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File: 2.55 MB, 404x720, 1693166184801696.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55956649 No.55956649 [Reply] [Original]

Learn to code and stop coping with shit coins.

>> No.55956663

no thanks

>> No.55956668

>tfw she lays you off via zoom meeting
yes mommy

>> No.55956669

I didnt see demoralization thread for at least 5 minutes, nice one, here is a free DONUT!

>> No.55956673
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1688500809923525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me like tits

>> No.55956675

more like this please. its cringe video.
but its good for voyeurism pov style

>> No.55956677

you know this bitch got laid off in the recent tech purge.

>> No.55956678

>You get all of the unhealthy snacks you can eat and a GREAT view of our grossly inflated cost of living city from your cage!

>> No.55956687

you know she got fat while working there too

>> No.55956703

I just got my first job in a tech place at an office like this. It really is full of waste-of-space people trying to justify their jobs. It really has been an eye opener. Comfy making 6 figures though. I just spend my whole day working and the day goes by quickly and I really feel like I've /madeit/

>> No.55956709

I truly don’t believe these positions are anything more than cheerleaders to keep the untouchable tech nerds motivated.

>> No.55956710

ya did good kid.

why aren't you working from home though?

>> No.55956723

she doesnt code she works in product

>> No.55956727

I love how they try to make the working space like some sort of luxury thing worth bragging about. You're fucking waging lol, you are a poorfag if you have to work.

>> No.55956754

I could WFH part of the time if I wanted to (and probably eventually will). I really just want to demonstrate my value and make sure I'm "in there like swimwear" as the kids say. It is a better job than I could have imagined so I want to do everything I can to keep it and get bonuses, etc. There are plenty of open offices throughout the main building so I generally just go in one of those and spend my whole day alone anyway, plus the chairs are more comfortable than anything I have at home (plus as the video in OP implies: free coffee, free snacks, free cans of "liquid death" water that I can fill my bag with, etc)

>> No.55956757

Ive gotten pretty good at coding python. What should I do to integrate it into my career? Projects, certs? I don’t work tech.

>> No.55956779

This is some sort of strange cope. Two types of people don't have to work: trust fund faggots and hobos. Everyone else is between. You're throwing a lot of millionaires and billionaires into the "poorfag" bucket.

t. $500k worth of crypto, 6 figure income

>> No.55956780

I work at one of these companies. The women have turned everything into admin/process hell. Probably 90% of my time is spent just dealing with process and nagging people who are not filing the right paper work. 10% of it is spent on documentation, maybe 10% of sometimes get spent actually building things.

>> No.55956792

The only real world use case for python is creating scripts for data analysis or machine learning (pytorch, bla bla etc). No one can answer your question without knowing what your career is.

>> No.55956800
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>nearly quarter of century on internet
>only thing I would miss is biz
>Remember when you spent most time on computers using programs that were installed on the physical hard drive

Why is the tech industry this big to support so much bloat workers? I feel everything a computer was needed for was solved by the time windows vista was introduced. We haven't got anything new out of computers since YouTube had weird al videos for the first time.

>> No.55956806

This is sadly true...not to mention all of the time spent on "getting the environments ready to build things." More time is spent at my job worrying about environments, CI/CD, kubernetes shit, and meetings to discuss all of this than on actual products.

>> No.55956827

Not even coding but learning SQL and Python will get you a better job

>> No.55956828

sounds based and comfy.
congrats anon.

>> No.55956833

wagie assembly worker here
didn't finish college
can I still make it if I learn to code
no bully pls

>> No.55956835

that chink guy looks like the one coding. That thot seems like HR roastie.

>> No.55956867


You can tell he codes cause he dresses like a hobo

>> No.55956911
File: 14 KB, 355x196, 1688332426411988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can do it anon.
you can do anything you want if you really try

>> No.55956916

Tech is dead. The scam dies with boomer investors

>> No.55956920

Every college kid studying CS in the US learns sql and python first and they’re only really used in data positions. Not the best advice IMO
You’d have to devote a lot of time to learning, at least a year I’d say. Also, mostly just focus on building projects and getting a feel for how all of that works because you’ll be able to use GPT for all of the bull shit syntax nonsense. I’d unironically learn Solidity and Node (JavaScript) but spend more time just seeing how to piece projects together. Also use GPT while learning and get good at promoting it to build what you want. There are older faggots at my job not doing this and I’m already blowing past them because they don’t know GPT is doing all the heavy lifting for me. I just tell it what I need, implement it, and search it through for security concerns, etc

>> No.55956939

I’m kind of in that position. I mostly use python and SQL self taught because it’s useful. If I actually want to incorporate tech into my career what should I be learning?

>> No.55956982

>Every college kid studying CS in the US learns sql and python first and they’re only really used in data positions. Not the best advice IMO

Well yeah those + business/math degree is an easy in for an analyst job

>> No.55957001
File: 207 KB, 2048x1707, licensed-image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amazing views
>Completely unremarkable buildings up to the horizon and a dash of smog


>> No.55957014

Pay for GPT4 and just get good at prompting

>> No.55957151

>that first shot
shes a legitimate psychopath.

>> No.55957171

its literally just adult day care.

i dont know how much longer this bubble can last

>> No.55957210

She’s already fat and wears high pants to cover her gunt

The views are nice from the building in OP. No need to be contrarian about everything. It is impressive to be up so high and an accomplishment that people build such towers.

>> No.55957216

What code?

>> No.55957353

Plap Plap Plap Plap Plap Plap Plap

>> No.55957415

>learn to code
no, no I don't think I will

>> No.55957437

Coding is gay but I do want some kind of job in tech

>> No.55957524

If I do the learn to code meme with Solidarity how do I actually profit from it? Just spam out shitcoins?

>> No.55957545

Sanitation in big cities is also a great accomplishment but I don't find sewers amazing.

>> No.55957601

I read a post a year back where the guy said he was making $200K from home coding Solidarity but I don't get how.

>> No.55957604

Is $500k impressive to you? Few millionaires, and zero billionaires got their waging in some corporate luxury wage prison.

>> No.55957756

Solidity*. No, you join one of the thousands of companies that are developing web3 solutions but are clueless

>> No.55957795

Nice goalpost moving.

Responses like this and the other person I’m quoting are part of the reason biz has become unusable. No one wants to interact with disgruntled faggots that are negative about everything.

No one likes interacting with either of you, you contribute absolutely nothing except for trying to push your negativity on others but that doesn’t happen and you just come off ass annoying faggots. Many such cases. Since you’re both so wealthy and superior, why don’t you fuck off away from us poorfags?

>> No.55957801

Fuck I'd have to pass the interviews to do that.

>> No.55957828

Reread this, what a retarded response. Countless millionaires became millionaires through waging in such conditions. These positions pay everywhere from $120k to $500k+ base salary with up to 100% in bonuses. There are wagies in my office making $1M per year from wages and bonuses. And what billionaire’s biography have you read? Right, none. Because nearly all of them started off waging somewhere and it is the exception that someone starts a billion dollar enterprise in college like Zuckerberg and other Jews. This is how I know you’re a miserable faggot, coping.

>> No.55957839

I would spend a year building truly unique and/or useful projects on your own. Oftentimes if you can demo these, it will be much more influential than some BS tech interview. Also enter the projects into hackathons and win some prizes.

>> No.55957847

What about freelancing? Surely there is some demand for devs in that capacity?

>> No.55957900

Is that ICED COFEE?!?!?! Your pim- employer gives you ICED COFFEE to stay late?!?! Oh em gee!!!!1!1 Where do I apply? #girlboss #cuntswhocode #viralmarketing

>> No.55957942

Yea, there might be

>> No.55957946

But that did not make them rich, it was to sustain themselves when they were poor. Keep waging for me though. Someone has to work.

>> No.55958052

biz's problem is whiny bitches like you though

>> No.55958069

It's cope that I don't need to work because I'm rich? Enjoy your Cheetos

>> No.55958289
File: 13 KB, 206x158, Screen Shot 2023-08-28 at 10.38.44 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd accept her pull request if you know what i mean if you get what i mean if you follow me there brother i'm talking about penises huehuehuehuehuehue

>> No.55958300

can you merge it ? there is a conflict..... can you just force it anon ?

>> No.55958420

why are they like this?

>> No.55958635

which coding job is work from home that is easy to automate so that i can work the least amount of hours?

>> No.55958708

I kekd

>> No.55958749

Something data related

>> No.55959048

Oh dude, 100%. That's a braphog. Look at how she rolls up to the fucking cereal bar, and it ain't the first time that day I'm sure. Fat bitch. Probably knocking over bowls with her big fat gut sticking out.

>> No.55959069

Lol the only person in this whole video doing a crumb of work is the in-house nigga making sandwiches

>> No.55959091

>She’s already fat and wears high pants to cover her gunt

This. I see it everywere lately.

>> No.55959176

>based sandwich maker
id rather do that job than anything those nerds are doing

>> No.55959256

in 5 years coding will be all AI and there will only be one or two men there to fix any hiccups and they too will be kicked out

>> No.55960643
File: 6 KB, 242x250, 1692794939524253s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I tell fags that GLW is making massive pump on MEXC they will think I'm lying.

>> No.55960658

what should I learn to get a job?

>> No.55960705

I used to work for a company like that doing Cisco Networking. Gave it all up to become a tradie. Was worth it

>> No.55960780

She could lose some weight

>> No.55960927

>no tits
>straight wasted
>clunky clumsy walk

Thats a man, an ugly one

>> No.55960932

This bitch is fat as fuck I'm sick of seeing her disgusting fat ass and fat stomach. Fuck outta here

>> No.55961034
File: 94 KB, 254x232, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the CEO of the company does not give a fuck, the jeets are the ones making the product work. he just wants to see some fat ass zoomer chick walk around and give free pr for the company.

>> No.55961040

Microsoft Excel is the true money maker. Had a cute girl tonguing my asshole cause I showed her how to merge cells.

>> No.55961050

Coding doesn't work, doesn't pay shit.

>> No.55961057

>Be a wagecuck who earns twice as much as others
I already am faggot

>> No.55961067

How do you even work from home.
I have a GED and I need a better paying job.

>> No.55961074

>Using a hair straightener at work
Do women really?

>> No.55961125

Just because you're a boomer with arthritis and you visit the same 2 websites you did since 2004 doesn't mean there isn't a massive demand for all kind of apps. Zoomers have dozens of stupid fucking subscriptions and premium accounts on all kinds of shit like streaming platforms, dating apps, goyslop delivery apps etc etc

>> No.55961217

>$200K from home

>> No.55961275
File: 112 KB, 1024x683, 1689293739893418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I guess I'm just out of touch. The tech space just seems like a big joke nowadays. Here I am remembering installing Google Earth on a core2duo laptop in late 2000s and thinking that was fascinating shit. Guess any kind of serious innovation and thinking about what a computer can do died with Google founders leaving Google. Maybe monero will go down as the last bigthink project in software.

>> No.55961400
File: 148 KB, 1280x1280, dawae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to trade shitcoins and stop coping with coding.

>mmm yes mmomney very tasty very rich

>> No.55961449

Cool perks of working at a tech company
>free breakfast
that you get to use (once) every month because it's never restocked or you're never actually allowed to use because your break is closer to lunch than it is to breakfast
>Hygiene station
Not your products btw everyone brings their own, you barely use this as well
>hair tools
that you have to bring yourself or get stolen after a while/nobody cares to buy new ones or fix the old ones
>unlimited snacks
(that you have to pay for)
>candy bar
(that you have to pay for)
>sandwich bar
(that you have to pay for)
also gross ass sandwiches who puts that much mayo on stuff
also meat not allowed
>stocked fridge
(with stuff that you have to pay for)
>amazing views
that you barely see if you're part of the 98% of the actual employees working there and doing most of the work

Been there. Done that. She's larping so fucking bad. I've worked with major names in the industry, there are some cool ass perks but they're never this "perfect"

>> No.55961468

dont forget overpriced as FUCK
>you can't steal those either, cameras everywhere

>> No.55961856

I want to grab her titties and pound her pussy

>> No.55962207

wow those perks even if they were real wouldnt even be that good.

i have all those perks at home

>> No.55962951
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30yr old neet here. Learned to code (JS, TS, React, Solidity, Node, etc.) I have a professional looking portfolio with 3 completed fullstack projects displayed and have been applying to jobs the past two months with no luck. Any advice on helping me break into the industry? Also, where do you guys usually look for jobs? My focus has been on web3, but I'm starting to learn smart contract auditing to further increase my skills/niche. Again, any advice is appreciated and good luck out there anons.

>> No.55963022

for 95% of roles, no one will look at your portfolio.
the most important barrier to pass is having a bachelor's degree.
anyone can use github copilot/chatgpt if you don't know the language, so boot camp dev jobs are going to die off pretty soon, if they haven't already.
best place to look for jobs is linkedin though.

>> No.55963077

Thanks for the reply anon. I do have a bachelors, but it's unrelated (biology/pre-med). I haven't used linkedin because I figure I won't have much of a shot given that I have no connections. Do you think someone in my position could stand a chance on linked? If so, I may devote some time to it.

>> No.55963140

an unrelated bachelor's is fine. getting that first job is hard though, even if it was a related degree.
regarding linkedin, no, it probably won't be any better then any other job board for now. later on though it is.
there isn't any other good advice anyone can offer you, other then to just keep applying.
it doesn't start getting easier to find a new job until you have 5 years experience.
when you have 10 years of experience, you can get a new job every month.

>> No.55963162

different anon here. but you should get on linkedin no matter how short or empty your related work history might be. might as well start now. br truthful and honest and just build the best linkedin profiles you can with what you have.
you can start building your linkedin network. network on linkedin with whoever you can, school alumni, frens, former teachers or professors, whatever.
if your on linkedin, Recruiters look for potential hires there. they will find you.,

>> No.55963170
File: 154 KB, 680x760, 20230723_083933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coding is great and I recently started with html, css and JavaScript but will that stop me from bagging low cap coins like ovr vela and sylo that can potentially melt faces in the next bull market?

>> No.55963182

Indeed.com is also a good place to have a profile on.
im in a different field than you, but ive gotten jobs through Indeed and through Linkedin both from contacts with recruiters and from direct contacts employers made with me on there.
it does work.

>> No.55963249

Thanks for the advice anons. It can be hard sometimes, seeing all the demoralization threads and with the current state of the world. I don't have time to let that get to me though...I'm just going to keep at it and hope my perseverance pays off. That and if smart contracts play as big a role in the future as I think they will, there should be more demand for someone with my skillset.

>> No.55963328

Good luck anon! Getting a job takes a while even for people with a degree

>> No.55963332

Unironically do this:

Go to one of those pozzed cities
>Make a grindr profile
>Set your options as open as possible, add a bunch of normie nerd hobbies (videogames and marvel movies and shit)
>Have your profile be like "Not looking for a hookup unless the vibe is right ;) just moved to the city trying to break into a tech role, would love to go on a date and talk about it"
>You will get inundated with responses, so reply to just the most obviously richest (aim for mid 40s-50s) well connected faggots
>Go on coffee date, and just be a good bro. Talk how you would any friend. Talk about how you are such a great coder but don't have any friends in the industry so it's hard to get a job
>If sex/romance comes up, just say like "Oh, idk if I'm ready for a relationship/sex. I want to be in a more stable place before I even THINK about relationships. I'm still in the closet with my family/friends etc etc etc"
>These old lonely homos will practically BEG you to accept some cushy position where they work. If the gay guy is like Head of HR or VP of Experience or some stupid title like that, make sure you get a hella good job.
>Once you are in the door and set for life pretty much, start cooling off the gay guy. Tell him you are maybe more like Bi and are dating a girl you really like now, sorry :(
>STAY FRIENDLY WITH THE HOMO, he will pull you up with him simply for being his (likely) only real friend, or just for being on the buttfucker team

Congrats, you are now making $200k as a mid level engineer at like Pinterest or Zelle whatever.

This is literally why women are more successful than men in earlier stages of their career, this is what they do. Use their devilish trickery to your advantage.

>> No.55963377
File: 37 KB, 500x610, thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. This almost seems like it could work. Thanks for the comedic effortpost.

>> No.55963379

based take, you can code and still play around with money you can afford to lose in crypto
win win

>> No.55963401

lie, but have a foundation to back it up.

also be prepared to take a shitty pay job because you have little experiences and pajeets will do it for peanuts.

>> No.55963404

How come women think they are important career women when in reality they are only larping in an adult day care centre and only have a job because of Jewish feminist propaganda making affirmative action mandating businesses have adequate female representation.

What’s worse is these bitches get paid 100k-300k a year doing nothing but maybe a few emails a day or useless meetings. They truly live life on super easy mode….

>> No.55963457

Some have suggested this, but for me it's not an option...my morality to too rigid.

However, I'm not afraid of working for shitty pay just to get my foot in the door, so no issue there.

>> No.55963634

bold of you to assume he doesn't have a huge part of his net worth in sylo already kek

>> No.55963661
File: 466 KB, 680x955, IMG_9071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me toooohhhhhhHHHHOOOOOuuuummmmmm AHHH AHAHAHAH AH AH AH AH AHHhhh

>> No.55963690

>learn to code thread
>webm or other image of a woman who "works at a tech company" or is a "coder"
>always focused on their leisurely lifestyle and lavish perks
>always seems to sew doubt on the idea that they actually do anything related to coding at their jobs
>in this one
>some asian guy who looks like an actual programmer based on his posture
>waiting on a sandwich
>some black guy dressed very fancy making his sandwich
>so an actual programmer and an actual wagie
>meanwhile she's using free hygiene and hair products because the bathroom is stocked with things to let her, a woman, pretty herself up at all times of day

I don't quite know why the subtext here feels just so dystopian. Everything about it is subtly off though. Why does the seemingly mostly female support staff always have to look pretty at all times of day? Why is there so much free food and other free stuff there? They hire wagies who have to dress like they're catering a party to present some casually dressed programmer with a huge salary with sandwiches?

There's this gilded cage feel to it.

>> No.55963849
File: 51 KB, 554x554, images (54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see what's wrong with that, he would be financially free in the next bull run

>> No.55963866
File: 69 KB, 476x701, 1687969101186275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MeToo, Me like booty too


>> No.55963989

It is dystopian. She didn't produce anything of value, guaranteed. Learning and working as a professional dev takes ludicrous effort which she isn't putting in or taking seriously.
That kind of employee is the result of extremely low interest rates and QE. It's not just software either. So many professions are full of talentless freeloaders who either do nothing, or worse they do negative work by breaking shit. Unemployment rates to go to 6%+ and stay there for a year or two in order to fully shed the inefficiency.

>> No.55964093

You're not quite understanding something. The mere presence of a woman in the building who isn't working in production is not what is dystopian here. You're so triggered by the presence of Stacy that you're missing literally all of the other shit going on.

>> No.55964147

me too, and those hips, yum.

>> No.55964211

>What’s worse is these bitches get paid 100k-300k a year doing nothing but maybe a few emails a day or useless meetings. They truly live life on super easy mode….

They aren't getting $300k let alone $100k

>> No.55964228

How she thought this tiktok would ever be received well is beyond me
Or that was the intention and she only has herself to blame for being laid off

>> No.55964245

I still don't think you quite get it. If she gets laid off from her "tech company job" it has nothing to do with the uneasiness inherent in this video.

Am I the only one here who is put on my guard when it seems like someone is in a hurry to figure out what I want and give me too much of it? Maybe it's just my life experiences, but that's a situation that gets my hackles up.

>> No.55964252

these women only use FB, TikTok, any social media, to advertise themselves for wealthy Chads
its literally an adapted mating ritual

>> No.55964253

the first part gives me the creeps
why is she moving all weird like that

>> No.55964271

she's horny
she's just pluming her feathers for any potential Chad who might notice her

>> No.55964365

can i get a coder job with no degree?

>> No.55964366

It's very clever. It's co-opting some dumb bitch's narcissism and sex appeal to raise the value of your company. Everywhere she goes she advertises your work place and the dumber and sluttier she is, the more of an endorsement it is. When you have attractive women working at your company it unquestionably draws in talent. The superstars you want to attract in can work wherever they want and for most of them, money isn't really a perk because everyone will pay them whatever they want anyway.

This is legitimately the highest value any woman can bring to an organization though: being hot enough that it attracts a guy who is actually a top performer to join up with you. No woman will ever be as skilled as that top performer and in the theoretical scenarion where she exists she will be so unimaginably rare that you'll almost never get her. But..there are a ton of dumb sluts that can LARP as professionals that you can fill your halls with and then the top performing males come to you. They're bait.

Everyone is ultimately happier in the end as well. This shit is old tribal rules. The women are taken care of, pampered, and pregnant and they get to walk around doing whatever dumb shit they do and feeling like they're a part of the team. The men are motivated and aggressive to win which for you as a leader is just pure value.

>> No.55964387

Before 2008, yes

>> No.55964852

hahaha this is such an insanely gay story. I lolled at the part where you're actually supposed to be the gay's friend while also having received...errr... deceived, him.

I think you don't fathom just how horny gay guys are, they will fuck you for what you owe them sonny!

>> No.55965026

i fucking wish she would brap on me bros

>> No.55966218

Why do women have to be so performative about eating?

>> No.55966238

Only if he apes in on based gems anon. Inj, Xtp and Fet are a few on my radar for the long term that have earned me decent gains.

>> No.55966395

Look into IT/software sales. They need people who can talk in those positions and the last to accomplish that would be a STEM autist

>> No.55966403

sorry anon, it's terminal

>> No.55966411

Or become a bartender on a cruise ship and meet a rich widow.

>> No.55966423

Anyone know what company this is from the W logo?