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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5603467 No.5603467 [Reply] [Original]

When I watched this movie the first time, it was quite funny. Now I watched it again and replaced every time they said penny stocks with cryptocurrencies. Oh my god, this was so FUCKING funny, I can't belive that this movie is not about cryptos.

>> No.5603587

It is a lot better if you know anything about investing. I know a lot of people who just like it because its a drug/party movie.

>muh quaaludes

>> No.5603650

the movie isnt about penny stocks either

>> No.5603661

buy BZC

>> No.5603675

And it's so fucking accurate. You shill shit to others and they buy the bags lol

>> No.5603681

This. It is better if you understand investing, but it's still a fucking comedy and basically IS just a trashy drug movie.

Margin Call on the other hand was an excellent film.

>> No.5603736

i just watched margin call today and it wasn't that good

>> No.5603822

Recommend good
The Big short?

>> No.5603826

>margin call
the bar is low

>> No.5603852
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>> No.5603930

Wall street is another good one , based gordan gecko. Dont watch the sequel

>> No.5604524
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>> No.5605183


>> No.5605798

Margin Call was great. Ignore those faggots saying otherwise.

>> No.5606462

Glengarry Glen Ross

>> No.5606525

The only valid answer

>> No.5606571

Me too I found it hilarious.

>> No.5606593
File: 76 KB, 680x478, 6O3TVKCnsWPEcrRfRDI8ICQQ0lQpBTgyhr5MNpdO0HE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Big Short" is another good one to watch in this context.