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File: 3.88 MB, 529x850, sorority3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55986536 No.55986536 [Reply] [Original]

How should one allocate their savings in their 20s to have best chance of making it later on in life?

>> No.55986554

Take your entire life savings and short LINK with max leverage.

>> No.55986566

Sorry kappa didn't bid you :(

>> No.55986581


Looks fun.

>> No.55986586

100% Chainlink

>> No.55986589

Americans are just pathetic.

>> No.55986593

My ex gf goes to UCLA, I miss her so much but visiting her was such a pain in the dick fuck westwood and fuck LA absolute nightmare realm

>> No.55986614

I will never have this
I never got to do these things

>> No.55986619

Everything depends on your ability to keep women from ruining your life. If you don’t have women trying to ruin your life, you aren’t even in a situation that matters.

>> No.55987025

Just go to grad school and ask them for a dick sucking instead of turning in their hw.

>> No.55987094

>girls gets all dressed up, probably spent the entire day (LMAO)
>guys show up in jeans, tee, and vans

I hate americans so much

>> No.55987107
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>went to uni for 4 years
>didn't make a single friend or meet a single woman

>> No.55987125

Me either. We missed out on our youth. At least if we make it in crypto we can have a relaxing 2nd half of our life

>> No.55987157

Are you upset about that? This is the most gruesome shit. Imagine talling to that bitch all night. Imagine taking dating a girl and making it just another social performance. I met my wife in hs and we have been inseperable for 20 years. No one in this video is or will ever be happy.

>> No.55987197
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You don't need it.
College frats are a waste of time if you don't use the friends you make as future professional network connections.
Fucking sorority girls is also a waste of time, but that's because they're all high strung cunts that are just practicing for when they fuck their bosses, and none of them have class.
>have to wear a condom
>her experience with you is basically public information with her sisters
>definitely has fucked your friends
>will pretend to have high class, but it just translates into expensive taste for the sake of expense
>thinks her Calvin Klein bralette makes her look alluring and not like a tramp
>will expect you to feed her rampant ego if you decide to date her by taking her on expensive dates she won't engage in just so she can brag about the experience
You didn't miss much

>> No.55987200

>Blind date
>Everybody is hot
I'm calling bullshit on this.

>> No.55987229
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this, college in general is a waste of time you will get distracted but useless bullshit when you need to be spending your time making it

>> No.55987297

ive yet to meet a semen slurping europoor that comes to america and wants to go back to whatever shithole irrelevant country they came from

>> No.55987319

>crushing pussy because you're in a frat
What are some other kinos that you get to experience in real life?

>> No.55987336

The nerve of this faggot. If there's someone that likes to come in uninvited it's fucking Americans.

>> No.55987338

I mean having sex is fun
The thing is, you have to listen to the woman 98% of the time you’re not fucking her.

>> No.55987361

>europoor says something cheeky
You’ll never be a real country

>> No.55987544

Europoors make like $40-50k USD and pay double the taxes. Its fucking worse than us here in leafland and they always larp as either Aussies, leafs or burgers. They should be range banned from /biz/ along with jeets

>> No.55987645

You don't need it mate

>> No.55987702
File: 158 KB, 1290x783, the amerilard condition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europoors make like $40-50k USD and pay double the taxes.
Once you consider that your house prices are 5-7x ours, rent is $1200-2000, and that you're forced to pay hundreds of dollars PER MONTH in health insurance, our 40k salary ends up being equivalent to your 150k.

What you mongoloid never consider is how low our cost of living is. You can survive as working class with 8-10k euros PER YEAR and as middle class with 10-18k. (And we don't have to live with the constant terror that a medical emergency might instakill our life savings and make us lose our house and job.)

>> No.55987712

Those are eastern europeans. They're the equivalent of your mexicans: poor as shit, violent, squallid countries full of drugs and crime. Of course they want out. (But this makes them excellent at spreading their asscheeks and take cock like pros even at 17.)

>> No.55987798

says the westerner from his arab-infested slum

>> No.55987814


>> No.55987820

the cope in this thread is unreal, you're all fucking losers lol

>> No.55987842

This. Americans are priced out of reproduction while subsidizing niggers breeding and actually defend their own tyranny. Fucking shithole.

>> No.55987858

House prices are lower in America and rent were jobs are in Europe are as expensive as in the US
The main advantage is public healthcare, but even that is a long term trap when boomers retire and a small working population of Europeans have to sustain a massive boomer generation with their pensions+free healthcare.
American boomers haven't fully sacrificed their kids unlike European ones, and that's a massive difference

>> No.55987865

That webm depicts a matriarchal culture

>> No.55987870

>the cope in this thread is unreal, you're all fucking losers lol
Yes, if you are a chad or a Stacey American frat culture is peak pleasure that everyone in the world unironically envies.

>> No.55987873

Innawoods learn to hunt and garden

>> No.55987877

It’s really gay. I never did this but had friends who were in frats. I promise you that you don’t need that to be a fulfilled person, anon.

>> No.55987882

Upper middle class people are usually hot.
The ones that arent just spend 200k in nose jobs and operations until they are.

>> No.55987893

>fulfilled person
It is not meaningful, but it is clearly a fun experience that people have nostalgia and want to revive all their life. You have to realize that unironically college is the peak of most people's life and the ability to fuck every 2 days a different 8/10 and make good friends is what most people actually desire unironically

>> No.55987910

I doubt you’ll remember it very much after you’ve lived long enough. Unless you got married to one of the slags.

>> No.55987921

I never experienced it as I studied engineering (a real one not computer science or civil engineering) and the gig in engineering was to be a nerd like the ones who populate /biz/ and play with Nintendo products and talk about meme cards. I am just honest with myself and admit I was a loser back then eventhough it served me well proffessionally and I make more money than most frat bros.

>> No.55987928

Western Europeans generally don't go to America for obvious reasons like the lower standard of living and being surrounded by nigs. They generally stay within Europe.

>> No.55987930

I lived the live in that like the video a couple years ago. It was absolutely soul crushing and horrible. I even dated a sorority girl and I wanted to kill myself explaining simple topics to her. People like us are not meant for that empty degeneracy. Thats all I’m going to say.

>> No.55987939

>Western Europeans generally don't go to America for obvious reasons like the lower standard of living and being surrounded by nigs
If there were no retarded VISAs most Europeans with a college degree and tradies would move to America. The pay gap is enormous and only getting larger, and the companies in America generally treat people way better than their European equivalents

>> No.55987941

I did this shit in college. Ended up with a shy girl I already knew and was already somewhat friends with so we had a dinner and chatted and then nothing happened, probably stopped talking like a month later and never saw her again. All of you saying you missed out on your youth are falling for some TikToker's editing skills, seriously.

>> No.55987967

Missing out on frequent sex in your peak testosterone years with prime wet pussy is something you cannot get back when you age.

>> No.55987980

Nigger/NPC reasoning. The purpose of sex is to reproduce, not an end in itself. I can reproduce easier as I get older, as I have more money now and can just buy some bitch in a 3rd world country. Multiple actually.
You think in a matriarchal way, probably raised by a single mother, but definitely had a weak beta father.

>> No.55987991

>Nigger/NPC reasoning.
You are probably young, and you don't understand aging. You won't ever be 21 again bro. Everything except your wallet goes downhill after college even if you are a gym rat

>> No.55987994

are you literally in every thread posting this dogshit?

>> No.55988034

Just watch https://www.youtube.com/@ManTalkTheReal/videos and you'll realize these hoes are the same ones that will end up posting tiktok cringe for the rest of their lives
Chads will get out of college and start dating 21 year olds when they hit 30, or they'll cheat on former-stacys with said 21 year olds
Just focus on yourself

>> No.55988046
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>At least if we make it in crypto

>> No.55988056


I don't care about casual sex but what makes me angry is how easy these kids have it. Parents probably cover everything and their social problems are nonexistent.

>> No.55988106

>never been to eu or spoken to a european
literally 95% of people I speak to deride america

>> No.55988119

I literally live in Europe
>literally 95% of people I speak to deride america
Yes, until someone gets offered an American salary with American taxation and they never return to Europe. America is make it the country, and if you have some basic ambition and education it is the best place in the planet to progress economically.

>> No.55988186

how many people do you know who have done this? I know a multitude of people who have worked there for a number of years, from banking in NY to electrical engineering to software development, not one of them have stayed in america
when I talk to americans its opposite as well (about half my colleagues are american), they dream of living in europe
america is just not that good anymore; car-centric, poor social mobility, awful work life-balance, etc.

>> No.55988316

>Don't worry anon you'll never experience youthful lust like them or pure young love like me. You're not missing out on anything, really.
Demon's on the left, tone-deaf moralists on my right. The incels are wrong about a whole lot of stuff, but I see where they're coming from, and I sympathize.

>> No.55988411

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55988472

Why do zoomers dress so fucking bad like they are 10 years old?

>> No.55988483

they dream of living in europe with american money

>> No.55988550

You can buy crypto or use some Defi yield strategies like Aave and SpoolFi.

>> No.55988703

>how many people do you know who have done this?
Plenty as I studied in the US. They usually return with a bunch of money safed to live confortably in Euro, because the property prices in Europe are insane. The salaries you get in America you can only get them in Europe in Switzerland, London and Luxembourg and the size of the labor of those places is much smaller than in any large economic area of the US.

>> No.55988956

This is a very accurate reply. Much needed. You’ll find equally hot (if not better) women outside of sororities who don’t have a cult-like personality.

>> No.55989059
File: 153 KB, 1000x1000, boomerdaddoomersontruck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So how's your mom been doing son?
>That's good to hear
>"You're Listening to Real Rock FM 100.5
>*Nickelback - Something in your mouth starts playing*
>So bud you find a girl yet?
>What do you not like woman bud?
>No, dad I like girls
>heh heh don't worry son just keep going at it you'll find a girl soon.
>sure dad
>son when you have sex for the first time it will blow your mind, it's like nothing you've experienced
>I guess so
>Trust me bud, I remember my first time i was 15 and asked this cashier out at the local 7/11 she had a big butt and she rocked my world.
>hehe i was quite wild back in my day before i met your mother
>*awkward silence*
>So bud you what size of boobies do you like
>uh all
>Oh i used to like big breasts but as i've gotten older i've learned to appericate all sizes
>*awkward silence
>anon you smell, if you're gonna get any pootang your gonna need to start putting on more deodorant.
>You could also use a shave
>*awkward silence*
>You have job yet kid?
>You apply at (Local business)
>Bud if you're gonna get a girl you're gonna need a job, no girl is gonna want to go out with a bum who can't take them out anywhere
>*Awkward silence*
>*Saint Asonia - Better Place starts playing*
>*Dad cranks to volume to near max*
>So bud you like this song?
>I don't know yet
>*Chorus plays*
>eh it's ok
>What you don't like it, well too bad it's my truck

Love you dad

>> No.55989064

This is one of the most staged and force faked videos I think I have ever seen.
The reactions and everything are all so forced it physically hurt from a distance.
Every single thing they did was because it was being recorded.
Zoomers do not make decisions based on what they genuinely feel, but rather, what their peers would feel and what their online brand would look like after this decision.
Lmao I guess as long as zoomers are "happy" oh wait that's right they are the most medicated and sad generation ever so I don't even know what they do this fake shit for haha it literally just adds on another's layer to the misery.
>wah we're so fake to each other now! I need more drugs!
have you considered not being this way?
>noooo what if my friends who are terminally online think differently of me

>> No.55989066

Reading him say that made me lol

>> No.55989129

Yes it's a fucking sorority they don't allow any balding pajeet in those their closed societies of rich chads and stacies the incels wouldn't even think about joining them

>> No.55989140


Your words remind me of this link. I wish loneliness and failed marriages upon these women in their future.

>> No.55989177

It's funny that you talk about crime and violence while all of the western EU countries are infested with arabs and niggers and stabbings are a daily occurance. My country beats refugees with a stick while you let them fuck your wife and spend your tax money

>> No.55989179

Hey are you me? I've spent college studying languages. Classmate were 96% women. I was too weird and too autistic, the Sasuke kind of silent guy. Never spoke to anyone, I was just too cool standing arms crossed in the halls. They all left an empty seat next to me on classes. Later I found they all thought I was going to show up one day with a gun all kill them all. Never made a friend in my college years. But it didn't matter at all, it's been like 15 years now since I've graduated. No one see each other anymore at least I've avoided doing cringy, fake and retarded shit like .webm related

>> No.55989228

They were 100% vetted beforehand

>> No.55989297

You want your improve your $1,000 savings into $1 billion overnight, right ? You already the answer.

>> No.55989470

The frat and sorority exclude uggos from ever joining.
Every Eastern European I've met wants to go back because it's absolute shit here. They just come here to arbitrage the currency disparity.
They should probably just get the best job they can so they can have a high income and then use that income to take shots doing other bullshit like crypto gambling or whatever while still affording to live a normal life.

>> No.55989477

it doesn't really get more cringe then this.

>> No.55990293

>being good looking and having fun is cringe
You seem bitter

>> No.55990313
File: 73 KB, 380x349, boomer0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mostly white
>Attractive young people
>In Los Angeles

There is hope bros.

>> No.55991156

seek help.

>> No.55991202

This is the truth no Europoor will admit. They all live in old as fuck shoebox hovels, make half the money and pay double the taxes, then brag about all the “free” stuff they get. I lived there for a decade and can confirm it is shit.

>> No.55991532

imagine a world where even 20 year old chads are required to only pair bond with used up walled roasties

>> No.55991627

Lord Jesus please come back and judge the living and the dead. In Your holy name, Amen.

>> No.55991633

0:25 - ouch.

>> No.55991767

Invest in Qanx and be a millionaire in few years jeet

>> No.55991928

>Chads will get out of college and start dating 21 year olds when they hit 30, or they'll cheat on former-stacys with said 21 year olds
>21 year olds
why not 18 year olds

>> No.55992024

>your house prices are 5-7x ours, rent is $1200-2000, and that you're forced to pay hundreds of dollars PER MONTH in health insurance,
I'm not getting scammed into a buying a fucking hourse or am retarded enough to live like a fag and get sick. I have not been to the doc in almost a decade. Yet I've spend SO MUCH FUCKING MONEY on insurance because I'm in europe.
Seems much better to me, I would have been retired in my 20s if I lived in america

>> No.55992091

Same bro. Wish I would have gone to a smaller school, but I probably wouldn’t have fit in there either. But at a large school it’s really easy to be invisible. Anyways. I’m still awkward socially but I’m joining the church where they are very kind, forgiving, and welcoming.

>> No.55992115

henlo where webm

>> No.55992275

Nigger my point is none of that shit matters. the kind of shit shown in OPs video does not lead to good relationships. I have a good relationship because I worked at it instead of sulking over retarded videos.

>> No.55992321

Chad here that never went to university. Skipped out to build a business. Regret not going to smash all the stacey's and build network connections later in life.

42 years old. Any younger anons at a fork in the road should 100% go to university and join a frat.

>> No.55992356

>Eurofag mad that men in America don’t coif their hair and dress like faggots
Go put on your skin tight jeans, make sure your ankles are out too. I’m sure the women will appreciate your skin routine, and perfectly styled hair you absolute sissy.

>> No.55992464

Lol. This is not the best advice, anon. Look for quality altcoins that could change the game, including Kava, Bat, Krest, Iotx, and Solana. Don't invest everything at once.

>> No.55992666

>Later I found they all thought I was going to show up one day with a gun all kill them all.
How did you find that out? Were they wrong?

>> No.55992695

that's on you

>> No.55992703

I don't think anyone here cares about a relationship they just want to fuck a bunch of hot chick's which is fair enough

>> No.55992765

>chads get a managerial job
>stacies get HR jobs
>chuds work at starbucks, trades, or neet
>jeets and changs become doctors or codemonkeys
>niggers get HR jobs or work at gyms
>spics go to trades or McDonald's

>> No.55992799

war sats

>> No.55992836

all these zoomers look good

>> No.55993226

>Video ends before reaction of the last girl to her manlet date, (the only Manley in the line btw)
It's over.

>> No.55993239

not the worst advice, link still has a lot of downside, like 100%

>> No.55993305

Invest in hyperpolyglot chains now and you'd be called lucky sooner than later jeet

>> No.55994378

This is unwise. If you want to invest in crypto then better to diversify

>> No.55994391

I'll go for SPOOL, LBR, and CTSI. ETH and BTC will also be a the top of my list.

>> No.55994870

What percentage of these couples end up fucking?

>> No.55994914
File: 1.34 MB, 480x360, 1565454146544.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/3rd in SPY (the S&P 500)
1/3rd in QQQ (the Nasdaq 100)
1/3rd in BTC (Bitcoin)

>> No.55994984

none of them, its just an act so everyone feels like they're loved

>> No.55995046

The answer is always property. Property is strife with rugpulls and its version of pregnant butt cum rocket shit coins. Most attractive properties have heavy competition. If a property is on the market more than a week it is a shitcoin. Best deals are always word of mouth or someone you know. It is a crazy competitive market for priced right pieces. When youbare poor your options are limited, but as you gain assets and more buying power you can play ball on more properties. You go for properties you could basically flip tomorrow for a gain. However. Be careful you don't buy a shitcoin because your only way out will be to take a loss

>> No.55995059


>> No.55995088

Exclude russia and romania and all the sudden western europe is violent and dangerous while full of drugs. Only east countries with human trafficking are the balkanoids, while all westerns countries (especially france) are part of it.

>> No.55995107

stocking up on $adderall

>> No.55995207

the west isn't even better dumb faggot

>> No.55995292

Fuck you man
People would kill for a chill dad like yours. I remember hanging out with friends dads and seeing how chill they were and all I could do was envy them. I would have killed to listen to some progressive rock (I dont even listen to rock) and crooze with my dad.
Meanwhile youre here bitching about being a lame loser. Fuck you.

>> No.55995300


>> No.55995331

I was supposed to go abroad after collegia, but always got sidetracked. Then the 2020 olympics would have been my /goldentime/. Slav bitches, Jap bitches, even fat american bitches all in tokyo. But obviously the demon that feeds off my misery caused covid to cuck me.

>> No.55995437

It's best to invest in real life assets, some into crypto and stocks and others as savings which I prefer to do with stables since I can stake it on yield protocols through SpoolFi

>> No.55995536 [DELETED] 

this is so wrong, not enought black gentlemens baka, these snowbunnies needs to know the BBC to fullfill her life and wombs

>> No.55995695

I like the measurable risk management system on that DeFi middleware

>> No.55995714

99.9% of us aren't going to make it

>> No.55996174

I do. I just wish people who chime in to say things like "just be yourself" or "wow, that sucks sure glad I got out early" or some such drivel would just keep it to themselves. It sucks being alone and knowing that you can't change that until x amount of long time passes and you "make it" or whatever feels like waiting for Godot. I dunno man, it's hard to explain but it feels like there's something constantly working against you, feeding on your failures, making sure they keep coming while everyone says everything about it is my fault. It feels like I'm uncharted territory and noone who's gone through the well-worn, culturally acceptable paths of not being a fucking loser knows how to make it through this mess. It's so lonely but it's like I don't have a choice but to grit my teeth and take until I die or something changes.
Forgive my ramblings. I'm esl and very tired rn.

>> No.55997657

I'm so sorry anon, hope the next one is much better than your last.

>> No.55997782

So glad women never took any interest in me. Women are the ultimate financial gains goblin.

>> No.55997820

>*Saint Asonia - Better Place starts playing*
Went and listened to this after reading this post. I actually laughed, humorously bad music.

>> No.55997827

i fucking hate normies with all my being

>> No.55998133

just be yourself

>> No.55998430
File: 19 KB, 500x483, 1684889197966750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only retard faggots will consider crypto for gambling. DYOR and go fuck good long-term assets from the market. I got BTC and ETH early. Its current price is still in profit for me. Looking at REEF AND RIDE now for the long term. There's much to fuck out of the crypto space motherfucker.