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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 1000x667, dollar-bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56018707 No.56018707 [Reply] [Original]

When is all this hyper inflation bullshit going to stop? I'm tired of paying $600 for a shopping cart full of groceries when that same shopping cart was $250 a few years ago.

>> No.56018714

>he thinks you can get back purchasing power

>> No.56018720
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It's time to deliver the sacrifice OP.

Meet me by the lake at midnight.

>> No.56018724
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lol he thinks it will retreat.

>> No.56018725

Except for real estate its deflation. Producer price indexes all over the world are negative growing

>> No.56018726

Hyperinflation has historically only happened when a country has large debts denominated in a foreign currency. You can't hyperinflate off of your own currency's debt because it's missing the runaway effect of having to sell your currency on forex

>> No.56018744

The line go up freaks, buy my bags because inflation are getting annoying

>> No.56018750

But there's going to be a metric fuckton of homeless people if this doesn't stop. I'm confused... since there's going to be so many homeless people, that means jobs aren't being filled, which will just be a clusterfuck. Why isn't that being solved?

>> No.56018757

>you can't raise the minimum wage, the prices of everything will just go up!
>businesses have to start paying better wages to keep workers
>prices go up
>wages stop going up
>prices continue to go up
Uhhh, reagan bros? Our response?

>> No.56018777

You think anyone cares? America has spent decades shilling the idea that if you're poor it's your fault and you don't deserve to live.

>> No.56018782


Learn how to cook and eat modestly. Inflation doesn't mean shit if you do those things.

>> No.56018787

This. Also consider cheaper protein like bugs or smaller pod houses

>> No.56018795

>m tired of paying $600 for a shopping cart full of groceries
How many are you feeding for that? Is that a month's supply or something? My weekly groceries have never worked out to be more than £30 a head in my family.

>> No.56018807

2 adults and one 4 year old child every month. We don't buy a bunch of crap like chips and processed garbage.

>> No.56018812

What sort of stuff do you buy? What's the most expensive thing you buy?

>> No.56018815

>(((We))) should emit debt to pay for a bureau that writes up solution for the homeless population and spend 1% helping the homeless
>Socialism rulez
Lol, socialists

>> No.56018817

Go to aldi

>> No.56018820

Wait till the end of this next recession in a few years, you may not have a job by the end of it but at least you can get cheap food again

>> No.56018821

Only possible when the general rate of profit is high ie the productive forces aren't sufficiently advanced

>> No.56018827

Mainly organic food(soup, meat, vegetables, fruit, bread, typical things). The most expensive is probably the meat at about $10 for a quarter pound.

I don't have that where I live, but I have a place called Grocery Outlet which is essentially the same as Aidl.

>> No.56018842

What about beer? Should we stick to cheaper beers like bud light?

>> No.56018846

What about lidl

>> No.56018854

>aldi and lidl aren't affected by inflation

>> No.56018861

Bud light ONLY

>> No.56018872

No. I wish. I did some research on that(and Aldi) and it sounds amazing. Grocery Outlet is the closest thing.

>> No.56018876

I'd take a look at the fruit and veg you buy, since they're usually expensive for what you get. Lots of fruit are out of season and imported which make them expensive. I'm not saying don't buy them, but try and make informed choices about what gives you the most bang for your buck.
You might want to consider switching brands for random stuff like milk coffee, toothpaste, soap, toilet roll, etc. since there's usually loads to save there.

>> No.56018887

Never, stuff’s only about to get more expensive. Trying my luck by DCA in fun, kas and inj now, and hoping for the best down the line

>> No.56018905

But my wage is the same at my work. I'm confused. Why isn't that being fixed? I have asked my boss when my wage will increase to compensate for the insane inflation, but he still doesn't have an answer.

>> No.56018919

Because you are solitary, alone, an individual with small leverage. The only people seeing wage increases are unionized like UPS. You think your boss is going to give you more out of the kindness of his heart? Or the government will force him because they like you so much?

>> No.56018951

op is a lying bait posting faggot
all fields

>> No.56018957

There will always be immigrants to fill the jobs that natives don't want.

>> No.56018958
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Never. The entire fiat grift rests on debasement outpacing wage growth, such that real wages fall while assets inflate (parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs). Dump your fiat into BTC as soon as it hits your bank account, capital flight into assets is the only escape

>> No.56018964
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>tfw you're so comfortable with not getting anal rape that your main concern is money

>> No.56018968

Even so there are millions of people like him who have no idea what’s going on so it’s always fun to imagine he could be real

>> No.56018974

>Muh magic fiscal policy would fix a total lack of fundamentals
Fiat is the band aid that makes outsourcing work. Your proposed solution is like turning off the spigot to fix a leaky bucket

>> No.56018998

Damn PPP loans really fucked this country up

>> No.56019026
File: 62 KB, 1513x473, shit&piss500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem is the corruption of money, not min wage, min wage was an once of silver in 1965

>> No.56019103

>n-no if we aren't being constantly stolen from the economy will explode!
You can't engage in effective economic calculation when you're fucking with the unit of account to this degree, look at this shit: >>56019026 equities have been flat for 60 years, all the nominal gains have just been debasement, in such an environment a liquidation proof leveraged short of fiat is the fix

>> No.56019109

>Noooo muh nerd numbers are the underpinning of the economy!!!!
No fundamentals means gold standard is literally impossible because no exports to exchange for gold

>> No.56020219

You have causality backwards, the bullshit economy is a product of fiat causing malallocation of resources and rewarding negative and zero sum real term economic transactions that are never the less nominally positive sum due to fiat fuckery

>> No.56020246

Fiat on itself isn't the problem, the fucking around for short term profits ignoring the long and mid term is the root of the problem

>> No.56020433

Anon, look at that shit: >>56019026, over half a century wasted chasing fictitious nominal growth, flat IS the problem, without real money you can't engage in effective economic calculation

>> No.56020667

It's by design. They want inflation to remain. Once you realize your government doesn't care about you and this is all about power consolidation things make a lot more sense. Have you been asleep for the last few years?

>> No.56020934

they'll sooner massacre the homeless than fix things.

>> No.56021141
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I will tell you this and I will tell you this twice

Buy a house or an asset that is independent of the dollar to save your shit, otherwise you get taxed from the goverment for not spending your money in the form of inflation

Buy a house or an asset that is independent of the dollar to save your shit, otherwise you get taxed from the goverment for not spending your money in the form of inflation

>> No.56021193


>> No.56022448

keep waiting and youll realize when your 80 that it never went down. USD isnt a currency you fucking retard, its an inflationary thing to make sure you keep working dor the rest of your life.

>> No.56022709

Grocery outlet is excellent for fake meat and desert

>> No.56022756

Really? Antisemitism in 2023? Ugh.

>> No.56022786
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dropping iq from environmental poisons and giving make work jobs to people that results in wasted efficiencies


>> No.56022871
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You will own nothing, and like it.

>> No.56022895

Well... they were right.

>> No.56022959

What do you mean “going to be”. There already is. Try going to any major city and you’ll see people sleeping in tents next to every highway on-ramp. They are everywhere now. Many of course are crazy junkies but others just got fucked over.

>> No.56022970
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>> No.56022986

What the fuck is adding up to 600 dollars? Post receipt now you organic fuck

>> No.56022998

Whoa, capitalism is based!

>> No.56023025

Have you tried not being a trade fag and getting a high paying corporate job?

Or perhaps you’re a third world concern troll that’s here with an agenda and you don’t actually care?

>> No.56023158

they don't care dude

>> No.56023274
File: 36 KB, 417x600, tainter collapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Roman Empire spent almost its entire half of a millennium of existence debasing its currency. You can go a long way coasting on the fumes of prior glories, if they are great enough. Don't get your hopes up.

>> No.56023287
File: 239 KB, 800x1062, 1693847638880385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be thankful of high prices (that aren't actually that high) if it means defeating the evil forces of Voldemort Putler, chud.

>> No.56023303

>When is all this hyper inflation bullshit going to stop? I'm tired of paying $600 for a shopping cart full of groceries when that same shopping cart was $250 a few years ago.
'this hyperinflation'
~ its only just begun ~

>> No.56023571

Took half a century per 50% decline in silver content of the denarius, USD was debasing at around 50% per decade pre-2020 and the rate since has been even faster

>> No.56023600

Interesting comparison.
Stop trying to make me hopeful. We probably have a lot farther down to travel before people start finding other societal arrangements and forms to be preferable.

>> No.56023643

inflation is transitory. if your wage didnt keep up, you didnt make it

>> No.56023670

People don’t understand how dire the situation truly is. The whole system is insolvent.

>> No.56023690

Not in our lifetime. As soon as you point out that capitalism has failed, all of the brainwashed masses start chimping out. This pervasive shit has been going on for decades and it'll take exponentially longer to stamp it out. If a child has been groomed by capitalism it is already too late, they'll die before they admit that it's a failed system.

>> No.56023702

This is the only way out. 99% of the word don’t get it and have nothing to lose. So it seems dystopian but in actuality some of us who get it will become insanely wealthy and the vast majority will finally be able to save in a unit that can’t be debased.

>> No.56023707

>there's going to be a metric fuckton of homeless
kek there already is
And things just keep getting worse.

>> No.56023755

This. I live in a rural Trump shit hole and the homeless and drug addicts have exploded in number in just the past two years. Property theft happens every day now and every other street has at least one drug house. The thin blue line police refuse to do anything about it

>> No.56023784

I don't think the particular relationship of state to private enterprise is germane to the subject here bud. Would a completely planned economy have helped? Something deeper is happening and you need to think deeper.

>> No.56023801

You either eat cheap and destroy your body or healthy and spend a fuckton. It is not possible to eat cheap and healthy in the current environment. Lean cuts of meat, protein bars, egg whites, nuts, produce, all these things are incredibly expensive. I easily rack up $300 and barely fill the bottom of the cart fml

>> No.56023807

Sounds reasonable senpai, should I also be happy?

>> No.56023817

>protein bars
stfu and go read /fit/ until you aren't retarded anon

>> No.56023820

I don't know, what do you really have to offer when all you know is capitalist propaganda?

>> No.56023879

You are either a troll or an idiot.

>> No.56023887

>something deeper
like a completely compromised government living off it's citizens like vampires. system can work if the government wasn't just a vapid (((nepotistic))) wealth redistribution apparatus

>> No.56023915

I guess I'll take that as you have nothing to offer, being a capitalist NPC.

>> No.56023971
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Remove the Jews. Simple as. Until you pathetic goys do something about it, things will continue to get worse.

>> No.56024056

>>56018750 oh no no no.
>>56018827 farmer's markets dude. sign up for herd shares.
>>56018905 skill up or buy bitcoin

>> No.56024076

Removing the capitalists isn't simple though.

>> No.56024085

More pajeets to be imported to fix that problem

>> No.56024087

The only real difference between 'capitalist' and their supposed opposite 'noncapitalist' states has seemed to be the degree of planning and control exercised by the state in the economy. The workers never owned anything, the commodity form was never anywhere abolished, the beach was never found beneath the paving stones. All of the attractive lofty goals of left wing radicalism evaporate as soon as rubber hits the road and we are left with a state which is in control of the various productive organs of a society. A sort of modern oriental despotism. A pretty reasonable and proven arrangement through history. Now, can the problems of the assumption of infinitely improving conditions with seemingly finite room for intensive and extensive growth be ameliorated by such system? Maybe, with very wise rule. Would it be solved? No, of course not. Further, what we find is that said systems, if they persist, will tend to look more and more like their western, 'capitalist' counterparts. Meanwhile, western societies will engage in more and closer economic planning. This suggests that there is a sort of optimal arrangement of state power over production and the various states, if they persist, will asymptotically approach it. China get more like America, America gets more like China. It is not socialist and it certainly is not a 'free market', it is the technocratically managed society of control. But still the fundamental problem cannot be solved because the problems at their root are not organizational or ideological, they are material and demographic. They are Malthusian. One might even call them Marxist. I wouldn't, but you could.
Please kill yourself.
I do not think I can agree. You cannot wise-rule yourself out of basic, physical limits to growth. In fact that is what I think they have been trying to do with all the monetary trickery, but really they have done is buy time to manage expectations downwards.

>> No.56024105


>> No.56024106

>wall of cope
>please kill yourself
Who programmed this frickin' thing? Elon Musk?

>> No.56024117

So how come currently Turkey has hyperinflation, you brainfart

>> No.56024180

I've been doing this ever since I truly got it after investigation into money and Bitcoin. I keep buying Bitcoin at any price, whenever I get a cash payment. Cash is trash. I don't keep more than 10k euro in the bank. Might still be too much. I guess I'll buy another 5k worth of Bitcoin the upcoming few months

>> No.56024184

Guess which currency turkey owes its debts in

>> No.56024219

I'm in Istanbul right now. Paid 10 euros for 620 grams of steak, in my home country Belgium I can get maybe 200 grams of steak for 10 euros.

>> No.56024300
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What is the best strategy for keeping yourself wealthy during inflation? Prices continue to go up and my wage isn't increasing in proportion to the rate of inflation. I think the trend will continue into the future, it will only get worse. What do you think about the idea of buying precious metals? Or gemstones like rubies and sapphires? to trade them at a future time when I need the cash. What about buying foreign currencies in a country that is expected to grow in wealth in the future, like China Yuan for example.

>> No.56024310

Rome constantly debased their gold and silver currency primarily so they could fund the massive upkeep costs on their military. In some instances, Roman military spending was a staggering 70% of gross revenue for the year. They really had no choice because at the cost of expansion, their frontiers were constantly inundated with foreign threats and invasions. It took an obscene about of money to fight off millions of barbarian savages that wanted to steal and sack their shit for over 200 years straight at the same time the empire was fighting internal civil wars in the process from the 3rd - 5th centuries.

>> No.56024353

I see I have replied to bait. Shame on me.

>> No.56024369

It's okay, at least you didn't get baited into losing 44 billion.

>> No.56024423

>Capitlist bugbear
You are not a very original thinker either. Any national socialist has more out of the box ideas than you.

>> No.56024441

The truth doesn't require originality

>> No.56024536

But I’m not gay though

>> No.56024566

Marxism holds very little truth other than some superficial observations about wealth dynamics.

>> No.56024634

it doesn't work like that. it's just going to get worse

>> No.56024648

>What is the best strategy for keeping yourself wealthy during inflation?

>> No.56024706

bitcoin is a stupid choice for protecting your wealth against inflation. bitcoin has high volatility and it's really just a fad. will the next generation of humans be interested in crypto? in the far future the world may change such that crypto would be perceived as worthless, but humans are likely not to change in the future which makes gold and gems a better choice, both of those things would hold their value more reliably than crypto, which makes them better choices. you are delusional.

>> No.56025044

The plan is to destroy the middle class

>> No.56025048
File: 23 KB, 800x323, BTC M2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare and contrast BTC versus shit&piss(>>56019026) factored for money stock

>> No.56025379

The medium is the message anon. All forms of power will revert to a mix of a system of control/discipline by factor of what they ACTUALLY are not what they claim to be. Good effort post btw.

>> No.56025436

Who said anything about marxism? Besides you, I mean.

>> No.56025454

we are entering stagflation now. High unemployment and High inflation. and we have gotten ourselves into another afghanistan tier quagmire in Ukraine to boot.

>> No.56025481

rajesh and pablo will happily fill those jobs while the average american gets to be homeless

>> No.56025488

>What is the best strategy for keeping yourself wealthy during inflation?
What is the largest expense for most people? Housing, which is why if you got bought a house and locked in rates below 5% then your housing expenses will not rise with inflation, eventually your mortgage will be inflated away, renters will not benefit from this. Also I installed solar panels and no longer pay for power, everyone on my street was getting $500 power bills and I paid like $20, also got them installed with a low interest loan that's being inflated away. Basically if you think inflation will continue, take out loans and leverage up, poor people won't understand how to utilize debt to your advantage so don't listen to them.

>> No.56025492

The older I get the more I realize how scared white conservatives are.

>> No.56025762

Check the Bitcoin chart. Idiot. Then check the Bitcoin chart against currencies that are undergoing significant inflation. Like the Turkish lira. Absolute brainfart.

>> No.56025770

Yeah but you are stuck with your loans and you need to work a job to pay off your mortgage coming 20 years. Lmao

>> No.56025778

as opposed to renting forever? My salary went up 30% last year while my mortgage payment staid the same, would that have been true if I were renting?