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55991874 No.55991874 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the American Gaming Industry in decline? A space faring game that has been in development for the last 25 years literally just released and got mediocre reviews while a game released by a small Belgian developer has been getting raving for its brilliance and setting a new standard in the gaming industry.

>> No.55991881

Go leech data somewhere else cancer

>> No.55991931


>> No.55991957

play this trash for $60
or level another toon in wow tbc for free
I think you know

>> No.55991978

wow has to be the greatest and most replayable game of all time (until post wotlk)

>> No.55992000

I'd wager that it has something to do with all the paywalls, pay-to-win mechanics, and microtransactions. Bean counters ruining yet another interest.

>> No.55992016

>Why is the American Gaming Industry in decline?

>> No.55992035

I couldn't imagine playing it now though. to be there for TBC, WotLK and even the first half of Cata was such a special moment, you could never replicate that feeling.

>> No.55992069
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I thought you meant slots

>> No.55992080

The standard answer of a shill caught and called out
Go leech somewhere else faggot

>> No.55992103

Maybe they make shit games and pander to the biggest faggot in the room

Ie; you

Now go kill yourself

>> No.55992136

the truth is people know this stuff is bad for you now. there's no more delusion that its
>just a hobby
>something the old folks dont understand
because parents today all grew up with this shit. they know.

and there's just not enough money left over after development to wage the kind of marketing blitz it would require to reverse that narrative.

>> No.55992140

It's not really an American thing, it's a AAA thing. As games become larger the financial risk for releasing a flop becomes unthinkable so they instead pick the safest formulas possible that they know will capture a wide audience, settle for mediocrity and take in acceptable returns on a billion dollar investment.

>> No.55992147

minorities and women are not creative and can not make games

>> No.55992191
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Because the prevailing Corporate ethos of the twenty-first century is that it's Marketing that actually makes money, and the fact that you need to actually have a thing to sell is regarded as an inconvenient nuisance, a begrudgingly-accepted necessity that one should strive to cut corners on as much as possible.
The gaming industry is not unique, it's just another variation on the general theme of our era.

>> No.55992392

New term unlocked for this type of shill/agent that usually is the first to respond on the board and instigate anger.

>> No.55992398

>Go use another site
>Not this site
Glownager detected

>> No.55992402

Defensive little leech. How shit is the data quality on a scale from 0, unusable to 10, predicts the future
Retard data leeches

>> No.55994149
File: 136 KB, 1290x1083, bethesda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these reviewers are just ass blasted at Bethesda, a studio which put out DOOM, fallout, and now this game in the last 5 years.

>> No.55994173

Nah for real tho he’s right, you should probably be taking some meds

>> No.55994195

>a game released by a small Belgian developer has been getting raving for its brilliance and setting
which one?

this and I cant wait for gta 6 even if its mild if will still be great and probably a good multiverse game
but i think it will be awsome

>> No.55994374

Are you from yesterday? This is a data leech thread.

>> No.55995440

Baldurs gate 3.

>> No.55995448


>> No.55995465

What fucking kind of data? Who's opinion on this is ever gonna be valuable? From /biz/ of all places? In fact I'd pay to not have to read your retarded takes, you got that right, giving both data AND money

>> No.55995472

This, also forced woke globohomo shit in every game and the fact that gaming in now a hyper mainstream hobby so games are no longer made for gaming nerds but for the masses.

>> No.55995491
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You trannies can’t compete in Dark and Darker and it shows. Just stick to OSRS and WoW like a teenage retard. Or go spend $70 on this half baked trash starcuck

>> No.55995505

You think /biz/ is the only place those leeches leech from for their quant models?

>> No.55995509

games used to be made by nerdy white guys. Now they're made by people who hate nerdy white guys


>> No.55995586

> This biz post is gonna fine tune their last missing parameter. They might make 2 cents out of this by analysing 20 off topic comments filled with slurs and retardation

>> No.55995599

I watched a bit of a stream today of this game, it looks extremely boring. Is it? I've enjoyed Morrowind and Oblivion the most.

>> No.55995616

thats a nice euphemism

>> No.55995618

Nerdy white guys still unironically run the show but they are diluted and castrated and servants to those around them.

>> No.55995658

Todays “nerdy white guys” are Reddit faggots or troons

>> No.55995747

It's about comprehensive data collection. The demographic that is on 4chan is for the most part nowhere else, it's usually a deviation from the normal faggot herd, therefore by far more valuable. But their models are shit, and they are fed on all ends with false feedback

>> No.55995804

vidya is for fags, simple as

>> No.55995856

Jews and Faggots. That’s the actual reason. I would say niggers, but they didn’t ask for over representation in modern games, Jews and faggots did it.
Right. Jews.

>> No.55996157

What happened is that the Nerdy white guys, who are perfectly fine when left to themselves, started making serious money with games, and more people started playing games instead of watching TV. That attracted various parasites (Jews, faggots, certain sorts of women) wanting a cut of the money, and to spread their propaganda. The nerdy whites did not have the social skills to handle those interlopers, who have degraded them to their current sorry state.

>> No.55996543

Unironically, most of the time, the only reason those games shipped is because someone's wife or a "secretary" acting essentially as a producer kept shit in line.

>> No.55996822

heres a game: kill yourself faggit

>> No.55998150

The video game industry as a whole has stagnated, mostly because there's nothing revolutionary being done anymore. A big part of it is because a lot of the big ideas have already been done by now. Couple that with enormous budgets that mandate a very low tolerance for taking risks, you get the state of the video game industry.

It's the inevitable trajectory of any groundbreaking industry. We're in a mature phase of the video game industry where everything has become infected with corporate interests taking priority over the creative spark from developers. The golden age happened because we were in the optimal range of developers have access to enough resources and money where they could realize their creative ambitions, and they weren't completely shackled by their corporate masters. We remember the golden age because quite often you can reflect on those games and wonder "how did they get away with that?" These days video games are the most predictable, safe products and nothing surprises players anymore.

>> No.55998339

It's the lack of competition. The whole world just can't compete with the billion dollars American gaming industry.
Japanese gaming industry used to be able to compete (that was why 1990s-2010s gaming was kino) but now they're in stagnation because the stagnation of their economy starts to bite them. Without any competition the American gaming industry does minimum effort to improve quality because people would buy them anyway.
I mean look at the movie industry, 2010s was so lame, bunch of superheroes and remakes. Now it's starting to pick up once Korean movies starts to penetrate the global movie industry and the likes of Netflix funded many kino thirld world movies.

I guess we have no choice but to wait until new players emerges in the gaming industry.

>> No.55998386
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I prefer metaverse games Anon. Its more immersive and captivating. Been playing the Jungle Chase, Pixel Ripped 1995: On the Road, and a few others on Holoride VR tech and I feel VR gaming is the next thing in the gaming industry.

>> No.55998422

You've never seen the inside of a mythic raid lmfao

>> No.55998481

its story telling, something people have done for 1000s of years. imagine someone saying there is nothing left to tell after odyseus was released.

there are good indie games for every genre but you really have to dig for this stuff and most people dont have the time nor want to try several games until they find the one that is fun.

i enjoyed stardew valley, dysonsphere program, frostpunk, they are billions

>> No.55998675

>because parents today all grew up with this shit. they know.
I game with my kids a small amount. They only game with me. We play the same things I played as a kid/teen before they had streamlined all the dopamine shit. Part of the problem is the huge back catalogue you can obtain anything for essentially nothing and it runs in a potato

>> No.55998721
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I don't even entertain the thought of playing AAA games and haven't since Skyrim. Plenty of great indie games that don't have a political agenda. Spacebourne 2 is infinitely superior to Star field and it's made by a single (white) Dev. Also, Todd Howard is a pathological lying homosexual manlet.

>> No.56000593

True, it's the same with "coding" and the explosion of interest from normalfags in the past 10 years. Popularity and money ruin all good things.

>> No.56001605
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>complicated map system
Is this actually true or is everyone just that dependent on waypoints now?

>> No.56001708
File: 11 KB, 188x268, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big budget AAA games killed gaming.
It's hard to find a game with soul nowadays

We need to go back to our roots