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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56012813 No.56012813 [Reply] [Original]

This should be required viewing to post on /biz/. If you haven’t seen it, please set aside some time, settle in, pour yourself a nice bourbon or wine or tea, and educate yourself on the nature of money in this world.


>> No.56012873

It’s been fact checked: The sinking of the Titanic actually had nothing at all to do with the passing of the Federal Reserve Bill which created the Federal Reserve in the United States. Thank you, Reuters.


>> No.56012877
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>> No.56012885

titanic was a psyop, the ship never sank.
whole thing was insurance fraud

>> No.56012911

You’re close, anon. The Titanic never actually existed. The whole thing was a scam so that James Cameron could get rich.

>> No.56012927

>The Titanic never actually existed
The Ship itself existed but they didnt sink it, that whole sinking event only happened on paper.
Titanic was actually mothballed, renovated and sold to Germany after WW1.
You see the took profit twice here, from the psyop and then from the sale of the Ship.
Why let a good ship go to waste when you can sell it?
>so that James Cameron could get rich.
James Cameron is in on the psyop, they hired him to sell the fake to the normalfags.

>> No.56012947

So uh… where did the passengers go?

Also back on topic. As a private bank, why has the Federal Reserve never been audited?

>> No.56012961

There were no passengers on board.
You think they cant fake a bunch of people, then sell you their sob stories through the media to collect donations from dumb goyim?
thats barely entry level judaism here.

>why has the Federal Reserve never been audited?
Whos gonna audit the people that own everything?
they can pretty much do whatever they want.

>> No.56013024

So they faked

Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Astor, wealthy banker.
Major Archibald Butts, Aide to President Taft.
J. Bruce Ismay, managing Director of the White Star Line, the ship’s owner, and heir to the White Star fortune.
William T. Stead, well-known English editor.
Isidor Strauss, wealthy New York merchant.
Frank Millet, noted artist.
Benjamin Guggenheim
Lady Duff Gordon
Margaret Brown (The Unsinkable Molly Brown)
Noel Leslie, Lady Countess of Rothes


>> No.56013030

I mean hell, Guggenheim. I’ve been to his museum.

>> No.56013134

>So they faked
yes, none of these jewish people died or set foot on the imaginary cruise. they faked their deaths and got a fat paycheck from it that continues to feed them for decades.
hes a jewish billionaire, his story is actually hilarious because how dumb would you have to be to believe that the billionaire jew refuses to get into a lifeboat with 40+ empty seats.

>> No.56013211

Hey Bud. I never brought up religion. I was pointing out the history of the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Russia. If you want to try and make this a discussion on religion, that’s on you.

>> No.56013247

I'm not watching some gay ass documentary made by a pipsqueak lol

>> No.56013298
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Fags de-railing the thread with muh Titanic.

F the banks

At least post the higher-quality version too OP.


>> No.56013318

>I was pointing out the history of the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Russia.
all owned and operated by jews. are you familiar with "nepotism"?

>> No.56013320

Thanks anon

Uh oh…. Appealing to masculinity of the lower ranks so they don’t listen? Mods. Better delete this thread

>> No.56013371

A landload of money will scarcely buy a landload of provisions.

-George Washington

>> No.56013399
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>Let me issue and control a nations’s money, and I care not who makes its laws.

>> No.56013489

Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!

-Andrew Jackson

>> No.56013522

Understanding the nature of women and romantic relationships is the most important prerequisite to success as a /biz/raeli
It’s also one of the rarest personality traits for men irl

>> No.56013525

close, they actually sank the sister ship which had known structural issues. two birds with one stone on the insurance payment, which you are correct about in this post >>56012927

>> No.56013542

They didn't even spell John Astor correctly. This is not a reputable article.

Also, this film explains the topic better:

>> No.56013789

3 hours? fuck off

>> No.56013804

I hate this retard and any retards supporting him


>> No.56013809
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>>Also back on topic. As a private bank, why has the Federal Reserve never been audited?
It has been audited.

>> No.56013821

Also it's pathetic how bugs want their bureaucratic daddys to be in charge of the money supply.
Bugs literally want what they claim to be the most important thing in society to be controlled by ''the government''. I WANT MY PUBLIC SERVANT DADDY TO TElL ME WHAT TO DO AND EFINE HOW MUCH MONEY I HAVE WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH


>> No.56013826

its a good movie but the dude is a major philosemite and will screech whenever someone brings up the jewish nature of it all, despite the fact that he would have never even heard of any of this stuff if it wasnt for eustace mullins and ezra pound

>> No.56013834

false. jp morgan and other member banks are the shareholders. youre lazy or a liar

>> No.56013867

>that intro
I miss this style of TV so much bros.

>> No.56013954

Kek. Alright. Fair enough

>> No.56013959

then jsut become a stock holder of jpm

>> No.56013964

by the way it's the same in europe. the BCE has stock holders, and guess what the holders are the european goberments. They literally receive dividends from the BCE. And guess what? it doesn't make the situation better.

>> No.56013976

You aren't going to rebut him?

>> No.56013978

Guys what is the difference between a stockholder and a stakeholder

>> No.56013980

Rebut what?
We are stock.
I think that’s what he meant
He’s not wrong

>> No.56013989

stock holder owns stock in a company or business. stakeholder deals with/ has a relationship with, the company or business e.g. a mine next to a town. the residents of a town are considered a stakeholder.

>> No.56014003

No he's saying that the many private banks that own the Fed are public and have stockholders so therefore the people own the private banks, so "just become a stockholder" if you are unhappy about it >>56013959
, and he's memeing about how needing a "public bureaucrat" to manage your money is cucked: >>56013821

So he's implying that the video is BS because it doesn't make the situation any better >>56013964

>> No.56014019
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Before there were the KGB, there were the yellow coats, before the yellow coats there was MI6, before MI6, there was Napoleon’s secret buddies. Before Napoleon there were the Jesuits. Before the Jesuits there were the Templars. Before the…. Pope…. The Pope is such an evil bastard. He doesn’t even try to hide it.

>> No.56014023

Before the pope is the Pharaohs of Greenland.

>> No.56014028

So you either die young or live long enough to watch yourself become the villain

>> No.56014034

Before the Pharos of Greenland was Gilgamesh. Before him… the aliens watching us all…

>> No.56014055
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>White Star’s insurer Lloyds would not pay out for the damages to Olympic and the total cost had to be shouldered by White Star Line.

So they swapped the ships and sunk the damaged one so they could claim it. They probably didn't intend so many people to die, but if you set a scheme like that in motion you can't exactly do a through investigation of how many lives might be lost without involving in too many conspirators.

>> No.56014065

I have this theory about society. It might be related to the behavioral sink. But society seems to go through these cycles. Where it eventually becomes Puritanical. And what do Puritans like to do? Have witch hunts! So society becomes extreme in one direction and anyone not going with the flow is labeled a heretic and burned at the stake. I think this a thing humans do…. There must be some evolutionary advantage to it.

>> No.56014073

Maybe that’s the mechanism of creating different cultures which fight against each other and then the better one wins

>> No.56014080

One culture has won that’s for sure… but they’re their own worst enemy.

>> No.56014112


>> No.56014115

>Where it eventually becomes Puritanical. And what do Puritans like to do? Have witch hunts! So society becomes extreme in one direction and anyone not going with the flow is labeled a heretic and burned at the stake. I think this a thing humans do…. There must be some evolutionary advantage to it.
That's only in democracy, because democracy is about controlling both sides of the narrative. In democracy, even when you are anti-system you are in favor of democracy. That's what the ''dissidents'' in the far-right are: baboons who still want democracy , ie the constitution written by british tax evaders who only want a society based on democracy to make businesses flourish .

What you heard about republics, democracy, humanism was just made up on the fly by the revolutionaries to sell to the peasants the idea of the bourgeois revolution against the kings. It's the same revolutionaries who made up ecology.
Democracies, republics and humanism are just an ad, a commercial. Democracies are based on a protestation against monarchies. There is nothing else behind them. democracies are not about giving power to peasants.
And since now kings have accepted losing power, the DNA of democracies that is protestation is compromised. Democracies should not even exist today, there a no king and yet democrats are still in power. Well they are because they know that the peasants love the idea of protestation. So the big idea of the democrats is to make democracies the enemy. This way the democrats are both idolized and vilified by the peasants. It's the democrats who decide what topic will be vilified and what topic will be idolized. Its the democrats who decide when protestation will occur and under what form. This way whatever the peasants think about, it will be about democrats, not kings of other form of society.

>> No.56014120

all catholic kings were shabbos goyim who sold out their country to jews

>> No.56014132

Just read 1984
It’ll all make sense

>> No.56014139

The good thing about the yellow jackets is the watchers are also watched.

>> No.56014144


>> No.56014149

here is how the ECB is owned

Also don't forget that
-it's the class of bureaucrats who created the central banks
-it's the class of bureaucrats who defined the rules of the central banks
-ti's the class of the bureaucrats who name the people at their central banks
-it's the class of the bureaucrats who created the idea that central banks buy the public debt, ie the debt created by the bureaucrats themselves. When a CB buys public debt, it's literally the left hand buying the debt created by the right hand. And those people claim it's legit meaningful wealth creation kek.

So the fantasy of the retard Bill Still is already happening. The gobernment and all the public servants control integrally the central bank. SINCE DAY ONE.

>> No.56014175

Your prime management material.
Know how I know? Managers can talk for hours without saying a single thing
Never heard of ECB though that must be some new circle of European hell

>> No.56014185

Oh ok. The Europe bosses

>> No.56014192

Yeah yeah. “bureaucrats”

>> No.56014216

Alright. Good Morning sir. Have a good one

>> No.56014239
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thank you glowie for your valued input

>> No.56014254

ah yes that explains why so many kings expelled them

>> No.56014273

then invited them back in 10 years layer and gave them monopoly on usury

also expelling is not a harsh treatment at all. remember they force converted or genocided every other religious group in europe, except for jews. they spared the jews and gave them a monpoly on lending money at interest. woah what a harsh antisemitic treatment!!! fuck you and fuck catholocism and fuck catholic subhuman shabbos goyim pieces of shit

>> No.56014284

spain did force convert and it was way worse because it made them harder to recognise (ie Columbus and all subsequent American crypto jews)
wow great job Spain! And the genocide thing also worked out great right?? Now you can't say a single thing against them because muh holocaust card. wow great job Hitler! Good thing you're not calling the shots.