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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55965387 No.55965387 [Reply] [Original]

Pay up landniggers AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.55965403

Explains why Bidet is begging congress for more vaccine funding. This time the bombs go off the moment its voted on and police stations burn the same day

>> No.55965433
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nothing to see here, move along

>> No.55965531
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We just need to print more money and raise rates, we'll be fine.

>> No.55965566

Retard detected. Go back home chang, xi needs rice farmers, nobody is going to buy from china anymore

>> No.55965673
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>Commercial real estate is collapsing
2 more weeks

>> No.55967116


By all means go long on RE

>> No.55967138

Why did regional banks with heavy exposure to commercial real estate get their ratings downgraded ?

>> No.55967207

Good thing I'm not a landlord. Anyone know how this affects the derivatives market?

>> No.55968709



Fuck off shill

>> No.55968886

Certainly this will have as much coverage as Evergrande. They wouldn't just promote that solely to make china look bad, would they?

>> No.55968921

So was this entire sequence of events that emptied big blue cities(covid lockdowns, fiery but peaceful protests, wfh, money printing, interest rate hikes, etc) a carefully orchestrated plan to rug boomer pensions? Why did the banks go along if they're going to get rekt?

>> No.55969360

What retarded narrative is this again?
>Muah china flu
Gtfo with your failed foundation myth. No city was emptied

>> No.55969368

Two more weeks

>> No.55969719

Why do you morons always go for a grand narrative all the time?
There is no set design to any of this, these people thought they were doing the optimal thing at every stage (greedy algo). The one downfall of this approach, things can go bad very quickly if you dont hedge your risks, and by the time you are aware of your mistake you are caught in a trap and it is too late.

>> No.55969731

Two bots trying to engage in artificial consensus creation. Both failing miserably

>> No.55969734

Bought my house with 100% cash

>> No.55969739
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>he doesn't know

>> No.55969745



.fuck off field slave worker

>> No.55969753
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Why is the concept making you so butthurt? Cities are overpriced, violent shitholes, and now people don't even have to work in them so they're decentralizing outward.

>> No.55969755


Fuck off slave field worker

>> No.55969758

kek this guy seethes at anyone who says the fed prints money or refers to the money printer and calls them chinks. Just namefag at this point retard.

>> No.55969761


There's this thing called "remote work" nigger

>> No.55969764

Field worker posts are not read
I have no idea what you wrote
That's all the honest feedback you get today

>> No.55969770

Define printing
You can't. You think about the cares act.
You try to create artificial consensus through spam and are failing chang

>> No.55969886

Money printing may refer to: Money creation to increase the money supply. Debt monetization, financing the government by borrowing from the central bank, in effect creating new money. Security printing as applied to banknotes ("paper money") Quantitative easing, a type of monetary policy meant to lower interest rates.

>> No.55969925

And non of that is (((printing)))
You are a bot, a jew bot and your little cabal failed. Stop posting on here and take your operation to shitter

>> No.55970010


>> No.55970074

Short commercial REITs

>> No.55970110

>Please provide liquidity to our ponzis

>> No.55970125
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>> No.55971088


>> No.55971386
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>mfw people are moving out of NJ and NY
Finally. We’re crowded enough as it is.

>> No.55972969

Why do the bots and field workers suddenly not bump the thread anymore

>> No.55973308

PA is just better overall if you're not living in a niggertown like Philly. Northeast PA is my eventual goal to move to
t. NJ resident for most of my life

>> No.55973317
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>> No.55973343

commercial real estate loans are amortized over 20-30 years but typically have a fixed rate for only the first 5 years. this could be the catalyst for more jewish real estate/bank failures.
>this time it's different

>> No.55973362

Isn't it weird how the paid moderators on this shit heap have put in tons of filters but refuse to make a filter for the sucked out boring muah weeks meme desu senpai baka onions

>> No.55974145

I really think it's weird. Moderators are paid to not filter it despite it's ineffectiveness

>> No.55974278
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commercial landlords are the ones trying to kill wfh, aren't they

>> No.55974316

always have been

>> No.55974320

always cuck cuck

>> No.55974679

Gotta agree with the 2 more weeks niggers here, we've been hearing commercial real estate is going to crash since the rona

>> No.55974692

It may be a worn out meme but it's so on point for a lot of doomer predictions in the modern world

>> No.55975467

Duuhhhhhhhh. But no wagey, actually it’s because we miss and love you and we want to see you in the office (unironically the spin I got told by my company).

>> No.55975483

No it's just annoying. The only reason it isn't filtered is because it's only advertisers that pay the mods using this boring sucked dry forced expression by now

>> No.55975491

I'm selling when Trump sells

>> No.55975499

Just rezone commercial space to mixed use. Let the buyers buy commercial spaces as is and they can spend the money converting it.

>> No.55975502
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They will be bailed out, at our expense.

>> No.55975513

That would require a lot of laws being rewritten and voted on which congress would never do as it would kill their grift and tank real estate prices even more

>> No.55975518
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This was greed. Simple as.

>> No.55975543

Back to the office wagies. Your time is up

>> No.55975558

Congratulations retard

>> No.55975560

The south will rise again

>> No.55976490

Imagine believing you are an "owner" because you bound yourself to a mortgage on a thing you couldn't afford. Tenant and sub-tenants.

>> No.55976501

>Just rezone

Why do you comply with jew zoning regulations? Who can be this dumb?

>> No.55976511

>a lot of laws being rewritten

Since when are statutes laws?

>> No.55976591

I wonder if if landlords will make lease renewals contingent on mandating return to work

>> No.55976746

Stay out of Texas you poofter califaggots.

>> No.55976749

Why would they do that? They want people to rent period, putting a barrier in front of that is the worst idea if you want to not collapse.

>> No.55976767
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Turning offices into housing would solve the housing crisis.

Landniggas be seeing these bars and be like sheeit we need dem offices n shit

>> No.55978277

>it now takes 1 hour through the city
>took less than 30 minutes as early as 2018
Fucking snowbirds and Cali trash, San Antonio is full fuck off back to your $2000 studio apartment shitholes REEEEE!!!

>> No.55979432

Landchads sell when they stop receiving rents. Commercial or otherwise.

>> No.55979491

Why did my question set you off on a 14 post rampage?

>> No.55980037

>Retard detected.
Retard detected.

>> No.55980052

Define """""print"""" marxist

>> No.55980075


Already happening near where I live, they're converting empty office buildings into apartments

>> No.55980093

This is for office buildings and retailers, not apartments, they will convert them to more apartments and then double the rent because it’sa high rises out some other bull

>> No.55980111

oh no. a tragedy. anyway...

>> No.55980114

Double based on what demand if have already issues finding tenants at their current fantasy prices

>> No.55980155

Apartments are all full and have no demand problems, it’s office buildings that are having problems

>> No.55980222

In the west maybe, in the midwest, south and east outside of jew York situation looks different

>> No.55981328

>my glorious state of Maine is nothing but blue dots


>> No.55981357

>akshually it's much worse than a Grand Conspiracy... really it's all CHAOS muahaha
Stale as fuck midwit retard take

>> No.55981529

im moving back there in 2024, cant wait

>> No.55981594

Creating newly conjured money to buy debt is easily money printing by backdoor avenue

>> No.55981639

>hahaha landlords get fucked
Do you guys actually know what happens when commercial real estate collapses on such a large scale? The property owners just stop fucking paying. They say to their banks “yeah no this shit is worthless, you can have it”. And then it’s with these banks.
But banks don’t have the capacity or desire to actually deal with the day to day operations of these hundreds of gigantic properties - so what do they do? They sell them again asap, but since they’re vacant and unlikely to turn the corner anytime soon, they’re being sold incredibly cheap. And guess who’s buying: the same fucking people who owned it in the first place, except now with much cheaper conditions.
It’s a rigged game.

>> No.55981677
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>If we call it something else, then it's not bad/wrong/evil/theft anymore
>If you call it "printing", you are a marxist

>> No.55982073
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absolutely kills me how much my home state has become a conduit for new money and commies
i remember how gorgeous Ocala used to be, and how all of the state parks were clean, uncrowded, and beautiful
i went on a pontoon last year down rainbow river and i just wanted to run over all the kayak fags and their spawn
trash was fucking everywhere, and people along the river have started fencing their yards when you used to be able to say hi to them on their docks and enjoy the peace
it's all because of MUH NO STATE INCOME TAX and people gaming wfh
i'm wfh myself, but i was born and raised here
our state park system is one of the best in the country, but it hasn't been able to maintain itself from the sheer volume of people
also, a lot of low traffic parks used to have a pay envelope honor system - last one i went to was crowded to the tits with the pay box no where near what it should have been
unironically, fuck off, we're full

>> No.55982140

The government is looking to turn these buildings into refugee housing.

>> No.55983204

Imagine the taxes.

>> No.55983224

During the time I've been living in low COL areas I've saved so much money I'm in the six figures net worth range.
I will actually just quit and self-bootstrap a startup if they try to force me back.

>> No.55983275

Downtown in my city has dropped to 70% occupancy this year. It's a complete shithole now. I don't know how you could even encourage people to come back.

>> No.55984066

Why is everyone moving to the south? Aren't we supposed to be hateful bigots living in an area that is already hot as fuck as the environment keeps getting hotter?