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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56048638 No.56048638 [Reply] [Original]

If the price of TVs and computers is expected to go down over time and become more affordable for the average person, then why not housing

>> No.56048963

Because the premium in housing is in the location not the materials/labor that went into building it alone, although that counts too, also because of this location dependent premium which is kinda stable over decades(the beach doesn't usually move or that mountain view) people perceive real estate(WRONGLY) as a safe and stable way to store their wealth and grow it and a market exists of speculators, investors and flippers, there's also cultural and demographic dynamics that affect house prices, retireees, young people, colleges, business centers, etc etc.

Anyways the net effect is that house prices go up nominally. in real terms they mostly don't unless you literally get super lucky with your property.

But your spidey sense tingling is correct about the clownishness of the system. Housing should just be cheaper every year even with location premium if we had two things: 1) sensible zoning laws 2) good hard money(bitcoin)

This would allow people to build more and innovate more in housing keeping it cheaper no matter the location and with good money people can just save money in a savings account instead of gambling it in real estate or stocks or whatever. People would be more free to move for jobs, family, fun and it would be cheaper to form communities around like minded people. people wouldn't feel so trapped where they live and dont like the politics.

changing houses should be as easy and cheap as changing cars.

>> No.56049117

pretty sure macbooks keep adding 500 euro yearly to the price tag

>> No.56049599

it's easier to make tvs computers and widgets than it is to make land you dimwit