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55939021 No.55939021 [Reply] [Original]

This is your competition out there
Math and putting things in alphabetical order
And you still can't get a white collar job?
Lol, lmao even

>> No.55939046

im not multiplying 239 by 778 for a chance at a job

>> No.55939050

it says plus you colossal retard

>> No.55939078

You couldn't even do multiplication on hand?
What is wrong with americans?
How do you expect to get any job being so stupid?

>> No.55939084

/biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.55939106

There's no way she was brought in other than being a diversity hire

>> No.55939185

her forehead has a corner in the middle

>> No.55939225

White collar jobs these days are just a club. The Jew elites at the top ban white men from the club

>> No.55939272

>elementary school level questions
are mutts really? this is why it is always so funny when mutt brags about his education and that he's "qualified" to talk about certain topics and then you remember the level of education mutts receive

>> No.55939280

>white collar job
Backstory? Those seem more like the kind of questions you'd see on a Walmart stocker job application, not one for CFO.

>> No.55939281

>reposting a tik tok screenshot from 3 years ago
is your brain really this fried?

>> No.55939296

Oh boy thats some good will smith level

>> No.55939857
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I don't get a job because I'm too depressed to do shit, all I do is play duck race and hope to just get rich, it's so over for me

>> No.55941348

The caption says the dumb bitch called the questions a series of multiplication questions.

>> No.55941394
File: 739 KB, 1207x833, 40201130_065425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math has been canceled.

>> No.55941670

that's a good point and makes it even funnier lol
there was only one multiplication problem haha couldn't even do addition or subtraction like first grade shit

>> No.55943418

y don whyt people season they numbas??

>> No.55943533

I wonder how many people can do it in their head? Took me a minute, my working memory is shot.

>> No.55943615

>Going off clickbait headlines
Math isn't racist, but the way it's taught absolutely can be. Low expectations is one of them, so dropping requirements is asinine. But anyone who's ever been in a math course that's even remotely high-level for the stage of education that they're at, and isn't a confident virile young white male, knows how weirdly obsessed math professors are with fluffing Math Chad and leaving everyone else to the sharks.

>> No.55943625

Most people can't do it, most people probably can't do xx * xx, let alone xxx*xxx in their head. It almost entirely takes up a normal person's working memory capacity to remember 6 numbers (WM is 7 plus/minus 2 on avg), let alone keep the intermediary operations in mind. If you did it in your head without looking back at the numbers or writing anything down, your IQ is probably over 120 at the very least.

>> No.55943637

That's elitism, not racism.

>> No.55943641


I literally do math every day of my job.

>> No.55943661
File: 65 KB, 498x1000, 514p1fUXn8L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people can't do it, most people probably can't do xx * xx, let alone xxx*xxx in their head. It almost entirely takes up a normal person's working memory capacity to remember 6 numbers (WM is 7 plus/minus 2 on avg), let alone keep the intermediary operations in mind. If you did it in your head without looking back at the numbers or writing anything down, your IQ is probably over 120 at the very least.

>> No.55943691

It's both. Americans need to get it through their heads that just because something is something less bad than the Really Bad Thing, that doesn't mean it isn't also the Really Bad Thing. We're so used to weird, dumb binaries, when obviously the world is more complex than that.

>> No.55943708

>We're so used to weird, dumb binaries, when obviously the world is more complex than that.
Exactly. So why are you equating two different things into one?
I think you need to get through your head that not all repulsive human behavior is racism. Elitism can contain traces of racism, sure, but they are not the same thing. It can be anywhere, whether it's in a Math course, or a social science course, or a liberal arts course.

>> No.55943729

I'm not a black jewish lesbian so no matter how good I am I'll be overlooked anyway. Best to cruise by and not worry.

>> No.55943738

She looks like an oblivion character

>> No.55943809

Consistently tested at 130 since I was little, so barring some TBIs, yes. The key (that they don't teach (well, they tried, badly, before parents justifiably revolted)) is recognizing opportunities for shortcuts that spare your working memory, which comes from an actual understanding of the operations you're trying to carry out. The rote multiplication algo, going right to left, carrying numbers, etc., is less effective than realizing that you don't really have to remember 818*10, and that because 18*3 is less than 100, you can just add 8*3*100 to 9*6. The hardest part is adding the products because of working memory limits, as you said. Memory palaces help there. (They do not teach memory palaces in most schools.)

>> No.55943852

>So why are you equating two different things into one?
I'm not. You correctly noted that elitism was involved. I'm saying that elitism and racism are happening simultaneously, in this case. Also, probably, sexism, in many cases. Also bias towards attractiveness. And so on. This doesn't say anything about the relative magnitudes of the perniciousness. I am definitely not equating the two, lol.

>> No.55943919

I am still skeptical of memory palaces as a practical memorization technique, though I looked into it quite a bit.

I also practiced visual associations for memorizing vocab, etc - still skeptical. It works if you absolutely need to not forget something, but it's very time-consuming to create unique visual imagery that will stick.

The only way I get through the xxx*xxx problem is I immediately start driving the numbers into long term memory until I have them memorized - 236 and 778 iirc (just checked - wrong, 239, but I memorized this whenever you last posted) and then go from there. I then, again, drive intermediate results into long term memory and sum up at the end. So at most I am really using 6 WM "items" at a time to memorize the original numbers.

I dunno, it's a very complicated topic that doesn't get enough attention imo. n-back training helps me focus, but I don't think it made me smarter.

>> No.55944056

They're not always effective for me, and when they are, I suspect that the repetition component is part of it. Still, it gets people thinking about how memories build on each other (and emotion), which can help them discover a technique that works for them. It's hard to argue with the results for people who really dive into the technique, too.

Tbf I was looking at the original numbers the whole time. I think it's helpful that 239 is just one off from 240, so now it's essentially a xxx*xx problem, with an extra subtraction operation. And the multiplication is just doubling 778, doubling it again, adding the first *10 plus the second, and then multiplying by 10 again.

>> No.55944074

Well met anon. Go do that thing you were always meant to do.