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File: 71 KB, 954x863, F5H7aiVawAAK1kR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56018303 No.56018303 [Reply] [Original]

What did BlackRock mean by this?

>> No.56018310

Attempts to meme a scam
Maybe even an attempt to offer peace. Doesn't matter, larry needs to hang for his crimes since the mid 90s and especially since 2008

>> No.56018314
File: 45 KB, 608x464, stuck in ideocracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means you should buy as much LINK and AVAX as you can.

>> No.56018315

Wait doesn’t a Vice President form blackrock work at Chainlink??????

>> No.56018320

Quantbros we gon be eating good

>> No.56018333

Yes, Sean Kenny

>> No.56018341

Janitors are called VPs at BlackRock.
It would take a solar flare and a genesis tier flood for those two shitcoins to be needed.

>> No.56018342
File: 37 KB, 623x438, klausschwabroots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will own nothing, and have to be happy!

>> No.56018357

Probably that it’s the time to buckle up and ride the wave. FUN and KAS will get you a long way in this direction

>> No.56018373

now natsoc tranny midwits will be like
>wow klaus is based

>> No.56018380

Source? At this point with the market being giga retarded I can’t say a black rock partnership would cause a speculative pump, but I guess it would be bullish in an objective sense

>> No.56018397

Not. Really. It leads to scammers making pitches, getting free monies and then rugging for a double pay

>> No.56018400

> vp

>> No.56018427

You’re obviously a low IQ/ESL schizo and I have no interest in hearing your ideas

>> No.56018454

What value is supposed to be created then scammer? It's obvious as it has shown ever since in crypto, it's all about making pitches, getting free monies from retarded boomers that fall for the future pitch with no product and then the eternal dump with nothing of value or demand ever getting created

>> No.56018469

I wonder how long it takes boomer retards to understand, that crypto is nothing more than a database that is worth less than fucking base, and that it makes absolutely no sense to put anything on chain. Probably as long as it took them to understand that no national economy is ever going to run on "renewable" energy

>> No.56018476

It means they're scooping up BTC, XRP and QNT like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.56018505
File: 62 KB, 1513x473, shit&piss500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Equities have returned NOTHING over the last 60 years factored for money stock. The entire "asset management" industry are scammers collecting fees for engaging in an inefficient short of fiat, the best way to avoid alpha is listening to these shysters

>> No.56018536

LINK RLC and BTC are the plays.

>> No.56018538

source on this image?

>> No.56018550

Alright thanks man let me just go from investing in my hyper specific niche of crypto currencies to abandoning the idea of having money in equities altogether and buying gold or whatever thank you so much

>> No.56018591
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>> No.56018628

>Laundering money
>On a public ledger
Shows how removed from reality that soon headless jew is

>> No.56018646
File: 1.30 MB, 1922x1381, 1629160418402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is ultra bullish for Bitcoin and ultra bearish for shitcoiners and LINKniggers.

>> No.56018841

always funny seeing indian shillfarms misuse this word

>> No.56018954

Shill farms? I'm not shilling anything. So tell me, what value, what product with demand is supposed to be created with an inferior database by some scammers pitching crap to boomers about da futua and then trying to dump the crap on retail?

>> No.56018997

means they're working on their own token and will outlaw all existing ones so only theirs remains
then eventually they'll use it as part of some social credit nightmare shit

>> No.56019013

No. They never create their own things. They let themselves scam by people pitching them shit. Always was always will be. Be it esg shit, "renewable energy" "toy cars" ....

>> No.56020108

>What did BlackRock mean by this?

Wen Elevators?

>> No.56020296

Thread theme:

>> No.56020315

This is your answer op

>> No.56020323
File: 98 KB, 452x979, 20230901_071010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based king chad you dropped these redpills

>> No.56020417

Screenshot is from Chainlink https://pages.chain.link/hubfs/e/On-Chain-Finance-Report.pdf, source is https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/investor-relations/larry-fink-annual-chairmans-letter

>> No.56020529

I'm so torn now

>> No.56020655

Start reading from the section about "World Wars, and Nazi Puppets".

>"So, as the pre- WWI and WWII Golem stories indicate, the wars were started in order to create the pressure needed for the Rothschilds to take control of the land of Israel."
>"The Nazis were the Rothschilds’ puppets and fools. According to one etymological origin, the word Nazi, was not just an abbreviated form of Nationalsozialist, but rather, came from a 1920s nickname, Nazi, or Naczi (derived from the German name Ignatz), meaning a foolish person."

>> No.56020904

What is a stock if not a token of ownership in a company? Only problem is it can't be traded freely without involving Jews.

>> No.56020967

Some intern had to write some gobbledygook report for higher ups and this was the result, now incels who gamble on shitcoins thinks it means their investments will go up.

>> No.56021097

How does the tokenisation of assets work on bitcoin?

>> No.56021979

ah sweet, a schizo site. (checked)

>> No.56023187

it means they acknowledge that a golden bull run is inevitable and are waiting for appropriate market conditions and regulations

>> No.56023199

They want exit liquidity for their crypto scam and are using the buzz word “tokenized assets” as the carrot on the stick to trick retard goyim into aping into the crypto markets so they can dump in them

>> No.56023217

Nobody believes this “nazi was le actually Jewish puppets psy-op”. Go back to pol you retard JIDF nigger

>> No.56023243
File: 146 KB, 1001x763, image_2023-09-04_121939894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got anybody with access to the Korean blockchain conference? Looks like Sergey speaks in about 14 hours.

>> No.56023318


>> No.56024046

bump for kwons

>> No.56024270
File: 2 KB, 84x125, moresalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who are behind everything are the same people who are behind everything for the last 200+ years. Israel is the most Vaxxed country on the planet. The People incharge are not Jewish, but ate gnostics. They may act Jewish, but the hate Jews.

>> No.56024328

>literally a chainlink slide
>swift literally using ccip
>mongs still shill cripple and Gilbert hot dog stand instead

>> No.56025909

why is 2030 so important?

>> No.56025915

>The Shilla

>> No.56025932

the tech is already there, but they will need a few years until it becomes standard and for the law to greenlight these things

>> No.56025936

Klaus' dad was based and redpilled. Klaus himself is cuck for the jews. Eugen must be rolling over in his grave desu.

>> No.56026036

there are other "by 2030" initiatives world governments aim for.

>> No.56026726

AVAX yes but not sure about the other one. I'd also throw in DOT and HNT, which I'd lock in a self-sovereign wallet far from the reach of hackers and bad actors.

>> No.56026802

The deal was rational. Hitler fear campaigns jews out of Europe, the zionists get human capital for their Israel larp. Win win until the British saw that a bunch of zionists tried to go after their Palestinian colony supported by Germans and got involved in the war. The rest was Hitler fucking up the Eastern campaign, zionists getting wary that they are going to lose their investments to the soviets and got the US golem involved.
And yes, the concentration camps were just kibbutz that were supposed to be warehouses to export polish jews to Palestine after the war, bombed by Soviet and uk air force destroying the goods

>> No.56026926
File: 240 KB, 1080x1080, lcx bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear Link, XRP, and Quant baggies are myopic as fuck. Sure those three will benefit, but I can't believe you dumb fucks read this site and don't understand what coin is 1) licensed for tokenization and 2) a WEF member.

Fucking dingbats deserve to eat all the bugs Klaus serves up.

>> No.56027218

Shares as nfts. Transparent ledger. Automated reporting. Enforcement becomes easy. Stock market 3.0, and no you won't get rich buying any coin before it launches.

>> No.56027294

How do you invest in blackrock?

>> No.56027647

>ate gnostics
*are gnostics? can you elaborate? I thought the people in charge were malicious to the masses, doesn't sound too gnostic to me but maybe a certain sect of gnosticism?

>> No.56027755

I think he means esoteric.

>> No.56027791

Technically it's not just one group of people. It's several different competing factions that may have originated from the same bloodline(s) several centuries ago. Not sure what that poster meant, but I'm sure some of them believe and make use of gnostic/esoteric knowledge and symbols to covertly communicate with each other.

First read this light intro:

And then to answer your question read this:

For further proof, read the intro in this blog:

And just for fun watch this:

>> No.56027797

im just going to sleep i feel so tired..

>> No.56027942

>Nobody believes this “nazi was le actually Jewish puppets psy-op”
I dunno, the story of WWII sounds extremely fishy.
Especially the part where Germany tried to expel the Jews and Great Britain didn't let them do it and even introduced heavy restrictions for the willing Jews who wanted to evacuate to Palestine.

>> No.56027951

>muh blackcock
why do chuds get stuck on stale memes for years like this

>> No.56027961

It is a round number

>> No.56027987

that makes sense too I suppose
thank you, I shall check those out. I think my desire for this knowledge is mainly motivated by pure curiosity, but practically and perhaps selfishly I think I would like to be able to at least have some idea of how to predict what's coming next in this clown world, and how much control is in the hands of the "bad guys".

I just wanna have a glimpse of the future and what it means for chainlink and the freedom to own land and have body autonomy. and a sun that isn't blocked out and relatively clean air, is that so much to ask lol

>> No.56027996

wtf is that? like paper gold but for other things or something even more ridiculous?

>> No.56028002

because it sounds better than "by 2032 in july" you fucking schizo take your meds

>> No.56028086

Yes. 100%. Read everything and pass it on. Learning their coded language is extremely useful for taking a peek into their plans. You would have been able to predict stuff like the dotcom stock market crash if you were able to interpret their signs:

Ari Juels is definitely part of these factions. I've caught glimpses of Chainlink/Swift sending coded messages in some of their tweets and publications, but haven't decoded anything meaningful yet. You can learn to read them as well if you keep an open mind and read the blogs.

>> No.56028106

Also, the obsession with Chainlink and the number 7 is because 7 is coded language for completion or perfection.

And the meme about Chainlink bouncing between 6.66 and 7.77 is true. 666 is their calling card:

And 777 is jackpot comms.

>> No.56028144
File: 2 KB, 125x69, shorrterbus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think there a differance between Klaus and his dead? You are a fool!

>> No.56028568

blackrock needs to die.

>> No.56028600

>The economy increases so the economy needs more liquidity
There is no problem with that you moronic retard. The SP500 crushes inflation unless you are stupid enough to believe than 100 dollars in the 80's is worth 12k dollars in 2023

>> No.56028666

Kek. Not many counties will be using swift soon tiger. Keep up.

>> No.56029174


>> No.56029189

Don’t worry, satan. We’re hoping for countries, not counties.

>> No.56029259

In that case you have no hope. Countries are moving away from swift.

>> No.56029267

They really aren’t plus BRICS will obviously be integrated at some point as well

>> No.56029288

I think there will be a choice. Lots of countries are sick of America as the global currency, having a non country global currency makes sense.

>> No.56029296

Ah yes I’m sure all those egotistical 3rd world shithole leaders will definitely cooperate and not stab each other in the back the first chance they get! Lmao

>> No.56029316

That's why a non country currency makes sense. Why would they all want to use the usd, or whatever the other shit holes use? If they use something that no one controls, then no one has the upper hand.

>> No.56030656

This. It means buy AVAX, LINK and ETH. But mostly AVAX and LINK because they offer vastly, vastly, vastly superior returns.