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56093994 No.56093994 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it almost impossible to find wagies that care about their jobs? I remember just ten years ago you could basically walk into any store and ask about a problem they never heard of and they could recommend you products that would help and give you the benefits and drawbacks of each. Now you're stuck talking to some street rat that either says shit I don't know man or we don't have that here.

>> No.56094061

Good question... I don't know.
Maybe the internet made everyone lazy.

>> No.56094071

Because there’s no incentive for anyone to care that much. And no, you didn’t see that shit 10 years ago.

>> No.56094074

That's Bidenomics, Jack.

>> No.56094077

> I remember just ten years ago you could basically walk into any store and ask about a problem they never heard of and they could recommend you products that would help and give you the benefits and drawbacks of each

we made that shit up and mostly just read shit off the side of the boxes as we were talking to you

>> No.56094081

most of those wagie jobs pay $15-18/hour despite 1 bedroom apartments now costing $1500/month or more in most of the country. their schedules are shit, management is deranged, and most of them don't even get full time hours. i wouldn't give a shit either if i was subjected to that hell. $30/hour is the bare minimum to give a shit.

(no, i don't care about shitskins making $25/hour starting in niggerfornia or meth monkeys paying $500/month for 1 bedroom apartments in sistercreampie, niggerbama.)

>> No.56094185

small businesses got killed by amazon, walmart and taxes

>> No.56094698

Kek, managers get all the hate they deserve. I remember waging while in college and my manager absolutely refused to give me more hours despite the fact that I wanted them and she needed people to work on those days. It's just some deranged power game for them, where they try to minimize the number of people working at one time to save as much money as possible.

>> No.56094756

> manager
> “she”
> can’t perform task well
Many such cases

>> No.56094770

because wages are too low to care

>> No.56094795

the problem is that people are dumb

you have internet, why do you ask humans what you could ask to google

just search on google and then go to the shop and tell them "i need that and this"

fuck your mother

>> No.56094814

i went to a dollar store recently. they were hiring seasonal workers for $11/hour. this is in an area where 1 bedroom apartments cost $1800-1900 a month. you'd need to be a literal downie to agree to $11/hour. kek.

>> No.56094815

No one takes us seriously so why should we take anyone else seriously?
You carreer can disappear in an instant? Competent people set their lives up to account for that, incompetent people are incompetent.
Furthermore without a family (starting one is becoming rare) you don't even need a career if you're half decent at saving.

>> No.56097265

Capitalism is unironically a detriment to society.

The free market is different than capitalism. The free market is natural and good. Capitalism is a corruptible human designed system and it has been corrupted.

That's why everything gets shittier and shittier under capitalism.

>but muh $300 chinkshit flatscreen proves it's good
No it doesn't, you've just sold your soul for cheap trinkets.

>> No.56097272

Because we all know money is worth fuck all and why try harder because it will make a marginal difference at best.

>> No.56097315

I was recently helped by a zoomer kid that actually went out of his way to find if a competitor carried the product I was looking for and they did. Not all zoomers are bad. He was really young still so maybe he didn't realize yet how bleak his future looks.

>> No.56097316

50 years of breakneck debasement, workers are no longer paid enough to even pretend to care

>> No.56097344

Money has been corrupted, not capitalism, BTC is unironically the fix. BTC is a technical solution to the political corruption of Money.

>> No.56097379

It's rare, but it happens. The niggers at UPS somehow lost a $4,000 camera I sent for repair, and the most helpful person was a girl named Harley who sounded like she wasn't old enough to drink. She was actually, legitimately trying and I was impressed.

>> No.56097429
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Because tech VCs own America and get all the money for stupid ideas.

>> No.56097432

Because i hate normalfags trying to make small talk when im downing my 9th cup of coffee. Its all so fucking tiresome to care about some literal place where you do shit for money. I honestly fucking hate you if you care about your job. I just pretend to care so these faggots dont think im some uninterested depressed dude while actually i am.

>> No.56097449

Inflation kills hardworking people.
Come back after 5 years of deflation.

>> No.56097450

The effects of 2008 hadn't really seeped into everything yet, so people were still pretty hopeful that they would make it. Wasn't until like 2012 that I really started to notice people becoming super demoralized.

>> No.56097452

>Why is it impossible to find jobs that care about their wagies?
Consider this as your answer

>> No.56097457

because wage no longer matches COL. Imagine being able to afford a house by just working as a cashier.

>> No.56097475

>He was really young still so maybe he didn't realize yet how bleak his future looks.
This is literally everyone under 25 right now lol wait until they're like 28-29 and downing a fifth of vodka every night after their 10 hour shift at UPS because that liberal arts degree didn't make their dreams come true.

>> No.56097486

>5 years of deflation.
Woah hey, are you fuckin Hitler or something?

>> No.56097493

Bribe them anon.

Carry a €10 note in your pocket and keep your hand in it.

When they're less committed in their response, take your hand out your pocket with the warm €10 note and place it in the wagies hand.

Then remove the €10 note back to your pocket to illustrate that they actually have your benis in their hand.

>> No.56097822

The TV argument is fucking hilarious
>Dude it costs $50000/year to pay for rent, food, and health insurance buy YOU COULD BUY A $300 TV RIGHT NOW!?

>> No.56097840

No. I'm the return of brutal free markets

>> No.56099763


>> No.56101753


>you can't have a family because of Jew social engineering
>you cannot have an house because invasion brought prices through the roof
>50% of people around you are invaders
>garbage everywhere
Do really think people will go business as usual in these conditions? Not happening. You are lucky if wagies don't punch you in the face as soon as you address them.

>> No.56101818

It's a combination of
>Excessive individualism making everyone care only for themselves
>Internet and social media fucking everyone's brains up
>Immigrationism breaking societal bonds
>Wages not keeping up with inflation causing people to treat jobs unseriously
Why would the arab cashier spend time helping a chinese customer for her $10/hr job when she could instead just watch some more tik toks? What is the customer going to do, go to another store? Who gives a fuck, we import another million of these retards every year to buy our shitty products

>> No.56101928

I tried working at UPS as a package handler. I quit on my third day. I was like 20 lol

>> No.56102008

Another one of these people who thinks jewish money printing, regulatory capture, insider trading, bail-outs and bail-ins are "capitalism". Capitalism isn't something that can be corrupted, it's just economic freedom nothing more nothing less. What gets corrupted is the government and the owners of the central bank (which shouldn't exist under capitalism), who bring about a demographic crisis and economic slavery.

>> No.56102031

>absolutely refused to give me more hours despite the fact that I wanted them and she needed people to work on those days
Doesn't matter if the budget isn't sufficient.

>> No.56102036

I distinctly remember being able to take broken electronics to Radioshack and having them do component level repair on them pre 2008. We did it to multiple things back then.
The world is all globalist debt driven consumption now.

>> No.56102080

>And no, you didn’t see that shit 10 years ago.
yes we did. i grew up in europe and each town center was lively with a lots of non franchised small shops, you could enter one of these shops and find exactly what you needed and they could give you advice and stuff.
now its all empty town centers with just mcdonalds subway and footlocker and all the shops are half empty and you never find what you're looking for and if you ask a question to employees they get annoyed

>> No.56102268

I don't remember people caring ten years ago either?

Last time I remember retail workers caring about their job was 90s and 00s. Crash changed it all

>> No.56102276

>sorry goy but these inextricable features and occurrences that are coincidentally associated with every real-world application of capitalism -- they aren't actually capitalist.

>> No.56102287

I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am only to watch the piece of shit government destroy the value of my wage. I make 100k and I’m poorer than joggers on welfare

>> No.56102300

Maybe because they aren't paid enough to have any long term dignity and can barely afford food? Half of American adults can no longer afford a card payment.
>Why aren't people happy with rapidly declining standard of living?

>> No.56102316

sorry but we are stock market crypto jews.
deflation would kill 99% of biz.
its the uncomfortable truth.
deflation would lead us to having another world war and half the planet going full hitler/nazi on each other then 10-50 years of peace then a repeat.

>> No.56102326

>Few years of war for lie time of peace and dignified pay
Why wouldn't you want this

>> No.56102327

my friend you sound just like the "it was not real communism" people word for word.
just stop.
all these -isms are fake.

>> No.56102402

if you are the employer, pay more

>> No.56102563

Smart phone/social media manipulation started that and covid made it much worse. I dont even bother with customer service anymore its fucking dogshit. The only service I use now is delivery. I get all my groceries delivered or self checkout so I can steal a few small items each time.

>> No.56102577

yeah. places like that used to be very helpful. It's also just a money thing. Almost all businesses have stopped that kind of customer assistance and converted them into sales staff. The bean counters realized its just not worth having a guy tinkering with your device.

>> No.56103087
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Lots of old people still care. Old lady who works at the local Grocery Outlet bragged about being in the business for 50 years (bagging groceries lel) and still enjoys it and helps me find things if I need. Younger folks are OK with it, but yeah nobody is proud of it. Historically, these jobs could actually afford you stuff, now it's shitty supplemental income at best, so the only people who like it are those who don't need the money and are doing it for fun or to stay engaged with society. So old people who have stable families and aren't strapped for money.

I'm also starting to think that everyone who likes their job works from home, just because I can't imagine wasting money on a commute every day. Do wagies get compensated for travel time or gas money for their daily commute? I know my mom doesn't at her library job.

>> No.56103107

>Do wagies get compensated for travel time or gas money for their daily commute? I know my mom doesn't at her library job.

no. the average wagie will scoff and laugh hysterically at your question. but what's really funny is the average wagie being so mentally buck broken that they think it's a reasonable arrangement to be forced into wageslavery while simultaneously bearing the economic burden of arranging their own transportation (commuting for free and paying for transportation.)