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File: 119 KB, 985x1024, 1693620146773974m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56006604 No.56006604 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf? Where am I supposed to live now? This is bearish af.

>> No.56006632

2024 CA should be very interesting. It's a look into what the rest of the country will be like in ten years.

>> No.56007115

they still want to kill the poor.

>> No.56007129

>they still want to kill the Whites.

>> No.56007140

Literally all LA has to do is just upzone land and allow mid/high density building in a good part of the county and literally every single problem in the city would be solved but "muh shithole character" and "muh gentrification" and "muh greedy developers" stop this

>> No.56007162
File: 247 KB, 576x591, 1693012049304957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have plenty of time living in a van down by the river. . .

>> No.56007195

>Muh parking lot character
>Muh construction noise
>Muh not in my backyard
God I hate "liberals". Just fucking build up the cities and stop shitting up the country with disgusting strip malls and copy pasted suburbs get the fuck away from my rural area reeeeeee

>> No.56007201

>buy an RV
>are you gonna use it for housing?
>okay, sold!
>use it for housing anyway
Whoa so fucking devilish, OUT FUCKING SMARTED, the government can't touch me

>> No.56007236
File: 159 KB, 1167x779, tree fiddy a month.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird. you literally can't do this shit in the south. glad that CA is starting to un-cuck itself. it really must be starting to look quite shitty over there

>> No.56007386

>Give out free crack to the homeless
>Catch and release career violent criminals
Clearly RVs are the problem.

>> No.56007400

Maybe now they can sue/arrest you for using it ?

>> No.56007451

>Are you permanently living in this RV?
>okay, sorry for bothering you!
>use it for housing anyway

>> No.56009363

I don’t know.

>> No.56009446
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>he doesn't know

>> No.56009571


>NIMBY boomers do everything possible to make the housing crisis worse


>> No.56009620

But are rv brothels legal?

>> No.56009649
File: 479 KB, 570x380, 51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build those, there, i just solved entire USA housing "crisis"
But i guess spoiled amerifats rather stay homeless and dream about owning useless 200m2 McMansions with 80% of space unused than to live in a normal flat on 40m2 (more than enough for a single person or small family of 4)

>> No.56009661

Why is LA okay with people living on the streets without a home or in tents but if you have anything nicer then a tent they seethe?

>> No.56009950

Your nose is poking out of my screen, scholom. If I can' hunt in my backyard, it's a prison cell.

>> No.56009988

Commieblock flats for families are much bigger than 40m2.
More like 80m2

>> No.56010102

So all the RV dealers are going to move out of the city.

>> No.56010114


They tried to do that in the 70's. Your social solutions don't work when you put niggers into the equation.

>> No.56010294

Only allow Japs and Whites and this solution would work perfectly, let me know when you can ensure that.

>> No.56010324

This is pointless, it wont be enforced.

>> No.56010350 [DELETED] 

^ This. No one wants to live around black people, not even black people themselves. Dangerous, criminal, low social cohesion, no sense of community. They will gladly destroy the very space they occupy just to stick it to the white man, and kill you over a literal dollar.

>> No.56010397

lolllll this man never heard of niggers

>> No.56010443 [DELETED] 

>40m2 (more than enough for a single person or small family of 4)
You mean me, my wife and our two kids can have 10 whole square meters each!? Truly you are my greatest ally.

>> No.56010451

why would anyone live in cali?

>> No.56010489

Not just that, but also Puerto Ricans and Mexicans.
Also, being a nigger isn't always relegated to skin color, it can be a state of mind.
I'm in a rural/suburban town right now to see family for Labor Day: every White person here is a fat, ugly, trashy redneck with a loud vehicle.
They all smoke cigarettes and waddle real slowly like they just shit their pants (the Shart at Mart meme is real).
They're niggers in all but skin color.

>> No.56010592


Build asylums all over the country.
Reintroduce involuntary commitment.
Enforce vagrancy laws.


Do nothing.
Watch society collapse.

>> No.56010618
File: 892 KB, 300x299, Pretty cool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what about asylums for the criminally insane geniuses like me?
I was locked in a mental institution, but I escaped by creating an improvised smoke bomb out of sugar from the kitchen and stump remover from the gardening shed.
Then I created a smokescreen and used the false alarm to evade capture.

>> No.56010631

Looks pretty good breh

>> No.56010658

what happened next in your larp?

>> No.56010704

There is no way that LA isn't rich enough to just build that shit in-house by building out their own construction firm, and paying a reasonable rate for whatever they have to contract out. Just cut the LAPD budget for a decade; sell units at a loss if you have to. It'll pay dividends in all of those issues going away, as you said.

The truth is that the problem IS developers that want stupid profits (so only luxury gets built). Nothing will get fixed until the capital class is conditioned to accept losses, or even just profits too small to live a jet-setting lifestyle on. What you see is the result of them making bad bets and transferring those losses to anyone but themselves.

>> No.56010727
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>> No.56010734

Commieblocks are kind of the worst of both worlds. What you want is Eurovenues, 6-story max with no cars (so you can build relatively dense). You can even have flats that are multi-story and have the square footage of SFHs. No one's even considering that shit, it's either picket fence or live in ze box. We can do better, we're fucking exceptional, after all.

>> No.56010745
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Racism is a brain worm.

>> No.56010759

>anecdotal cope

>> No.56010764
File: 294 KB, 680x939, 20230828_030556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And leftist urban socialism is a mental disorder and a farce: what's your point?

>> No.56010790
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>Gosh darnnit shut it down!
[laughs in loud vehicle anecdotes]
White property owners neglecting/demolishing/burning down black residences and blaming the resultant social breakdown on the victims isn't an anecdote, it's 90% of an uncucked American history textbook.

>> No.56010826
File: 472 KB, 680x515, 1682372343227682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one in this thread is denying that systematic racial violence existed several decades ago: but shitlibs deny the fact that black ghettos are utter shitholes in the modern era, and that non-whites destroy functional White societies.
The KKK existing in the 1950s doesn't give Jamal a free pass to loot, riot, rape, and murder under the guise of "socioeconomic factors" in 2020s America.

>> No.56010838 [DELETED] 

>seething nigger cope
we know what you are, Jamal, and you yourself know if there was a button to swap every black person for any other race, it'd be pressed without hesitation by every government on earth.

>> No.56010848
File: 167 KB, 1170x825, 20220206_171912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The truth is that the problem IS developers that want stupid profits (so only luxury gets built). Nothing will get fixed until the capital class is conditioned to accept losses, or even just profits too small to live a jet-setting lifestyle on. What you see is the result of them making bad bets and transferring those losses to anyone but themselves.
Found the 90 I.Q. Hasan Piker fan.

>> No.56010899

fuck landlords, im gonna live in my own vr-ACKK

>> No.56010917

>but shitlibs deny the fact that black ghettos are utter shitholes in the modern era,
And conservatards deny the fact that white suburbs are also shitholes, and involvent, for the same reason.
>non-whites destroy functional White societies.
No, not that. Y'all are astoundingly terrible at risk management, letting irrational fears drive you to socially and economically ruinous decisions. Your parents sold you out and you can't handle it. And they passed on their pathological inability to take responsibility to you, it seems.
>Cut to 10 years later
>The Earth is a barren wasteland. Roving bands of nomads prowl the remains of a Venusizing biosphere. Occasionally, they try to find solace in music's embrace, but all that anyone can remember is Taylor Swift and Imagine Dragons. The time of man is at an end.
I'm online too much but not so terminally that I know who that is.

>> No.56011013


>> No.56011225

I don't get it. Did the black people trash the rental because they didn't like him? Or he failed to do upkeep because he didn't like black people?

>> No.56012534

Post hands, braincel.

>> No.56012554

>And conservatards deny the fact that white suburbs are also shitholes, and involvent, for the same reason.
I'll take my chances.
I'd rather get fined by the HOA for not painting my fence the right color versus having my home invaded by gun-wielding thugs on a nightly basis.

>> No.56012907

>40m2 for family of 4.
Even here in my south american cunt that's too small. A family of 4 needs at least 60m2 or more, preferably over 80m2 to live decently

>> No.56012941

they want to run all the poor out of the cities. if your gonna take the van pill you need to do it on the outskirts and then just make the commute to work. or find work elsewhere that isn't cracking down as hard.

>> No.56012993

Are you retarded? What planet do you live on? Everyone tries to make it out of the hood and move on to the suburbs, which are usually 70-80% white.

>> No.56013144

...sorta. it has to be smog checked to be registered.

>> No.56013162
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>> No.56013637

You build one of these in any American city and it will turn into a rape cage in 30 minutes and people would rather be homeless than live in it.

Our problem isn't housing or education or infrastructure or any of that. It's that every investment we make is instantly destroyed by people who annoy you. Could we have a trolley on every main street and free public bicycles and open air movie theaters? Yeah of course we could. The money is there and the demand is there. But the second you make it, it gets overrun with people who annoy you and something that should be a nice public service turns into a social cesspool.

>> No.56013658

only mexicans were doing this, and they will continue to do it and get away with it because the tenants can be threatened with deportation

>> No.56013667

40 meters squared? That’s a single bedroom. Are you joking? A minimum acceptable family home is 2,000 square feet with 4 bedrooms, and that’s with a tiny kitchen and living room. I grew up in a 3,800 sq foot two story house on 3 acres, and that’s just a midsized house. My starter home is 2,000 sq ft. What are you euros smoking?

>> No.56013671

>he hasn’t actually researched property appraisals of the 1920s in Chicago
You should read “The Negro in Chicago”, if you can even handle it.

>> No.56013675

I'm from US I grew up poor 800sqft 2 bedroom I know you are trolling for (You)'s but I thought id mention it for any euros who can't tell you are trolling

>> No.56013695
File: 83 KB, 501x576, human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a perfectly white name.
Truly, those civilisation-wrecking whites are something oy vey...

>> No.56013710

This doesn't say you can't live in an RV.
Just that you can't sell or rent your RV to someone else. Just imagine your junkie squatter charging 200 a night to sleep in a camper parked outside of your million dollar condo.
Hilarious. FUCK LA.

>> No.56013723

>so only luxury gets built).
Wrong. And that's your hint. City regulation is so costly that the only units that are profitable are the "luxury" ones. If they were just being greedy why aren't they doing this in every city in America?

>> No.56013833

>Where am I supposed to live now?
Not my problem. Figure it out. Society doesn't owe you land or a roof. Earn it!

>> No.56013855

>Fucking retards who don't go outside think "muh affordable high density housing" is gonna solve this problem
You're dealing with a new class of professional vagrants, many of whom are mentally ill and addicted to the worst street drugs. They should be sterilized and sent to an asylum

>> No.56013882

or level dodger stadium and surrounding parking and do the same

>> No.56013952

Nice little detatched. Modern open plan garden.

>> No.56013955

Is that why they refuse to do anything about all the homeless?

>> No.56013958

>Build those, there, i just solved entire USA housing "crisis"
Guess why Blackrock is buying and building those.

Visionary tier.

>> No.56013965

>So all the RV dealers are going to move out of the city.
And anyone who wants an rv is in for a discount sale* treat

>*don't buy em used in la, they'll be full of hippy bum dreadlock lice and confused person poojizz

>> No.56013968

No they'll just become homeless, they were never going to be able to afford housing

>> No.56013970

>I was locked in a mental institution, but I escaped by creating an improvised smoke bomb out of sugar from the kitchen and stump remover from the gardening shed.
>Then I created a smokescreen and used the false alarm to evade capture.
I've worked in a psychiatric hospital.

Tbh, you could just jog out the door easily enough and the overweight female staff won't be able to keep pace with you even if they were bothered.

>> No.56013974

>Just cut the LAPD budget for a decade; sell units at a loss if you have to. It'll pay dividends in all of those issues going away, as you said.
The problem will just repeat when the next hoard arrive drawn by the allure of sub cost brand new apartments. That's the problem.

>> No.56014198
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Thanks for the tip.
t. Mentally insane psychopath.

>> No.56014220

you have to be an absolute psychopath to enjoy the sound of your neighbors walking on your ceiling, partying until 3, starting their day at 5, and so on
mcburgers do many things wrong culturally but their insistence on big personal spaces is the one thing they get right

>> No.56014440
File: 336 KB, 570x380, 1669019538484834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy a generic innocuous van

>> No.56014446

by the way the tip is to buy vans where you can stand up. this is a life changer.

>> No.56014697

>the sound of your neighbors walking on your ceiling, partying until 3, starting their day at 5, and so on
That only happens in modern mcgoyslop apartments, traditionally built commie blocks don't have any of those problems

>> No.56014723
File: 177 KB, 1200x801, IMG_0646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been tried.

>> No.56014731

this always seems to be your solution yet never actually solves anything. they turned my downtown into overpriced luxury apartments and nothing changed. now they need more tax money for larger schools as well.

>> No.56015817

Houston has no zoning, which is nice.
The Miller Outdoor Theater is in the Museum District of Houston and walking distance from the Second Ward yet still functions great.

>> No.56015828

He did a 360 and walked back in to revoluntarily commit himself.

>> No.56016562

>he says to the race of people that invented every single genre of music
heh, must be hard having ancestors with no achievements.

>> No.56016583

The homeless problem exists because those being paid to solve it are paid well. Why solve the problem? You'll stop.getting paid. You need to incentivize the solution and achieving milestones otherwise you have people just milking the system.

>> No.56016921

Your “solution” is to spend over half a trillion dollars per year to lock up the homeless in psych wards. Shut the fuck up you fucking dumbass chud

>> No.56016926

ameriburger detected
i've lived in european apartments all my life. commie blocks, fancy parisian, modern ones with thick concrete walls
sound travels in ALL of them
you either lived your life in a burger mcmansion, or you blew up your own eardrums playing loud music to the point you don't hear things. don't talk about things you don't know.

>> No.56016992
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>he does NOT know!

>> No.56017715
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>> No.56017722

I live in a pre-war Manhattan high-rise: 24/7 it sounds like earthquakes or living in a bowling alley from all of the constant stomping from neighbors.

>> No.56017731

Damn, that does suck. Seems like you need to turn your luck around sir, and freebitco might be the best place to start, or at least have some fun in the process kek

>> No.56017748

It mostly depends on how considerate your neighbors are.
>they have kids?
you lost
>they have pets?
you lost
>they play an instrument?
you lost
>they are students?
you lost
>they are black?
you lost
>they are hard of hearing old people?
you lost
>they like any kind of music that isn't fucking ASMR?
you lost

nicest situation I ever was in was living below a single guy in his 40s who was always working and never at home and above an 80 year old couple who would wear headphones to watch TV

>> No.56017902

>one rv please
>are you gonna live in it?
>uhhh no
>live in it
simple as

>> No.56018009

White trash =/= "the Whites".

>> No.56018037

"Professional vagrants" - being homeless is their job?

>> No.56018064

Because everyone is too much of a faggot to admit the truth. The problem are the homeless themselves, it's not a lack of housing, it's not a lack of affordability, it's not a lack of accessibility, they are fucking deranged criminals who should be thrown in the worst prison systems and left to rot at worst, exterminated at best. This problem will not be solved until you treat it like the gangrenous infection that it actually is. Amputate.

>> No.56018138

>no true scotsman

>> No.56018169

Just register in another state that isn’t gay. Surely you have family that could help with that.

>but muh family only lives in shithole states.
>must do smog and inspection in other state
Kys you and you’re family are probably a cancer anyways if this is the case.

>> No.56019337

>Muh niggers, but muh ASMR helps da neighbors!

>> No.56019347

You can overpay for a studio apartment and live paycheck to paycheck. You can live with 17 roommates. You can move to a lower income community and get stabbed to death by your neighbors. You can sleep in a cardboard box.

There’s plenty of options for working Americans in need of affordable housing you just gotta be creative

>> No.56019350

If we throw them all in jail, we'll be even better than Russia than we were before!

>> No.56019354

Oh I almost forgot you can live with your mother until you’re 40 (as long as you’re willing to give up any hope of having sex)

I believe Indians utilize this option the most, they call it multi generational housing - you can listen to your elderly parents have sex while you never get any

>> No.56019356

This isn't pol.

>> No.56019370

we get it you love niggers and homeless people

>> No.56019401
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>> No.56019407

Enjoy SWAT busting down your door and shooting your dog after the third noise complaint from the neighbors that they can't sleep over sounds of a man slurping the bottom of his soda at 2 AM.

>> No.56019442

>renting my RV for driving, not housing. nightly rates, send me a PM

>> No.56020026

I don't understand this meme.

>> No.56020055

cheaper than braces

>> No.56020073
File: 25 KB, 640x360, elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that guy spoke out against white dudes dating Asian women but he himself is a mixed race mutt so that's funny or something

>> No.56020109
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R.I.P. my nigga Elliot.

>> No.56020117
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>> No.56020994
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>> No.56022057

There are people right now who think this housing market is sustainable

>> No.56023201
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They also think the economy is booming thanks to Bidenomics.

>> No.56023247

So uh
Are these guys all just shitting into buckets or what?
Do they empty their poo poos on the street?
that's mumbai tier

>> No.56023266

I fucking wish, dude.

>> No.56023302
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>by people who annoy you
almost spit out my coffee, hopefully this one catches on

>> No.56023339


See >>56010727

>> No.56023371 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56023372
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>> No.56023492

Fact: if you look up black neighborhoods on Google Maps street view, the houses never have gardens or flowers out front.

>> No.56024679

Why did Trump destroy Detroit?

>> No.56024698

I see the problem standing in the driveway.

>> No.56024727
File: 16 KB, 711x146, zoning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoning is the best thing ever. It keeps the undesirables out of the community. In my township houses must be at least 1000 square feet and built on a permanent foundation. All Kaczynski cabins, tiny homes, trailers, RVs, etc. will be promptly bulldozed.

>> No.56024751

that's gotta be some black-hearted people wrecking a perfectly nice neighborhood

>> No.56024761

This happened to multiple neighborhoods I lived in. I don't get it. I've been poor. Didn't make me any dirtier. There is literally no such thing as a non-violent and clean ghetto in my opinion. A clean neighborhood with no crime is not a bad neighborhood no matter how poor the people.