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56000067 No.56000067 [Reply] [Original]

If you had told me years ago that swift would be releasing news about using Chainlink and the price would dump under six fucking dollars after 6 years of waiting with zero volume, I would have called you insane

>> No.56000093

this is what you get for making up fake shit about link.

>> No.56000100

Just fuck off advertiser scum

>> No.56000107

i told you though 6 years ago

>> No.56000108

fucking advocate stop posting about chainshit.

>> No.56000109

it's literally only midwits left in these old alts at this point.

repeat after me: price has NOTHING to do with news, adoption, tech, anything.
you get ONE pump, and that's it. take advantage because after that the hype is gone FOREVER. not even ethereum could rekindle the magic it had in 2017, and you think your niche developer tool token can?

>> No.56000122


>> No.56000127

Won't buy your crypto crap either. Because these have even less value
So timr for all you crapto faggots to leave

>> No.56000139

nobody other than bagholders want people to buy their alts. why do you think these desperate link shills post here 12 hours a day. they are apoplectic for liquidity and terrified of the ramifications of it never returning (which it won't).

>> No.56000148

This niche developer tool token will serve next wave of developers. You guys are just fudding for fun

>> No.56000171

>You guys are just fudding for fun
you've got that right, watching you lose your money and your mind, and fun it is

>> No.56000199

Chainlink would have done well if they didn't make their tokenomics so convoluted. I literally have no idea how to value the token between how much API calls in defi should cost to how quickly nodes will sell the tokens back on the market once they receive them to Sergey still holding over 40% of the tokens to dump at any time. It's way too convoluted to actually model a fair value. Idc if a bunch of biz fags post "1k EOY!" that doesn't mean shit to me if it can't be proven

>> No.56000200

I'm not particularly bullish on link in the near-term, but if chainlink achieves what they set out to achieve, then the token will appreciate in value tremendously
the issue is that they've had to solve a chicken/egg problem where the token launched without the full functionality it's destined for

>> No.56000205

Those are mostly scripts, the other crapto faggots are more annoying. Not just crapto every baggie is annoying

>> No.56000231

this is why you’ll either love or hate link
It’s the great filter
IMO it’ll be worth far more than Bitcoin but most of you can’t see past your own nose unless some news organization or price spells it out to you

You probably don’t find something investable until the price goes up

Link is the great filter - it’s literally all their, the backbone of the new financial system all in the open, waiting to be bought for cheap on the open market, but brainlets reaffirm each others brainlet takes “if true price up then I know time to buy”

>> No.56000296

I was enjoying this post until
>it's literally all their

>> No.56000317


holy moly this thread is infested. im afraid i ran out of (You)s though! so i simply wont reply
sergey is headlining sibos, smartcon is just around the corner and the staking update audit is just about to wrap up. and now swift is coming around saying their work with chainlink has been a success after we’ve seen cbdcs being shuffled around on ccip for weeks. fuddies r u ok

>> No.56000333

2 more weeks i guess

>> No.56000403

>price has nothing to do with news
Bullshit. The entire market reacts to news all the time. You're an idiot

>> No.56000451

Yes and your point? All of that will happen and guess what? Probe will still be $6

>> No.56000484

I’m so mad ahhh fuck offf I’m buying more link shut up shut up SHUT UP

>> No.56000506

This. Linkies are next XRP schizos

>> No.56000513

>not even ethereum
But ethereum's "magic" died because they failed to deliver on all of their promises re: scaling. Its hype died BECAUSE of fundamentals - it proved too inefficient to do anything genuinely useful and the team proved unable to fix it in any timely manner.

>> No.56000542

...and link died cause it failed to deliver the one feature that actually makes the token valuable: staking

>> No.56000549
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>using Chainlink

So how many dollars are LINK token holders earning from this alleged "SWIFT use"?

>> No.56000614

What the fuck are you doing on this board then? It has always been a crypto board and made a lot of anons rich.

>> No.56000746

Maybe it did. I don't even hold the stuff or have a horse in this race, I just hate "IT'S LITERALLY ALL JUST MAGIC HYPE LMAO" midwits and want their shitbrained takes to stop fouling up these discussions.

>> No.56000775

>I'm not particularly bullish on link in the near-term
Then you’re a retard

>> No.56001006

your token is under 6 dollars, and is in the red on 24hrs, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year
perhaps it is (You), who is the retard

>> No.56001026

>buy high sell low

>> No.56001031

So you own a few cans of Coca Cola soda drinks, why do you assume you will enjoy any profits in the success and growth of the Coca Cola company? (and by no means am I implying that Chainlink is successful, they have zero revenue from their oracle software).

>> No.56001048

Why do you talk like an absolute faggot? I hope you don’t talk like this in real life for your sake

>> No.56001141

They’re cult members

>> No.56001196
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this is the biggest thing in crypto since bitcoin and the price is dumping , lmao

>> No.56001203
File: 260 KB, 2084x1260, 1693581679942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We tried to warned you as far back as the zeus capital report
>Token status: unneeded
>position recommendation: 100x short no stoploss

>> No.56001222

Who is we?

>> No.56001244

The benevolent watchful guardians of this board

>> No.56001884

>he thinks we need retail

>> No.56001922

Is this the new fud? Make the claim that link will crash from current prices but then moon afterwards, so the poster can't possibly be a fuddie? I see you. And I'm not selling.

>> No.56001955

What language do you speak at home bro?

>> No.56002145


>> No.56002201

>pls buy my new scam coin
The post

>> No.56002482

hey there, I hold link.

>> No.56002502

Except its all true. Literally all of it.

>> No.56002513

Ethereum went to $4000 after the “magic” you speak of was gone. Opinion discarded.

>> No.56003619
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>all these braindead 1pbtid fuddie spam responses

>> No.56003751

Never buying your bags.


>> No.56003802
File: 179 KB, 1150x1479, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never selling my LINK, simple as

>> No.56005306

chosen one

>> No.56005350


>> No.56005433
File: 300 KB, 1080x1421, Fv94yQEXgAAQxyZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eth is down over 50% vs btc six years after the 2017 ath
that's what he's saying
his opinion is just a symptom of this market being in its very early stages
97% of btc income is from inflationary rewards
it's a cul de sac
but it has big name appeal
the question is if if chainlink + eth + private chains can actually bring real adoption
and no scam coin gambling and defi inflationary games is no adoption
useful testing yes but nothing more

>> No.56005634

i tried telling you so many times its a scam and you never listened.

>> No.56005738

I got tired of the shit. I converted my position into other valuable options that look promising: matic, eth, krest, snm, and cfx. I don't care anymore about this. I wish every bagholder the best.

>> No.56005763

2020 and 2021 buyers will have the worst
buy when high, sell in bear and then watch it move
we saw this all before when eth went $1400 -> $80
many didn't make it

>> No.56005789

I wonder if there were people going all in at $80 when that happened.

>> No.56005858

i was in some of those forums at that time, it was utter depression, actually much worse than here with link holders
although would say that link and eth staking makes this bear much easier in general, also just the fact that the market is clearly there now, back in 2018 and 2019 is was a very different world

>> No.56005919

Did anyone take a look at swifts latest blogpost?

>When combining Swift and CCIP, we were able to show that this new level of interoperability across various blockchains is now possible with minimal resources from even the largest banks and market infrastructures.”

>interoperability across various blockchains is now possible with minimal resources from even the largest banks

>now possible with minimal resources

So the narrative of institutions buying link has gone to the trash kek, who’s gonna pump your bags now linkies?

>> No.56006088

You think its gonna get worse from here on out or stay here before a bull?

>> No.56006656
File: 355 KB, 750x593, 1693626429281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the sexual fetishes in the world, financial domination has perhaps one of the most glamourous images.

Beautiful women are sent money and lavished with expensive gifts by men who seemingly want next-to-nothing in return - it’s all about submitting to the dominant woman and relinquishing control.

Much like physical forms of BDSM, it’s this surrendering of power that is arousing. But in the majority of cases, the dominatrix (domme) and the submissive never meet - it's all done online.

Some financial domination (or findom) relationships consist of one-off payments, others are regimented regular transferrals of money and some men even hand over passwords and total control of their bank accounts to a domme, asking her to devise a minimal budget too.
But what’s the attraction for the men? We asked a self-proclaimed submissive to explain.

“The arousal factor comes from the thought of the domme invading the personal space that is your finances,” Steve* tells The Independent. “People measure their self worth with their money.

“Financial domination scoops up this notion of human beings and weaponises it as something kinky. It's intimacy, in a very capitalistic and masochistic way,” Steve explains.

He believes that most submissives get into findom due to low self-esteem, and they have an “inability to deal with rejection, humiliation, loneliness, fear of being unwanted and redundant in today’s rapid-paced society.”

According to Steve, when a submissive is discussing the transfer of money with his domme, he enters “the zone” which is “where he is free from all his woes and worries,” and becomes aroused.

“But as soon as that’s over he comes crashing back down to earth with a hole in his wallet and a head full of regret,” Steve says.

“Findom is merely another form of escapism for people who struggle with everyday life in this bizarre cash- and self-obsessed modern society.”

>> No.56007062

The state of fud

>> No.56007077

What kind of faggot are you?

>> No.56007424
File: 275 KB, 1807x1525, 1670428103658863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had told me years ago that I would pick the absolute most promising crypto out of all ICOs, I would say "hey that's amazing".

If you then told me that the entire universe would warp and bend to keep the price of that same crypto low, I would say "hey that figures".

>> No.56007431

i honestly can't tell the difference anymore between holders ironically fudding poorly and fudders unironically effort fudding

>> No.56007847
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>Nowhere to go but up!

>> No.56007872

>early stages
the alt market is in its very late stages, before complete collapse
the altcoin grift can only survive for another cycle or two before everyone realizes no alts survive against bitcoin, which is their entire purpose as investments.
whatever comes after altcoins will be like whatever came after aol and pets.com, ideas that later worked but were too financially minded in their initial implementation to survive the fast changing market.

>> No.56007961

Kek this. look at the state of them! They're all clambering over each other to hate on Link.
I wasn't going to buy any more this week but fuck it, i'm chucking few hundred more bucks in to celebrate this thread lolololol

>> No.56008576

Why do people interact with fudders? No gain...
>uh, but i'm right
Who cares

>> No.56008580


>> No.56008585

i really hope sergey will make someone prepare new slides for sibos. he sould also ditch the kids suit, even if his mom doesn't like it