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56078213 No.56078213 [Reply] [Original]

any wfh chads managed to solve the getting-depressed because-you-never-interact with-other-people problem?

>> No.56078227

I get depressed when I have to interact with people.

>> No.56078239

Yeah, it's called go out on the weekends and socialize with people. I go to yard sales and auctions and bullshit with boomers and try hard genX fags just about every weekend. Keeps me sane in the membrane.

>> No.56078244

Only weak people get depression

>> No.56078383


I don't have that problem. I get sick of people even over video.

But I have the bored as fuck with my pointless job problem. HOLY SHIT, I almost fainted with boredom today.

>> No.56078394

Only retards don’t get depressed. Like open your fucking eyes lmao.

>> No.56078429

Have a group chat with your old friends from school that you have an actual connection with. Go on dating apps and swipe relentlessly until you find a woman to live with

>> No.56078459

>implying a woman can replace a man's need for interaction with other men
Cringe and extremely gay.

>> No.56078465

Yeah I worked a few extra shifts a week at a bar. I mean it was a long ass day. 9 - 5, 6 - 10. But it filled the social aspect and pocketed a few extra $ a week to spend on penny whistles and hookers

>> No.56078517
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I used to go to these organized meet up events with random people but it made me more depressed as I met so many butt fuck ugly people who would have been bullied to never come out of their holes in better times but now are basking in the spotlight since all the diversity and tolerance bullshit faggotry took over so I stopped going

>> No.56078584

Depression isn't really lonelineness, that's just a politically correct excuse for it. It's associated with a highly developed frontal cortex (and thus intelligence) and thus thinking about the future. This is a double edged sword as intelligent people have a lower time preference and can delay gratification better, but the flipside of this is that when your society is dying in a moral catastrophe it can make one feel blackpilled and hopeless. The imbecile only concerned with the present and instant gratification will never even be aware of this.

The psychologist Daniel Gilbert has written about this but it's more strongly alluded to by Ted K. Our decaying society functions on the basis of everyone burying their heads in the sand, paying taxes and consuming product. Highly intelligent people who are aware of where things are heading are inconvenient. Thus they must have a "chemical imbalance" or must just be "lonely". The treatment is always drugs because it is assumed the problem is with the sufferer, not with the society he is in.

>> No.56078686

I've been working remotely since 2017. It doesn't get better but here's some pro-tips that I've found help. I'm also married with kids so maybe that helps too.

>I go to the gym almost every morning
I lift weights MWF, but I still go Tuesday and Thursday and sit in the sauna, shower, etc. It's a way to get out and around people.

>I do <SOMETHING> at least 2 nights per week
Sometimes I go to the driving range, sometimes I play tennis with my wife, sometimes we go get pizza. Doesn't really matter what it is as long as it's something outside of the house and, ideally, around other people. Sometimes I roll solo to a nature trail or go for a bike ride if I can't be brought to do anything else.

>I work outside the house whenever I can
I take a lot of calls so I'm not always able to do this. But if I have time allocated for a specific project that I know I will work on, uninterrupted for 1+ hours, I will go to my local library, put my headphones in and get some stuff done. I used to go to coffee shops, but I really can't focus there anymore as they tend to be pretty busy.

>Standing desk
Not sure it helps with loneliness, but in general I feel better when I stand for the first few hours of the workday, or when I'm on calls, etc.

>> No.56078722
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Yeah, I hate other people.

>> No.56078787

I was on Worker's Comp for two months and barely left my apartment. Don't know how you guys do it without going crazy

>> No.56078841
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>muh bleak future so depressed ;_;

lol you have NO IDEA what's coming

our futures are gonna be so insanely fucked up that it's not worth getting depressed over anything because it's impossible to foresee this era of change

dan gilbert is a reddit-tier ted talk, the based one was the kurzweil talk

ted k is cringe, imagine being so depressed and mistaken about the future that you just want to pre-emptively destroy it, holy dumb


>> No.56078925

Ok hear me out op - look up the Shen Men ear piercing - it's a piercing in the upper inner part and is an accupuncture pressure point which apparently helps with stress and anxiety, both of which are closely connected to depression. I was skeptical but went and had it done, and I have to say, it had been an amazing experience unironically. It's not nothing to have a piece of titanium metal through your ear - it makes you aware of it and that can remind you to be in the moment - simply mindfulness and LISTENING to other people is a key part of fighting depression. Don't think about the past don't think about the future as much as you can - just what's happening right now and be in that moment cause really, you could get cancer in 3 years and be dead in 5. Since I have had the piercing, I've felt happier and more positive about things than in a long time. I keep trying to get into melancholy states almost out of habit, to wallow in thoughts and memories that were part of why I was depressed, but I find the sad feelings don't seem to come and so I can't be bothered to think about those things any more. I'd recommend stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something different

>> No.56078931

you are introverted, right? That's one of the qualifications for wfh.

>> No.56078941


Pay a whore to interact with you.

>> No.56078943



Please explain more, I thought you were gonna go on about how we're heading for oblivion with our foot on the gas. But then it didn't go there

Are we in for fun times and tendies for all, or are we gonna be overridden by climate migrants and xenophobia will return in full force and KKK riots taking off all over the globe?

>> No.56078953

yes, I coach sports. Mostly to college girls :)

>> No.56079033


Pop ambien and sleep when not working. Avoid the world as much as I possibly can.

>> No.56079037

Bruh I was depressed when I had to commute 40 mins to my job and share an office with a bunch of fucks. WFH is so comfy, I will NEVER go back to an office, idc about the pay.

>> No.56079043

Also during your daily break or after work go for a 1 hr walk every day and chill out on weekends, this helps keep you fit and strong.

>> No.56079062

Not yet, at least so far as I know.

>> No.56079069

I don't have that problem. Have you considered developing autism?

>> No.56079198
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Yeah, I rent a desk at a coworking place.

>> No.56079226

Sounds like something a mentally unwell person would say

>> No.56079237

i never got that, but i interacted with family daily

>> No.56079256

Weed solved this for me.
I don't give a fuck interacting with other people if I have weed.

>> No.56079257

>I work outside the house whenever I can
this right here. You sound like a suburb no land cuck, but I have a massive 100 acre property so I enjoy time in my garden while on a call.

>how do you have internet faggot
Starlink. I'm a starlink chud

based anon, same here never going back. I have a second job on standby that's full remote if they ever try to pull me back (and they just closed our office so I doubt it)

>> No.56079313

this. I've never been depressed. I think it has something to do with avoiding poisons in the food supply

>> No.56079326
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>It's associated with a highly developed frontal cortex (and thus intelligence)
holy COPE

>> No.56079413

>use dating apps
>swipe relentlessly until you find a woman to live with

Enjoy the divorce rape and losing half of everything you own.

>> No.56079559

By not working from home. I got laid off and went to an in-person job. I hated the fuck out of it. Sitting in traffic an hour to work and an hour back. Dumbass CEO and roastie busy body "administrators". Faggot higher ups that think they're so fucking funny and awesome.

I'm back to wfh and I'm never going back. I'd rather take a lower paying remote job.

Also, I have friends and a gf I chat with amd hang out with on weekends. Also, find things you like to do and go out for them. Bring loved ones if they're interested.

>> No.56079583

lmao this gtfo OP you faggot normie

>> No.56079596

>ted k is cringe, imagine being so depressed and mistaken about the future that you just want to pre-emptively destroy it, holy dumb
AI-based Singularity fingers formed this post

>> No.56079679
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I had no social life before wfh so it was fine at first. 3 years in and it became unbearably depressing but luckily the crypto market boomed and I was free to begin my life. Now after 2 years of not working I'm starting a new wfh job with an amazing gf and new lease on life. Having a gf who lives with me is going to make wfh infinitely less depressing and is probably the only real secret to the problem if you ask me. Godspeed anon

>> No.56079725

i did apple at home support ~6 years ago and it drove me crazy. i just moved to a new city where i didnt know anyone and i just lost what little social skills i did have and got hella fucking depressed from lack of interaction. i still went out and everything too, made myself do things by myself, kept up my interests and tried to find others to hang out with but i was just so fucking gone. i remember one of my buddies came down and i was genuinely happy to see and hang out with him but i had literally nothing to say. i felt bad bc of how shut off i was

>but if i were to get a standard 9-5 now theres no way id go back in office.

>> No.56079739
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i'm wfh but depressed because the woman i love which is very shy, white, cute, and with giant boobas went with another man

>> No.56079746


>> No.56080059

>hang out with him but i had literally nothing to say. i felt bad bc of how shut off i was
Same thing happened to me. I can't even talk to the people I used chat non stop with because I have nothing to talk about and they also been in different circles buddying with different people, there was no connection left. Used to play vidya big time back in hs but even that's gone.
How did you crawl out of that hole?

>> No.56080076

I only get depressed when I have to interact with co-workers/management. For realz. Having to get on video calls and meetings gives me legit anxiety. I prefer to be left the fuck alone when working.

>> No.56080112

you office dick suckers are pathetic
i will never go back to office
fuck your depression

>> No.56080154
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Everytime I get depressed working from home I go to the office for one day to instantly remind myself that working in the office is literally 100x worse and thank Jesus that I wfh.

>> No.56080220
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Thank God for WFH. Growing up i never imagined work would be this way but here I am. Life is good.

>> No.56080352

anonette left home with a browneyed man, I never seemed to care

>> No.56080428

This is just midwit bilge honestly. Ted K was completely right about technology and disconnection with nature and the looming "mental health" crisis. He was right about where governments and the left were heading. I don't know on what basis he could possibly have been wrong. The irony being that Kurzweil's predictions are hopelessly inaccurate and he is an infamous coper who moves the goalposts everytime a prediction goes wrong. Typical progressive transhumanist with a teleological idea of progress who lacks the foresight to see problems with technology that Ted K is able to.

>> No.56080476

I interpret it more as seeing the ultimate futility and absurdity of existence itself. It is literally just a pack of niggers running around trying to get da booty in more ways than one.

>> No.56080479

It's highly correlated with intelligence, but keep coping. The reality is that if you want to be happy you need to be a 100-120 Deano who gets satisfaction from his sales job, loves working towards his next overseas vacation, making a bit of money on the side trading, loves watching the champions league and has a night out with the lads at the weekend. Doesn't care about politics or spirituality or his people, doesn't care about meaning or having higher aspirations, just wants to get ahead and live in the moment. Chances are this is a lot of people who post here.

The reason lobotomies were so widespread is because they worked, damaging the frontal cortex stopped subjects being able to think about the future which "cured" depression. Being a normie Deano is to some extent like being lobotomised.

>> No.56081259

I literally have 119IQ measured by Mensa and I’m still depressed
Checkmate faggot

>> No.56081279

it’s called “going for a walk”

>> No.56081395
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>you-never-interact with-other-people
I wish I had this problem, my coworkers are crying I dont entertain them enough at work.
Which is funny because if they didnt cry all the time at work I would like em more.
Oh the fuck well.

>> No.56081407
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>Yeah, it's called go out on the weekends and socialize with people
Why? Costs money.
I dont really get depressed I just wish I could shoot guns and cook off pipe bombs.
I hate living in ban states.

>> No.56081417
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>old friends from school
Why would I want to talk to those faggots?

>> No.56081418

I'm tired of retard opinions like this
You supposedly 120IQ+ faggots unable to fix your own unhappiness thru FACTS n' LOGIC

There are quasi-infinite datapoints assailing your senses every day, what you choose to focus on shapes your reality
You can say the glass is half empty, or that it is half full, this is basic stuff
You can correctly understand that the world is probably run by satanic, pedophile, (((elites))) etc etc, but you can also recognize that anyone of your capability can eat and live the good life, and spend the powers that the modern world does at least impart to us on spirituality and building to fight the zog

Being depressed at the state of the world or being willfully ignorant and happy are two sides of the same external-locus-of-control coin
If you're playing chess you don't despair because you lost a bunch of pieces and your 20 step plan didn't go the way you wanted to, you pick up where you are and see what options are available to you yet

>> No.56081421

Am I on the reddit.com?

>> No.56081432
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>The treatment is always drugs because it is assumed the problem is with the sufferer, not with the society he is in.
I like doing drugs but I like firearms so I am stuck in the USA until I can fuck off someplace with legal weed and legal guns, fuck me solid.

>> No.56081441
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>Don't know how you guys do it without going crazy
When we say we hate people, we were not joking about that, we really really do not like being around people and having to appease these fucking normies makes that even worst.

>> No.56081447

I solved this problem by getting fired

>> No.56081454
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Literally a dopamine hit you faggot.
Comes and goes.
This morning I was un happy, today, right now, I am happy, why? I am here to call you a fucking faggot.

>> No.56081455

Partially true

Absolute quasi infinite reddit tier midwit

>> No.56081470
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>If you're playing chess
We aint playing chess, we're playing real life, faggot.

>> No.56082505

If you knew jack shit about dopamine you'd know it doesn't have to do with happiness but rather anticipation of happiness, or put another way: contentment

Trust me, I know better than you, because I know the same facts that you do but I am content and energetic, and you are not.
You need to post anonymous photos of men with large guns, and I feel no such need, this is only one such bit of evidence
If you, from today, assumed that I knew what I was talking about and set yourself upon the way to find such a state I bet you would find it in under a year and a half
But you won't, you will continue to rebel against what God is trying to tell you and reality

Explain why in a supposedly meaningless universe you cannot just negate nihilism into ultimate, ubiquitous meaning?

Even if there are objective truths (which I believe there are, spiritually and therefore even morally) and you were objectively in a position of weakness and disempowerment as you feel right now, why would that not be merely a greater challenge to throw your embodied consciousness at in order to move the needle?

>But I did eat breakfast

>Bear in mind that the present life is just a game, a diversion, an attraction, a cause of boasting among you, of rivalry in wealth and children. It is like plants that spring up after the rain
> - Surah Al-Hadid 20, the Quran
Even if you don't believe in mudslime religion, don't you think there is a reason they wrote this down when Muhammad and his couple hundred men conquered most of the middle east in one generation?

>> No.56082545

I wouldn't say I'm depressed but I'm definitely not happy as I could be and yes it is because of this gay commie society and the hopelessness I have in the people.

>> No.56082588
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Not wfh specifically but I daytrade. Shorting the shit out of Kava and Ethereum helped me stay inside consistently for a good while.

Yes, I hope Bitcoin sinks to $10k.

>> No.56083163

i quit, floated around doing bullshit jobs for a bit and then started working on an oil rig which is pretty fuckin tight and i think just what i needed. if i were you id get some phenibut to try and help with socializing. take some and either give some of your old friends a call and catch up, or get out and make some small talk with people in public. youre also probably at least a little bit depressed so make sure youre getting sunlight and exercise too.

>> No.56083702
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Fucking retard

>> No.56083932

I spend my nights playing games and watching movies with amazing online friends, working on personal projecrs or house work.
Every few months I travel somewhere with a few of my online friends to fuck around in real life. It's an absolute blast.

The problem of depression never came up for me because I'm socially well adjusted and grew up knowing the internet as a real social outlet. If you're missing either of these you're fucked. Most normalfags are missing the latter, but I imagine most channers are missing the former.

>> No.56084817


>> No.56087594

Try getting a wife. We both WFH so I get to spend all day hanging out with my best friend. I will never work a non-WFH job again.