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56038857 No.56038857 [Reply] [Original]

What are the larger economic implications for a AAA bethesda title to flop spectacularly during a recession?

>> No.56038875

isnt there still the xmas sale or will it be too old already? usually games and alcohol do well during recession

>> No.56038911

starfield will succeed because of mods
todd wins again

>> No.56038926

water fu

>> No.56039073

Forget Christmas sales, that's when the last over optimistic sheep is going to get the message and it might become time to consider accumulation of shares of basic goods companies through covered shorts

>> No.56039186

They gonna let players to mods all the niggers to hot japanese waifu

>> No.56039231

It will succeed because 99% of gamers in 2023 are all tranny faggots and love everything globohomo

>> No.56039311

Are these mods in the room with you ?

>> No.56039407
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pungent female braps

>> No.56039448

You can't make a good game as long you have an infinite supply of cocaine. Money corrupts everything it touches.

>> No.56039460

Just release Skyrim again.
That always works.

>> No.56039532

>bing bing wahoo thread
Who gives a fuck, gaming is a hollow shell of its former self, the zoomies only want the next hero slop shooter anyway, they complain on the Internet about this game and then they go back to playing their slop game they always play. Leaving about 5k-8k sweaty neets who just want to suck whoever the developers cock is and will play the game even if they hate it because of sunk cost fallacy.
Literally nothing will happen, this same scenario will play out again and again. The zoomies don't actually demand change they just want to kick and scream for a second and then they are over it because mushy tiktok brain

>> No.56039547

Um sweaty we're not in a recession?

>> No.56039595

217 billion industry

>> No.56039597
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y'all buying take two?


>gta 6 announcment coming up sometime this year
>6 will be in vice city and draw in lots of old players with vice city nostalgia
>gta 5 was and still is the best selling entertainment product of all time

>> No.56039627

Exactly the point
Nothing will happen
The zoomies will spend their next $70 on the next trendy game, it will be perceived as a flop on release (like literally every single game the last 5 years), and they will go back to playing slop shooter 2023 just like they always do anyway, and even spend another $15 on some skin that has no in game meaning other than "I bought it lol"

Nothing will happen

>> No.56039647

Dangerously based

>> No.56039649
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Diablo 4 was financially ok (it will be the last 'blizzard game that sold well Ever tho) but game died in record quick time. Twitch viewership literally dropped from average 500k to 5k in 5 weeks, never seen anything like that. Dead game

Starfield (Starefield) was obviously outdated from the release. You could tell even from some game leaks graphics are outdated as fuck, literal 2010 game engine they still use. Skyrim had better graphics Tbh

So now they need to cancel next elder scrolls project and Create new and engine for that as this current creation engine versiopn has been busted

>> No.56039660

who wants to play a game where you have to interact with so many non-whites?
people set up their entire lives to interact with as few animals as possible, you think they're not just going to decide to play something other than zoo simulator?

>> No.56039665


>> No.56039889

This right here. Gamers will literally swallow any garbage put in front of them, defend it, then spend another thousand dollars on microtransactions.

>> No.56041709

people are buying the shit out of starfield and the reviews are "very positive" on steam, doesn't look like a flop to me.

>> No.56041722

I haven't bought it, nor will I, just saying, 18k reviews and climbing

>> No.56041729

It's a huge flop and the death of bethesda

>> No.56041744

>18k review
>Flat game pretending to be AAA
That's a joke no? It's dead, release flopped. That's vr level flop

>> No.56041893

>May have to buy some shares in them just for the laugh, I've always loved GTA even back to GTA 1 and being Scottish the easter eggs they plant are second to none, a few 100 at this would be worth it. Just look at T2 share price from 2013.

Watch now that's ive said this they announce the release trailer tomorrow and I'm priced out. Screenshot this.

>> No.56042057


We are obviously in a video game industry bubble. It should of pop a long time ago.

>> No.56042063


The bubble about to burst as this recession drags on.

>> No.56042078

>literal 2010 game engine they still use
It's actually a modified version of the same engine they've been using since Morrowind, which had its largest overhaul back in Oblivion. It's a game engine form the mid-00s.