal presentation of some major features to it. Could be the most important investment you ever make and I 100% don't say that to shill. You buying a few thousands of dollars of it changes my price point less than a cent. Legitimately just trying to help, as someone helped me originally telling me to buy way back when I started getting into this.

>> No.56146930

Now we can moon, sorry

>> No.56146965

Were his initials JB by chance?

>> No.56147215

Ripple is currently implementing a private version for XRP for banks, and they’re already using it. Soon, they will start using the public ledger.

>> No.56147761

Banks will have their own ledgers. But because they dont trust each other they need a neutral bridge asset between each banking institution.

XRP is like a replacement for gold in this sense. Instead of loading up planes full of gold bars and using it to settle between banks like they do today. They will use a digital asset that can be transferred in seconds with very little risk or cost.

>> No.56148254

Why are all the chainlink spammers on the board posting clips of sergey shitting on this concept? Is he even credible in saying banks don't want xrp?

>> No.56148295

Both XRP and LINK can be used by the banks, they’re not really mutually exclusive.
In crude terms, one is a bridge asset, the other is an oracle (working with SWIFT or not, LINK can stand on it’s own)
t. an xrp “baggie”

>> No.56148404

>Is he even credible in saying banks don't want xrp?

Banks dont need XRP internally. They use their own ledgers. But when those same banks are working with other banks they do need it.

They cant just say to the other bank here is some numbers from our books. Banks are in competition with each other all the time. They are not going to blindly trust their competitors ledger.

>> No.56149938
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So this guy on Twitter posing as a woman is stirring the pot for "engagement" because they're mentally retarded? I always thought multiple blockchains could and would be used. Why is Sergey saying settlement layers not wanted? Just shitting on his competition?

>> No.56149974

You're both wrong about part of it. It is a banker scam but it is also going to be worth a lot. Its a scam in that it is part of the biggest scam of all time which is pumping all markets and enacting laws to protect secured creditors then crashing the markets and confiscating all property of unsecured creditors (you),. XRP will be the new standard for these psychopaths so if you own some you will not be totally fucked like all the other plebs.

>> No.56150054

Marketcap big

Holders dumb

>> No.56150090

2 weeks ago not 4 days. But I like the way you think.

>> No.56150360
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Someone screen cap this. The next meme date is the 29th. If there is a big positive movement i'll spill one for you XRP bro.

>> No.56150484

It’s not going to be “another” settlement layer, XRP is supposed to provide a solution for banks to get rid of nostros/vostros accounts, improving the current way they settle. It won’t be something new on top of that currently exists, it will be an improvement (by replacement) of something they already have. In theory, banks will not really have to change any of their processes, they will just happen faster while unlocking billions.

>> No.56150716

So the super genius Sir Ghey is being disingenuous for his baggies to have clickbait titles

>> No.56151321

Wtf dude i also knew an XRP whale who died couple months ago. Crazy thing was he always was healthy. Nobody knew where he stored his seed tho

>> No.56151332
