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56102363 No.56102363 [Reply] [Original]

When a certain type of people obsess over inflation, you know its a manufactured nothing burger.

>> No.56102367

>one sentence /pol/ adjacent post
>twitter screenshot
kys nigger

>> No.56102375

Breathing air is good.
I'm a CHUD btw

>> No.56102429

>USA strongest economy in the world
>Massive deficits being monetized
>Entire economy revolves around somebody else producing and providing their goods for free to the United States
I think people are paying attention because they've just realized how incredibly unsustainable this is. If we can't make people safe/rich around the world in exchange for them fuckign over their countrymen, the USA is going to have a 'return to sender' moment with the dollar.
There are more dollars outside the USA than inside.

>> No.56102470

ive been hearing about muh hyperinflation for decades now.. never happens

>> No.56102487

Yeah they’ve only been trying to seed the hyperinflationary death of the dollar narrative for *checks calendar* 15 years now. How dare the normies know about muh sekrit inflation variable

>> No.56102510
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>When a certain type of people obsess over inflation, you know its a manufactured nothing burger.

Everything is up and everyone is feeling the pressure from inflation. I guess if you are a homeless person on welfare you don't notice it much. Inflation like this leads to mass social unrest and governments being toppled.

>> No.56102573

Food prices where I am have roughly doubled and I hear constant grumbling and complaining about it. I wonder just how many times food prices can double before people start tossing bricks around

>> No.56102620

The big countries already know. The writings on the wall. That’s why they formed that BRICS entity. It’s becoming painfully obvious that the only way to make it is to become stupidly wealth from sports, e-celeb, acting, or actually providing value through the internet that scales to millions of people at an order of magnitude better then the previous technology provided. Everyone else are basically slaves and trapped outside of that constituent.

>> No.56102655

Anyone that talks about the national debt as if it's something that needs to be repaid is a conman preying on the ignorant. The interest payments on it can get a little nutty when yields invert and rates are high but the debt is created to justify the existence of money and as long as that money exists that debt exists. Same way you can safely assume anyone that takes zerohedge seriously is a total moron.

>> No.56102666

Comsidering how fat the average american still is it's gonna be quite a while till bricks are being tossed around. No one is hungry so no one is revolutionary. Americans are all talk anyway. They'll bitch and moan incessantly before bitting the hand that feeds them.

>> No.56102678

>Talking head on twitter says something *could* LE HAPPEN
Fuck off already.

>> No.56102765

the central banks and commercial banks around the world that hold us t bills need them to not expire worthless, so they're not going to fuck over the us IF they can't gain more from other activities, which at this point I don't think they can, maybe in the future.

I read somewhere that this is what caesar did, get indebted to all the influent families in rome, so that none of them might oppose him since they all wanted him to succed so they can get their money back, and supposedely that's idea with the us government as well.

the dollar is a reserve currency that might even give you 1-2% on your money adjusted for inflation, and if you're already balls deep in bonds like china and japan are, why fuck with it?

japan had this idea when it seemed like they would overtake the us and so did china this past decade, but it seems their shitholes's growth was even more unsustainable for fundamental reasons. america can survive on vacuuming competent people from all over the world and militarism ad infinitum, the only way they will lose their top dog status is by willingly giving it up, and the big corporations being listed in usd and doing business in the us of a with usd aren't incentivized to adopt the remimbi, russian ruble, euro or btc anytime soon

>> No.56102777

Not killing yourself is fucking great. t. 1488

>> No.56103331

>its a manufactured nothing burger.
So when will the prices go down you nigger?

>> No.56103404

Tucker's so kewl. Not like all you other guys.

>> No.56103502

>When a certain type of people obsess over inflation, you know its a manufactured nothing burger
absolute midwit tier take
of course it's real, you just probably live in a country where it isn't as strong as in argentina
just look at prices in your local supermarket and compare them to what they were a few years ago
even today I saw some fish I used to buy for 3€ that are now at 3.6€ within a year

>> No.56103525

Wooooooah 60 cents holy crap!!!!!

>> No.56103555

>20% increase in food price in a single year is fine, everything is fine, go back to sleep

>> No.56103563

Maybe don’t buy fish in the Midwest retard

>> No.56103573

It must be torturous to be the cause of your own pain but not be able to understand why it keeps happening to you. I have noticed that certain types of people can't do basic math and lack personal financial skills, always complain about being poor, and vote Democrat every single time they're bussed to the polls.

>> No.56103602

>ok it's a problem, but it's only localized to certain regions just stop believing your lying eyes!
You're gonna burn alright

>> No.56103610

>>20% increase in food price in a single year is fine, everything is fine, go back to sleep

>> No.56103618

Fish by the coasts in the grocery store weren't caught same day, you know that right anon?

>> No.56103624

Just lmao if you think this is a democrat bs republican issue your head is in the sand just as much anyone else’s nigger cattle

>> No.56103631
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>Maybe don’t buy fish in the Midwest retard
The shrimp _WILL_ flow Paul Artreides.

>> No.56103646

Seriously you guys need to get your income up if 60 cents is breaking the bank for y’all full stop

>> No.56103650


>> No.56103658

nawww goofy ahh he cappin bruh aint no way

>> No.56103675

stfu you fucking cretin, stop embarrassing your mom.

>> No.56103685

Get your income up you have no excuse in this era

>> No.56103722

>he doesn't support Ukraine and is basically spouting Kremlin talking points
It's tiresome.

>> No.56103747

No one knows history.
The US powers that be have been administrating all of SEA since the 50s after WWII.
Barely anyone knows anything about WWII except the European portion. During this time the US 100% took over all of SEA. They have been under thumb every since and have zero autonomy.
Ignoring this means you cannot possibly make any accurate estimation of what will happen in the future.

I'm not saying this is you, but I'm saying that having the discussion without addressing the FACT that the US runs everything is basically retard tier.
It's a dog and pony show and yes, everyone has the dollar, and yes the best way to maintain the dollar is to send it out endlessly to the entire world because then they have interest in maintaining it.

>> No.56103795

>need them to not expire worthless
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.56103851

What compels retards like this to literally advocate against their own interests? Do they think waving around their slave collars like buckbroken bottom bitches is the way to "own le chuds"?

>> No.56103890

Theres a reason lowly people driven by idealogy are referred to as "useful idiots" by those who lord over them.

>> No.56103908

You’re the one crying over 60 cents chuddy

>> No.56103919

I invoice my customers for more than what you'd make in 5 years. Pussyboy.

>> No.56104009

Says the guy who’s crying over 60 cents suuuuure

>> No.56104184
File: 574 KB, 1080x1476, Screenshot_20230914_110329_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're currently in the "looting the treasury" phase of empire collapse.

>> No.56104246

Does your mother know she raised a bitch? Does your mother know you have a pussy?

>> No.56105360
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Hello NAFO

>> No.56105823

Still retarded. Japan ate shit for 15 years after 1987 but ended up with a stronger currency for it. Stagflating inflation away isn't the worst thing in the world.

>> No.56105932

Stop relating uncomfortable politics with people you don't like

>> No.56107650
File: 46 KB, 430x591, absolutelytrashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inflation is no big deal!
>blame putin for high energy, gas, food, education, and healthcare prices!
>inflation is actually a good thing!
Shitlibs are subhuman creatures who deserve physical violence.